Which face cream to choose 25+: TOP-13, rating of the best

If you're 25 years old and haven't yet started taking care of your skin responsibly, it's time to start! At 35-40 years old, the skin will respond with gratitude. But how to choose adequate care for skin that is still young, but already needs protection and increased attention? “Expert Price” decided to collect in one article the opinions of professional cosmetologists and ordinary women about the best face creams in the 25+ category.

Criteria for choosing the best face cream from 25 years old

If we put aside the marketing ploys and advertising gimmicks of cosmetic companies, only one thing remains - effectiveness. It does not depend either on the brand of the product or on its price, but solely on the composition. Let’s immediately make a reservation that there is no ideal composition that is equally suitable for everyone, just as there is no super-component that can solve all skin problems at once. However, there are ingredients (and there are many of them) that cosmetologists recognize as the most effective and beneficial for skin at 25-30 years of age.

Ingredients of a good cream to moisturize skin after 25 years

Cream 25+ should provide adequate skin care, give it the necessary nutrition and hydration. For this purpose, look for in the cream:

  • allantoin (moisturizes and soothes the skin);
  • b isabolol (softening and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • lactic acid (natural moisturizer and exfoliant);
  • panthenol (moisturizes, regenerates, protects against sun damage);
  • salicylic acid (cleanses pores, fights acne, has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • vitamins A, C, E and bioflavonoids (antioxidants, reduce the destructive effects of free radicals), sorbitol (enhances the effect of other moisturizing components),
  • hyaluronic acid (a strong humectant that retains moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis, improving the biomechanical properties of the skin).

In addition to the above components, most cosmetologists pay special attention to retinol (vitamin A) and its analogues, as well as azelaic acid , which are considered the best fighters against age-related skin changes. But it is still better to postpone the use of a cream with such strong ingredients until the age of 33-40 years.

Ingredients to protect skin from sun damage

At any time of the year (including winter and autumn), even young skin needs a cream with a sun protection factor of at least SPF 15. Look for the corresponding labeling on the product packaging. At the same time, to protect the skin from sun exposure, the correct cream must contain at least one (or preferably two) of the following components: zinc oxide , titanium dioxide and avobenzone . An additional advantage for the cream is the presence of Mexoryl SX and Tinosorb, which neutralize the effects of beta rays that are especially harmful to the body (essentially radioactive).

Pack of creams 25+

“Price Expert” considers it necessary to remind you that any cosmetic cream should ONLY be in a bottle with a pump/dispenser or in a tube. You shouldn’t take products in jars with a lid, even elite ones and even with special spatulas - they quickly become dirty and become ineffective at best.

Tips and prevention

It is not possible to support the skin and protect it from the appearance of new wrinkles after 25 years with creams alone; you need to remember some nuances of preventing the aging of the epidermis:

  • A healthy lifestyle, normal sleep and proper nutrition without extreme diets are the key to external beauty and internal health.
  • After 25 years, you should not spend too much time in the sun - 1 hour a day before 12 noon and after 16 pm using products with SPF.
  • During the day you need to maintain the skin, refresh it using hydrosols or thermal water. However, you need to remember that the active ingredients of such products do not penetrate through cosmetics.
  • Anti-aging cosmetics should not be used at the age of 25, as they can worsen the functioning of the body, which so far copes with most of the tasks of maintaining external beauty.
  • Excessive activity of facial muscles leads to the appearance of wrinkles. It is important to control your emotions and not wrinkle your forehead too often, smile endlessly or strain your eyes.
  • Decorative cosmetics should not be overused; they should be of very high quality.
  • You need to drink enough water, but not at night, otherwise it will be deposited in swelling and bags under the eyes.
  • You need to visit a cosmetologist at least once every 2-3 months to maintain the natural beauty of your skin.

Regularly and correctly used anti-wrinkle cream after 25 years will allow you to achieve results within 3-4 weeks.

The face will feel fresher, bruises and swelling will disappear, and moisture levels will improve. But at the first signs of an allergy, which can cause increased swelling, redness and tearing, you need to stop using cosmetics.

The best manufacturers of face creams since 25 years

When talking about the best manufacturers of creams over 25 years old, we should separate the concepts of “quality” and “efficiency”. The more expensive the product, the more expensive components it contains and the better quality it is - this is a fact. However, is it more effective? Cosmetologists unanimously claim that the effectiveness of a cream is determined only by its composition, but not by the brand.

Moreover, if you pay attention and read the information on the packaging of various cosmetics, it will become clear that most of the popular creams belong to just two cosmetic giants - L'Oreal (brands L'Oreal Paris, Maybelline, Garnier, Vichy, Lancôme, etc.) and Estee Lauder (Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Estée Lauder, La Mer, etc.). This does not mean at all that all creams from one corporation are the same, but there is no need to look for a direct relationship between a big name and the effectiveness of a cream.

In addition to those mentioned, creams from Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogina and RoC brands), Beiersdorf (inexpensive Nivea and luxury La Prairie), and Proctor & Gamble (Olay) are popular in Russia. For the Russian audience, Russian and Belarusian creams from Svoboda, Vitex, Natura Siberica, Green Mama, Cora, Librederm, etc. are relevant. Their price is usually much (sometimes several times) more affordable than luxury brands, the quality is good, well and the effectiveness, as mentioned above, is determined solely by the composition of a particular product.

Pharmacy creams stand out: Nuxe, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Avene and others. Their price on average starts from 1000 rubles, but it is among them that you can find especially successful care for both healthy and problem skin: oily, dry, allergy-prone, pigmented, etc.

Rating of the best creams 25+

“Price Expert” offers to evaluate together the characteristics of creams after 25 years from different brands and choose the best.

Name of cream Estimated cost, rub. Peculiarities Rating, on a 10-point scale
Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere SPF 20 1000 one of the best complex facial creams 10
Face cream La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL 50+ 1000 the most effective sunscreen after 25 years 9.9
Natura Siberica Day Face Cream for Dry Skin “Nutrition and Moisturizing” 280 a good analogue of luxury face creams 25+ 9.8
Clarins UV PLUS HP SPF 40 Day cream against harmful environmental influences 2000 rub. effective protective cream after 25 years for living in a metropolis 9.8
Hyaluronic cream Librederm 370 excellent moisturizer 25+ for oily and problem skin 9.7
Garnier Skin Naturals Face Moisturizer Essential Care 150 the best combination of price and quality among mass market creams for skin after 25 years 9.4
Lumene Sensitive Touch 30 ml 800 successful instant care serum 9.4
“Clean Line” Light phyto-cream Cornflower + barberry 50 ml 120 the best budget cream for skin care after 25 years 9.2

Brands to combat the first expression wrinkles

When choosing a cream for the first wrinkles at the age of 25, you can take into account cosmetics that are sold in regular stores and cost no more than 400 rubles.

But only if the skin is not too problematic and does not respond to allergic reactions when using non-professional cosmetics:

  • “Clean Line” are Russian-made creams that are made from natural ingredients. The eye cream contains mulberry and cornflower infusion and helps against dark circles. Reviews are often positive, but it will not remove too deep wrinkles around the eyes that appear from wearing glasses or for other reasons. But it perfectly relieves signs of eye fatigue after 25 years.
  • Corrector "Cora" is a high-quality cream that is on the border between the mass market and more expensive products. Helps smooth out the skin around the eyes within a month.
  • L'Oreal - "Fine Wrinkle Corrector" cream is ideal for the skin after 25 years, since at this age it is the expression lines that begin to cause discomfort. Before 25 should not be used. It contains many chemical components.
  • “Black Pearl” - produces a cream for 26+ years with a convenient dispenser. Helps get rid of signs of fatigue and the first wrinkles.

Among the more expensive drugs for combating expression wrinkles after 25 years, the Vichy brand and their Myokine cream are distinguished. A fast-acting remedy that works well on the forehead and nasolabial area. This category also includes Shiseido hypoallergenic cream for expression lines around the eyes . Can also be used on the area around the lips.

Face cream La Roche-Posay “Anthelios XL 50+ the most effective sunscreen after 25 years

Photo: i.klubkrasoti.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1000 rub.

Why in our rating: saving skin from ultraviolet radiation.

This is a pharmaceutical cream that is sold in many “serious” pharmacies, where you can even get a free sample of the product. Anthelios XL 50+ is a must-have for sensitive skin prone to pigmentation. It has a high SPF factor (SPF 50) and a fairly large PPD factor (PPD 28), which protects against dangerous UVA rays. Effectively fights pigmentation. Unlike most strong sunscreens, it spreads well on the skin, is absorbed without leaving any residue, and can be used as a base for makeup.


  • high level of protection against UVA and UVB radiation;
  • eliminates superficial pigmentation;
  • without perfumes;
  • packaging – tube.


  • less comfortable on oily skin;
  • relatively high price.

Typical reviews of La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL 50+ cream:

“The cream literally melts on your face! When used every day, it does not clog pores, does not leave an oily sheen, and is used very sparingly.”

“I used it after chemical peeling of the face, when it was necessary to protect the skin from the sun as much as possible. The cream did a great job! I left it in my makeup bag as a day cream for constant use.”

Clarins UV PLUS HP SPF 40 is the best protective cream for skin after 25 years for living in a big city

Photo: static2.etoya.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 2000 rub.

Why in our rating: The best day cream against harmful environmental influences, triple skin protection.

This remedy can be used at any age, but from the age of 25 its use is especially important. This ultra-light cream milk protects skin from three big-city threats: UV rays, free radicals and pollution. Thanks to its strong sun protection effect, it prevents the appearance of age spots and freckles. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, it can be combined with a moisturizer or used independently. Can be used as a base for makeup at any time of the year.


  • incredibly light (for a high SPF cream) texture;
  • mattifies the skin;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • convenient and hygienic packaging – tube with spout;
  • very economical.

Minus: price (but given the fantastic cost-effectiveness of the cream, this is not so noticeable).

Typical reviews of Clarins UV PLUS HP SPF 40 Day Cream:

“Not all Clarens products suit me, but this cream is simply great. He has no flaws! It is very light, after absorption it is not felt on the skin at all, makeup fits perfectly on it. Well, the sun protection factor is a big plus.”

“I use it under or without moisturizer, under foundation, and under powder—the product is perfect. Perfectly hides enlarged pores: the face looks well-groomed, sleek, as if polished.”

A cosmetologist answers readers' questions

Often girls turn to a cosmetologist to recommend the necessary face care creams that could fully cope with any age-related changes. To eliminate the need to go to a paid appointment with a cosmetologist, we conducted a survey of the cosmetologist about the most frequently asked questions, the answers to which we will share below.

Is it possible to use cream for aging skin at 25 years old?

At 25 years old, the skin is still delicate and susceptible to negative influences, so it needs to be provided with the most gentle care possible. The cosmetologist does not recommend using anti-aging creams intended for the age of 35-40 at the age of 25, because they will not give the desired result, but will only aggravate the current situation. For young skin at 25 years old, it is enough to use moisturizers that will prevent the appearance of roughness and unevenness.

The cream must strictly correspond to age, skin type and the intended purpose.

Do I need to use night and day cream?

Day cream is intended to protect the skin from negative external influences, namely frost, wind and direct rays of the sun. To get rid of such negative environmental manifestations, the cosmetologist recommends choosing a day cream for yourself and using it regularly.

Night cream is intended to relieve fatigue from the face, eliminate wrinkles and other changes caused by exposure to the sun or frost. Also, at night, the skin should breathe freely, without encountering dryness and other manifestations that a properly selected shaving cream can help with.

Lumene Sensitive Touch 30 ml quality serum for skin after 25 years with antioxidants

Photo: www.lumene.com

Average price in the Russian Federation: 800 rub.

Why in our rating: gentle care for sensitive skin.

First-class quality product with excellent effect. The serum has a pronounced soothing and weak moisturizing effect. Powerful antioxidant properties are due to the presence of natural blueberry extract, and ceramides are responsible for protecting and restoring skin cells. Unlike most serums, it is used as an independent product, replacing the main cream.


  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • quickly relieves various types of irritations;
  • A good form is a bottle with a dispenser.


  • price;
  • quickly consumed;
  • does not have ultraviolet protection, so it requires the use of additional Sanskrin;
  • weakly moisturizes.

Typical reviews of Lumene Sensitive Touch serum cream 30 ml:

“The product is very worthy, pleasant, suitable for any skin in emergency moments, when the skin is capricious and irritated for some reason, and is simply necessary for sensitive skin for daily use.”

“I use it after using scrubs and acid masks. The manufacturer doesn’t lie – the serum quickly relieves irritation and discomfort and makes the skin very, very soft.”

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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