3Lift technique for introducing fillers into the nasolabial folds and middle third of the face
From this article you will learn: how to remove nasolabial folds, reviews, photos before and
Redness on the chest
Rash under the breasts, itching and red spots in a woman: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment
Normal breast skin should be soft to the touch, clean, elastic, without bruising, peeling,
How to take care of your hands - grace, youth, beauty
Dry hand skin is a common problem characterized by a decrease in moisture in the outer layer of the skin.
Common Erythema infectiosum: frequently asked questions
Dermatovenereologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment Redness of the skin at a certain
Types of redness and causes of their occurrence on the face
One of the patients, a French teacher, told the following story: “At the beginning of her career, her
Acne conglobata: symptoms and treatment of severe acne
These blackheads may coalesce and form cavities containing pus (abscesses). After permission they leave rude
How to quickly get rid of scabies: pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies
Every year, about 300 million people worldwide suffer from scabies [1, 2]. According to foreign data
Interesting and surprising facts about sea and river eels, methods of a good catch
What do you know about acne? You'll probably answer that they look like snakes and
Rash on the palms: causes, symptoms, treatment
Watery pimples on the hands as a sign of eczema
Mycosis or skin fungus on the hands develops mainly due to non-compliance with the basic rules of personal
The childhood of Sergei Zverev
All about Sergei Zverev - biography facts, pictures, changes in appearance
Life's work It's time to do a man's business - go to work. In Poland he
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