How to make parsley ice for the face: beauty and health of skin from simple ingredients

Green cosmetics, as they say from the garden, carry the energy and purposefulness of nature. A decoction, infusion, and ice of parsley for the face organically combines more than a dozen minerals, 6 groups of vitamins, valuable amino acids, biologically active and whitening substances. In terms of the content of only ascorbic acid and carotene, the modest greenfinch is superior to lemon and carrots. But these are the most powerful antioxidants that protect the body from disease and aging. It’s simply a sin not to use such potential to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin!

What are the benefits of parsley ice for the face?

The benefits of such a tool can hardly be overestimated. Traditional medicine widely uses the plant as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and diuretic. Parsley for the skin is known for its whitening, toning, stimulating effect.

It refreshes and improves the condition of the skin, provides a beautiful natural color, saturates cells with oxygen and retains moisture in them, and serves as a source of valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Parsley is valued for its vitamin A (beta-carotene) content. Its main functions:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • neutralizes dangerous free radicals;
  • Provides protection, restores and supports the skin;
  • accelerates healing processes for burns, wounds and other injuries;
  • inhibits inflammation;
  • has bactericidal properties, which serves as the prevention of new rashes.

Potassium present in the plant helps the skin maintain and maintain tone. Selenium acts as a rejuvenating agent and makes the skin smooth. B vitamins together with ascorbic acid increase the density and elasticity of blood vessels, reduce their permeability, inhibit oxidative reactions, normalize blood circulation processes, and activate metabolism at the cellular level.

All declared effects together preserve the beauty of the skin, prolong youth, and delay the appearance of early wrinkles.

For reference. The obvious advantages of such a product are accessibility, naturalness, absence of contraindications, minimal risk of adverse reactions.

Chemical composition

In terms of vitamins and minerals, parsley is superior to many vegetables and fruits. Leaves, roots and seeds are used in cosmetology and dermatology. This popularity is due to the presence of substances valuable for the body. All parts of the plant contain essential oils: fruits - 2-7%, dry roots - up to 0.08%, fresh plant - 0.016-0.3%.

Greens contain proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, phytoncides, organic acids, dietary fiber, phytosterols, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Minerals are represented by iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, copper and zinc.

The biological value of parsley is determined by beta-carotene, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, folate), vitamin K and E.

Operating principle

Parsley ice for the face is highly effective and is a worthy alternative to expensive cosmetics. Cold has a variety of positive effects on the skin:

  • stimulates blood flow;
  • activates metabolic processes in cells;
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • slows down the appearance of wrinkles.

Parsley is an ideal cosmetic product for dull, tired, “gray” skin . Leaves and roots contain about 60 substances valuable for the human body: amino acids, proteins, mineral salts, dietary fiber, organic acids. The plant nourishes, tones, moisturizes the skin, eliminates puffiness, including under the eyes, softens, and protects from the aggressive effects of environmental factors.

Parsley is important for preserving and prolonging youth, it neutralizes age spots, lightens freckles, makes the skin elastic, stimulates collagen production, and restores water-salt balance.

Chemical composition

Why parsley? It's all about the rich composition of this plant. In terms of vitamin C content, parsley is one of the record holders. It also contains a lot of:

  • carotene;

  • vitamin A and C;
  • group B;
  • folic acid;
  • enzymatic substances;
  • potassium and magnesium salts.

The effect on the skin of the following components deserves special attention:

  • Parsley contains a powerful antioxidant complex of vitamins A, C and E. They fight free radicals, which cause cell destruction and aging.
  • Vitamin A takes part in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain the elasticity and water balance of the skin.
  • Vitamin C prevents oxidation processes and performs a protective function. It helps heal microcracks and eliminate inflammation, as well as retain moisture. The same component protects the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun's rays.
  • Vitamin B2 . This component stimulates skin cell renewal, eliminating peeling, cracks, healing cracks and giving an even tone.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) improves circulation and blood flow, which helps improve skin nutrition from the inside.

Read more about the chemical composition, beneficial properties and effectiveness of using parsley in cosmetology in this article.

Indications for use

Parsley facial ice will benefit women of any age and any skin type. It is especially important and useful to wipe your face with ice cubes every day after 30 years, when, due to age-related changes, the condition of the skin deteriorates, elastic fibers lose their elasticity, and the first wrinkles appear.

Parsley cosmetic ice should be used for:

  • the appearance of peeling, cracks;
  • dry and dull skin;
  • uneven “gray” color;
  • redness and irritation;
  • tendency to edema.

Those who suffer from age spots, freckles, rashes, acne are also recommended to wipe their face with ice cubes and parsley every day. If you have combination and oily skin, parsley will help eliminate shine, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and tighten pores. As a preventive measure, ice with parsley will be useful for those who have healthy skin.

Indications and contraindications for use

Parsley ice will be especially useful in the following cases:

  • dry and oily skin;
  • peeling;
  • the first signs of aging;
  • various rashes, in particular acne;
  • irritation and inflammation;
  • pale and dull skin tone;
  • pigmentation.

Despite all the benefits of the product, there are cases when it should not be used. These include the following:

  • the presence of an allergy to parsley or its individual intolerance;
  • rosacea;
  • vessels located too close to the skin.

Before using ice on your face, apply it to your wrist. If this causes redness, itching or rash, then the product is not suitable for you.

How to make cosmetic ice

Below is a description of the most popular recipes for making cosmetic ice at home. The main ingredient is an infusion or decoction of parsley, fresh roots and leaves of the plant.

Advice . For cosmetic procedures, it is better to choose home-grown parsley, which does not contain nitrates and other substances harmful to humans.

From parsley decoction

Parsley decoction is used as a facial cosmetic and is also taken orally. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, removes waste and toxins from the body, removes excess fluid, improves digestion, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare the decoction you need a bunch of fresh herbs and purified water:

  1. Rinse the parsley leaves well with water, remove any remaining moisture with a paper towel, and chop.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. put the greens into an enamel pan, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Cook the broth in a water bath after it boils for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Let cool with the lid closed at room temperature.
  5. Strain the cooled broth, pour into ice trays, and place in the freezer.

A decoction can be prepared from parsley seeds:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. seeds pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Simmer in a water bath for about an hour.
  3. Cool to room temperature in a container with the lid closed.

From parsley infusion

The infusion contains fresh parsley and water:

  1. Chop parsley leaves and stems, measure 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, transfer to sterile containers.
  2. Boil a glass of water, pour in the greens. Leave covered for 2-3 hours.
  3. Then strain and pour into molds.

From parsley juice

Ice made from parsley juice will be no less beneficial for the face. This product contains the maximum amount of components valuable for the skin, copes well with oily shine, tightens pores, whitens age spots, and removes redness. The only negative is the high consumption of parsley.

How to make ice cubes from parsley juice:

  1. Wash the leaves and stems, chop finely and grind with a juicer.
  2. You can use a blender. Place the plant in a bowl and beat until smooth. Then put the mixture in gauze, folded in several layers, squeeze out the juice. It's okay if pureed particles get there.
  3. Pour the juice into molds and place in the freezer.

Parsley ice for the face is a storehouse of vitamins!

Skin preparation and instructions for use

Usually, fresh leaves are used to make parsley infusion , which are previously washed with cool water. Next, they are doused with hot water and crushed. The resulting mass is considered the base for making juice. Dry herbs are used for facial care. A healing tincture is prepared from it. It can also be used as a daily cleanser or toner. The root of the plant is also used in household cosmetology. The dried or fresh rhizome is well cleaned, crushed, and used in a composition to lighten the face. For example, for masks, washes, lotions and compresses.

Greens also prove useful for caring for the delicate and thin area around the eyes. It removes puffiness, fights under-eye circles, increases skin elasticity and smoothes out crow's feet. For the parsley product to have maximum effect, it must be used on a warmed and scrubbed face. The product is kept on for 35 minutes so that all the necessary elements penetrate as deeply as possible into the layers of the epidermis. The product is washed off with hot water, after which a nourishing cream is applied that matches your skin type.

Masks are applied 2 times a week for 30 days. Then a break is taken, the course of greens is repeated with other active ingredients. Cosmetic compositions are made before application; they cannot be stored or left for next time.

Formulation options

To enhance the effect of parsley and add new cosmetic effects, it is combined with other ingredients. These are chamomile flowers, olive oil, lemon, black tea, wine.

With added olive oil

In addition to fatty acids, olive oil contains wax, phytosterols, sterols, as well as a complex of essential vitamins:

  • alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process, prolongs the youth of the skin;
  • beta-carotene promotes epidermis renewal and protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • phosphates help retain moisture in cells;
  • phospholipids improve the condition of cell membranes;
  • linoleic acid is involved in the process of skin regeneration.

The recipe for preparing such a cosmetic product is simple: add 1 tsp to 200 ml of parsley decoction or infusion. olive oil, stir.

Advice . In addition to olive oil, you can use processed products from nuts (coconut, walnut, almond oil), fruits and seeds of oilseeds (sesame, flaxseed, hemp, mustard). Apricot, sea buckthorn, peach, and pumpkin oils also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

With wine

To get rid of freckles and whiten your skin, prepare the following cosmetic product:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley leaves and roots pour 200 ml of hot water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Leave the mixture covered for 2-3 hours, strain.
  4. Pour 50 ml of dry white wine into the broth, stir, fill the ice trays.

With chamomile

Chamomile helps in the fight against flaking and dry skin, relieves inflammation, accelerates the healing process of wounds, and prevents the appearance of rashes. This remedy is useful for dullness, redness and irritation of the skin, and freckles.

Recipe for making ice with chamomile and parsley:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. chamomile flowers and the same amount of fresh finely chopped parsley.
  2. Pour the ingredients into 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Let sit covered for 2-3 hours, strain through several layers of gauze, and pour into ice trays.

With black tea

Black tea has a complex beneficial effect on skin condition:

  • gives a light golden tint, which is why this product is ideal for those with dark skin;
  • tones;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves itching, redness, soothes irritated skin;
  • improves its condition, makes it more elastic;
  • neutralizes swelling;
  • provides a beautiful healthy complexion.

The recipe includes:

  • medium bunch of parsley weighing 70-100 g;
  • 0.5 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. small leaf black tea;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers.

How to make ice for your face:

  1. Wash the roots and leaves of parsley well, chop finely, and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the greens - chamomile and tea leaves. Mix. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.
  4. Set aside at room temperature, strain. Fill ice trays with the broth. To freeze.

With lemon

Lemon juice reduces redness and irritation, eliminates acne, reduces swelling, creates a barrier layer on the skin, cleanses pores, and removes oily shine.

How to make cosmetic ice with lemon at home:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp. l. chopped greens with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cook covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew.
  3. Strain the broth using a sieve, add 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix, pour into molds.

The benefits and effects of ice composition on the skin

Benefits of rubbing your skin with ice:

  • helps make it firmer and more elastic;
  • qualitatively cleanses and improves blood microcirculation;
  • helps narrow pores.

This simple procedure also helps:

  • eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes (you can find out how parsley can be used for cosmetic purposes for the skin around the eyes here);
  • smooth out fine wrinkles and make deep ones less noticeable (read more about why parsley is effective in fighting wrinkles and how to prepare remedies at home);
  • helps accelerate metabolic processes in skin cells;
  • eliminating redness and inflammation.

All these actions are ensured by low temperatures.

Rubbing the skin with ice is a milder cryotherapy. Well, using parsley makes this procedure even more useful.

How to use it correctly

There are several nuances to using parsley ice for the face:

  1. First, cleanse the face of impurities. Cosmetic cleanser (gel, foam) is chosen according to skin type.
  2. It is better to use the product in the morning, since after rest the skin more actively absorbs all the beneficial substances.
  3. Before wiping your face with ice cubes, do a contrast wash, alternating cold water with hot water. Such manipulations activate metabolism and stimulate blood flow, due to which the effect of the components will be more pronounced.
  4. When caring for your face, do not forget about the décolleté area. The skin in the neck area is thin, sensitive and also needs daily care.
  5. Perform movements along the massage lines: from the middle of the chin to the earlobes, from the edges of the lips to the middle of the ear, from the nose to the temporal part, from the center of the frontal part also to the temples and hair roots.
  6. Do not remove any remaining moisture on your face, but let it be completely absorbed. Only 10-15 minutes after completing the procedure, blot the skin with a napkin and apply cosmetic cream.

The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the components of the composition. Ideally, parsley should be grown in guaranteed safe conditions. It is better to use filtered or mineral water without gases.

What can replace the plant?

If you don’t have parsley on hand, but want to make healthy ice, then you can use other recipes:

  • The easiest option is to freeze plain water. Such ice will not be so rich in useful substances, but it will cope well with the task of restoring tone to the skin and cleansing it.
  • You can use decoctions of other plants: chamomile, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort.
  • Milk helps cope with the signs of aging.
  • The use of fruit and vegetable juices, tea, and wine is popular. There are a lot of recipes, the main thing is to choose what suits your skin type.

Parsley is considered one of the best facial skin care products, helping to refresh, nourish, eliminate wrinkles, redness and remove pigments. How to make masks and lotion from it at home - read on our website.

Such an accessible and familiar plant as parsley can become a wonderful helper in home self-care. Making ice cubes is quite simple, and the results of using them are excellent. At the same time, you can supplement parsley with other components that will enhance its effect and help specifically cope with existing problems.

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Precautionary measures

Before using cubes of parsley decoction for the face, you need to identify and eliminate possible contraindications. It is important to determine the degree of sensitivity to parsley and check whether an allergy may occur.

For this purpose, apply parsley juice to a small area of ​​skin on the inside of the forearm. After 15-20 minutes, inspect the area. If a rash, itching, peeling, irritation and redness of the skin does not appear, then parsley ice for the face can be safely used at home as a cosmetic product.

In cases where the skin condition has worsened due to the use of cosmetic ice, or undesirable reactions have appeared, stop the procedures and monitor your condition. If symptoms worsen, you will need to consult a dermatologist.

It is possible to alternate different recipes, but it is better to practice no more than 2-3 options. When using a large number of components, allergic reactions may occur and the condition of the skin will worsen.

You cannot perform the procedure for more than 5 minutes, or stay in one place for a long time, as there is a possibility of chilling the facial nerve and causing inflammation. After completion of the procedure, rest is recommended. It is not advisable to go outside for 30-40 minutes.


Parsley ice for the face should not be used for:

  • allergies to the product;
  • wounds and scratches on the face;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • thin, sensitive skin;
  • rosacea (vascular network).

Benefits of parsley for facial skin

  • The experience accumulated by cosmetologists allows them to confidently say that using ice with parsley helps:
  • effectively protect the skin layers from the negative effects of the external environment;
  • stimulate the tone of the outer layer of the epidermis;
  • provide the skin with moisture down to its lower layers;
  • fight skin peeling;
  • smooth out shallow wrinkles on the skin surface;
  • prevent the appearance of acne;
  • relieve inflammation on the epidermis;
  • activate blood flow in the skin;
  • promote oxygen supply to the lower layers of the epidermis;
  • stimulate the saturation of the skin layers with nutrients;
  • remove accumulating poisons and waste from the skin;
  • activate the regenerative properties of cells;
  • inhibit excessive secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate age spots;
  • make your complexion attractive.

Important! Before using herbal ice on your face for the first time, you need to check the degree of its effect on the skin on your wrist. If there are no undesirable reactions in the form of redness or itching, you can begin to treat the facial skin with the product.


Parsley ice for the face mostly has positive reviews. With proper preparation and regular use of this product, the condition of the skin will improve.

Those who doubt that parsley ice cubes will somehow help, and prefer expensive cosmetics to natural products, are advised to pay less attention to advertising materials. It is better to rely on the reviews of those women who have used or continue to use cubes with parsley decoction.

Ekaterina, 48 years old : “Parsley ice for the face will help maintain youthful skin and elasticity, and prevent premature aging. The effect is cumulative, you can notice the result with long-term and regular use of the product. I advise everyone to try it. The product is natural, does not irritate the skin, is easy to prepare, and the plant itself costs a penny.”

Anastasia, 29 years old: “Parsley works well in combination with other cosmetics. It enhances their effect, refreshes and tones, helps with bags under the eyes in the morning, and gives the skin a beautiful natural color.”

Valeria, 38 years old: “I want to warn women with dark skin from the mistake that I myself made. Before using parsley ice on your face, please note that this product has a whitening effect. Instead of a beautiful complexion and well-groomed skin, I got uneven pigment spots. So cosmetic ice with parsley is not equally beneficial for everyone.”


Rubbing your face with parsley ice is not always beneficial. In some cases, it is better to refuse the procedure. You cannot use cosmetic cubes:

  • with individual intolerance to parsley in any form;
  • in the presence of trophic ulcers on the skin;
  • with open wounds and scratches on the face;
  • with too sensitive and thin skin;
  • with rosacea.

To make sure you are not allergic to greens, it is recommended to apply a little fresh squeeze of the plant to your wrist or elbow and wait half an hour. If redness, rash and itching do not occur, parsley can be used to prepare cosmetic cubes.

Colds are a contraindication to the use of healthy ice. You should not wipe your skin with frozen parsley if you have a runny nose, sinusitis, severe cough or fever. It is forbidden to resort to cryoprocedures in case of inflammation of the facial nerves; careless use of cubes can aggravate the condition and provoke severe pain.

Ice for face with rose petals

Take the petals of one rose, rinse with warm water, and tear into small pieces with your hands. Bring a small amount of water (1.5 cups) to a boil and add the petals. The broth should be infused until completely cooled. Then strain it and pour it into ice cube trays. Ice cubes with rose petals have a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

If possible, do not use store-bought roses - they are often sprayed with chemicals; take flowers from your dacha or garden plot. It is recommended to use special streamlined molds for freezing, since the usual cubes with sharp corners can injure the skin.

Cosmetic sage ice for wrinkles

Carefully pour a large spoonful of dried or fresh crushed herbs (or herbal mixture) into one glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, tightly wrapped or in a thermos, then strain.
Sage perfectly tones the skin of the face, relieves and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types. The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and antiseptic properties of this plant are also valuable. Therefore, it is suitable for solving acne problems and various skin inflammations .

How to make parsley ice cubes: general rules

  1. Try to use a plant that grew in an environmentally friendly area and was not grown with chemicals. Such raw materials can be grown in your own garden or purchased, but you must be sure that the seller will provide you with a quality product.
  2. In order for cosmetic ice to be as beneficial as possible, you should use purified or distilled water that does not contain gases.
  3. When preparing compositions for freezing, strictly follow the recipe without making your own changes. Considering how rich the composition of the plant is, the changes made may result in harm rather than benefit.
  4. You should freeze cosmetics in portions - this will make them easier to use. If you freeze the composition in a large piece, it will have to be split, which can result in the formation of sharp corners that can injure the dermis.
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