Chemical peeling for the face in the salon and at home. Reviews, before and after photos, pros and cons

Types of peeling by depth of impact

The division into the types mentioned below is by no means arbitrary. Varieties have different rehabilitation periods and recommended times.

  • Deep peeling. This is the most difficult procedure for a woman. Carried out using phenolic acids. They remove the entire surface layer of skin. The face essentially becomes one big wound. Rehabilitation lasts from six months to nine months. There is a high risk of complications. I repeat, think very carefully before deciding on this type of peeling. It is better not to agree to it unless there is a serious need.
  • Medium peeling. The epidermis is removed down to the basal layer. The effect after implementation is obvious, both in the literal and figurative meaning of the word. The skin is smoothed, its texture and color improves, wrinkles are reduced and disappear. There is almost no trauma compared to deep peeling. The swelling lasts only a couple of days and tissue inflammation is observed. Medium peeling is recommended for women aged 35 to 50 years. The procedure should be carried out from October to March. You can only go outside until the rehabilitation period is completed if absolutely necessary.
  • Superficial peeling. The most painless and gentle. Only the upper cells of the epidermis are removed. Skin renewal and regeneration is stimulated. The complexion improves, the surface of the skin is evened out, and its defects become less pronounced. Well suited for the prevention of skin aging for young girls. In the first days after the procedure, redness and peeling of the skin are observed. For some, its layers come off, like after sunbathing.

Stages of facial peeling in a beauty salon

Each salon has its own distinctive stages of exfoliation. The procedure diagram everywhere consists of the following steps:

  1. Steaming.
  2. Application of the drug.
  3. Providing anesthesia if necessary.
  4. Use of special equipment in case of hardware type of peeling.
  5. Removal of applied drug residues.
  6. Treatment with an anesthetic or sedative.
  7. In case of deep impact , apply a bandage or a restorative mask.
  8. Compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

An example of a session is presented in video materials from many beauty salons.

When is the best time to do a facial peel?

Traditionally, the best period is the autumn and winter seasons. At this time of year, ultraviolet activity is minimal.

Reviews from real people about facial peeling from cosmetologists

Anna, 25 years old:

From a young age I suffer from acne and acne. I tried different treatment options: acid and almond peels did not help. For dry, sensitive skin, the cosmetologist advised a course of procedure - gommage. Finally managed to solve all the problems. I recommend!

Olga, 31 years old:

For girls with facial skin problems after the age of 25, I advise you to try the hyaluranium method. The effect is noticeable immediately, the procedure does not cause discomfort. In the salon, to consolidate the result, 5 sessions were carried out. It was possible to whiten my face, remove freckles and the effects of acne. Thanks to the specialists!

Antonina, 57 years old:

Good day. After 50 years, age-related changes began to be noticeable on the skin, and even professional creams could not cope with the problems. Thanks to deep chemical peeling and the work of specialists, it was possible to significantly rejuvenate the face.

Natalya Podolskaya, 30 years old

I recommend that all girls with skin aging problems sign up for a needle peeling session. The cosmetologist’s work lasts no more than 30 minutes; after a couple of days, the face looks several years younger. I’m happy with the result, I didn’t find any cons for myself!

Types of peelings according to the method of exposure

Mechanical peeling.

May be mid or superficial. The epidermis layer is removed with diamond chips or a special brush. Typically, mechanical peeling is used to eliminate skin defects, helps get rid of wrinkles, age spots, and acne. Home scrubbing is also classified as this type of peeling.

Ultrasonic peeling.

Although you can find different promises in advertising, judging by the reviews, the “Before” effect is practically no different from the “After” effect. However, this type of peeling is said to remove sebaceous plugs.

Physical peeling.

Effect on the skin of cold: low and ultra-low temperatures. For this, dry ice and liquid nitrogen are used. The frequency and duration of procedures are determined by the condition of the skin. The effect is the same as with other types of peeling, i.e. the complexion improves, wrinkles are evened out, the skin becomes smoother and fresher. Never do physical exfoliation at home. Only a professional can do it correctly.

Laser peeling.

The laser beam vaporizes the treated tissue. Huge light energy is absorbed by small areas of skin in a short period of time. Typically, an erbium or CO2 laser is used. The reviews are mostly bad, neutral at best, and the laudatory ones look like custom ones. There is no effect or even the opposite (pigment spots come out, the skin becomes rough, etc.).

Biological peeling.

The skin layer is affected by a variety of enzymes, in particular pepsin, papain, and bromelain. Calling this procedure peeling is only a very big stretch. Rather, it represents skin care and nothing more.

Chemical peeling.

Cleansing the skin with acids, less often with alkalis. It can be multicomponent (a mixture of several active substances) or single-component (one acid or alkali). Depending on the concentration and time of exposure, it can be deep, medium and superficial.

It is easier to do high-quality peeling in Moscow than in other cities. The capital has more highly qualified specialists, modern equipment, etc.

Features of the procedure

Chemical peeling with acids does not require prior preparation. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes and is carried out according to the following protocol:

  • cleansing the face and neck;
  • application of the active substance;
  • keeping the composition for 2-10 minutes;
  • applying a neutralizer that stops the peeling;
  • removal of composition;
  • applying post-peeling cream.

The advantage of the procedure is its comfort. A slight tingling sensation may be felt, which goes away after applying the neutralizer. In case of increased sensitivity, the operating time of the composition is reduced. After the procedure, slight redness is possible, which quickly disappears.

There are practically no contraindications to the procedure.

“The main thing is that there are no inflammations or herpes on the skin,” Olga Degtyareva clarifies. — We do not perform the procedure if the patient has signs of a cold or has an elevated body temperature. And it is very important that your skin does not tan.”

Despite the fact that facial peeling with fruit acids is carried out to reduce hyperpigmentation, it cannot be done on tanned skin. This can lead to even more pigmentation and the appearance of numerous dark spots on the face. If the skin is tanned, it needs to be given time to recover. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend starting the fight against excessive tanning not at the end of summer, but a couple of months after the end of the active sun season.

Advantages of peeling

Let's list the main ones.

  1. Effectively exfoliates the epidermis;
  2. Stimulates skin renewal;
  3. Makes the skin more taut and dense;
  4. Helps get rid of blackheads and acne;
  5. Evens out the texture of the skin and its color;
  6. Eliminates small wrinkles and makes medium and large ones less noticeable.


  • Cosmetic peeling: general concepts
  • Types of exfoliation
  • Types of peelings by depth of influence
  • Types of facial peeling according to exfoliation method
  • Pros and cons of the procedure
  • Relative contraindications
  • Absolute contraindications
  • Expert opinion


After 25 years, the vast majority of girls experience their first skin problems. Small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes, age spots and other defects. Various cosmetic procedures help to cope with these shortcomings. One of them is facial peeling.

Cons of peeling

With the right choice of the type of procedure, its proper implementation and compliance with the rules of rehabilitation, they can either be significantly weakened or completely eliminated.

  1. Peeling exposes the skin, making it vulnerable to external adverse factors, in particular ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the risk of pigmentation increases, especially during the summer months.
  2. The positive effect appears only after several procedures. You shouldn't expect it from one or two.
  3. Deep peeling requires very serious rehabilitation and is accompanied by significant risks of complications.

Answers on questions

How often should you have your face peeled in a salon?

The regularity of the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of peeling.

What options are there for light, gentle peeling?

Types of light exposure include: brossage, laser exposure, chemical types of exfoliation with low acid concentrations.

How much does ultrasonic peeling cost?

The price of one session is from 2000 rubles.

Expert opinion

  • Elena Apostolyuk, cosmetologist: “Chemical peels are wonderful in terms of cleansing pores and reducing age-related changes in the skin. I will tell interested people: think specifically before going for deep peeling. Are you ready to go through a long recovery phase? Be sure to consider the indications and contraindications. If the cosmetologist has done everything correctly, the skin will become softer, smoother, pigment spots will lighten, inflammatory formations and fine wrinkles will disappear, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen will accelerate. I have three tips for care after chemical peeling: do not tear off the peeling skin, it should come off on its own; use gentle care and moisturizers for several weeks; Don’t go for a walk in sunny weather, naturally use sunscreen cosmetics.”

More and more people are interested in what chemical peeling is and what benefits it has for the face. In a short time it allows you to get rid of many dermatological problems and manifestations of skin aging. If carried out correctly, it does not cause unpleasant consequences, so you should contact a skilled and experienced cosmetologist.


Relative contraindications

To avoid the development of complications, cosmetologists recommend refraining from chemical exfoliation in the salon in the following cases:

  1. The presence of herpetic skin lesions. To carry out the procedure, you must wait until the disease is in remission and the rashes disappear completely.
  2. Pathologies of infectious nature. This is due to the functioning of the immune system, the recovery process may not go according to plan, skin healing will be delayed due to the fact that the body is devoting all its strength to fighting the infection.
  3. Any type of dermatitis. This disease can cause complications in the form of the spread of foci of infection throughout the face.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  5. Wounds and abrasions on the skin.

In addition, chemical exposure to the skin is prohibited after tanning, as well as for persons who take retinoids.


Patients of beauty salons leave a lot of reviews about chemical peeling, its pros and cons.

  • Alina, 35 years old: “I’m already an adult woman, but I’ve suffered from acne since my teenage years. I tried medicinal cosmetics, but without much result. I started squeezing out acne and made it even worse for myself. Scars appeared. It’s unpleasant to live with such a face, so I went for a chemical peel. What I will say in the end: the skin was red for almost a month, then the result only became noticeable. The skin is now smooth, the scars remain, but have become almost invisible. I want my face to become even better, so I’ll go for peeling again when the doctor allows it.”
  • Larisa, 31 years old: “I periodically go for retinoic peeling. The cosmetologist recommended it for my skin. I love my face now. But you have to endure the redness and peeling. The first time I did the cleansing, I was scared, I thought I would remain so red and scary forever. But everything went away quickly. The side effects don’t last long.”
  • Ekaterina, 43 years old: “My sister pulled me into a beauty salon for a deep cleaning, she wanted me to look beautiful for her wedding. The cosmetologist warned about side effects and administered anesthesia. I returned home and sat there without going out for two weeks. The face was swollen and crusty. It's good that everything went off in time for the holiday. The pigment spots have faded but have not disappeared. No one will drag me into peeling again. Very painful. And it will take a long time to recover.”

Age dependence

Chemical peeling of the face, after assessing the pros and cons of the procedure, can be performed at any age, but not earlier than 14 years. At a young age, surface polishing is carried out with low concentration fruit acids. General recommendations for superficial and medium peeling - after 30 years, for the prevention and correction of age-related changes.

After 40 years, physiological processes are not so active, the skin undergoes the first visible changes, so a course of several procedures can significantly change the condition of the epidermis from the inside. From this age onwards, deep phenol peels are recommended.

Since the procedure may have contraindications and serious side effects, such sessions should be performed under the supervision of a professional cosmetologist.

Indications for peeling

Indications for exfoliation with acids are:

  • The need for prevention and correction of age-related changes. Hyperpigmentation of various etiologies.
  • Thickening of the skin caused by demodicosis, psoriasis, ichthyosis or pityriasis versicolor.

  • Scars, scars, stretch marks.
  • Ingrown hair.
  • Acne, increased oiliness, acne, enlarged pores.
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