The meaning and rules of applying night cream to the skin

Women of different ages use different face creams to keep their skin looking healthy, radiant and smooth. With careful care, you can preserve the freshness, youth and beauty of your skin for many years. And the most important task of the skin is to protect the body from foreign substances.

According to some representatives of the fair sex, the use of night cream is optional. They are confident that the skin needs rest and complete calm at night. This opinion is incorrect, because at night the skin cells are activated and restored, and we need to help them in every possible way in this difficult matter.

The night cream contains a huge amount of active substances, and therefore its texture is denser than that of the day cream. Thanks to these active substances, the night cream renews, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.


Be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed. Clogged pores can lead to various cosmetic problems such as acne and dull complexion and premature aging. After the makeup remover procedure, wash with gel or foam to remove residual makeup.

Use and application rules

Before applying the cream, you need to cleanse your face with milk and rinse with warm water. Apply night cream to your skin 1-2 hours before going to bed. This is the time when the muscles are mobile and the cream can be absorbed normally. And if you go to bed immediately after applying it, the muscles relax, microcirculation is disrupted, and by the morning swelling may occur, especially around the eyes.

Special night creams are used for dry skin that absorbs a sufficient amount of oil, because it cannot produce the required amount of oil on its own. They are also used during the period when the epidermis has become temporarily dry due to illness or negative environmental influences.

Important: Remember that night products for dry and temporarily dry skin are different products.

For excessively dry skin, concentrated creams prepared without water and based on vegetable oils are suitable.

For temporarily dry skin, choose a cream that is not very rich, does not create a protective film on the dermis and contains restorative ingredients along with nutrients.

Applying night cream should be a thin layer, since a thick layer will lead to stagnation of heat and become an obstacle to sweating. For good absorption of the cream, it is advisable that your palms are sufficiently warm; you can, for example, rub them against each other. After five minutes, blot off the residue with a napkin. In addition, dermatologists support the opinion that a cream that has a lot of excess is decomposed by bacteria. This leads to skin irritation. Combination skin sometimes also needs such a cream. But it needs to be applied to dry areas.

After using night creams correctly in the morning, you should notice that your skin is tightened and elastic. Tight skin is nourished with oxygen, vitamins, and collagen. With proper use of night cream, your skin will gradually smooth out and become silky.

Night care rules

  • Use creams as intended It is no coincidence that manufacturers create separate evening and day creams. They have a different set of components and properties. For example, retinol or AHA are suitable for the skin at night, but during the day they can cause problems, including pigmentation. Night cosmetics are responsible for relaxation and detox. Therefore, you should never replace night cream with day cream and vice versa.
  • Apply correctly Any night care product must be applied no later than an hour before bedtime and only on clean skin. To complement your skin care routine, choose a nourishing, caring lip balm that will hydrate and repair while you sleep.
  • Don't overdo it If you apply too much night cream to your face, you may notice puffiness in the morning. 15 minutes after applying the cream, blot your face with a napkin to remove excess.
  • After 30 - night cream is necessary. The fact is that the older our skin, the less its ability to renew itself, so after the age of 30 you cannot do without night cream. At night, the skin rests, so it is ready to absorb the restorative active ingredients as much as possible. Night face cream 36+ line Self-rejuvenation brand Black Pearl does an excellent job of taking care of the skin at night.
  • Products from the same line In skin care, give preference to products from the same line, so all the beneficial properties of each product will complement each other, increasing the effect of use. You should not apply two different brands of products at the same time: for example, serum and cream, this can lead to an allergic reaction, since the concentration of active ingredients in night care products is higher.
  • Healthy sleep No matter how trivial it may sound, the main thing in night skin care is a healthy 7-8 hour sleep. The better your night's rest, the younger and more beautiful your skin will be. In addition, try to create the most comfortable conditions in the bedroom: if it is too hot or cold, the skin will be stressed, which will affect the quality of its renewal and morning glow. An uncomfortable pillow can also lead to problems with the skin of the face, the appearance of folds or wrinkles. To prevent your skin from drying out during the winter, purchase a humidifier. This will help not dry out the skin.

How to apply night cream correctly?

Night cream is applied to perfectly clean skin after removing makeup. As a rule, you should apply the cream after taking a shower or cleansing your face with a special product. Once your skin is dry, take a small amount and apply it evenly with your fingers onto dry skin. Pay special attention to dry areas and don't forget to apply the cream to your neck.

Take this moment to massage your face: apply gentle pressure to the muscles to relax them and activate blood circulation. Perform slow and relaxing movements in this way. Use all fingers to massage to evenly distribute the product over the skin of the face and ensure a drainage effect. Gently massage your face until the night cream is completely absorbed.

What is day cream

In simple terms, day cream is a kind of clothing for the skin of the face. It is applied to protect delicate skin from exposure to wind, cold or high temperatures and harmful environmental factors.

Day cream always has a light, almost weightless texture. So light that the product can be applied under makeup.

A good cream intended for daytime use always contains SPF. This product is a godsend for use in the summer. In fact, it is better to apply it not only in hot weather or on days when the sun is in the sky. The skin needs cream with SPF even when it is -20 degrees outside, because the sun is still active.

Daytime cosmetics also contain moisturizing components that nourish the skin.

Massage lines

Regardless of what products you apply to your skin, it is important to follow the main rule - apply them along massage lines. Thanks to this, the skin practically does not stretch, collagen is not damaged, the skin is toned, and cramped facial muscles relax.

Let's start with the forehead. Massage lines on the forehead come from the bridge of the nose and, like the rays of the sun, are directed upward and to the sides from the center to the hairline.

Then we move on to the eyes. Above the upper eyelid, massage lines run from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and from there along the lower eyelid back to the inner corner.

Apply cream to the nose from bottom to top. From the wings of the nose, the area above the lip and chin, we move along the cheeks up to the ears.

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The most effective technique for applying cream, oil or serum.

  1. Apply a small amount of product to your palms.
  2. Rub your palms to warm and distribute the product evenly.
  3. First, apply a small amount to your cheekbones, moving from the sides of your nose to your ears.
  4. Then move from the middle of the forehead up to the hairline and temples.
  5. Along the neck from top to bottom.
  6. On the sides of the neck, we move our hands back, down and back. This results in a circular motion.
  7. Don't forget the chin. Also with stroking movements towards the ears.
  8. Be sure to massage the product onto your ears. Stretch your entire ear thoroughly, twirl the earlobes.


The results depend on the right choice of night cream.

Read reviews of new products from manufacturers and choose your favorites. Choose creams based on your age. For example, lifting and enhanced rejuvenation are not suitable for young girls. When choosing, consider your skin type. The packaging indicates what skin type this cream is intended for. Read the ingredients carefully. If you find only chemicals there, discard such creams. Night creams contain vitamins, water, glycerin, collagen, chamomile, ceramides, coenzyme Q10 and other beneficial substances. By the way, coenzyme Q10 is a powerful protection against wrinkles. It is advisable that both night and day creams be from the same manufacturer. It is better to choose night creams not in jars, but in tubes with dispenser tips. The likelihood of bacteria entering them is much less. If you are using night products for the first time, it is better to check for an allergic reaction: to do this, apply a little cream on your wrist and watch the skin reaction.

How to choose the right cosmetic product

In order to choose a suitable night cream, you should decide on the condition of the skin on your face and the desired effect. Recommendations when selecting a cosmetic product:

  • for oily skin types, creams with an airy texture or light emulsions containing vitamins and zinc oxide, which prevent inflammation on the skin, are ideal;
  • dry skin type requires purchasing a nourishing cream containing Lecithin, Cholesterol, and vitamins to smooth out wrinkles;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles implies the use of a thick consistency cream containing a ceramide peptide complex;
  • after the age of 35, it is preferable to use cosmetics containing collagen, which is responsible for the softness and elasticity of the skin;
  • The 45–50 year old category involves choosing a cream with components that ensure skin restoration at this age.

If you have problematic skin, you should contact a qualified cosmetologist who will suggest an effective and safe cosmetic product!

Types of face creams

Face creams come in different types and purposes: moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating, protective and others. But the selection of the necessary cream is carried out based on 3 main parameters:

  1. Age
  2. Skin type and problems (for example, age-related changes)
  3. Daily skin needs in accordance with circadian rhythms

It is the last point that explains why creams are divided into day and night. What are circadian rhythms?

Tips for correct use

It is recommended to apply the cream using a cosmetic spatula to prevent the growth of bacteria in the jar

Even a very high-quality and well-balanced night cream may not bring the expected result due to its illiterate use, so study the following advice from experts:

  • the product can penetrate the skin only if it is thoroughly and deeply cleansed, that is, before applying the cream, the face must be cleansed of cosmetics and other daily contaminants. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, cosmetologists recommend first applying a scrub to the skin or steaming the skin over a herbal decoction;
  • apply the product correctly - exclusively along the main massage lines without stretching or increased friction of the skin, using light, sliding, gentle movements from the center of the face to the periphery;
  • night cream is applied no later than 2 hours before going to bed. Its remnants must be removed with a dry cloth half an hour after application;
  • the use of such a product must be regular, that is, you must use it every evening, without exception, for at least 2 months. After this, you will need to replace the cream to prevent the epidermis from getting used to it.

The difference between young skin and mature skin

Unfavorable environmental conditions help to protect young skin. Girls are recommended to use a product with antioxidant protection and use creams with nourishing and moisturizing functions.

For mature skin, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise using creams that fight wrinkles, sagging, pale color, pigmentation and other age-related imperfections.

The concentrated composition and rich texture of creams penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis of mature skin and restores them.

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