Dangerous areas on the face where it is not advisable to inject filler

Forehead wrinkles are a common cosmetic problem. And not only age. Quite often they appear in young people - this is due to too active facial expressions, the habit of frowning or raising eyebrows.

Modern cosmetological methods help to cope with this problem: forehead lift, injections of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. In our BL clinic you can undergo correction of forehead wrinkles at any convenient time.

Forehead rejuvenation

If you are thinking about how to remove wrinkles on the forehead and are looking for the best method, you will find our short review useful. Our cosmetologists use the following methods and approaches:

Contour plastic surgery (injection of fillers)

Forehead contouring with fillers involves the introduction of special preparations based on hyaluronic acid into problem areas. These drugs (we use, for example, Juvederm, Surgiderm, Revofil, Profhilo) make it possible to replenish the missing volume. In addition, hyaluronic acid promotes deep skin hydration and stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes denser, firmer and more elastic, wrinkles disappear.

Contraindications: skin diseases, severe endocrine disorders, bleeding disorders.


The injection of botulinum toxin is a popular technique. This substance has the unique ability to deeply relax the muscles to which the skin is attached. Thus, after injections, wrinkles formed due to moving facial expressions smooth out on their own (after all, mobility is temporarily limited). This method is especially good if you have a habit of raising your eyebrows or frowning. The effect of Botox injections lasts for about six months (sometimes longer), and during this time you can get rid of the bad habit.

Contraindications: allergic reactions, severe endocrine diseases, rash and inflammation in the area of ​​drug administration, pregnancy, lactation.

Liquid mesothreads

Liquid threads are a biogel based on hyaluronic acid and zinc chloride, and also contain a phosphate buffer. The components of the drug act at the cellular level, restore the water balance of the skin, and stimulate the renewal process. Mesothreads trigger the process of collagenogenesis, and a dense natural frame is formed in the injection area, which holds the tissues and prevents them from deforming. Mesothreads differ from traditional threads in that when introduced, mechanical tension does not occur. The tightening effect is based on deep hydration, restoration of normal tissue structure, and restoration of volume in areas where it is needed. The effect is approximately the same as when injecting fillers for wrinkles on the forehead .

Contraindications: severe endocrine diseases, chronic skin diseases, rash and inflammation at the injection site.

How the procedure works and how often to repeat it

At the first stage, the doctor cleanses the skin of the face and treats it with an antiseptic solution. Then, using special thin needles, the necessary drug is injected into the problem area. If necessary, you can use a special anesthetic gel, but even without it, the injections are usually well tolerated.

Botox for wrinkles between the eyebrows can be done once every six months - the dose of the drug is small, and, as a rule, there are no side effects. If you choose contour plastic surgery, most likely you will also have to do repeated injections in about six months. Sometimes the effect lasts longer - up to a year (this greatly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle - for example, the metabolism of people involved in sports is much faster, and the composition is eliminated earlier).

After the procedure

Immediately after the injections, slight swelling may appear, and sometimes there are also small bruises at the puncture sites. There is nothing you need to do about this; it usually goes away on its own within a few days. In the first week, it is not recommended to sunbathe or visit the bathhouse or sauna. It is also better to refrain from physical activity and drink alcohol.

To make an appointment for a forehead lift in Moscow, fill out the form on the website or call us by phone. The cosmetologists of the BL clinic will select the optimal solution for your case.


  • Presence of age-related changes and/or wrinkles, furrows;
  • “Floated”, asymmetrical oval face;
  • Wrinkles in the eyelid area and corners of the eyes;
  • Nasolabial folds of different depths;
  • Changing the shape of the nose, restoring the volume of the cheekbones and chin;
  • Elimination of asymmetry, changing the shape/volume of lips;
  • Decreased skin tone, enlarged pores;
  • Skin defects (atrophic scars, including stretch marks, post-acne);
  • Various types of atrophy of facial and body tissues.

Benefits of contouring

  • Safety. Hyaluronic acid gels are biologically inert preparations of non-animal origin that do not cause allergic reactions and are absolutely compatible with the tissues of the human body;
  • The result of aesthetic correction made with gel fillers is visible immediately;
  • The rejuvenation effect after contouring is as natural as possible;
  • The procedure does not require anesthesia, unlike plastic surgery;
  • No scars or marks on the skin;
  • A large amount of work can be done in one contouring procedure - for example, increasing the volume of the lips, eliminating deep wrinkles and emphasizing the cheekbones;
  • There is no rehabilitation period. Slight swelling is possible for 2-3 days;
  • The result lasts up to 12-18 months, and the use of some drugs helps to extend it up to three to four years.

How to get rid of glabellar wrinkles at home

The main task when working with an interglabellar wrinkle is to independently learn to relax the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow . This will help:

  • Special exercises for the face: pinching, “train”, pulsation combining elements of face-building and self-massage. Remember that wrinkles can only be removed if they are performed regularly.
  • Massage: blood flow helps relax the muscle. A relaxed state helps to “remember” it and subsequently control facial expressions.
  • Taping: special elastic adhesive strips. Fixing relaxed muscles for smoothing out creases and remembering the state of muscle relaxation.
  • Preparations with botulinum-like peptides: the most famous founder of the group is Argireline; several botulinum-like peptides have now been synthesized, working on the same principle - temporary blockade of acetylcholine receptors and prevention of impulse, as a result of which muscle contraction also becomes impossible. The result is that wrinkles are smoothed out.

The advantage of synthetic peptides is the complete absence of side effects and effective removal of facial wrinkles. When applied to the skin of the face, the muscle relaxant effect does not occur immediately, but after about 3-5 days and reaches a maximum by the 28th day of use.

Example of a drug with peptides:

DermaQuest peptide facial serum - a powerful rejuvenating effect for the skin of the face and around the eyes. 60% consists of peptides.

When exactly is it needed:

  • Expression wrinkles on the face and around the eyes – botulinum-like peptides – Botox effect;
  • Wrinkles - creases - filling from the inside - peptides stimulate the synthesis of dermal matrix components, replenishing the missing volumes in the deep layers of the skin and are capable of filling the space of the dermis with collagen during regular use. Thus eliminating wrinkles and giving elasticity to the skin;
  • Bags under the eyes – complexes against puffiness and pigment deposits under the eyes – eliminates dark circles and bags under the eyes;

Contains complexes of moisturizing, soothing and restorative effects that help remove dryness and tightness of facial skin.

The first results of use are visible after 10 days.

The advantage of the serum : it will get rid of wrinkles without injections; if injections are made, it will prolong their effect over time.

Contraindications to the use of fillers

Filler injections, like any cosmetic procedure, have both indications and contraindications. In particular, they do not apply in the following cases:

  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • Certain types of dermatological pathologies;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Recent laser skin resurfacing;
  • Infections in the acute stage;
  • Herpes.

Before contacting a cosmetologist, you must consult about the presence of indications and contraindications for the procedure.

The mechanism of appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows

The skin folds that form between the eyebrows are referred to as expression wrinkles. They appear over time in all people, and can be horizontal or vertical. Even if a person does not frown constantly (this is rare), the experience of emotions is accompanied by facial movements.

Vertical wrinkles form if we experience:

  • anger;
  • discontent;
  • doubt.

The appearance of a horizontal deep fold depends on the emotion of surprise. The first option is more common, since we often frown not only because of emotions, but also in bright light or strong wind.

The appearance of skin folds between the eyebrows is noted at the age of 13 and older. It is impossible to give an exact figure, because each person has individual muscle activity, facial expressions, and skin elasticity. Initially, the irregularities are shallow and are clearly visible only with active facial expressions.

Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, while gestures and facial expressions do not fade away. This leads to deepening of wrinkles in general and the skin folds between the eyebrows in particular. On average, such physiological changes begin at the age of 25 and worsen over time. But most often people turn to a cosmetologist with the question - “how to remove the eyebrow wrinkle?”, after 30-40 years, when the changes become pronounced.

Reasons for their appearance

Let's start with the fact that all wrinkles are divided into dynamic and static. The former are visible when the facial muscles contract, and the latter even in a calm, relaxed state. The area between the eyebrows is extremely mobile: the eyebrows move on their own when a person is out of sorts, looking at bright light, or thinking. Of course, for some people this process is more pronounced, and for others less so, but sooner or later everyone faces this problem. At first, vertical furrows appear only during the manifestation of emotions, and over the years they are firmly fixed here, giving the facial expression a gloomy appearance.

According to cosmetologists, by the age of 25, glabellar creases appear in 30% of the population. In addition to individual characteristics, this is also due to the fact that young people often spend half the day bent over a smartphone, tablet or laptop. This head position also stimulates the appearance of uneven skin in this area of ​​the face.

In addition to the factors listed above, the following also play a role:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Illiterate skin care
  • Chronic stress

Amalain filler line

In their work, our clinic’s specialists use products from the original line of fillers, which includes:

  1. Amalain Soft. This is a special injection gel with a low specific density. It is used to eliminate minor skin imperfections and facial wrinkles. The filler helps replenish moisture deficiency and restore hydration of the epidermis.
  2. Amalain Medium. The filler has medium density. When used, it quickly eliminates wrinkles, creases, and evens out imperfections in the forehead, cheeks, and nasolabial triangle. The drug is also used by cosmetologists to correct lip volume.
  3. Amalain Hard The drug has a fairly high density compared to other fillers described above. It is used by cosmetologists for serious problems, such as severe creases, deep senile wrinkles, and sagging skin.

The type of filler and the treatment area are selected by the cosmetologist after consultation and examination of the patient.

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