Facial cleansing at home: peeling with calcium chloride

A complex drug based on calcium salt helps restore metabolism and prevent the development of many pathologies. Affordable and effective, it restores the normal level of one of the main macroelements in the body, relieving a variety of painful symptoms.

Composition and dosage form

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is formed during the production of baking soda. The substance is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking, cosmetology, and the chemical industry. Without it, it is impossible to produce healthy calcined cottage cheese and hard cheeses.

The pharmaceutical form of calcium chloride is a water-based injection solution. Available in transparent glass ampoules of 5 or 10 ml. The cardboard packaging of the drug contains 10 such ampoules. The concentration of the medicinal compound in 1 ml of solution is 100 mg.

Required Ingredients

What will be required for the procedure?

  1. Calcium chloride.
  2. Baby soap.
  3. Cotton pads or just cotton wool.
  4. Warm water to rinse your face.
  5. Moisturizing, soothing and protective cream. Moisturizer can be replaced with a face mask.

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