Application of Cream F 99 and reviews of cosmetologists about its use

In your search for the ideal skin care product, you can come across numerous reviews of “F-99 Bold Face Cream” from women and cosmetologists. They talk about this remedy both admiringly and negatively. The cream has an attractively low price and is enriched with vitamins, but it is not suitable for every woman.

The cosmeceutical product is available in two forms: full-fat and semi-bold creams. The latter has a lighter consistency and can be used for women with combination and oily facial skin types.

Composition, release form

The cream is produced by JSC Strelets. The main components of the cosmetic product are unsaturated fatty acids. The predominant amount is linoleic. Initially, the product was intended for the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Later, women began to use the product to eliminate dryness, increase elasticity, and smoothness of the skin.


  • Omega-3 fatty acid esters;
  • purified water;
  • milk thistle oil;
  • sunflower vegetable oil;
  • wax;
  • glycerol;
  • cosmetic stearin;
  • Lanet D;
  • chemical compounds.

Reviews about the use of cream “Vitamin “F99”

I hasten to share a review of the cream that I bought yesterday. After giving birth, the skin on my hands became very bad. Your hands are constantly in the water, with small children, and I have twins, you constantly wash your butts, your nipples, your toys, your bottles, and you constantly wash your hands. The skin on my hands became very dry, flaky, and the initial signs of atopic dermatitis appeared. Yesterday morning I saw that several skin cracks appeared on my fingers, they began to hurt. I got scared, ran to the pharmacy, showed it to the pharmacist, she recommended me the cream “Vitamin F99”, semi-fat. I came home and started applying this cream after every contact with water. This morning my cracks have already healed. The dryness went away, and only a day passed. The cream is very effective. They make it in Moscow. LLC Scientific and Production Laboratory "Strelets".


Within 2 weeks, I also felt as if I had touched magic. This cheap cream costs only 100 rubles. 50 ml literally in the first 2 applications refreshed the skin very much, even tightened it (and the oval of the face too), within a week it proved that it is really quite effective in the fight against acne, small and large (although it will not remove them quickly and completely - don’t expect this magic ). I thought: “God, my problem with the budget and spending on cosmetics is solved!” And then the 3rd week of using the cream ended, and my skin began to become very dry, flaky, and pimples appeared where I usually don’t have them. There was a severe addiction to the components of the cream and their rejection, as with the constant use of any intense, potent agents, especially medical ones. No, I haven’t taken any pills for a long time. Dryness happens, but in such a striking form, the skin reaction could not simply be a consequence of processes in the body.


My review today is about a pharmaceutical cream for 117 rubles in an unremarkable package. I learned about it thanks to Airek, and, despite my conflicting feelings, I am grateful to everyone who wrote reviews about it. With the help of F99, I was able to quickly get rid of annoying persistent spots of dermatitis, flaking, excessive dryness and noticeably improved the condition of my skin.


Cream “Vitamin “F99” is used for various cosmetic and medicinal purposes: smoothing wrinkles, eliminating dryness, removing acne and dermatitis, etc. Its effectiveness is explained by the substances that are included in the composition - unsaturated fatty acids of vitamin F. But it is important to remember that the product is medicinal, so it cannot be used on an ongoing basis or instead of a regular cream.

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Description of the product

Vitamin F is a compound of unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and arachidonic. The name of the vitamin comes from the English Fat, which means fat. Data

substances are considered important for the functioning of the entire organism, including epidermal cells. Unsaturated fatty acids are found in animal fat and vegetable oils - sunflower, soybean, flaxseed, olive, corn, peanut. Doctors are confident that vitamin F deficiency provokes the appearance of acne and dermatological diseases, for example, eczema. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are used for acne, diathesis, and pigment spots of various origins. The drug F 99 eliminates vitamin deficiency, improves skin condition, and prevents the emergence of new problems.

Cream F 99 protects the skin from the negative effects of external factors, helps to quickly cope with damage, wounds, abrasions, burns, and stimulates the regeneration process.

Medicinal properties

Due to the naturalness of the components, F99 cream is used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action:

  • Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • The cream treats and prevents skin cracking.
  • It has a regenerating effect, which increases the rate of healing of any damage to the integument and other injuries.
  • Saturates the skin with vitamins, which is important in the autumn-winter period.
  • Softens, moisturizes and tones the skin.

  • Copes with dryness, itching and flaking of the skin.
  • With regular use, it prevents age-related and sun pigmentation.
  • Provides skin protection from adverse internal factors and environmental influences.

Bold and rich cream

The cream is available in 2 forms - bold and semi-bold. The composition of the active components is similar. It differs in liquid content, which makes the product less greasy and increases the absorption rate. This feature is associated with use on different parts of the body, by people of different ages.

  1. Oily cream is indicated for dry skin with pronounced defects. Use on different parts of the body for medicinal purposes is allowed. Therapy should be started after consultation with specialists.
  2. The semi-oily cream is intended for hypersensitive facial skin, children's epidermis, normal and combination skin types. Suitable for daily use. Most often used for cosmetic purposes.

Initially, it is recommended to start using vitamin F 99 with a semi-fat cream to see the body’s reaction.

What is it used for?

Manufacturers indicate in the instructions that the product is intended for dry, hypersensitive skin prone to irritation.


  • antipruritic effect;
  • antiallergic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • epithelializing;
  • regenerating.

A direct contraindication for use is:

  1. neurodermatitis;
  2. weeping eczema;
  3. atopic dermatitis;
  4. leg ulcers;
  5. burns;
  6. cracks in the skin;
  7. furunculosis;
  8. milk scab;
  9. wounds after surgery.

The cream prevents scarring, helps get rid of acne marks, pimples, evens out the relief and tone of the face.

Instructions for use

The rules for using the drug differ depending on the purpose of use - medicinal, cosmetic.

Therapy of dermatological pathologies:

  • Apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the body or apply a bandage
  • The procedure is done twice a day.
  • The duration of therapy is 3 days without consulting a doctor; if there is no improvement, you should see a specialist. Extend therapy to 10 days.
  • The dressing is changed as the medicine dries.

Use for cosmetic purposes:

  1. Clean the skin of cosmetics with cleansing gel and milk.

  2. Dry with napkins.
  3. Apply the cream in a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Particular attention is paid to problem areas.
  4. You can use it twice a day until the desired result is achieved.
  5. If the skin lesions are severe - wounds, cracks, it is recommended to lubricate them up to 4 times a day.

For preventive purposes, it can be used for facial skin once a week, preferably before bedtime. In this case, the skin will receive adequate nutrition and there will be no deficiency of vitamin F 99. As for the treatment of dermatological diseases, the cream is used in combination with other drugs. Because the skin suffers from a lack of vitamin throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish it not only outside, but also inside.

Action of the cream

Thanks to the unique composition and carefully selected components, the effect of the cream is felt after the first use.

  • heals cracks;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • makes the skin smooth, velvety;
  • evens out tone;
  • eliminates age spots;
  • eliminates previous traces of acne and pimples;
  • quickly restores the skin after burns;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • stimulates the smoothing of scars, prevents scarring after operations; eliminates rough skin on the elbows and knees;
  • relieves allergic skin reactions after using detergents;
  • increases skin immunity and resistance to external factors.

The drug does not clog pores. Can be used in the cold season, in summer. Absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film. For dry skin, especially in winter, use as a base for makeup.

What do they say about the drug?

The F99 cream rightfully deserves positive reviews. Almost all consumers note its medicinal properties, claiming that the drug perfectly softens dry skin, promotes the healing of cracks, is quickly absorbed and does not contaminate pores. You can also find neutral opinions, but they are left by people for whom the product was not suitable due to individual intolerance.

Despite the safe composition, experts say that before independent use, it is still necessary to consult a dermatologist, because only he can advise the patient which type of drug is suitable for him in this case.

Be healthy!

Who is it suitable for?

The cream in its two varieties can be used by people of both sexes, regardless of age. The drug is suitable for absolutely everyone with existing indications for use.

Helps against burns in summer, frostbite in winter. Saves from dryness, flaking, redness. Perfect for teenagers with acne and pimples. Infants are treated for atopic dermatitis, eczema, and diathesis. The drug quickly relieves inflammation, irritation, itching, and heals wounds. A medicine for all occasions for all family members.

Women who use the product to improve their appearance should not forget that the drug is more medicinal than cosmetic. Long-term use may have the opposite effect. An excess of vitamin F is just as dangerous as a deficiency. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body - an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, use must be stopped immediately and any unabsorbed cream must be removed with napkins.


The cost of the drug differs depending on the manufacturer. The drug is produced by several companies. And also from the region.

Moreover, the prices differ significantly:

  • Vitamin F 99 fatty, non-fat, 50 ml, produced by RealCosmetic – 603 rubles;
  • Vitamin F 99 low-fat, fatty, 50 ml, Deutsch Greter AG – 120 rubles;
  • Vitamin F 99 balm for children – 235 rub.

The average price for the drug in Russia is 150 rubles. per tube 50 g.

Advantages of the drug

Vitamin cream “F99” is universal in its use. It has many advantages over similar drugs:

  1. Has a wide spectrum of action.
  2. It contains only beneficial substances and does not contain harmful substances that cause allergies or other side effects.
  3. Convenient for use, comes in a tube made of soft material.
  4. Distributes evenly and is quickly absorbed.
  5. The product is certified and sold in any pharmacy.

Another very important advantage of the cream is its price - depending on the region of the country, it ranges from 130 to 300 rubles.

Review from a cosmetologist

Igor Martynov, a cosmetologist with 10 years of experience, expressed his opinion on the effectiveness of the F 99 cream:

“I often recommend this drug to my patients. Known to me from ancient times. I really like the quick moisturizing effect. The cosmetic product does not clog pores and is suitable for hypersensitive skin of any type. However, I strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist before starting use. The product is medicinal. Thoughtless use leads to such adverse consequences as peeling, redness, itching, swelling, oily shine, and increased acne. The situation develops either due to individual intolerance, or the cause of the defect on the skin lies much deeper. It is necessary to use not vitamins, but a completely different medicine. I advise you not to be tempted by numerous positive reviews; it is better to contact a specialist. Each organism is individual!”

Tips and tricks

There are some nuances to using the cream that you should pay attention to:

  • Before use, you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance. To do this, apply a little cream to the crook of your elbow and wait. If redness or itching appears, wash off the cream with warm water and contact a specialist who will help you choose an analogue.
  • After using the fatty cream “F99”, a shine may remain on the skin. Experts recommend using it at night or removing excess with a paper towel.
  • Since the drug is intended for the treatment of diseases, it cannot be used for more than 10 days; you need to take a break. If necessary, repeat the course. The frequency, duration and pattern of use are prescribed by a specialist.
  • To protect the skin from frost and cold air, apply the cream 1 hour before going outside.
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