Review of Green Tea cream against age spots from a Chinese manufacturer

Pigmentation is the process of producing an increased amount of melanin as a result of a malfunction of melanocyte cells. Violations can be triggered by external and internal factors, most often the culprit is the sun. A cosmetic defect is not dangerous to the health of the skin, but it can spoil the appearance and provoke complexes. Chinese cream for age spots will help get rid of it.

Why Chinese creams are famous for their whitening properties

The snow-white, porcelain complexion of Chinese women is considered the standard of beauty of this country, and absolutely all ladies in the country strive to match it, using all kinds of recipes and preparations. Skin tone is not just beauty, it is a sign of social class. It is used to demonstrate lifestyle and status.

Cosmetics manufacturers know about the preferences of customers and produce care products that can whiten even the most pronounced freckles and age spots. They contain powerful but safe components.


The unique composition of the product not only fights pigmentation, but also improves the overall condition of the skin. The cream effectively eliminates freckles, vitiligo, lentigo, birthmarks, acne, and their consequences. Natural plant extracts improve water-lipid metabolism in the skin, increase its elasticity, enrich it with vitamins, enhance epidermal regeneration processes, and gently exfoliate pigmented areas. Read about the causes of pigmentation here.

The healing cream helps to even out the relief and color of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles and improve turgor. In addition, it has protective properties against exposure to sunlight.

Composition and method of application

The main purpose of Chinese anti-pigmentation creams is whitening. To effectively solve the problem, the drug must act as follows:

  • suppress the activity of melanocytes, which will stop producing melanin in large quantities;
  • protect from ultraviolet radiation;
  • cause peeling of the skin to remove dark spots and actively renew the dermis.

But active ingredients can have a negative effect on the skin, and the composition contains substances that fill cells with life-giving moisture, nourish, moisturize and soften.

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Lightening cream components:

  • Mandelic acid gently dissolves the top layer of the epidermis, improving blood circulation and nutrient penetration. It has a rejuvenating effect and supplies cells with oxygen. Suitable for all skin types. Approved for use during periods of active sun.
  • Green tea extract lightens pigmented areas, tones the skin, relieves inflammation, and restores hydrobalance.
  • Arbutin is a bleaching agent that eliminates the production of coloring matter.
  • Lactic acid causes peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis, cleanses of sebaceous impurities, eliminates inflammation, scar formation, and enhances the renewal process.
  • Rucinol helps whiten pigment and has a powerful effect.
  • Vitamin C (acid) reduces the activity of melanocytes, preventing the appearance of new colored areas and reducing the severity of existing ones.
  • Lemon extract, bearberry, aloe juice, mulberry, parsley extract, cucumber, yarrow leaves, angelica, bearberry, jojoba are plant substances of natural origin that can brighten and renew the dermis.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that evens out skin tone.
  • Hydroquinone is an effective dermis lightener.

Together, these substances in Chinese whitening creams quickly return the skin to an even tone, eliminate pigmentation and give a beautiful and healthy appearance.

Instructions for use:

  1. Do a skin test: Apply a small amount of cream to the spot and observe the reaction for two days. Some redness is normal.
  2. Remove dirt and cosmetics.
  3. Rub the mixture onto your damp face and onto the affected areas.
  4. It is better to use at night.
  5. In the morning, rinse off any remaining residue with water and cleanser and moisturize.

The instructions for use must contain instructions regarding the duration of the course of treatment.

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Customer Reviews

Ekaterina from Moscow used Green Tea cosmetics for pigmentation and shared her opinion: “It really whitens, removes rashes, and after using it, the pores narrowed, the functioning of the sebaceous glands normalized, the skin became matte without an oily sheen. I was pleased with the inexpensive price of the cream, but finding it on sale is not so easy.” Svetlana from St. Petersburg: “After using the Green Tea product, the spots lightened significantly, and the skin immediately took on a healthy look, but as soon as I went to the sea, the pigmentation returned again.”

Review of Chinese whitening creams

A dermatologist or cosmetologist will help you choose the right whitening cream or ointment. Chinese drugs are effective and inexpensive, they are often used as substitutes for well-known medicinal brands.

Popular whitening products from China:

  • Qian Li. The manufacturer promises to lighten pigmentation in just 7 days. Effective in the fight against freckles, wrinkles, acne scars, age spots. It has a direct effect on melanin and prevents its production.
  • YINNI Green tea. The package contains two products at once: for day and night use. Causes peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, stops the production of coloring matter, eliminates numerous cosmetic defects, and stimulates metabolic processes in cells.
  • Cainiya. The active cream preparation allows you to quickly and safely lighten even the brightest spots on the face.
  • Dimore. One of the most famous and affordable products on the Chinese market. Provides pigment removal due to its dissolution with plant extracts. The active ingredients are pearl powder, ginseng extract and nucleic acid.

Not a single pharmacy in Russia sells these creams; they can only be purchased through online stores.

Contraindications and side effects

Anti-pigmentation creams can be bought at various cosmetic stores, even pharmacies. But you should definitely consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist, because such drugs have side effects and a number of contraindications.

The component previously used in whitening creams is hydrochion.
It is toxic, absorbed into the blood and is very harmful to the body, although it effectively and permanently removes pigmentation. It was previously used, but is now banned in almost all countries of the world. Cosmetologists have come up with new products that have an equally fast and effective effect. However, some little-known companies use hydrochion to get you high quickly due to its fast and effective effect. Therefore, when choosing a whitening cream for yourself, you need to make sure that such a component is not there.
If the cream contains mercury, it is contraindicated for people with kidney and liver problems, as well as expectant and nursing mothers. There are general contraindications. Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use them. There may also be contraindications - individual allergic reactions to the drug. To check this, you need to test the product on your hand and wait a day. If there are no reactions, then it can be used.

Find out what is special about natural creams using the provided link.

When choosing cosmetics, you must undergo an examination by a dermatologist.

Side effects

Side effects from using whitening creams may include:

  • photosensitivity;
  • inflammation;
  • irritation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • other serious problems that may result in complications.

Before purchasing, you should study this list of side remedies to decide whether the positive effect is worth the trouble.


Hydrochion is an active substance in many little-known cosmetic products . It is effective, but causes irritation, burning, tingling, and, if used frequently, burns. It is better not to use it if the pigmentation is weak. Also, if hydrochion is in a preparation with a concentration of 2%, this is also acceptable. Sometimes a dermatologist may prescribe the use of a cream with a concentration of 4%, but this is in extremely rare cases when the rest no longer helps.

The use of a product containing dangerous hydrochion is permitted only by a dermatologist; it is prohibited to prescribe it to yourself. It is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. And one more thing: if the cream with the composition of the substance has been stored for more than two years, it is better not to use it.

Read what atopic skin is in this material.

If the skin is dry, cracked or irritated, the use of hydrochion will only increase its side effects and spread infection and age spots throughout the face.


This is also a fairly effective remedy, but it is prohibited in all countries except Asia. It often happens that women, using such cosmetic creams, encounter poisonous mercury vapors. The consequences can be different: from irritation to burns and diseases. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such a remedy, because it is prohibited and is necessary only in cases of increased complications of pigmentation.


Thanks to it, all the components included in anti-pigmentation creams are well absorbed into the skin. At first glance, this is good, because many are convinced that then the cream will work faster and more effectively. In fact, this is not true. Thanks to tretinoin, irritation and burning may occur, and in the worst case, contact dermatitis.

How to find an effective remedy for pigmentation

When choosing a Chinese whitening cream or ointment, always read consumer reviews. The most famous place of sale is the Aliexpress website, where you can see customer reviews from different countries and seller ratings. If you have any doubts, immediately refuse the purchase.

Open the jar and sniff, the smell should be pleasant and natural.

Cosmetics should not contain coloring components, fragrances or foreign chemicals. Please read the instructions and packaging carefully.

Do a test: the ideal drug does not cause itching or rash.

How to use it correctly

  1. Before purchasing, you need to check how the body reacts to this product . To do this, take a sample, apply it on the bend of the elbow and wait a day.
  2. Before application, be sure to cleanse the skin with a special gel or other product.
  3. In summer you need to use sunscreen against age spots.
  4. After achieving results, you should immediately stop using the product to reduce the risk of severe side effects.

The result of using bleaching agents for age spots.

Contraindications for use

It is prohibited to use Chinese remedies if:

  • there is an allergy to the components of the drug;
  • the skin is highly sensitive;
  • there are inflamed areas and open wounds;
  • oncological neoplasms.

Doctors do not recommend lightening your skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

China is a country where whiteness and well-groomed skin of the face and body are valued. It is here that the most powerful preparations for whitening and removing dark pigmented areas are produced. Chinese face cream can restore an even tone in a short period of time; not a single spot can remain on your skin. But when deciding to buy the drug, be vigilant and carefully choose the seller and the product. Carefully check the cream for safety and allergenicity.

What's included

Creams against age spots do not just mask them, but suppress their release on the surface of the skin. This process occurs thanks to a specially selected composition. For the cream to be of high quality and effective, it must include the following components:

  • tocopherol – prevents the appearance of new pigmentations;
  • Tretinol – accelerates the process of skin restoration, helps other components be absorbed faster through the pores;
  • vitamin C – helps the rapid healing of problem areas where the chemical bleaching process took place;
  • Rucinol – promotes whitening of stains;
  • arbutin - a component especially for sensitive and problematic skin, protects against the strong effects of bleaching agents;
  • gluconic acid – has a whitening effect, enhances the effect of the drug;
  • kojic acid – removes stains well, but can cause an allergic reaction;
  • beta-carotene – acts against the appearance of pigmentation;
  • hydrochion - quickly and effectively removes stains, but is toxic and dangerous.


  1. Pigmentation on the body can appear due to hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, sun exposure, and pregnancy.
  2. During pregnancy, you can use bleaching products, but with extreme caution.
  3. There are special creams to eliminate pigmentation.
  4. Dangerous components: hydrochion and tretinoin.
  5. There are several types of products: daytime, sunscreen, nighttime and pharmacy.
  6. Popular brands of whitening creams: L'Oreal, Garnier, Biocon.
  7. The shelf life depends directly on compliance with the storage conditions of the drug.
  8. There are strong side effects from using the cream.
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