Recipes for a face mask made from egg whites with lemon and honey

Complete skin care is simply impossible without regular use of masks, but not every girl can afford to go to the salon twice a week. In such a situation, universal protein cosmetics come to the rescue. Egg masks are truly a home bestseller because they are easy to prepare, suitable for all skin types and provide instant results.

Protein and lemon in home cosmetics: a little history

In Rus', most peasant families had their own farm. Thanks to this, their homes had plenty of milk, vegetables, eggs, meat and other food products. And Russian beauties did not miss the opportunity to use the fruits of their labors for cosmetic purposes.

The beneficial properties of eggs were known already in those days. Their availability allowed women to regularly use proteins as ingredients for masks. For greater effect, after the procedure they washed off the resulting film with a herbal infusion of a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain and other herbs. As a result, the face seemed to be rejuvenated: the skin was tightened, the color was evened out, and wrinkles were smoothed out. It is not surprising that Russian beauties were famous for their attractive appearance and healthy complexion even in old age.

In the 17th century, Russia adopted the European fashion for porcelain leather. It was believed that the whiter her color, the more noble and beautiful the woman looked. After all, peasants could not afford to lighten their skin. Due to long and hard work outside under the scorching sun, it somehow acquired a dark shade. At first, to obtain a pale complexion, Russian beauties used yogurt, cabbage brine, and a decoction of string. And when citrus fruits began to be brought from abroad, lemon juice became the best way to get porcelain skin.

Over time, women began to mix ingredients in search of new beauty recipes. In the same way, a mask of protein and lemon juice appeared.

Benefits of protein for the face

Egg white is, like lemon juice, a component most suitable for problematic, oily and, of course, combination skin. According to reviews, when used regularly, the product cleanses the face of comedones and gets rid of unpleasant oily shine, making the skin more matte. In this regard, it is especially effective when combined with lemon juice.

Egg whites boast the following compounds:

  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • enzymes active against microbes;
  • vitamins, particularly a, e, b12, d and b9;
  • iodine, zinc, sulfur, iron.

Despite the fact that, unlike dry skin, oily and combination skin ages more slowly, it still cannot avoid the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. To prevent and reduce this problem with this type of skin, you can safely use masks containing protein, as it has a smoothing and tightening effect.

Composition and properties of the main ingredients

Lemon juice is a real treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients. It has the following effects on facial skin:

  • whitens – the citric acid contained in the juice effectively removes pigmentation, freckles and evens out the complexion;
  • rejuvenates - lemon juice contains vitamins A, E, C and selenium, thanks to which the skin tightens, looks younger and healthier;
  • has an antibacterial effect - the acidic environment prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, due to which wounds on the face heal faster;
  • dries – citric acid reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, which reduces oiliness and the number of rashes;
  • smoothes – the action of high acidity leads to the falling off of dead skin cells, due to which it acquires an even texture.

Chicken protein contains many vitamins and active substances in high concentrations. Getting into the upper layers of the epidermis, they nourish the skin and accelerate the active processes occurring in its cells.

Protein contains the following beneficial substances:

  • proteins - heal small cracks and damage to the skin, increase its elasticity, and normalize sebum production.
  • fats - due to their high concentration, they create a protective film that protects the skin against sun rays, frost and other negative external influences.
  • carbohydrates – tone and refresh the skin;
  • glucose – accelerates metabolic processes in epidermal cells;
  • enzymes – regenerate the skin and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • B vitamins - restore metabolism in epidermal cells (B6), improve complexion (B12), eliminate rashes (B5), prevent skin aging (B9).
  • biotin - reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • niacin acid – returns the natural complexion of the skin.

Thus, protein and lemon juice contain active substances that are aimed at removing acne and blackheads, reducing sebum, evening out the relief and complexion, tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Therefore, their combination gives the best effect in the fight against many skin imperfections.

What are the benefits of lemon for the face?

The benefits of lemon for skin cannot be underestimated. Lemon juice is rich in acids, vitamins, microelements, and other beneficial substances. It includes:

Natural acids that promote cell renewal, improve complexion, and cleanse the skin. Pectins - relieve inflammation, heal wounds, cracks, and eliminate damage. Carotene - increases the production of natural collagen and elastin. Thiamine - helps get rid of acne and blackheads, which is especially important for problem skin. Phytoncides - help cleanse and regenerate the skin. Eriocitrin - reduces the effect of acids, protects thin, sensitive skin from the negative influence of the external environment. Hesperidin - softens the epidermis, restores beauty and youth. Riboflavin - normalizes metabolism and nourishes the skin. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from solar radiation and increases the production of collagen and elastin. Sesquiterpenes are a kind of “natural shield” for the skin and have a calming effect. Flavonoids smooth out facial wrinkles.

The effectiveness of a protein mask with lemon

Currently, there are many recipes for face masks, and they all have their own characteristics. A protein and lemon juice mask is no exception. Its advantages include the following:

  • effective cleansing and narrowing of pores, thereby reducing the amount of inflammation and the risk of blackheads;
  • lightening of freckles, age spots and acne spots;
  • removal of sebum and excess moisture, which eliminates oily sheen;
  • nutrition and saturation of skin cells with useful substances;
  • tightening effect, which reduces skin sagging and increases its elasticity.

The main advantage of a protein mask with lemon is its rapid action. After the first use, the face becomes cleaner and takes on a well-groomed appearance. In addition, cleansing the pores allows the cells to be saturated with oxygen. And thanks to this, the skin looks fresh, tightened and smooth.

How to choose ingredients

When people talk about lemon and egg masks, they mean lemon juice and egg white. These are two complementary components that can soothe inflamed skin, tighten aging skin, and dry out those prone to oily sheen. Masks based on lemon juice and egg white require certain rules when choosing main and auxiliary ingredients.


Choose only fresh products. In the store, you can check the freshness of eggs with an ovoscope: if they are clearly visible without darkened areas, then they can be safely used. You can do a test with water at home. Fill a clear container with water and place the egg in it. The freshest one will lie at the bottom, the blunt end of a week old egg will float up, lifting the egg at an angle, the two-week old one will float in the middle of the container, the rotten one will float on the surface.

To get the perfect lemon juice for your face, you should choose fresh fruit. It should have a characteristic citrus aroma and firm skin.

Do not buy lemons with uneven or limp skin, with black spots and spots on the skin, with an overly shiny surface, or fruits that are odorless.

Features of preparation and use of the mask

When preparing a protein mask with lemon, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Before the procedure, be sure to cleanse your face of makeup.
  2. For greater effectiveness, steam your skin with herbal infusions. During this procedure, the pores will open, making them easier to clean.
  3. Use only freshly squeezed lemon juice. In no case infused or purchased.
  4. You should not allow the white and yolk to mix, so you should separate them carefully.
  5. You can mix the ingredients for the mask only after whipping the egg whites.
  6. It is recommended to lie down during the procedure. This way the skin will not sag down, but will be pulled towards the center.
  7. The mask should not be kept on the face for more than 20 minutes.
  8. To avoid a feeling of tightness on the face after the procedure, apply cream.

It is worth noting that a mask of protein and lemon should be done no more than 10 procedures per course with breaks per month. Otherwise, the risk of disrupting the sebaceous glands increases.

Recipes by type of problem

The main product for preparing this type of mask is chicken egg white, but the main task is the selection of additional ingredients, which determine the purpose of the recipe to solve a specific problem. Depending on the existing skin deficiency, accompanying components should be selected, however, it should be remembered that all components of the recipe, including a chicken egg, must be fresh.

Rashes and inflammation

For acne, a face mask with lemon is an excellent solution . It will help get rid of acne, blackheads and inflammatory processes in just a few uses. To prepare this miracle remedy for problem skin, you need to mix whipped egg white with concentrated lemon juice (1 tsp) and oatmeal (1 tsp).

This face mask with protein and lemon effectively cleanses and tightens pores, mattifies, whitens and refreshes the skin. Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, the composition cannot be kept on the face for more than half an hour.

An equally effective analogue of a lemon face mask is a product based on protein and tea tree oil. It quickly soothes irritated skin and dries out existing inflammation. To obtain the expected result, a mixture of one egg white and three drops of tea tree oil must be applied to the face for 15 minutes. Once a month you can add 2 tbsp to this composition. l. oatmeal and leave on the face until completely dry, which will provide a light peeling effect.

Black dots

The viscous structure of the protein allows you to effectively combat blackheads at home. To prepare such a cleanser, add a tablespoon of sugar to one egg white. Half of the resulting slurry must be applied to the face, and after the first layer has dried, repeat the procedure. After the second application of the mixture, you can use your fingertips to massage your face using patting movements. The composition of this cosmetic product will work more effectively if you steam your face well before applying it.

Oily skin

Masks based on egg whites perfectly tighten pores and eliminate oily shine. To ensure a long-lasting matting effect, in addition to the whipped egg white, you must add gelatin, soda, white clay or starch of your choice. The mixture is brought to the consistency of sour cream and applied for 15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The paste, which should harden in a quarter of an hour, should be carefully washed off with cool water, wiped with tonic, and then moisturized with a nourishing cream.

In terms of its effect, this product works similarly to a lemon face mask, but is more gentle on the skin.

Wrinkles on the face

During the drying process, the protein mask tightens the skin , forming a film with a lifting effect, so this product is indispensable for aging skin. To prepare a cosmetic composition at home, you need to mix egg white, olive oil (1 tsp) and peeled, finely grated cucumber, after which the product is applied for a quarter of an hour. This paste has a powerful refreshing and moisturizing effect.

Precautionary measures

You should not use a protein mask without making sure that you are not allergic to its components. You must first apply some of the paste to your wrist and wait at least 2 hours. If redness or itching does not appear on your hand, then you can safely begin the procedure. Otherwise, you should choose a different recipe.

Women with dry or sensitive skin should use the product with great caution. Both lemon and protein remove fluid from the epidermal cells, therefore, the skin will dry out even more.

Useful tips

As you know, a cosmetic product prepared at home can not only solve an existing problem, but also worsen the condition of the skin. This is mainly due to the fact that many people use a mask that does not suit their skin type and only aggravates the problem, and sometimes even causes new skin imperfections. That is why it is important to correctly assess your problem, and then prepare the product strictly according to the recipe and apply it for a certain amount of time.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure for preparing and applying an egg mask, cosmetologists recommend studying the answers to frequently asked questions and taking into account the most common mistakes in order to avoid them:

  1. The product is best suited for caring for oily skin prone to inflammation, as well as for aging and fading skin.
  2. When choosing additional ingredients, it is recommended to add components corresponding to a specific skin type to the main composition.
  3. What are the contraindications? The protein mask is not recommended for girls with dry and sensitive skin.
  4. What should not be done while preparing the product? Protein is a perishable product that also quickly coagulates at high temperatures. Based on these features, hot foods cannot be added to the egg mask.
  5. How to separate the white from the yolk? This is perhaps the most technically difficult stage of preparing a homemade cosmetic product. Many girls cannot adapt to this procedure for a long time, although there is one quick and simple method. If you make a tiny hole in the shell, the protein mass will flow out through it in a matter of minutes.
  6. For cooking, you can use any clean or even disinfected utensils, and for mixing, you can use a whisk or wooden spatula.
  7. How often can you make a mask? The product can be applied to problem skin every other day, to combination and normal skin - every two days, and as a preventive measure - once a week.
  8. What is the duration of the course of procedures? It is recommended to apply the protein mask 10 times at intervals according to your skin type, after which you need to take a break (3-4 weeks). If necessary, the course can be repeated.
  9. To prepare your skin for application, a regular cleanser, toner or makeup remover will suffice. However, the mask will work much more effectively if you exfoliate or steam your face before applying it.
  10. To apply the mask, it is necessary to distribute the mask in the direction of the massage lines so as not to disrupt microcirculation processes. For application, you can use your fingertips or special cosmetic brushes. In this case, the mass can be distributed only to the scalp, avoiding contact with the hair, neck and décolleté, the area around the lips and eyes.
  11. How long to keep? Since the protein dries quickly and forms a crust, which can have a negative effect on sensitive and inflamed skin, it is recommended to keep the product on the face for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  12. To remove thickened mass, cosmetic sponges or moistened cotton pads are best suited. They are quite tough to easily remove the remnants of the mask, but do not damage the skin. It is also important to remember that you need to wash your face exclusively with warm water.
  13. How to eliminate tightness? Often after washing, there is a feeling of tightness, which can quickly be eliminated by toner and moisturizer.
  14. It is worth noting that the best time to apply any cosmetic preparations is considered late in the evening, since at night their effect is enhanced and the regenerating functions of the skin are activated.

For different skin types

The natural egg-honey mask has a wide spectrum of action, which allows a woman of any age to use this product.

The egg should be used depending on your skin type:

  • protein – for defatting and tightening, narrowing and cleansing enlarged pores.
  • yolk - to nourish tired, fading skin and to moisturize dry skin.
  • a whole egg – refreshes, smoothes, tones, providing deep nutrition.

The benefits of protein masks for facial skin

When using a substance to solve problems of the epidermis, the beneficial properties will differ slightly from the general ones due to the different effects of the elements contained here. This may include:

  • good anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties;
  • high content of vitamin B, minerals;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • whitening, tone leveling;
  • general tightening effect;
  • cleansing pores of impurities.

It is necessary to use the yolk and white separately for cosmetic purposes.
It can be said that it is a universal remedy for many problems. But still, it is most effective in the fight against wrinkles.

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