Primer for the face - what is it, choice of product and step-by-step instructions for application

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Many girls do not even suspect that there is such a very useful product as face primer. This is a fairly new invention, which practically made a real revolution in the world of makeup and cosmetology, and today it is confidently becoming more and more popular and in demand due to its unique qualities and properties.

Using a primer, you can easily even out your complexion tone, make it more even, prepare your skin for applying foundation, moisturize and nourish it, and most importantly, make your original make-up lasting, so that it can last throughout the day. It’s not difficult to buy the product; it’s available in almost any cosmetics department; all you have to do is figure out how to use facial primer correctly to always look your best, both at work and during leisure hours.

Why do you need a face primer?

More recently, primer was a special product that was used only by professional makeup artists. However, women soon appreciated its excellent capabilities, and the primer appeared on the beauty market from many cosmetic brands. This product gained particular popularity after contouring, strobing, and backing, based on layer-by-layer application of cosmetics, came into fashion.

The main advantage of the primer is that it perfectly evens out the skin texture. That is, enlarged pores and small wrinkles are filled with it and become almost invisible. On a face prepared in this way, the foundation lies more evenly. For this alone, it is worth adding to your makeup bag, especially for beginners who have no makeup skills.

Result of using face primer

The use of a primer base significantly reduces the consumption of foundations, avoids distortion of their shades, and also helps to disguise skin imperfections (slight redness, yellowness, dark circles under the eyes). And another positive point is that makeup applied to “primed” skin lasts longer.

Choosing the right primer color

Many people mistakenly believe that the final tone of the face will depend on the color of the chosen primer.

There are several color shades of such products on sale: yellow, green, purple and orange. Let's figure out which one will be useful for you.

  • Yellow - will help to effectively even out the tone of the skin surface and hide dark circles around the eyes;
  • green – eliminates all kinds of redness, acne, evens out the relief and unevenness of the epidermis;
  • purple - recommended for ladies with an earthy complexion to give it a natural and healthy color;
  • orange – evens out the overall tone, perfectly masks bruises and dark spots around the eyes.

Many people mistakenly believe that the final tone of the face will depend on the color of the chosen primer. Actually this is not true. This product is applied in a thin layer, so it can only hide imperfections in appearance, and not paint it a certain color.

How to choose and how to apply: expert advice

The choice of primers is quite wide: some can complement or even replace a day moisturizer or foundation, others perfectly mattify, others brighten or act as a protective barrier. When purchasing, you should carefully read the label, since the bases differ in composition, are intended for certain skin types and have different textures.

It is also very important to take into account the season and individual skin condition, because over the course of a year and under the influence of many factors, everything can change.

Some products should only be applied to certain areas, such as pore sealers. There is no point in covering your entire face with it if the problem is expressed only in the cheek area.

It is important that the primer and foundation have a similar composition. If the base is silicone-based, then water-based foundations applied on top will not provide an even coverage. If the base is in the form of mineral powder, then only dry textures of similar composition will fit well on top.

Applying face primer

Before using the silicone base, it is better to warm it slightly on the back of your hand - this will make it more flexible and lie smoother. You can use brushes or sponges for application, and the liquid textures spread well with your fingers. You need to move along massage lines from the center to the periphery. Separate products are available for eyelids, lips and eyelashes. In order not to be mistaken, we understand the types of this cosmetic miracle product.

Review of the best primer brands

Some girls try to make a primer with their own hands, for which they combine face cream and mineral powder. This product is not only not a good foundation, but can also cause acne rashes or even rashes and subcutaneous pimples, so it is better to use professional cosmetics.

Let's look at the best primers for the face (the rating was based on reviews on the forums). The list is divided into inexpensive brands and expensive ones.

We will be the first to present the best budget primers , and the rating will open with a popular facial product - MAYBELLINE baby skin pore eraser (Maybelline)

. This is one of the most popular products among most girls in the CIS. It disguises itself as a regular BB cream, but is a light base for combination and problem skin. If you can’t buy it, then the option from Mary Kay is no worse – mattifying fluid.

If you need to choose an inexpensive but professional primer for tinting your face, then the Korean Tony Moly Egg Pore Yolk Primer

. It is quite cheap (costs about $10), but at the same time, incredibly effective and durable. It has the shape of a golden egg and contains mineral components, which gives the product a creamy structure. It is very economical to use and, thanks to its consistency, is easy to apply.

Tony Moly
Silicone Primer Code Color

also applies to budget products for the face. It is considered one of the most accessible means for sculpting. It is inexpensive - costs about $10. Despite the silicones in the composition, it applies smoothly and does not leave the feeling of a mask on the face. If you are against silicones, then PUPA Smoothing Foundation Primer can be a suitable replacement.

Code Color
DIVAGE Face primer

– deeply nourishes, moisturizes, and evens out the epidermis. Able to fill the smallest pores and wrinkles, making the face smooth and fresh. Used for young epidermis. Costs 7 dollars.

ALL-IN-ONE InstaBlur by The Body Shop

– universal grout. This primer can be used both as a corrector and instead of a special foundation. The product has a photo filter 20, is characterized by a light consistency and a complete absence of parabens and silicones.

Eveline Art Make Up Primer

for normal facial skin, you can buy it at any cosmetic store, its price on average is up to $10. It is very budget-friendly and is considered almost the most affordable. But it is not of high quality. The dense structure often causes other cosmetic products to simply roll off.


Leveling base-corrector Optical corrector 5 sec refers to silicone, because apart from them, the composition is “empty”. Provides good facial preparation and has a thick cream consistency. Added with reflective particles. Its analogue is the slightly cheaper FancyMinerals Primer Perfection.

Network companies - Avon, Faberlic and Oriflame - do not have a clear division into primers and foundations (Avon Magix Face Perfector SPF 20 Primer and Oriflame Very Me Prep Me Perfect) are universal products. They mattify and fill pores without polluting them. The only difference is the available shade and cost. Avon is a little cheaper.

Expensive bases are often of higher quality and more durable. In particular, the following should be highlighted: NICS, Clinic, Guerlain, Dior and others. Unlike the middle market, premium cosmetics are enriched with various vitamins and extracts, acids, compounds and other additional substances. This allows you to improve not only the appearance of the epidermis, but also the internal one.

NYX Angel Veil Skin Perfecting Primer (AVP)

Provides perfect smoothness and matte color even when used on oily skin. The composition includes stearic and palmitic acid, which are responsible for non-comedogenicity. The product belongs to the middle market, its price is about $30. NYX Pore Filler is presented as an analogue, but Nyx positions the product exclusively as a filler for pores or wrinkles.

CLINIQUE Superprimer Face Primer

is a series from Clinics with 3 products in the line. Available in shades Discolorations (peach - reduces redness and evens out color), Dullness (pink, refreshes and brightens), Redness (yellow, helps disguise acne and enlarged pores). They have a light fluid structure, can be used individually or together, and sometimes replace foundation or powder (if there are no serious problems with the epidermis).

Smashbox Photo Finish

– quite expensive, it costs a little more than $20. It also contains vitamins A, E, tea tree and grape seed extracts. The description states that it does not contain silicones, parabens or other harmful additives. In addition, the base is odorless. It qualitatively evens out the epidermis, but a few hours after application it may begin to become very shiny. Very similar to this primer is a representative of the premium class – Clarins Lisse Minute Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch.

L'oreal Lumi Magique Base Concentre De Lumiere Pure Light Primer (L'oreal)

Provides a soft glow and reflection of color from problem areas.
Based on the principle of action, it is more reminiscent of a highlighter. It will not help in preparing a problem face, because it is very light. If you need to hide pimples or blackheads, it is better to take Lumene Beauty base Matifying and retexturizing primer. L'oreal
Catrice Prime and Fine Smoothing Refiner

It is considered another high-quality and dense pore grout. It is hard, similar in appearance to Tony Moly - has a solid shape and high density. Apply with a sponge and thoroughly rub into the pores. Quite expensive, but hypoallergenic.

Librederm (Librederm)

introduced the first primer for problematic facial skin with hyaluronic acid. The product applies softly and evenly, fills all wrinkles and pores, soothes inflammation, hides acne and adds radiance.


Primers can be water-based, mineral-based, oil-based or silicone-based. The products are available in the form of gels, creams, balms, powders, lotions, fluids or oils.


Most skin smoothing products typically have this texture. They can moisturize and add matteness. Bases containing silicones perfectly even out the surface, with their help you get the most long-lasting makeup and are very economical to use.

Gel primer

But such products require very careful makeup removal, and can lead to “clogged” pores, so it is better not to use them daily or pay due attention to cleansing. The gel product is available in tubes, sticks, and bottles with a dispenser.


The creamy texture is suitable for skin in need of nourishment and hydration: the product is easily absorbed, does not stick and reduces flaking. The product formulas contain plant extracts, valuable oils, and vitamins.

Liquid primer

Fluids, lotions, serums have a delicate consistency and create a light coating. They prolong the life of makeup, moisturize and mattify. Transparent lotions are a universal remedy, and colored ones, due to the content of various pigments, will help hide tone imperfections. For example, pink pigment will revive a dull color and add freshness, purple will neutralize yellowness, and green will “hide” redness.

Types of primer

If the fluid has reflective particles, then makeup applied on top of such a base appears to be illuminated from within. Due to this, wrinkles become invisible and the face looks younger. Liquid bases can be mixed with foundations of identical texture to achieve new and unusual effects.

Some brands produce a liquid primer in the form of a spray - so it can be applied under makeup and used as a finishing coat for fixation.


The product in the form of an oil nourishes the skin and gives it a slight glow. Some formulas contain sunscreen filters, soothing and softening components. Available in bottles with a pipette or dispenser, which allows you to control consumption.

What is a primer and what is it for?

Based on their composition, primers are divided into mineral, silicone and reflective.

The base for makeup with a liquid or creamy texture, applied to the surface of the skin before foundation, is a primer. Its consistency is very light, quickly absorbed, does not weigh down the skin and does not clog pores.

The primer is designed to even out skin tone, disguise acne, age spots, redness, the effects of acne and even wrinkles. Thanks to its unique texture, this product is able to hide most cosmetic imperfections of any skin, even mature and aging skin, by filling all the unevenness of the relief, folds and facial wrinkles, becoming completely invisible.

How to choose a primer based on your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin requires mattification and narrowing of pores, so you need to choose those bases that act as sebum correctors and contain silicones or minerals. If you have a problem with oiliness, it is not advisable to use oil-based products (preferably a water-based one), as they provoke increased production of sebum.

Combination skin

The combined type requires either two different products (for the T-zone and for the cheeks) or a universal base.

Choosing a primer based on your skin type

In order not to worsen the condition of oily areas, the base should have a light texture, for example, like a lotion.

Dry skin

The foundation, high in oils and vitamins, is ideal for dry skin that needs nourishment and hydration. Typically, gel, oil and cream primers have this composition.

Normal skin

Normal skin will do well with a light moisturizing or universal base. You can choose the one that will give your face a delicate glow.

Mature skin

This type needs nutrition, hydration and lifting. In addition, the primer should mask wrinkles, even out tone and preserve makeup, so it is better to get an anti-aging product specially designed for mature skin.

Famous manufacturers

By visiting an online store or a real market, you can purchase a quality makeup product. But it’s best to do this only after you read reviews about the manufacturer and its products. And also carefully study the photos of face primers to buy exactly what you read about.

Sometimes girls stop at choosing budget options without delving into the composition of the cosmetics and the brand. An inexpensive product may suit you, but in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to study the composition. A high price does not always mean decent quality of the product.

Based on real reviews from women, we can conclude that popular manufacturers are:

  • MAS is a company that creates unique products that have the stated effect.
  • L'Oreal Paris presents a huge selection of products. Their cost is high, but the quality matches the price.
  • Letual cosmetics are also very popular among women due to the effect that remains from the products of this manufacturer.

You should also highlight , NYX, etc. It should be noted that products from some domestic manufacturers can have a good effect.

How to use primer correctly

To get the most out of a product, you need to know how to use it correctly. Sometimes for a simple daily make-up, only a base and a light foundation will be enough.

The most important rule of makeup: all products are applied only to clean, washed skin. The first step should be mandatory moisturizing with a day cream. Only after the cream has been completely absorbed can the primer be applied. Toning the face begins when the base has already “lay down” well. Depending on the texture, this will take a little more or less time.

Rules for using primer

You need to apply the base little by little onto a sponge or your fingers, because the product is economical in consumption and it is not always necessary to apply a thick layer. Using light patting or rubbing movements, distribute the base to the desired areas and let it absorb. If you rush to tinting, you won’t get a perfect result – “bald spots” and stripes will appear.

Before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup with special cleansers. For example, mattifying bases are best washed off with hydrophilic oils.

Let's look at some more useful properties of the base

Almost all primers have a sun protection factor. And remember that the epidermis needs to be protected from the sun not only in summer. After all, the sun shines all year round. You don’t want to have age spots on your face when you’re 20-40 years old, do you?

Vitamins and antioxidants are necessary to restore the skin. Collagen is restored, giving firmness and elasticity.

The most common mistakes when applying primer

An incorrectly selected product can aggravate the problem: it can add shine to oily skin and dry out dry skin even more. To avoid mistakes, you need to carefully read the label and use only as recommended by the manufacturer.

Another common mistake is applying the base to dry skin or cream until it is completely absorbed.

Silicone bases can be used locally - where you need to smooth out wrinkles or hide pores. In general, you should not “overload” your face with a thick layer of base: due to the excess, the foundation is distributed unevenly.


Apply to eyelids and lips

For eyelids and lips, so that makeup lasts longer and looks more attractive, use products made according to a special formula. You can apply face base to your eyelids and lips, however, the effect may not be what you expect. So, how to properly apply these products to your eyelids and lips?

  • Lips

First, exfoliate: using a special brush, sugar scrub or an ordinary towel. The effect we need to achieve is a smooth lip surface. After this, apply hygienic lipstick or balm (ordinary lipstick, gloss and other products that give a tint will not work!). We wait until the applied product is absorbed and apply a thin layer of primer. It is better to apply it not only to the main surface of the lips, but also to the corners. Finally, you can apply lip makeup. Moreover, the pencil outline should also be applied over the primer - otherwise an uneven effect will be created.

  • Eyelids

The base for the shadows may not be chosen to match the color of the skin - however, in the described case, preference should be given to shades of shadows that will overlap the color of the primer. The product should be applied after the skin is moisturized with lotion, milk or cream. Before using the shadows, you should wait for our base to dry, otherwise the makeup will crease.

Finding the perfect option will take a lot of time. Often different manufacturers offer different shades of products and attribute incredible properties to them. Finding a product that is right for you is only possible after testing several different products.

Tips from makeup artists

The durability of makeup and the preservation of color brightness throughout the day depend on the correct application of the product. The correct choice of product and compliance with storage conditions will ensure comfort and duration of use.

Makeup experts advise taking note of the following recommendations:

  1. Apply primer in a very thin layer. Sufficient volume corresponds to a large drop on the fingertip. Excess of product on the face can lead to the opposite effect. Decorative cosmetics will begin to roll, clog folds and spread.
  2. For this category of product, cost is very important. Only primers from well-known manufacturers included in the Lux line contain additional caring components. The low price segment does not guarantee the duration of action of the product.
  3. The use of primer is not recommended for young and fresh skin, free of cosmetic imperfections. It is worth using the product after 30-35 years and especially after 40, when the face already has all the age-related changes: pigmentation, loss of tone and dullness.
  4. A moisturizer must be applied underneath the primer. Otherwise, the tool will not be able to perform its intended function.
  5. The product should be stored at room temperature in a dark place without exposure to sunlight. Use within six months or a year after opening the package.

The primer is loved by many girls for its useful qualities. It keeps your makeup unchanged all day and requires almost no correction. The main thing is to choose the right product that suits the skin and follow the rules of application.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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