10 best face powders that hide all imperfections - ranking of the best, budget-friendly for oily and dry skin

For normal skin functioning, the balance of moisture and secretion of protection (sebum) must be the same. This is a condition of normal skin. If one of the processes slows down, or, conversely, becomes more active, problems begin. For example, excessive secretion of sebum - oily skin type. Its problems: excess excess fat, enlarged and dirty pores, acne, acne. Lack of oily layer - dry skin type. The epidermis loses elasticity, firmness, becomes rough and flabby. Plus, she's aging quickly. Powder for dry facial skin copes with mattification, which allows you to remove microcracks due to increased dryness. The ranking of the best is presented in this article.

Dry skin can be recognized by the following signs:

  • stretched skin;
  • flabby, unkempt appearance;
  • rapid aging;
  • peeling;
  • spots;
  • loss of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • rough appearance;
  • itching

How does powder for dry skin differ from others?

Due to a lack of moisture and sebum, dry skin needs intensive hydration and protection. Powders for other skin types cannot provide such care. Their goal is to disguise imperfections, remove excess fat, even out tone, etc. They can only highlight the shortcomings of a dry epidermis.

Cosmetology does not stand still, and therefore, today there are already many options for powder for dry face types.

Active components:

  • vitamins;
  • plant oils;
  • extracts of herbs, wheat germ, algae.

Powders for dry skin types tone, intensively moisturize and nourish the surface of the face, mask imperfections, even out tone and protect against external factors.

Selecting powder by tone

The most famous method for selecting the tone of powder is the empirical or experimental method, that is, the trial method. The test product is applied to a selected, small part of the face to compare with the natural skin tone. If you prefer foundation from a certain manufacturer or supplier, then using these data and characteristics of the cream, you can choose powder. On any package with the product there is a number of its tone and the manufacturer’s brand. Using this information, it is easy to decide on the tone of the powder.

It is worth adding that the powder should be chosen to match the cream when it comes to daytime makeup. Alternatively, the powder can only be transparent. Don't forget that we are talking about beauty, and marriage is not allowed here. For evening makeup, the powder should be 1 tone lighter.

An important point is the choice of powder shade. The powder should be the same shade as the tinting cream. If a woman is content with only powder, she needs to take into account some additional nuances. They are associated with the type of skin tone - neutral, warm or cool. In the first case, the best colors for shades of powder will be: lilac, bronze-lilac and red (cranberry). Suitable for cold weather: silver or greyish, white or blue-blue. A warm color type needs bronze, golden, terracotta, as well as yellow, peach and copper shades.

Determining the color type is not difficult. Just look at the visible veins of the wrists. Greenish veins determine a warm color type, blue ones - a cold one. Neutral lies in the middle.


For each skin type there is a separate powder that takes into account all the features and helps to properly mask imperfections. You need to select this kind of cosmetics strictly according to your face type, otherwise there will be troubles. To make the task easier, below are the types of cosmetic powders and what skin they are intended for.


This powder is very gentle on the skin. It contains natural vitamins, trace elements and minerals that moisturize and protect the epidermis. There are no fragrances, silicones, petroleum products or anything else that could cause an allergic reaction or irritation. Suitable for dry or sensitive skin.


Its task is to remove excess sebum, make the skin matte, even out the tone and narrow the pores. The main components in the composition: salicylic acid, talc, zinc, kaolin and other substances that help cope with the task. Suitable mattifying product for oily skin.

It is strictly forbidden to use mattifying powders for dry face types.


They are used at the final stage to consolidate and last a day or evening look. The composition may contain moisturizing and caring components that have a beneficial effect on dry skin. But it’s still better to apply it over foundation.

Cream powder

Its appearance resembles a foundation. Most often placed in a compact powder case. There are no harmful components in the composition, so it is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Does not create the effect of tight skin, the face breathes, imperfections are well masked. Can moisturize.

What should be included and how to choose the right one

To choose a suitable cosmetic product, you need to pay attention to the composition. Since dry skin is unprotected, it requires gentle care and intensive nutrition. Plant oils, extracts of herbs, algae, wheat germ and various vitamins will do the job perfectly.

Unacceptable components for dry type: zinc, salicylic and hyaluronic acids, talc, kaolin, fragrances, petroleum products, etc. Powder with such a composition will not only not help, but will also have the opposite effect.

There are selection rules, following which you can easily choose the right product. There are few of them, but they all require serious consideration.

  1. Compound. The components should be only natural, which create protection and moisturize the epidermis.
  2. Texture. For dry type, cream powder or loose version is suitable. In any case, before applying it is worth moisturizing with a special cream.
  3. Best before date. When opened, the powder can be stored for about a year and a half. After the expiration date, its effect disappears.

It is necessary to use only good and proven products to keep your skin in excellent condition.

It is strictly forbidden to use expired cosmetics. This may lead to allergies, irritation or skin conditions.

Rating of the best companies

Today, cosmetology can offer a huge selection of various cosmetics for dry skin types. Powders that have a moisturizing and protective effect allow the skin to look beautiful for a long time. What kind of powder there is is described at this link. The protective layer protects against environmental influences (hot weather, cold, wind, fumes, etc.). Moisturizing components - maintain water balance. Those with dry complexions should pay attention to extracts of chamomile, calendula, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, vitamins A, C, B, E and various plant oils. It is these components that will help maintain the healthy state of the epidermis.

Popular brands and companies: L'ORAL PARIS, LANCME, HELENA RUBINSTEIN, Laura Mercier.


A modern loose powder that is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Doesn't weigh down or clog pores. The skin can breathe, tone is evened out, imperfections are masked. Fixes daytime makeup well.


  • chamomile extract;
  • talc;
  • tea tree oil;
  • vitamins A, C.

Mode of application

Apply to cleansed skin. To make the powder last longer, apply moisturizer and foundation before use. Blend with a brush or sponge.

Mineral powder ALLIANCE PERFECT, L'ORAL PARIS costs from 1000 rubles in Russia. The minimum volume is 10 grams.

Powder with the effect of healthy skin BELLE DE TEINT, LANCOME

A unique cosmetic product made specifically for dry skin. Takes into account the lack of moisture and protection, compensates for everything with its microelements and vitamins. Perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, creates a protective film, and also evens out tone, masks imperfections well, and adds natural shine to the skin. The face looks healthy and beautiful. Dermatologist approved.


  • minerals;
  • chamomile and sage extract;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • vitamins: A, B, C, E.

Mode of application

It is first necessary to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Apply foundation or primer. Blend the cosmetic evenly using a sponge or brush.

Powder with the effect of healthy skin BELLE DE TEINT, LANCOME in Russia costs from 2870 rubles per 15 grams.


An elite compact powder that will quickly cope with the most visible imperfections and will last throughout the day. This product is distinguished by its delicate texture, which is easy to apply and adheres well to the surface of the face, creating a protective layer. The powder not only normalizes the level of moisture in the cells of the epidermis, but also evens out the tone, makes the skin smooth and silky, and tightens pores. The skin “breathes”. Does not dry out the face and removes excess sebum. Designed for dry and combined types.


  • algae extract, wheat germ;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins: A, B, E;
  • Shea Butter.

Mode of application

Apply to cleansed and moisturized facial skin. Apply foundation before use. Blend with a brush or sponge, starting from the forehead, going down the nose, cheekbones, cheeks and to the chin. Rinse thoroughly.

The cost of compact powder COLOR CLONE PRESSED POWDER, HELENA RUBINSTEIN is from 3000 rubles. The minimum volume is 8.7 grams.

Mineral Illuminating Powder by Laura Mercier

Mineral cosmetic powder, intended exclusively for dry skin. The active components are Dead Sea minerals, which help maintain water balance in the body and epidermal cells. They have a rejuvenating effect. Moisturizes, nourishes, fights flaking, removes microwrinkles, tightens pores, eliminates visible imperfections. Creates a protective layer on the surface of the face that protects against external environmental factors (sun, heat, fumes, dust, dirt, toxins, cold, wind, etc.). Thanks to its light and crumbly texture, the skin “breathes”. Makeup lasts throughout the day.


  • Dead Sea minerals;
  • vitamins: A, B;
  • extract of eucalyptus, mint, calendula and rosehip.

Mode of application

Pre-cleanse the skin and moisturize with cream or lotion. Apply foundation or primer and wait until completely dry. Blend the product with a round sponge or large brush. Be sure to wash off the product in the evening.

Mineral Illuminating Powder from Laura Mercier costs from 2,500 rubles. The minimum volume is 10 grams.

Particles of the product do not clog pores, but if you do not wash off the remnants of cosmetics after use, blackheads, comedones or, in the worst case, acne will appear.

Poudre Majeur Excellence Compact by Lancome

Compact, convenient powder gently and intensively cares for dry skin. It becomes smooth, silky, and the tone is evened out. The face looks fresh, younger and acquires a healthy glow. The product disguises wrinkles, pimples, scratches, etc. Soothes irritations, relieves inflammation, prevents allergic reactions. Intensively moisturizes and nourishes, maintaining water balance and normal condition of the skin. The texture is light and crumbly, the particles do not clog pores. The skin "breathes". The powder creates a protective layer that protects against environmental influences and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Dermatologist approved.


  • glycerol;
  • tea tree and ginseng extract;
  • shea butter, eucalyptus;
  • vitamins: B, C.

Mode of application

Wash with warm water and cleanser. Apply moisturizing cream or lotion. Then apply primer or foundation. Blend the product evenly using a brush or sponge. Apply from top to bottom, starting from the center of the forehead.

Poudre Majeur Excellence Compact from Lancome costs from 2800 rubles per 25 grams.

Pupa Like a Doll SPF 15

Convenient compact powder that can easily replace foundation. The active component is rice extract, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, maintains water balance in the layers of the epidermis for ten hours. Tightens pores and is easy to apply. The product is practically unnoticeable on the surface of the face, but perfectly masks fine lines, cracks, pimples, acne and even acne. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Creates a protective layer that replaces sebum production. Holds makeup well. The skin “breathes”, does not sweat or sweat. Protection from environmental influences. Removes excess sebum, has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Designed for all skin types.


  • rice extract;
  • extract of calendula, rose hips, eucalyptus;
  • shea and tea tree butter;
  • vitamins: B, E.

Mode of application

Apply to cleansed and moisturized skin. For a long-lasting effect, first apply primer and foundation and wait until completely dry. Blend evenly over the face using a brush or sponge.

The cost of Pupa Like a Doll SPF 15 is from 1000 rubles for a minimum volume of 11 grams.

Bourjois Silk Edition

Perfect skin is real. New cosmetic product from Bourjois to cope with any imperfections. The powder covers well pimples, cracks, wrinkles, acne and even scars. Intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, giving it a healthy glow, silkiness and smoothness. Exfoliation disappears, the skin tightens.

The product is compact and practical: it has a small mirror that can rotate 360 ​​degrees. The texture of the product is delicate and light, quickly absorbed, easy to apply and does not clog pores. Creates a protective layer on the surface of the face that prevents exposure to external environmental factors.


  • rice extract;
  • vitamins: A, B, C, E;
  • shea butter, eucalyptus;
  • Castor oil.

Mode of application

Pre-wash with warm water and cleanser. Apply moisturizer. This material will help you choose suitable moisturizers. Blend the product evenly with a brush or sponge, starting from the center of the forehead and going down to the chin.

Bourjois Silk Edition costs from 500 rubles. The minimum volume is 9 grams.

For a lasting effect, first apply foundation and primer from the manufacturer Bourjois. With other brands the effect will be less noticeable.

Chambor Silver Shadow Compact Powder

Good cosmetic product from Swiss manufacturers. Made exclusively for dry skin types. Maintains water balance throughout the day. High durability of makeup. Hides even the most visible imperfections, including scars, pimples, acne. Moisturizes, nourishes and heals the skin. Thanks to its light and delicate texture, the skin “breathes”. Protects from exposure to ultraviolet rays, hot weather, cold, wind, dust, dirt and more. Recommended by dermatologists. You can find sunscreen for every day here.


  • tea tree, chamomile, eucalyptus extract;
  • glycerol;
  • vitamins: A, C, B;
  • talc;
  • thermal water;
  • Shea Butter.

Mode of application

Apply to previously cleansed, slightly damp and moisturized face. Apply evenly using a sponge or large brush. For the best effect, pre-apply makeup base or foundation.

Chambor Silver Shadow Compact Powder costs from 1200 rubles. The minimum volume is 16 grams.

Clarins Teint Compact Haute Tenue SPF 15

A good powder with a slight rejuvenating effect. Thanks to its crumbly texture, it is easy to apply. At the same time, the face becomes smooth and silky. Wrinkles, acne, microcracks, scratches, scars, pimples are masked. The product intensively nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, maintaining water balance throughout the day. The lasting effect lasts for ten hours. Doesn't clog pores.


  • Shea Butter;
  • Castor oil;
  • eucalyptus, tea tree, wild rose extract;
  • vitamins: A, E.

Mode of application

Apply to previously cleansed and moisturized skin. Blend evenly using a brush or round sponge. For best results, apply primer first. How to choose a primer for dry skin is suggested in this article.

Clarins Teint Compact Haute Tenue SPF 15 costs from 1,500 rubles per 10 grams.

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate faster than the specified period.

Artdeco Mineral Compact Powder

Need to quickly create a beautiful image? No problem. The unique cosmetic product Artdeco Mineral Compact Powder can cope with this problem. Thanks to its delicate and light texture, you can create exquisite makeup in a few minutes and hide all imperfections. The powder mattifies, nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Castor oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • eucalyptus, mint, tea tree extract;
  • vitamins: A, B, C.

Mode of application

Apply to previously cleansed and moisturized face. Blend in a thin layer using a brush or round sponge.

The cost of Artdeco Mineral Compact Powder starts from 500 rubles for a minimum volume of 10 grams.

Poudre Majeur Excellence Compact Lancome

Price: from 1850 rubles.

Poudre Majeur Excellence Compact Lancome is often called a finicky product that requires proper application. The thing is that this face powder is very similar to a cream. When applied with a brush and sponge, a significant difference appears, and the presence of a base underneath also affects it. The product is placed in a compact, laconic black box, the lid fits tightly to the jar.


  • delicate light texture;
  • a volume of 25 grams will last for a long time;
  • mattifies well;
  • has a pleasant unobtrusive smell.


  • more suitable for oily than dry skin;
  • capricious during application.

According to the girls who have previously tried this product from Lancome, it is better to use a brush with a beveled edge; the option with a sponge is not suitable at all. A good product that is suitable for different skin types.

How to apply correctly

In order for the powder to lay down correctly and thoroughly disguise all imperfections on the face, it is necessary to prepare it correctly, as well as apply the product. To do this you need to follow the following rules.

  1. First you need to wash your face with warm water and cleansing gel, foam or toner. If necessary, use a mild exfoliator. The best masks for dry skin are collected here.
  2. You need to make moisturizing masks several times a week. They contain a sufficient amount of necessary moisturizing components, which will also maintain normal water balance in the layers of the epidermis.
  3. Moisturize your skin with tonic and creams.
  4. You need to apply powder using a sponge or brush.
  5. If there are areas on your face with severe peeling, you should not apply powder to them.
  6. To add radiance and shine to your face, you can additionally cover the necessary areas with powder with a loose or mineral texture. They must contain reflective particles.

Skin Weightless Powder Foundation Bobbi Brown

Prices: from 2300 rubles.

Have you ever heard of photoshop effect powder? If not, we are pleased to introduce you to Bobbi Brown's innovative Skin Weightless Powder Foundation product. By the way, she became a laureate and winner of many awards, and 2012 became her “finest hour.” The design of the product is quite classic; it comes with a soft compact sponge. One of the main advantages of this unique powder is its wide palette of shades. Every girl will find the perfect tone for herself, which can be quite problematic.


  • has a light but effective degree of coverage;
  • quite dense, “worn” for a long time;
  • gently hides imperfections;
  • can be applied in different ways.


  • in the summer season it can cause a feeling of a “mask” on the face;
  • high price.

If you want to find a truly high-quality mattifying product, then it is not surprising that Bobbi Brown's Skin Weightless Powder Foundation was included in the ranking of the best powders for dry skin. The product will be an excellent base for makeup.


  1. Dry skin is skin that lacks natural protection (sebum).
  2. Signs of dry skin are flaking, sagging appearance, wrinkles, microcracks, premature aging.
  3. Dry epidermis requires constant proper care.
  4. You need to choose powder exclusively for your face type.
  5. Today, cosmetology offers a huge selection of moisturizing powders for dry skin types.
  6. Popular brands in this area: L'ORAL PARIS, LANCME, HELENA RUBINSTEIN, Laura Mercier.
  7. You need to buy only certified products.
  8. The product should not only mask well, but also nourish, moisturize and protect the epidermis.
  9. Active ingredients that should be in the powder: rosehip, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, chamomile, calendula, sage extract. Plant oil, minerals, vitamins: A, B, C, E.
  10. Dry skin can be easily dealt with if you take proper and intensive care of it.

Halo Hydrating Perfecting Smashbox

Price: from 1890 rubles.

Halo Hydrating Perfecting Smashbox is placed in a good case and is compressed, which prevents it from spraying and evaporating. The contents of the convenient jar fit perfectly on the brush and have a rich palette with accurate color rendition. There is an opinion that the product is more suitable for final fixing of makeup, as a base it is frankly rather weak.


  • beautifully illuminates the skin thanks to gold particles;
  • has a high-quality design;
  • does not leave stains;
  • mattifies.


  • is not able to 100% hide flaws.

An excellent product that does not dry out, is easy to apply and has a very pleasant texture. Of course, the product will not hide serious defects, but it will replenish your collection of high-quality decorative cosmetics.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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