Facial peeling at home: 26 TOP effective recipes

Problematic facial skin is skin with acne ; let’s immediately define the problem using medical terminology, because Many people consider their skin to be “problematic” and this is not always associated with the presence of rashes.

Not all experts recommend peelings for acne: some categorically do not perform them, limiting themselves only to mechanical cleansing. The other part, on the contrary, considers this a direct indication for peeling, but then faces an exacerbation of rashes. Who is right and who is wrong? And what kind of peeling is necessary and can be performed for problem skin?

We will give you brief but clear instructions on which peeling is best for problematic facial skin.

— Is it possible to do chemical peeling at home?

— Cosmetologists, as a rule, do not recommend doing home facial peeling using chemicals, because they often encounter complications that patients receive as a result of such amateur activities. Manufacturers of cosmetics, on the contrary, promote their products and convince them that chemical peeling is possible at home.

I think that chemical peeling can be done at home only if several conditions are met:

  • home facial peeling should be gentle and superficial (you can only use AHA peels - an alpha-hydroxy acid group of peels in the form of a gel or foam);
  • instructions for using peeling must be strictly followed;
  • two weeks before peeling, you should not use other abrasive or invasive techniques, medications or cosmetics that affect skin permeability.

General recommendations and rules before/after the procedure

To ensure that peeling goes without consequences, pay close attention to the following tips and recommendations.

  • Always perform a session on clean skin, free from daytime dirt and makeup residues, otherwise they can penetrate deep into the pores and lead to unwanted inflammatory reactions.
  • Prepare the peeling mass in small quantities, preferably for one use, since such natural compositions have a short shelf life.
  • Do not peel if your skin has wounds, cuts, herpes, fungal infections or other dermatological problems that require treatment under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Before applying any new composition to your face, be sure to test for an allergic reaction to avoid complications such as swelling, redness of the skin, peeling and itching.
  • Always avoid the eye and lip areas when applying such products.
  • If a rejection reaction to the peeling composition occurs, immediately take any antihistamine (anti-allergic) and visit a doctor.
  • This procedure is best done in the evening so that the skin recovers overnight and is not sensitive to any weather conditions.
  • Keep the peeling compositions on the skin for 5 to 15 minutes, after which they are thoroughly and carefully washed off first with warm and then cool water (boiled or filtered).
  • Finally, a light moisturizing gel or cream is applied to the skin according to your skin type, which contains anti-inflammatory and nutrients.

To obtain a visible effect, the selected recipe is used in courses - 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

— That is, you do not recommend doing medium and deep types of peeling at home?

- I absolutely do not recommend it. If the product is intended for superficial peeling, it means that it will act exclusively in the upper, stratum corneum layer of the skin; accordingly, even if something goes wrong, the risk of side effects is very small. Superficial home facial peeling does not require a rehabilitation period - everything goes unnoticed, after which only slight peeling of the skin is possible.

Medium peeling acts down to the basal layer of the skin, and deep peeling completely destroys the basal layer and affects the dermis. Medium and deep peels are not always easy to apply, and most importantly, they have a rehabilitation period that can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Some types of deep peeling can only be performed by plastic surgeons and only in specialized medical institutions!

What are enriched peelings?

Enriched DermaQuest peelings are non-seasonal and atraumatic peelings that are comparable in effectiveness to medium peels.

How enriched peels work:

Enriched peels contain low concentrations of AHAs , which work for gentle exfoliation and elimination of hyperkeratosis, and also act as enhancers - they form channels for deep penetration of the active substances included in the enriched peeling.

Active substances carried deep into the skin : peptides, plant stem cells, brightening ingredients, sebum-regulating, antioxidants, moisturizing.

Benefits of enriched peelings:

Enriched peelings are an opportunity to individually select a peeling to solve a specific problem (age-related changes, problematic skin, pigmentation, etc.) for a specific skin type (dry, oily, sensitive, irritated).

  • Absolutely safe to use; they do not cause peeling, skin irritation or post-peeling hyperpigmentation.
  • Maximum efficiency with minimal trauma.

— What complications can arise after peeling at home and how to deal with them?

— There can be a lot of complications, but encountering them can be avoided if you pay attention to the indications and contraindications for the use of cosmetics intended specifically for home use.

And, I repeat, strictly follow the instructions. Unfortunately, many patients tend to violate the rules of use - for example, leave the product on longer, instead of the recommended 10 minutes, leave it for the entire 15 - “so that there is definitely an effect.” As a result, the effect will not increase, but, on the contrary, unforeseen problems will arise. If the instructions say “if you feel a burning sensation, remove the product immediately,” then you should not ignore this warning and stoically endure until the last. You should not take such liberties during home peeling.

There is no need to eliminate complications on your own; it is better to consult a doctor immediately. The most common complication after peeling is pigmentation, which you have to put up with for several weeks or months. Pigmentation occurs, among other things, due to non-compliance with the rules of post-peeling care.


Despite the fact that all-season peeling can be performed without restrictions on the time of year, it is important to take into account the body conditions and diseases in which intensive effects on the skin are contraindicated.

These include:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intolerance to peeling components;
  • skin damage;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • insolation;
  • acute condition: fever, sore throat, cough, etc.;
  • pregnancy and lactation - it is permissible to use soft peels, for example, enzyme peels.
All-season peeling is an effective way to keep your skin beautiful and healthy at any time of the year. But the procedure will only be beneficial if it is done correctly, taking into account many nuances. To ensure you are pleased with the result, before performing peeling, be sure to consult with an experienced cosmetologist and follow his recommendations.

— How to properly care for your skin after home peeling?

— Post-peeling care is very important. After all, in the process of exfoliation you removed the upper stratum corneum of the skin and stimulated the dermis, as a result the skin becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to the sun's rays. After peeling, you should not do any other aggressive procedures.

It is very important after peeling the skin to take care of its protection from the sun. The use of sunscreen after any peeling, both medical and home, is mandatory!

After peeling at home, it is necessary to take both immediate (immediately after the procedure) and rehabilitation measures (starting from the second day after the procedure). Immediate post-peel care is aimed at reducing the inflammatory reaction, and the rehabilitator should create comfort for the skin (using moisturizing creams, for example, with vitamin E, and sunscreen).

The benefits of regular intensive care

Our skin consists of several layers. The top layer, the epidermis, is constantly renewed: dead cells are exfoliated and replaced by young ones. It is on this systemic “circulation” that youth and healthy skin depend. With age and under the influence of other factors, the process of cell renewal slows down. As a result, the complexion becomes dull, pores become clogged, and the skin looks uneven. Peels can prevent such problems.

Regular exfoliation helps not only to cleanse the skin of the keratinized layer of cells, but also to cope with the effects of acne, blackheads, age spots, and make scars less noticeable. With a systematic approach, peeling fights the first signs of aging and corrects existing ones: smoothes the skin, eliminates facial wrinkles, improves complexion, makes the skin more hydrated and smooth.

Possible side effects of facial peeling roller

Complications after using a facial peeling roll are quite rare.

User frustrations in most cases are associated with:

  • lack of immediate results;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of age spots.

It is worth noting that redness and peeling of the skin are most often found after using home remedies containing calcium chloride.

Almond peeling with Azelaic acid

DermaQuest Almond Peeling contains : mandelic acid 10%, Azelaic acid 2%, Hibiscus flower extract and Lilac lilac stem cells.

Relieves the severity of inflammation and dries out rashes immediately after the first procedure. In order to increase efficiency and concentration, application of up to 3 layers is permissible.


  • Pustules – the presence of pustular elements with a low degree of activity;
  • Post-acne pigment spots;
  • Increased production of sebum - in the composition of Lilac Stem Cells - sebostatic effect;
  • Hyperkeratosis and inflammation - indicated for rosacea;

Tips and preventive actions

  • Before the procedure, you should assess the condition of the skin and consult a specialist.
  • If discomfort occurs during peeling, you should stop the procedure and wash off any remaining product from the surface of the skin.
  • Before doing herbal peeling, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the components and check them for individual intolerance.
  • After the course, it is necessary to undergo skin restoration procedures. Masks and creams will help a lot.
  • Under no circumstances should you peel yourself. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Thanks to herbal peeling, you can get rid of acne, redness and other defects of the skin of the face.

Pumpkin peeling Powerful

Powerful pumpkin peeling differs from the main peeling in a higher percentage of AHA: glycolic and lactic acids 10% each, which gives deeper penetration of the remaining active ingredients.


• All previous readings

• Anti-aging effect

Recommended for thicker skin with a good barrier function or high activity of the sebaceous glands. Effective for deformation type of aging , also indicated for the problem of late acne.

A video demonstrating the Pumpkin Peeling procedure can be found at this link .

Preparatory stage - cannot be skipped

Cosmetologists advise using a steam bath for the face with medicinal herbs. You need to boil 3 liters of water, pour 2 tablespoons of plantain and mint into a bowl, add water. Apply your favorite eye cream to your eyelids or lubricate the skin under your eyes with olive oil and, covered with a terry towel, give your face a steam bath for 5-10 minutes, no more.

After your face has steamed and your skin cells have become toned thanks to the mint steam, immediately begin cleansing. Apply the product with gentle movements to the surface of the skin; if you need to rub your face, do not press hard, clean along massage lines or light circular movements.

Some peels need to be kept on the face for some time, for example, a gentle soothing peeling with aspirin is recommended to be kept on the face for up to 1 minute, then rolled off.

Step-by-step technology

  • Wash your hands with soap.
  • Remove makeup and cleanse your face with your usual product (tonic, foam, gel, etc.).
  • Wash your face with water and dry your face with a towel.
  • Apply Vaseline to the eye area, lips and eyebrows. This will help protect delicate areas from the effects of the drug.
  • Read the recommendations for using the peeling product and strictly follow the application instructions.
  • Using a brush or cotton swab, apply the composition first to the nose and chin, then to the forehead and cheeks. Make sure that the mixture is evenly distributed.
  • Leave the product on the skin for the time indicated in the instructions. For the initial procedure, a minimum period of time is sufficient; depending on the frequency of use, you can increase the amount of time.
  • Monitor your skin's reaction; if you feel any discomfort, remove the product immediately.
  • After time has passed, rinse off the product with cool water or a special tonic that neutralizes the effects of acids.
  • Treat your face with a product to restore pH balance.
  • After the product is completely absorbed, apply a moisturizer.

The best peeling rolls for the face: TOP 10 products for home use

There is such a large assortment of cosmetics on the modern market that it can be very difficult to make a choice just by going to the store. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best peeling rolls for the face, based on numerous positive user reviews.

Peeling roller Super Aqua from MISSHA, made in Korea

The first place in the rating of facial peeling rolls is occupied by a product enriched with oxygen and containing extracts of flowers, seeds, as well as acids with enzymes of exotic fruits. Deeply cleanses, perfectly moisturizes and gives the skin an inner glow. Many users note the pleasant aroma and economical packaging (although some talk about the not very convenient dispenser and weak exfoliating effect).

Volume – 100 ml, price – about 1500 rubles.

Korean apple roll MIZON

The malic and hyaluronic acids in the composition gently cleanse even very thin and sensitive skin. MIZON peeling roller perfectly nourishes the dermis thanks to fruit enzymes and sugar cane extract. This is a fairly thick, easy-to-apply gel that does not spread during use. The disadvantage of fruit peeling roller for the face is its low effectiveness in the fight against blackheads.

Volume – 120 ml, price – about 900 rubles.

Italian roll LIMONI

Despite the fact that the active component of the composition is malic acid, the product is memorable for its lemon aroma. During massaging, the gel structure turns into light foam. After systematic use of the Italian Limoni roller, traces of acne disappear and the oval of the face is tightened.

Tube 150 ml, cost about 800 rubles.

Original Korean facial peeling roll TONY MOLY

This product is known for its original shape and creamy structure. The product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, evens out the complexion, prevents acne and tightens pores. Some users say that this Korean facial peeling roller is difficult to wash off.

Capacity – 80 ml, average price – 850 rubles.

Korean peeling with egg enzymes HOLIKA HOLIKA

This Korean brand is known for its hypoallergenic rolls, which are sprayed using a dispenser onto steamed, damp skin. Cleansing facial peeling with egg white extract perfectly fights blackheads, refreshes and exfoliates dead skin areas. Users note the ability to cleanse the skin “squeaky clean.”

Volume – 140 ml, price – from 700 rubles.

THE SAEM facial peeling roller (made in Korea)

The uniqueness of this tool lies in the permissible frequency of its use. According to reviews, even four times use within one week has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Stem cells and pine bark extract in the composition have a rejuvenating, brightening and toning effect.

Volume – 40 and 160 ml, price – 450 and 1500 rubles, respectively.

Russian facial peeling LIBREDERM with chamomile

Not a very effective product that can be used for any, even the most sensitive skin. LIBREDERM face peeling roll does not contain artificial colors or flavors, has a cloudy color and a barely noticeable aroma. The product exfoliates dead cells well, leaving the face fresh and moisturized.

The cost of 75 ml is only 300 rubles.

Japanese matting roller SHISEIDO

Users have a mixed opinion about the composition, rich in vitamins and antioxidants: the first admire the good exfoliating and matting effect, the second talk about overly sticky particles that injure the delicate skin of the face.

Tube 100 ml, price – about 600 rubles.

Belarusian milk facial peeling BELITA

Inexpensive mesopeeling based on lactic acid is characterized by a granular texture. When massaged, the particles completely dissolve without causing any harm to the skin. This face roll polishes and mattifies well. Many people note a slight tingling sensation during use, which is accompanied by improved blood flow.

A 100 ml container costs approximately 170 rubles.

Facial peeling roll PROPELLER with salicylic acid

This is the most budget option of all presented ( 150 rubles per 100 ml ). It is characterized by not very good rollability and a runny texture, although many note the positive effect of peeling on problematic facial skin.

Read material on the topic: Retinoic yellow peeling done by Hollywood stars

What effect can be achieved with a facial peeling roll?

After using a facial peeling roll with acids, your skin will noticeably transform:

  • will become clean and pleasant to the touch;
  • minor signs of aging will disappear;
  • healthy complexion will return;
  • peeling will disappear;
  • Some comedones (blackheads) will disappear.

It is worth noting that each tool copes with a specific task in its own way. Some are better at fighting blackheads, while others exfoliate dead cells. The main goal is to find the product that suits you. Fortunately, in the modern cosmetics market there is plenty to choose from.

Read material on the topic: Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure

Pumpkin peeling Basic

Basic pumpkin peeling is a combination of AHA (glycolic and lactic acids 3%), salicylic acid 2% and pumpkin pulp 40% - a source of natural vitamin A.

Dissolves comedones (blackheads), shrinks pores, has a steaming effect, and also has a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, absorbable effect, helping to solve a wide range of problems:

• Thick seborrhea – dense comedones due to tight, dense sebum;

• Single inflammatory elements (papules and pustules);

• No age-related changes;

• Hyperkeratosis, “dirty” skin color;

Performs the function of atraumatic skin cleansing , reduces sebum production.

Clinically proven results: 87% reduction in breakouts with the DermaQuest Pumpkin Peel.

* Are you interested in real results and the opinions of cosmetologists about Atraumatic skin cleansing using Basic pumpkin peeling? Read here .

Why are pores enlarged?

Almost the entire surface of the skin has sebaceous glands, except for the palms and soles.
Most pores are found on the face, upper back, and chest. The structure of the sebaceous gland is the secretion zone and the excretory duct. The function of pores is to secrete sebum, a combination of water and lipids. Their activity is regulated mainly by steroids produced by the adrenal glands and sex hormones. Excessive production of sebum leads to the accumulation of secretions in the excretory ducts and expansion of the orifices. You need to solve the problem from a young age, but first you need to determine the reasons that caused it. There may be several provoking factors:

  • heredity - mom and/or dad have skin with wide pores;
  • hormonal changes in the body - during puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause;
  • unhealthy diet - the diet includes fatty, smoked, salty foods, foods high in sugar, baked goods, fast food, sweet soda;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;
  • deficiency of macro- and microelements in the body - mainly vitamins A, zinc, iron;
  • excessive passion for comedogenic cosmetics based on lanolin, glycerin, stearic acid and others;
  • passion for tanning in the sun or in a solarium, so-called photoaging;
  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • improper care - untimely makeup removal and so on;
  • stress, alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • frequent infectious and viral diseases;
  • age-related changes - against the background of loss of firmness and elasticity, pores become more noticeable.

Also, the cause of porous skin is improper care - self-cleaning without observing hygiene and safety standards.

What is the difference between mono- and multi-acid peels?

Peeling can consist of either one type of acid - these are called mono-acid peels, or two or more - these are multi-acid peels. The combination of acids allows you to solve several problems at once and achieve more visible results.

You won’t be able to get a multi-acid peel by simply mixing several acids: some of them negatively affect each other and can seriously harm the skin.

That is why the selection of concentrations and working ingredients is best left to professionals. Together with dermatologists and chemist-technologists, the ARAVIA Professional brand has developed four “cocktails” of the MG Peel System, intended for both young problem skin and aging wrinkled skin. It is based on proprietary combinations of acids that provide maximum results and minimal discomfort - thanks to optimal concentration and a comfortable pH of 3.0.

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