How to use green corrector. Application technique

Ideal skin without rashes, inflammation and pigmentation is the dream of every woman. But what to do if a pimple suddenly appears or freckles appear? Don't panic. Even with these “surprises” you can achieve a beautiful, even complexion. And an unusual camouflage product will help with this - green face corrector.

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Why you need a green face corrector and how to use it correctly - this is exactly what we will talk about in our next review.

How to use green corrector. Application technique

Using green concealer is the first step in applying makeup.
Apply a small amount of day cream to a cleansed face. Distributing concealer over moisturized skin is much faster. If you have oily skin and you are afraid that your makeup will “float” and redness will become noticeable again, use a mattifying fluid. The corrector can emphasize wrinkles; this unwanted “bonus” will be especially noticeable on dry skin. To avoid this, replace your regular face cream with a makeup base with a toning effect. Such products usually contain caffeine, glycolic acid or menthol - these components have instant tightening properties. Do not try to apply concealer over foundation or powder - green pigments will not be absorbed into the skin, so your face will have colored streaks.

The product in a stick or pencil is too hard to use for sponge application. It is used in stroke-like movements - for example, for the area around the eyes, two or three “strokes” are enough. To mask isolated rashes and burst blood vessels, place a fat “blot” dot at the site of redness.

Blend it thoroughly with your fingers, only lightly touching, never rubbing the green concealer into the skin. The compact version requires mixing dry powder with a small amount of transparent makeup base - it greatly enhances the toning effect. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas using a wide flat brush or an applicator with a beveled edge. If the redness is too big, add a little yellow or light orange concealer.

Some correctors have a drying and antibacterial effect. In order for the healing components to act and penetrate the skin, replace the washing gel with a scrub - it will open the pores, clearing them of dirt and excess sebum. Before applying makeup, wait a few minutes for better absorption.

After color correction is complete, take your regular foundation. If dark circles under your eyes bother you, use a cream half a tone lighter than usual to eliminate them - this will refresh your face and hide bruises. For use in a “duet” with a color corrector, a tone in the form of a cream or gel is suitable. This way you can change the density of the masking and the thickness of the coating on individual areas of the face. You will have to put aside the highlighter and any other cream with reflective particles: the radiance will emphasize the unnatural bulge left after masking the pimple.

Do you want to see how the concealer works in advance to assess the importance of such a purchase, or are you on a budget? A practical and economical option is green matte shadows, without shimmer or pearlescent. Use them as you would a regular dry concealer.

Types of green concealer

Green concealer is available in several formats:

  • liquid ─ lies on the skin with the thinnest airy layer and is very easy to shade, leaving behind a velvety finish that is not felt at all on the face;
  • creamy in a stick, tube, palette or jar ─ helps create a more durable medium-density coverage;
  • dense ─ this concealer provides dense coverage and is best suited for professional correction of skin defects. May be in the form of a jar or palette.

Green concealer before and after. What is green corrector for and how to use it?

Every woman undoubtedly dreams of an even, beautiful complexion without dark circles and visible defects. This is an ideal base for makeup, and even without additional cosmetics it looks very gentle and attractive. Alas, the peculiarities of modern life, one way or another, affect our skin: dark circles under the eyes appear from lack of sleep, from poor nutrition and lifestyle, the skin becomes dull and loses its natural shine, and acne and other troubles appear from the activity of bacteria. To visually brighten up all these imperfections, products called correctors, which come in different colors, help. Let's find out why green corrector is needed and how exactly it should be used.

What does green color corrector cover up?

Green concealer is one of the most commonly used products as it helps combat redness. We're not just talking about acne, but also insect bites, allergic skin manifestations, sunburn marks and even red spider veins in areas with very thin skin. Many people are scared by the original color of the product, and they avoid it, however, this is a big omission. This corrector does not leave streaks of pronounced color; it creates a light haze that neutralizes the red range of tones. Makeup with green corrector is an option for those who want to look flawless.

On the shelves you can find correctors in multi-color palettes, in compact packaging (like powder), in the form of a pencil or lipstick stick. Taking into account the peculiarities of using a personalized green corrector, it is most convenient to use forms that allow you to apply the product pointwise.

How to use green face corrector

To get a truly impressive effect, it is important to use the product correctly, so the most pressing question is how exactly to apply green concealer to your face? Application should be done with your fingers, a synthetic makeup brush, or using the packaging form itself. The layer should be as thin as possible and it is important to carefully shade the edges to create a natural and imperceptible color transition. Don't worry if the redness remains a little visible, because later makeup involves applying foundation and powder, which will remove residual redness.

When using a green corrective agent, you should consider the following rules:

  • application should be carried out with light, driving movements;
  • Spot application is recommended to mask specific skin defects, rather than large-scale;
  • Never use the product in the area under the eyes - in combination with the green color, the bruises will acquire a pronounced purple tint;
  • Do not overdo it with the use of the product, otherwise in sunlight the skin will have a green shimmer. You need to apply the corrector wisely, applying a thin layer and blending thoroughly - then such problems will not arise.

The procedure for masking acne is necessary for any girl from time to time. To ensure that the defect is not noticeable at all, everything needs to be done correctly, and this video will help with this. The author reveals the most valuable secrets for high-quality masking of inflammation on the face using a corrector.

Manufacturers of green acne correctors

Choosing a good corrector is not an easy task, because there are a lot of manufacturers of such products and each product has its own specific characteristics. A high-quality product at an affordable price can be purchased from Avon, the Belarusian manufacturer Relouis, Oriflame, Kriolan, Letual, MAS, etc.

However, it is impossible to determine only by the manufacturer which product will be ideal for you; you need to select it experimentally, relying primarily on the condition of your skin, since dry and oily dermis will require completely different correctors. When choosing a corrective agent, in addition to the manufacturer, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. best before date;
  2. release forms (pencil, palette, etc.);
  3. texture;
  4. the need for additional tools for application.

Alina: I didn’t use any kind of correctors – L’Oreal, Estelle, and MAS, I didn’t like anything – I couldn’t disguise my acne, for the life of me! The problem was solved after a makeup course - it turns out I applied the product incorrectly. Now I use a simple concealer from Avon - inexpensive and effective.

Margarita: I always passed by green correctors, because it seemed to me that I definitely wouldn’t apply this to my face. I had my makeup done for my wedding, and I saw that the makeup artist also used this product. After some questioning, I saw a real effect, and now this is an indispensable product in my cosmetic bag!

Alina: I buy correctors from Letual with a radiant effect, I’m happy with everything. Easy to apply and covers pimples well.


Alina: I didn’t use any kind of correctors – L’Oreal, Estelle, and MAS, I didn’t like anything – I couldn’t disguise my acne, for the life of me! The problem was solved after a makeup course - it turns out I applied the product incorrectly. Now I use a simple concealer from Avon - inexpensive and effective.

Margarita: I always passed by green correctors, because it seemed to me that I definitely wouldn’t apply this to my face. I had my makeup done for my wedding, and I saw that the makeup artist also used this product. After some questioning, I saw a real effect, and now this is an indispensable product in my cosmetic bag!

Alina: I buy correctors from Letual with a radiant effect, I’m happy with everything. Easy to apply and covers pimples well.

Face corrector

Our skin is often exposed to the adverse effects of the external environment and certain internal factors, but nevertheless, every representative of the fair sex wants to look perfect. To disguise the imperfections of the dermis, there is a corrector for the face. Let's take a closer look at this tool and how to use it correctly, as well as its features and advantages.

What it is?

Most of the fairer sex confuse cosmetics, especially when it comes to concealer. It is worth noting that this remedy gives a more therapeutic effect. It contains salicylic acid. It is with its help that minor imperfections in the dermis are eliminated and skin rashes are dried out. The drug is often used to eliminate acne and blemishes. Accordingly, it should be applied to the surface of the skin pointwise.

Corrector is often confused with concealer. The latter substance has a light and delicate texture that helps smooth and even out the tone of the dermis. With this tool you can also model the oval of your face. This cosmetic product can be applied to large areas, such as the chin, forehead, nose, etc.

What these products have in common is a wide range of colors. You will be able to purchase the product that is suitable specifically for your dermis and will help to effectively mask its imperfections. Also, the corrector should be applied to the face before applying foundation.

Features and Benefits

Correcting the dermis using this product is quite simple. All you have to do is buy this same corrector. It can be a pencil, a tube, a bottle - it comes in different forms. In this case, the funds have the following features:

  • Well masks skin unevenness, acne, blemishes. You can create the perfect makeup quickly and easily.
  • Wide range of goods. Modern manufacturers offer fashionistas a wide variety of corrector options. You can also choose your own product that you like. This can be a dry pencil corrector or an oil-based product. Everything will depend on the structure that suits you.
  • Acceptable price of the goods. For many buyers, this indicator is a significant factor. You can choose a model that will fit your budget. However, remember that quality products will not be too cheap. If you are offered to buy such a product, you should suspect a counterfeit.
  • Availability . If you wish, you can purchase the product at any professional store. In this case, carefully select the shade of the substance. It should blend perfectly with your skin to hide imperfections.
  • High quality product. Each palette will help you quickly and effectively deal with your problem. The main thing is to choose the product that really suits you.
  • Convenience and ease of use. The product is very easy to use. It is enough to precisely apply the cosmetic product to problem areas.
  • Comfortable packaging. Often, correctors come in convenient packaging that is quite compact. You can take the corrector with you to work, on a business trip, traveling, etc. You can use this item at any time.
  • A high-quality cosmetic product will only give you a great mood and positive emotions. You will see that your face has become perfect and you will feel more confident. This will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Release forms

A cosmetic product can have different appearances. What exactly to choose is up to you, since it all depends on personal preferences and convenience.

  1. Stick or pencil. This option is considered more practical. It is convenient to carry with you, you don’t need special brushes, and sometimes shading is not necessary at all: the shape allows you to apply the product onto the skin as evenly and accurately as possible.
  2. Cream. Creates a denser coverage that perfectly hides redness. But in this case you will definitely need an additional brush or small sponge.
  3. Liquid. This form is loved for its weightless texture and ease of application. The layer is spread evenly over the surface of the skin and blends well.
  4. Dry. More intended for those who rarely experience redness, but they also need to be hidden. This is also the optimal form for those with oily skin: the dry version additionally mattifies.

You can often find salicylic acid, herbal supplements and moisturizing ingredients in green concealer. Sometimes the product has bactericidal properties.

Choose lightweight concealers that contain predominantly natural substances. These options apply easily and allow the skin to breathe.

How to use pencil corrector. How is corrector different from concealer?


Corrector and concealer are foundations that are often confused with each other. And there are several reasons for this: firstly, they actually partially duplicate each other’s functions. Secondly, some cosmetics manufacturers do not distinguish between these categories, releasing one product to disguise all minor skin imperfections - and call it either a concealer or a corrector. But in fact there is a difference between them.


The concealer is designed primarily to cover larger areas of the face: to hide dark circles and dark circles under the eyes. The corrector can also be used for this purpose, but it best copes with more serious local imperfections: masking pimples, acne marks, small scars.


The concealer has a lighter texture and the shade is closer to the natural skin tone. At the same time, the corrector can be either nude or colored: yellow, green, orange and even purple (we will tell you more about the functions of this category of products below).


The corrector dries out the skin, while the concealer, on the contrary, contains moisturizing components.


The concealer's covering power is not that high, so covering up a pimple with it will be problematic. But the corrector, due to its dense and thicker texture, copes with this task easily.



The corrector is applied before the foundation (or instead of it), and the concealer is applied on top.

You can read more about the functions and features of the concealer in this material.

How to choose a green concealer?

Main selection criteria:

  • hue saturation;
  • taking into account the skin type (mattifying effect, moisturizing, bactericidal, therapeutic and others);
  • texture (thick, creamy, liquid);
  • level of resistance;
  • brand and price.

Green concealer is a practical cosmetic product that will help even out your tone, disguise various types of redness and bring your makeup to perfection.

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Foundation for aging skin: rating

Faberlic green face concealer. Let's look at the colors of face correctors

Face correctors, like makeup bases, came to us from the professional sphere. They are used to disguise skin imperfections: dark circles under the eyes, pimples and redness. As a rule, foundation has a light texture and evens out the complexion. The corrector, on the contrary, is made with a denser texture. It can be used to correct skin with pigmentation, freckles and other problems.

The Faberlic assortment includes 4 colors of face correctors:

1. Green face corrector neutralizes redness, helps hide pimples and their marks, inflammation and irritation on the skin.

2. Pearl face corrector brightens and models the relief of the face. Special pigments based on miki (cosmetic mother-of-pearl) create a “highlighting” effect, making the skin look smoother, silkier and more perfect.

3. Yellow face corrector disguises dark circles under the eyes, bruises and veins.

4. Lilac face corrector masks age spots, reliably hides signs of fatigue, brown contour around the eyes, yellowness, refreshes the face.

Terms of use

Now let’s talk about how to apply the corrector correctly, because the final result largely depends on this. So:

  1. Before using the corrector, the skin of the face must be cleansed and cream applied. You definitely need to wait until the care products are absorbed, otherwise you risk getting streaks.
  2. Only reddened areas, rashes and pimples need to be covered with “green camouflage”. Afterwards, do not forget to carefully shade it to smooth out the transition between the natural tone and the corrector.
  3. The foundation is applied on top. You can do without powder, but it will allow the product to stay on the skin longer.
  4. In addition to its direct purpose, green concealer can also be used to disguise small expression wrinkles. This is possible thanks to the light texture that does not get caught in folds.
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