Even out your complexion at home. Folk recipes for evening out complexion at home

Under the influence of external and internal factors, facial skin often loses its freshness, healthy tone and attractiveness. Sometimes even a thick layer of powder or foundation cannot hide such problems. It is necessary to take care of your face at any age. There is no need to buy expensive cosmetics, because there are many natural ingredients from which it is easy to prepare masks to improve your complexion at home. In terms of effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to professional procedures.

How to even out your complexion after sunbathing. How to get rid of tan spots?

To get rid of tan spots, start with a visit to the doctor to eliminate the possibility of their occurrence due to internal diseases or fungus.

You shouldn’t “over-tan” - the spots may become even brighter. Why do you need a pockmarked tan?

There are many options for getting rid of sun spots, but there is only one way - skin whitening.

The most effective ways to whiten skin are peelings. But don’t rush to whiten your skin with harsh peels immediately after your summer holiday; it’s better in late autumn and winter. Otherwise, you can increase the photosensitivity of the skin and cause red spots, vitiligo, permanent age spots and other troubles on your skin.

In the summer, whitening creams and masks with lanolin, spermaceti, peach oil, and homemade masks made from cucumber, lemon, and parsley juice, which can oxidize the pigment and make it invisible, will help even out “spotty” skin tone after sunbathing. Be sure to combine them with the use of sunscreen.

No matter how convincing and persistent dermatologists are in persuading us to give up tanning, most prefer to spend their summer vacation on the seaside, and on weekends they go to the nearest body of water to enjoy the fresh air and soak up the sun.

The sun does not always reciprocate our love. Every year, more and more people are faced with an uneven tan and after vacation they have to not show off their bronze skin color, but hide their body, covered with dark or light spots, under maxi skirts, trousers and long-sleeved blouses. Where does a leopard tan come from? Uneven skin color after exposure to the sun is caused by the pigment melanin, which is produced by skin cells - melanocytes. The shade of the tan and how uniform it will be depend on the amount of melanin produced: with an excess of it, dark spots appear in certain areas of the skin, and with a deficiency, light spots appear.

Salon treatments

If you decide to get professional help, then take a closer look at these procedures:

  1. Laser cleansing (skin cell renewal occurs, post-acne and age spots are removed)
  2. Oxygen peeling (dead epidermal cells are exfoliated, and new ones are saturated with oxygen; blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation is improved)
  3. Cryomassage (removes stagnant spots, tightens pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, adjusts metabolic processes)
  4. Diamond peeling (removes dead skin cells, strengthens blood vessels, makes the epidermis more elastic)
  5. Microdermabrasion (deep cleansing of the skin in several procedures, renewal of dermal cells and getting rid of post-acne)

We advise you to contact cosmetologists only after you have tried to get rid of the causes of uneven skin tone and tried several popular tips. Otherwise, expensive sessions will show an absolutely short-lived effect.

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How to even out your face tone with cosmetics. Decorative cosmetics and ideal complexion

You can also temporarily even out your complexion using decorative cosmetics. This method will not solve the main problem, but it will allow you to disguise defects and look flawless.

Let us remind you that in order to create the ideal complexion using makeup, the skin must be well cleansed of dead particles that are formed during the natural process of skin cell renewal. As a result, the epidermis becomes dull and looks painful and tired. Regular exfoliation will remove a layer of dead skin particles from the face and prepare the skin for makeup that evens out the complexion's tone.

Before you start applying makeup base, it is recommended to moisturize your facial skin and wait 10-20 minutes so that the cream is well absorbed.

If there are defects on the face in the form of pigment spots, traces of acne, scars and small scars, red spots, dark circles under the eyes, as well as manifestations of rosacea (vascular network), it is necessary to disguise them using a corrector or concealer, depending on the purpose.

The corrector has a dense structure, comes in different colors (green, orange, purple, etc.), and is used to disguise redness, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes, age spots and acne. Currently, medicinal correctors are produced for problem skin; with their help, you can also achieve a therapeutic effect. You need to apply the corrector before the foundation, pointwise, only to problem areas, gently tapping it in with your fingertips or a sponge. The corrector cannot be rubbed in.

If the corrector contains salicylic acid, it is not advisable to apply it to the area around the eyes.

Concealer is used after applying foundation. It comes only in flesh shades and allows you to hide uneven skin, as well as give the desired shade and radiance to your face. The product smoothes out areas with wrinkles, making them less noticeable. Using concealer, you can lighten or darken individual areas of the face or even out the complexion as a whole.

You can use different products as a foundation: creams, mousses, powder, etc. Creamy products are suitable for dry skin; for oily skin it is better to use powder. When choosing a foundation, you need to carefully select the tone; it should ideally match the tone of your face.

A thin layer of foundation should also be applied to your eyelids, even if you do not plan to use eye shadow. As a result, the blue veins on the eyelids will disappear and the tone will become the same as on the rest of the face.

After applying the foundation, the complexion becomes uniform, but “flat”. To give the face volume and a healthy look, then apply cream blush or a little bronzing powder. You can use regular blush, but only if you know how to shade it correctly. To apply powder, use a fluffy brush, which you need to go over the forehead, nose and cheeks.

You can set your makeup with powder, applying it all over your face in a thin layer. However, this is not necessary. Next, if you wish, you can start doing eye makeup or simply tint your eyelashes.

To learn how to achieve a perfectly even complexion using cosmetics from famous brands, see

There are also special creams to even out the complexion. They not only moisturize and nourish the skin, but also fight various types of spots: freckles, age spots, redness. Among the most popular products are GreenMama and Lumene Arctic Aqua creams.

Color Uniformity Factors

A healthy complexion indicates that a person is feeling well. In this case, the use of leveling cosmetics is not required. If the shade is uneven, then the condition of the skin needs to be improved. The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • Weather
    . During frost and strong winds, the skin must be treated with a protective serum, otherwise there is a risk of uneven color appearing. The film covering the face prevents harmful influences from penetrating;
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
    . You should not exclude sunbathing; you just need to constantly use protective creams. Then the skin of the face will always have a uniform tone;
  • Bad habits
    . Due to excessive alcohol consumption, the vascular walls become weak, and smoking leads to their spasm. If you eliminate bad habits, the even complexion will return;
  • Poor nutrition
    . The complexion becomes uneven due to the consumption of fatty, spicy foods. Due to such food, blood flow increases, which affects the appearance of an unhealthy complexion;
  • Medical factors
    . You need to visit your doctor regularly for examination. If you have diseases, you should not delay their treatment.

Don't neglect these simple recommendations. First you need to eliminate the cause, otherwise no cosmetic products will help completely solve the problem. As a result, the skin takes on an unhealthy appearance.

Uneven body skin color. Why the skin color on the face may be uneven

Having found out the exact reasons, you can determine what specific action or factor provoked the deviation from the norm. It is worth noting that the causes of all types of uneven color are listed here - from redness to the appearance of age spots. Consider exactly what difficulty you are facing in order to accurately calculate the pathology yourself. You can't figure out how to even out your skin tone until you know what exactly you're struggling with.

  • Impaired performance of the gastrointestinal tract. Waste and toxins in the body contribute to disruption of the level of melanin, a pigment that causes the appearance of moles and spots.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Often, uneven skin color is passed on from parents to children or even from grandparents to grandchildren. Find out what caused the disorder in your ancestors.
  • Lack of proper nutrition of the skin. A possible reason is the low efficiency of the circulatory system. The skin does not get enough vitamins, minerals and even oxygen.
  • Dry skin. Most often, uneven complexion occurs in people with problematic dry skin types. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin with additional products or provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. This is especially true in winter, when the skin is regularly chapped and can be exposed to low temperatures for a long time.
  • Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. This reason, on the contrary, is more common in the summer. Many patients notice that, for example, after a vacation and regular sunbathing on the beach, the skin becomes blotchy. The tan fades over time, but the unpleasant formations remain. This also indicates a violation of melanin in the dermis.
  • Bad habits and nutrition. This creates the preconditions for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And smoking and alcoholism clog the circulatory system itself with toxins. It is advisable to give up such habits and pay attention to healthy foods. Perhaps after this the question of how to even out the tone of your face will disappear on its own.
  • Lack of routine for a long time. Your skin may become blotchy if you don't get enough sleep or only sleep during the day. Carefully monitor your daily routine and try to sleep from 7 to 9 hours.
  • Hormonal imbalance. The cause is most common in adolescents, during puberty and pregnant women. Hormones are released unstably, which affects the pigments in the skin.
  • Consequences of dermatological diseases. The tone level or even the texture of the skin may be affected due to any disease. For example, patients often notice that the dermis becomes mottled after complete recovery from acne. At the same time, the formation of post-acne and other types of scars on the dermis is also quite possible. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to use the most effective means.


It is very important to first figure out what is causing the uneven tone and try, if possible, to eliminate it. The following factors can affect the skin and its appearance:

  • Nutrition. What a person eats sooner or later affects his appearance. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and exclude harmful foods, for example, fried, salty, spicy, fast food, soda. The color of the skin can be positively influenced by foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits (especially green and yellow), lean meats and fish, liver, eggs, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and seafood. It is very useful to even out the tone by drinking juice from carrots, beets, and citrus fruits.
  • Fluid intake. It is very important to drink enough water per day. For example, a healthy person is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. It is better to drink still water.
  • Quality sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, over time the body begins to become exhausted, and this, of course, changes the complexion. To get an even tone, it is not enough to just sleep all day. But if you go to bed at 10 pm, and not later, positive changes can be seen within 2 weeks.
  • Ecology and sun. It is quite difficult to hide from environmental pollution, as well as from ultraviolet radiation, but it is quite possible to minimize their negative impact. To do this, you need to remember to daily cleanse your facial pores of impurities and use sunscreens with a high SPF level.

Causes of uneven facial tone

  • Diseases of the digestive system. They also negatively affect the skin and complexion. Stomach problems will turn your face grayish or yellowish. Dark circles under the eyes indicate skin diseases.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Bad habits, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, strong coffee, also lead to changes in facial tone.

How to even out your complexion after acne. How to even out your facial skin

Every woman wants to be the owner of smooth and beautiful skin without scars and marks after acne. To do this, it is important to understand what means and procedures will help achieve the desired result.

Causes of acne and scars on the skin

Smoothing procedures are carried out to rid the skin of post-acne and scars.

Possible reasons for their appearance:

  • heredity;
  • age/hormonal changes;
  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • improper squeezing of pimples;
  • prolonged inflammatory process.

How to even out your facial skin

Features of skin smoothing at home and in a beauty salon

How to even out your facial skin at home

Properly selected cleansing cosmetics and preparations for the treatment of defects will help improve your complexion and even out lumpy skin at home.

It is better to cleanse the skin with a special gel or foam, and not with soap, which contains components that disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin and cause acne. It is advisable that the cleanser contain zinc or salicylic acid. These substances can effectively fight acne.

You can even out your skin tone with clay masks, massage (you will need almond oil), and lubricating your face with cucumber, lemon or tomato juice. For those who are going to make clay masks, it is recommended to add rosemary or grapefruit essential oil to blue, green or white clay, then apply a thin layer of the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. The recommended course is 2-3 masks per week for a month. The following tools will also come in handy:

  • bodyaga in powder form will help “straighten” uneven terrain, and it will also restore the natural regeneration process. The powder is mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the face with a brush for 15-20 minutes;

How to even out your facial skin at home

  • Aspirin will help “even out” the skin and remove inflammation: you need to crush 2 tablets and mix them with water (a drop) and honey (1 tsp). This mixture should be applied to the face for 10 minutes. Before rinsing off, massage into the epidermis for a minute. Apply once a week;
  • every other day you can make a mask based on honey and ground cinnamon (1 tsp each). It is applied only to acne spots for 20 minutes;
  • scars can be lubricated with homemade cream made from olive oil and crushed knotweed along with seeds;
  • Therapeutic ice will help smooth out the surface of the skin, lighten pigmentation and freckles. To prepare it you will need an infusion of calendula, chamomile, mint, and string;
  • Citrus acid will help heal acne wounds and smooth out oily or normal skin. You need to apply a paste of their zest to the skin for about 15 minutes. But citrus fruits should be used with caution by those who are prone to allergies.

At home you can use special anti-scarring agents:

  • "Zeraderm ultra";
  • "Dermatix";
  • "Kontraktubex";

Contractubex is a good remedy for scars

  • "Skinoren";
  • "Kelofibrase";
  • "Fermenkol";
  • "Antiscar".

Note! You can press a cotton swab/disc soaked in a chlorhexidine solution (concentration no more than 6%) to the scar/scar. Exposure time is 10 seconds with an interval of 6 hours. Afterwards, the scar must be treated with regenerating ointment.

Home "military" arsenal

The process of evening out facial tone on your own begins with choosing the right cosmetics. First, avoid regular soap for washing your face; it only dries out the outer epidermis, causing it to age prematurely. Choose special foams and gels for your skin, taking into account its type and problems.

Be sure to get into the habit of using a peeling mask. The product effectively removes dead skin particles and various impurities. And massage during the procedure will restore blood flow to the face, which will launch restoration processes at the cellular level. You need to please yourself no more than twice a week, otherwise thorough cleansing will harm the epidermis.

Remember the algorithm of action for healthy skin:

  • Cleansing – twice a day (in the morning and before bed).
  • Toning – tightens pores and saturates the skin with vitamins.
  • Moisturizing – nourishes the skin.

How to even out body skin tone. How to even out skin tone?

By creating the right, even, and natural skin tone, you accomplish the most important task when applying makeup. The secret is to make your face look like you didn't wear any makeup at all. There are several steps to an even skin tone. Rule 1. Exfoliate Without weekly exfoliation of your skin, a huge number of dead cells accumulate on it, polluting the surface and clogging pores, as a result of which you look not just dull, but even older than your age. Without proper release, foundation won't even out your skin and moisturizers won't absorb properly. Exfoliate your face with special scrubs, chemical peels, alpha and beta acids, or other products containing vitamin A, like Retin-A. Rule 2. Prepare your face Tinted and tinted moisturizers apply better to a moisturized face than to a dry one. Apply a foundation containing SPF to your face. If you don't have foundation, a moisturizer with SPF will do just fine. Make sure your SPF is at least 15. Rule 3: Even out your skin tone The next step is to apply foundation or tinted moisturizer. They should be chosen perfectly and match your skin. If the cream is too light or, conversely, dark, it will be very noticeable. Apply the cream only to the areas that need it most: usually the nose, cheeks and chin. Rule 4: Carefully conceal under-eye circles, blemishes and pimples A few drops of concealer in the area under the eyes and on prominent spots will help eliminate the “veiny” and “blue” spots under the eyes that many women suffer from. Remember that concealer should not be rubbed in, but applied with patting movements. Rule 5: Prep your eyelids Even if you're not going to use eyeshadow, you still need to apply foundation to your eyelids to even out your skin tone in that area. A lot of women have blue veins here. Cover them with foundation so that the entire skin is even. Rule 6: Add some color Once the tone is evened out, you will notice that the skin is lacking color. Give it a bronze or pink blush. Apply bronzing powder with a large fluffy brush to the appropriate areas: forehead, cheeks and nose. Rule 7: Complete the Look Your final step in achieving the perfect complexion is applying powder. I myself often skip this step because I like a slightly dewy effect on my face. Plus, I'm pretty lazy. But many makeup artists insist on it. Now that your face is fully prepared, you will notice that you don't need to put a lot of makeup on your eyes to look more impressive and fresh. A little mascara and gloss is enough for most women to look stunning.

Purchased funds

Homemade masks are not the only way to even out your skin tone at home. For these purposes, you can also use purchased products, especially since specialized stores offer a wide range of products designed to suit every taste and budget. It is almost impossible to choose the best, since the result depends not only on the quality of the mask, but also on many other factors, including the needs and individual characteristics of the skin.

Several products that are in high demand and have earned positive reviews from experts and users:

  • Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance” from Vichy;
  • Timewise mask from Mary Kay;
  • Steaming face mask against blackheads “Clean Skin” from Garnier;
  • Special Mask from Holy Land Cosmetic;
  • Peeling mask for skin renewal “TRI-active” from Floresan;
  • Clear Turn by Kose Cosmeport;
  • A mask that deeply cleanses pores and improves skin condition, Clarifying Clay Masque from Skin Ceuticals.

To get the best results, each mask should be used according to the included instructions.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences

The main contraindication for using a particular mask is individual intolerance to any of its components. Allergies can be caused by ingredients of both organic and synthetic origin. To avoid unpleasant consequences, do a test in advance by rubbing a little product into the skin on the inside of your forearm. If after 30–40 minutes there is no itching, burning sensation, rash, redness, or swelling, feel free to apply the mask to your face.

Regular antihistamines will help cope with allergies on the face after applying the mask; Of course, use of the product must be stopped immediately

A temporary contraindication is the presence of not fully healed abrasions, wounds, scratches, burns, etc. on the face. They can easily become infected, causing further inflammation and suppuration.

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