Who is suitable for Moroccan facial massage, all the pros and cons of the procedure

Women and men who want to look attractive simply must take care of their facial skin. They are recommended to use a new method of rejuvenation and improvement of the condition of the skin, which is used in prestigious salons in Moscow. Moroccan facial massage helps to properly distribute blood and lymph through the channels, which prevents puffiness and the formation of dark circles under the eyes. At the same time, facial muscles are worked out, wrinkles are removed, and an even contour is formed.

Indications for use

This type of massage is recommended for all those who want to look young and beautiful. In addition, the Moroccan relaxing technique of performing manipulations with the dermis of the face eliminates:

  • puffiness (especially if you often notice bags under your eyes);
  • saggy chin;
  • strongly pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles;
  • age spots;
  • loose skin in the cervical region;
  • peeling and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • ptosis (sagging of the upper eyelid).

Interesting to know! By varying the intensity of pressure on certain points and skin, metabolic processes are launched and the regeneration of the epidermis is improved, and the production of its own collagen is activated.

The effectiveness of Moroccan massage is determined by its complex effect on muscle groups, fat, the vascular system and lymph. Thanks to a combination of various manipulations performed by the skilled hands of a master, after just a few sessions all problems associated with the décolleté, neck and face are solved.

Moroccan massage is somewhat reminiscent of facial sculpting, but in this case strong pinching and gripping are not used. The movements are performed smoothly, so after the procedure you feel special relaxation. The massage master uses the pads of all fingers, the edges of the palms and directly all the palms. Particular attention is paid to the movement of the thumb and index finger.


Any massage has its contraindications. Moroccan massage is no exception. Before the session, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications in order to prevent deterioration of health. You cannot do any facial massage if you have:

  • Bruises, cuts or abrasions;
  • Warts;
  • Large moles and birthmarks;
  • Skin infections and dermatological problems of the face (acne, demodicosis, etc.);
  • Cooperose.

You should absolutely not do a massage if there is an active phase of the herpes virus on your lips or face.

Efficiency of the technique

Moroccan facial massage combines the technique of relaxing the skin, as well as working out individual muscles, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.

Features of Moroccan massage:

  • blood circulation improves, so nutrients and oxygen reach the skin better;
  • due to the normalization of metabolic processes at the cellular level, the skin acquires a beautiful even color and becomes elastic;
  • wrinkles and other age-related changes disappear;
  • after the session, a person receives a charge of energy, his performance increases;
  • the master works not only the muscles of the face, but also the neck, so the double chin is removed;
  • During the execution, the décolleté area is massaged;
  • the technique mainly involves the use of the thumbs;
  • can be combined with a wrap.

It should be noted that the Moroccan massage master does not apply strong pressure, but at the same time the tissues are worked quite deeply. After the session you will not feel depressed or experience any pain. Only positive emotions and satisfaction await you while contemplating your image in the mirror.

Important point! Moroccan massage can be performed over the entire body or use a specific area. SPA salons usually order treatment of the face and neck-collar area.

What is Moroccan massage?

Sessions of this exotic massage are recommended to all women in order to restore lost elasticity.

This type of massage is a highly effective modeling technique that allows you to solve most age-related skin problems.

It is based on a deep study of all muscle areas of the face, closely interconnected with each other. During the procedure the following occurs:

  • deep treatment of facial muscle tissue with relief of pain and tension, promoting active saturation of skin cells with oxygen;
  • working with facial muscles to raise general tone and prevent age-related changes;
  • a kind of “sculpting” of the facial area without the use of stretching and pinching of the skin surface, which is necessarily used in other massage techniques;
  • the formation of a muscle roll that creates a lasting and long-lasting lifting effect, providing a visible tightening of the contours and oval of the face.

Execution technique

The massage technique involves:

  1. Cleaning the skin with a sanitary napkin or a special tonic to remove various types of dirt and cosmetic residues.
  2. Moisturizing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with herbal decoctions, masks, baths, massage cream.
  3. The work of the master in the areas where expression and chewing wrinkles form.
  4. Shaping the contour of the face through kneading, clapping and special modeling techniques.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage, which promotes proper drainage of lymph.

Preparing for the session

Preparatory measures for carrying out a massage using the technique we are considering come down to cleansing the face and moisturizing it. If you have ever been to Morocco, then you have probably noticed the beauty of the local women. And this is all for a reason. Of course, genetic predisposition plays a role, but due to the hot climate, Moroccan women from time immemorial have moisturized their skin using special cosmetics donated by nature itself.

They are no strangers to special techniques for massaging the skin. It is through the symbiosis of the right cosmetics and strengthening muscles with the help of massage movements that a similar effect of enchanting oriental beauty is achieved.

Features of the stage:

  • in order to open pores and provide high-quality hydration, we recommend steam baths with the addition of herbal decoctions (lavender, chamomile, burdock, etc.);
  • after steaming, use a scrub that will clean open pores of accumulated debris;
  • you can use a special massage cream with a moisturizing or lifting effect;
  • Argan oil is traditionally used for better glide;
  • In order to warm up the tissues, it is recommended to lightly stroke the décolleté, neck, and face for 3–4 minutes.

Feelings during the session

In addition to the undoubted health benefits, massage is also simply a pleasant procedure. Mostly, patients describe their feelings during the session as “deep relaxation”, “pleasant lightness, relaxation”, “even warmth”. Some even fall asleep. The feeling of relaxation is due to the fact that “clogged” muscles are warmed up and gently worked out - discomfort and tension disappear.

These sensations last for several hours. When you come home, you may find that the skin in the treated area is somewhat reddened - this is normal and gradually goes away without additional manipulation.

To sign up for a vacuum massage in Moscow, call us 8 (495) 636-29-30 or use the form on the website. The center’s specialists will quickly select a convenient time for your visit and answer any additional questions. Our clinic is located a few minutes from the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station and the Panfilovskaya MCC.


1. Hello. I am now recovering from a caesarean section and have started playing sports. I want to do an anti-cellulite vacuum abdominal massage. Is it already possible, are there any contraindications?

If enough time has passed after the operation (at least 4 months), then there are no restrictions and you can undergo the procedure. This will also be useful because such an effect prevents the formation of rough, dense scars. Our patients also note a noticeable improvement in skin quality. Come to our clinic!

2. I’m struggling with fat deposits on my forearms and armpits, I’ve done vacuum massage courses several times. Now the idea has arisen to get rid of excess reserves on the face as well - in the area of ​​the double chin. Can Ikun be used for facial work?

Yes, you can, we carry out such procedures, and they show very good results. The effect is visible immediately - since the volume of adipose tissue on the face is much less than on any part of the body, fewer sessions will also be required.

Instructions for implementation

The basis of massage is a direct effect on the muscles. A kind of muscle roll is formed, providing a lasting tightening effect.

It is quite difficult to learn the massage technique we are considering on your own, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to remember the sequence of actions and features of the professional’s hand movements.


  1. Warm up your neck. Movements should be light without pressure or much effort.
  2. Move to the jaw area (double chin area). Make active pats with the back of your hand.
  3. Smooth the skin from the chin, moving towards the temples. Change the vector: now move towards the lower eyelid.
  4. After these simple manipulations, they move on to massaging the cheeks. In this case, a trajectory from the nose to the ears is used. Thanks to such exercises, your cheeks will decrease in size and your cheekbones will become more prominent. It is required to stroke with your fingertips and then with your palm.
  5. Walk along the line of the nasolabial folds to avoid their expression and the appearance of wrinkles in the area.
  6. Now you need to concentrate on massaging the eyelids. Remember, the skin in this area is quite delicate, so you will need to tap lightly. Place your fingertips near the inner corner of the eyelid and move towards your temples. Now move in reverse order along the upper eyelid (below the brow ridge).
  7. Work your forehead in a top-down direction. Start making vertical movements with your fingertips from the hairline at the temples, and at the very end, close your hands on the bridge of your nose.

Important! The procedure must be carried out regularly in order to achieve a lasting effect. Each area is worked by a master for 3–4 minutes. If you visit a salon, you can limit yourself to two sessions per week. Even when performing the technique at home, we recommend massage no more than 2 times every 7 days.

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Main types of facial massage:


: expression wrinkles, sagging skin, swelling, decreased tone, prevention of age-related changes.


: inflammation and rashes on the face, bruises and abrasions, exacerbation of herpes and allergies.

This is the most common massage technique. It is used to improve skin tone and improve complexion. The muscles are directly and reflexively affected, as a result of which they are strengthened and the skin is tightened.

When working on facial tissues, alternating the following techniques is used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. All movements are smooth and sliding, they are made with the tips of the fingers. The emphasis is on stroking and rubbing. The movements themselves correspond to massage lines (lines of least skin tension) and are directed from the central part of the face to the peripheral.

Before the procedure, the facial skin is cleansed of cosmetics. After this, apply a massage or nourishing cream and distribute evenly.



: dry skin, swelling, ptosis, jowls, double chin, obvious facial wrinkles.


: inflammatory, oncological and other skin pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, rosacea.

When the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels slows down, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues. As a result, swelling appears, the skin becomes pasty, and the complexion leaves much to be desired.

Lymphatic drainage massage is aimed at activating the outflow of lymph, so all massage techniques are carried out along the lymphatic vessels towards the nearest lymph nodes. It is carried out with your fingertips on cosmetic oil or cream. The skin is first warmed up by stroking and rubbing. All movements are smooth and sliding.

This is a very subtle technique that only professionals truly master. After a course of procedures, swelling goes away, the face looks fresh and rested, and overall health improves.



: oily and problematic skin, acne, comedones, post-acne.


: presence of large moles, warts, psoriasis, herpes, allergic rashes.

A distinctive feature is the use of a rather painful, intense pinching technique. They allow you to work on the skin and tissues at deep levels that are not exposed to classical massage. The technique uses three main massage techniques: pinch movements, kneading with stroking for warming up, vibration with pressure. All techniques alternate with each other. The main ones are plucking effects performed by the pads of the fingers - thumb and index. The intensity of the pinching borders on the pain threshold, sometimes exceeding it. All areas are actively washed, except for the areas around the eyes.

It is carried out using talc, without oils and creams, to avoid slipping of the fingers during plucking movements.

: decreased skin turgor, wrinkles, jowls, decreased muscle tone, ptosis, double chin.


: rosacea, acute inflammatory skin diseases, increased fragility of blood vessels.

The main feature of the technique is deep treatment of the skin, subcutaneous fat and facial muscles. During the procedure, blood actively flows to the tissues, and metabolic processes accelerate. With each session, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. If a specialist works correctly, the modeling result of this procedure is comparable to the lifting effect of injection and hardware rejuvenation techniques.

Plastic massage is recommended after 30-35 years, primarily to prevent age-related changes. To work through tissues, superficial and deep kneading techniques are mainly used. Kneading, fixing, vibrating and stroking movements are carried out strictly along massage lines and alternate with each other. All movements are made with effort and pressure.

When performing plastic facial massage, no special means are used. The procedure is performed using dry face or talcum powder.

Cost and number of sessions

A professional full body massage with special emphasis on the face and neck takes approximately 70 minutes. For a cumulative effect, cosmetologists recommend taking a course consisting of 10–12 procedures.

Prices for one session start from 500 rubles for private masters. In the salon, depending on the prestige, they charge from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles for one procedure.

In order for the effect to really be present, you need to undergo at least 5 sessions with a weekly interval. With each new procedure, you will see how your face becomes younger: the color is evened out, wrinkles are removed and the facial contour is modeled.

According to user reviews, such manipulations with their body are much more effective than using even the most expensive cream, thermal water or serum.


Larisa, 35 years old

“I attended several Moroccan massage sessions in the salon. A very effective procedure for deep wrinkles. Got rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes, the skin became smoother and more elastic. Everyone around me is delighted."

Marina, 38 years old

“Moroccan massage is a godsend for me; it helps me recover after a hard day at work. I do self-massage at home every evening before bed, it is very calming, relieves tension, and in the morning my face is rested and fresh. I'm happy with the result."

Precautionary measures

Moroccan massage is loved by many women. It really allows you to keep your muscles toned, and also acts as the best prevention for the formation of wrinkles. But it is not always recommended. There are the following contraindications:

  • the presence of a large number of inflamed pimples, moles and warts;
  • tendency to herpes rashes (stage of activation of the HSV-1 virus);
  • increased sensitivity of the skin and blockage of small vessels;
  • problems in the functioning of the vascular and lymphatic systems.

The list of side effects is insignificant. It comes down to dermatological problems of the facial skin - rashes, cyanosis, swelling and some other unpleasant consequences. But if sterility is maintained and contraindications are taken into account, nothing like this will happen, and your face, on the contrary, will acquire an even peach tone.

If you are a supporter of beauty, but rather “introduce” it with the help of a Moroccan massage. A special technique allows you to tone your facial muscles, improve blood circulation and sculpt your contour. The procedure is performed by a specialist who has mastered his skills in professional circles or in courses of this type of massage. But if you are not lazy, then the technique we are considering can be quickly mastered at home, especially since there is a special training video for this.

Effect of massage

A complex of various massage movements, which are performed with the fingers and the back of the hand, leads to an increase in metabolic processes in the skin.

  • Collagen production and cell regeneration occur. The skin acquires a natural pink color, becomes velvety, elastic, radiant with health. Sagging cheeks and chin are selected;
  • The oval of the face takes on clear outlines. The décolleté area is smoothed out and no longer needs to be hidden under closed clothing. A woman’s appearance becomes impeccable;
  • This massage can be done either in a beauty salon or independently. Of course, the help of a specialist will be somewhat more effective, but you can achieve noticeable results at home.
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