Cryotherapy in a beauty salon - transformation using cold

From this article you will learn:

  • What is cryotherapy
  • For what purposes is cryotherapy used in a beauty salon?
  • What is the effect of cryotherapy
  • What are the indications and contraindications for cryotherapy?
  • How to care for your skin after cryotherapy

Beauty is made up of many factors. This includes spiritual purity, graceful body shape, and hair condition. But all this will fade into the background if the face is not beautiful, if pimples, constant oily shine or wrinkles appear on it. Modern women are very lucky, because there are a lot of cosmetic methods that can restore the pristine beauty of the skin in the shortest possible time. One of them is cryotherapy in a beauty salon. What kind of procedure is this? Let's figure it out.

What is cryotherapy

Cryotherapy (or, in other words, cold treatment) is the process of local exposure to low temperatures on the body for cosmetic or medical purposes. Liquid nitrogen is most often used. Under the influence of the cryoagent, the vessels first sharply narrow, stimulating the outflow of blood, and then expand again, causing the blood to flow intensely again. This has a positive effect on the general condition of the body (if, for example, it is a cryosauna) and on the condition of the skin (if it is a cosmetic procedure, for example, cryomassage). Cryotherapy is especially often used in cosmetology - the skin is actively saturated with oxygen, regeneration processes are stimulated, pores are narrowed, and inflammation goes away faster. Active substances from cosmetic products penetrate deeper into all layers of the epidermis and are better absorbed, so maximum effect is achieved.

Pros of cryotherapy

  • Safety (the skin is not injured during the procedure).
  • Painlessness (anesthesia is not required, since the low temperature itself already has an analgesic effect).
  • Possibility of combination with other hardware procedures (cryolifting is often carried out before laser resurfacing or chemical peeling).
  • Fast recovery (no long-term swelling and redness, as after injection techniques).
  • Quick visible results.

Cons of cryotherapy

They are quite rare, but side effects such as changes in skin pigmentation and pain in the treated area of ​​skin after the procedure are possible. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, damage to nerve fibers may occur.

Combination of cryomassage with cosmetic procedures

In certain situations, the cryotherapy procedure acts as an independent therapeutic method. In some cases, facial cryomassage is successfully combined with other cosmetic and therapeutic procedures. So, for example, cryotherapy will often be a preparatory stage before various wraps, peeling, mesotherapy, facial cleansing, and some physiotherapeutic procedures. Only a qualified specialist can finally decide how compatible the cryotherapy procedure is with other techniques after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is a highly effective, painless and absolutely safe therapeutic procedure that not only relieves the patient of various cosmetic defects and diseases, but also makes facial skin more elastic, attractive and elastic. You can undergo a preventive or curative course of nitrogen treatment in our specialized clinic, where only competent and qualified doctors work.


This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician.
For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors! Number of reads: 1273 Date of publication: 09.25.2018
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Types of cryotherapy

Cryotherapy can act locally on a specific area of ​​the skin, such as the face, or on the entire body. Depending on this, the following types of cryotherapy are distinguished:

  • Cryomassage (cryolifting)

Most often, everything is prescribed to relieve swelling or reduce inflammation - for example, in the treatment of acne. Cryomassage is also very effective in restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the neck and décolleté, as the natural rejuvenation process is launched. The skin takes on a healthy and radiant appearance, small expression wrinkles are smoothed out. Cryomassage is carried out using a long wooden spatula with a cotton swab, which the cosmetologist first dips in liquid nitrogen, and then runs it along the massage lines, briefly holding it on problem areas. The procedure lasts approximately 2-5 minutes, and for a lasting, pronounced effect, about 10 procedures may be needed at weekly intervals.

Slimming wrap

How to carry out this procedure at home: KP memo

  • Cryolipolysis

This is a figure correction procedure that allows you to get rid of fat folds and remove unwanted volumes by exposing them to low temperatures. Simultaneous exposure to cold and vacuum with the help of a special apparatus starts the process of burning subcutaneous fat, which requires approximately only one procedure per month, and the result is noticeable immediately and lasts quite a long time, if, of course, you keep your weight under control.

  • Cryosauna

We are used to the fact that you can only warm up in a sauna, but you can also relax and improve your body in the cold. Cryosauna helps alleviate conditions such as: skin diseases, weakened immunity, diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system, headaches, nervous system disorders, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, cellulite, diseases of the female and male reproductive system, chronic fatigue, etc. . Cryosauna relieves stress and relaxes the body, helps to get rid of excess stress without unnecessary stress, tightens the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

  • Cryodestruction

This procedure allows you to quickly get rid of warts, papillomas and other benign formations on the skin. Using a special apparatus with an attachment, a dermatologist treats the formation; as a result, the cell membranes of the formation are damaged, and the tumor dies, but the healthy tissue around it is not damaged. Cryodestruction has a clear advantage over conventional surgical removal, since there is no risk of bleeding or scarring.

Cryoelectrophoresis of the face

Cryoelectrophoresis is a cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of frozen pharmacological preparations into the deep layers of the epidermis using a pulsating electric current.

The procedure is carried out using a special device - a cryotone, equipped with two electrodes. One electrode is applied to the problem area, and the other, made in the form of a cylinder, is filled with a special carrier solution. The necessary therapeutic drugs are first added to this liquid and cooled.

Under the influence of electrical impulses, drugs penetrate 2-3 cm under the skin and have a corresponding therapeutic effect. The procedure lasts for 15-20 minutes. The depth of penetration of the drug indicates the high effectiveness of the procedure. The drug for cryoelectrophoresis is selected by a specialist individually, taking into account the condition and characteristics of the patient. The cryoelectrophoresis procedure is absolutely painless, safe, and does not cause any discomfort or discomfort to the patient.

Indications for cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is widely used for various skin diseases: acne, rosacea, post-acne, seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as alopecia (severe hair loss). Most often, it is with the help of liquid nitrogen that dermatologists remove various skin tumors - papillomas, moles, warts and hemangiomas.

For cosmetic purposes, cryotherapy improves the condition of the skin - tightens it, makes it young and elastic, smoothes out emerging wrinkles. Cryotherapy will also help in the fight for a beautiful body: it will reduce fat deposits, “touch up” cellulite and stretch marks, and increase skin tone.

Also, cryotherapy (the same cryosauna) is a good way to normalize blood circulation, strengthen muscle tone, relieve nervous tension, increase performance and endurance. Cryosauna is also prescribed for the prevention of colds.

Rehabilitation period

After the cryomassage procedure, the clinic’s specialists will tell you in detail about the rules of skin care and the prevention of complications. After half an hour, if there are no complaints about your health, you can go home. Direct contact of treated skin with ultraviolet rays is prohibited. Experts recommend using sunscreen or special moisturizers.

A natural reaction is the persistence of edema and hyperemia for several days after nitrogen cryomassage. Light peeling of the skin may also occur, which can be relieved with moisturizers.

Contraindications for cryotherapy

  • Cold intolerance or allergic reaction to liquid nitrogen,
  • Mental disorders,
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • Migraine,
  • Epilepsy,
  • Open injuries, wounds at the procedure site,
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory and infectious diseases,
  • Cryosauna is not recommended for persons weighing less than 40 kg.

To the point

Ultrasonic facial cleansing - painless and non-traumatic skin cleansing

Possible side effects

If safety rules are violated or the session time is increased, dermatitis or frostbite of some areas of the skin may develop. If such reactions are detected, the patient must inform the specialist who performed the procedure about them and refuse cryotherapy until the skin is completely restored.

The body must be completely dry during the general cryotherapy procedure - moisture attracts liquid nitrogen, and its particles adhere firmly to the surface of the skin. Therefore, during the session, special attention is paid to protecting the face.

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What diseases does cryotherapy treat?

In addition to cosmetology, cryotherapy is also actively used in medicine: with the help of cold exposure, you can normalize blood circulation, improve metabolism and improve the health of the body as a whole, and increase immunity.

Cryotherapy can be prescribed for postoperative or post-traumatic rehabilitation, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, and diseases of the respiratory system.

Cryotherapy for diseases of the ENT organs

Most often, cryotherapy is prescribed for chronic diseases of the respiratory system: rhinitis (especially allergic rhinitis), tonsillitis and pharyngitis, helping to relieve soreness and dryness, and stage 1-2 adenoids. Cryotherapy is also used in cases where traditional drug treatment does not produce effective results. In addition, cryotherapy activates the immune system, which is very important if you are prone to colds. With cryotherapy, blood microcirculation improves, regeneration of damaged tissue increases, and swelling is relieved.

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia with lidocaine. Using a special device, the doctor applies liquid nitrogen to the pathological focus without affecting healthy tissue. In case of purulent discharge from the lacunae of the tonsils, treatment and rinsing with antiseptics is necessary before cryotherapy, after which you can begin the procedure itself.

Only an otolaryngologist can prescribe a cryotherapy procedure and only in the absence of contraindications, for example, pregnancy, acute respiratory viral infection, or furunculosis.

Azalia ShayakhmetovaDermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Cryotherapy for skin diseases

Cryotherapy is especially effective in the treatment of skin diseases such as various dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and post-acne. Exposure to liquid nitrogen relieves rashes and irritation, reduces itching, and reduces the area of ​​skin damage. By improving blood circulation and increasing immunity, skin cells regenerate faster and healing occurs faster. For extensive manifestations of the skin disease, a cryosauna is usually prescribed. If cold exposure is necessary on individual areas, for example when treating acne on the face, then liquid nitrogen is applied locally.

— A properly selected course of local cryotherapy significantly improves skin healing, increases tone, improves blood supply and skin nutrition. It is also very effective during post-traumatic and post-operative recovery,” says the dermatologist.

Cryotherapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Cold is useful in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, for example, arthritis and osteochondrosis, as well as inflammatory processes in the joints, for example, arthrosis of the knee joint.

Cryotherapy is one of the most effective procedures in the treatment of bone and joint pathologies. It increases blood circulation, eliminates muscle spasms, improves the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, reduces inflammation and has a powerful analgesic effect.

Azalia ShayakhmetovaDermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

In modern physiotherapy, various technologies for performing cold procedures are used: synthetic cryonics, massage with ice cubes, ice applications, cold bandages and bandages, local baths and cryogenic installations, etc. The procedure has few contraindications: Raynaud's disease, peripheral circulatory disorders, individual intolerance to cold and general contraindications to physiotherapy.

Features of the event

Cryotherapy does not mean that a person will freeze in the cold. Blood flow is activated, so the client feels comfortable, and the procedure takes little time. According to reviews, after the session you feel lightness and a burst of energy.

General cryotherapy takes place in a special sauna. The client's body is immersed up to the neck in a cold gas mixture with a temperature of minus 170°C. Session duration is from 1 to 3 minutes.

There are three types of local cryotherapy. In the first option, a cryoagent (usually liquid nitrogen) is used to treat a defect on the skin. The formation is instantly frozen and destroyed. After the procedure, a bubble appears, under which new healthy skin subsequently grows.

The second method of treatment is spraying cryospray onto the skin. This freezing lasts up to 20 seconds (depending on the area of ​​the site). Spraying sometimes has to be repeated. Tissue death and growth occur in the same way.

In the third option, liquid nitrogen is delivered to the affected area using a probe. This is the case when tumors are located deep in the layers of the skin. The spraying time lasts up to 90 seconds, it occurs in a targeted manner, aimed directly at damaged tissue, which guarantees a positive result.

Reviews from experts about cryotherapy

— Cryotherapy is a unique procedure where, with the help of cold, you can fight such common problems as hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, facial swelling, some forms of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and even demodicosis, which is especially difficult to treat. After cryomassage, the firmness and elasticity of the skin actually increases, its color and structure improve, dark circles under the eyes disappear, the rejuvenating effect is very noticeable due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in cells and the immunostimulating effect of cryotherapy, emphasizes dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist Azalia Shayakhmetova.

Benefits of cold treatment

Unlike other instrumental methods, cryotherapy:

  • does not violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, is non-invasive, and as a result there is no danger of contracting AIDS or hepatitis;
  • It is much easier to tolerate than traditional surgery, almost painless, and does not require expensive pain relief;
  • is bloodless, frozen pathological tissue is bloodlessly rejected in the process of natural restoration of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • provides a minimal risk of postoperative complications such as bleeding, formation of rough scars and adhesions in the delayed period;
  • does not require hospital stay, does not reduce the patient’s ability to work (with the exception of professions associated with hypothermia or heavy physical exertion);
  • gives a high cosmetic effect after wound healing;
  • helps stimulate lymphoid tissue to restore and improve the immune status of ENT tissues;
  • and most importantly, after cryodestruction, the mechanism of nonspecific and specific antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial immunity is launched. Autoimmunization (autovaccination) occurs due to the absorption of decay products of pathological tissue and bacterial particles into the bloodstream.

Today, doctors at the Lor Plus clinic, using the latest cold techniques, can help you and your baby get rid of frequent colds, acute respiratory viral infections, chronic runny noses, as well as recurrent sore throats and pharyngitis.

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