How can you replace hyaluronic acid without visiting a cosmetologist?

In advertising of any anti-age skincare cosmetics, you will definitely hear a mention of hyaluronic acid in the composition of a cream or serum as a sign of quality and impeccable results. “Injections of youth” are also done with the injection of the same hyaluronic acid under the skin. Is it possible to replace hyaluronic acid with something?

Biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy are the names of the procedures for injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin. But not everyone can afford it. After all, a rejuvenation course, as a rule, consists of two or three sessions, and one injection costs a tidy sum.

And this is not a one-time procedure, the effect of it lasts, on average, about eight months, after which the injections must be repeated to maintain the result. So calculate for yourself how much “beauty injections” will cost you.

The high cost of injections, a sufficient number of contraindications and the presence of side effects due to elementary non-compliance with rehabilitation recommendations and ignoring the same contraindications force women in pursuit of beauty to look for alternative options.

And they are. But first, let's figure out what hyaluronic acid is.

Why do you need hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid (or hyaluronate), without going into the chemical jungle, is a polysaccharide, a complex carbohydrate that binds and retains water molecules in the tissues of our body.

This substance, together with collagen and elastin fibers, enters the structure of the skin, making it elastic.

Our body produces hyaluronate independently. But after 25 years, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body, unfortunately, noticeably decreases, which means the tissues become dehydrated.

And not only the skin suffers, but also all connective tissue (cartilage, tendons, joints). The skin signals us about a deficiency of hyaluronic acid by sagging, the appearance of wrinkles, and sagging.

Hyaluronic acid performs three important functions:

  • hydration and nutrition;
  • acceleration of healing processes;
  • improvement of metabolism in tissues.

The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology is based on its ability to retain water in tissues. With the help of this substance, it is possible not only to visually improve the condition of the skin, but most importantly, to renew it at the cellular level.

So cosmetologists are trying by hook or by crook to introduce hyaluronic acid into our body from the outside: injections, vitamins, dietary supplements, tablets, creams, serums.

Important points

The general rule for acids is: add not water, but to (!) water. It is very dangerous! If you pour water into acid, and even abruptly, an explosion will occur. Everyone, of course, will remain alive and well. This is not an explosive, but the product will be ruined.

Metal tools are not suitable for any “acid” cosmetic product. They will begin to react with each other. There are no problems with replacing the working container and spoon. What about a mixer? The simplest and harshest solution is to give it up. If you are not looking for easy ways, buy a compact device with plastic attachments from the online store. As a last resort, you can attach toothpicks to a regular mini mixer using a rubber band. Don't want to wait? Get an electric toothbrush with replaceable heads. Take it apart and “connect” the same toothpicks.

Serum and cream are stored exclusively in the refrigerator. There are a number of reasons for this. Of course, we sterilize working tools, but it is impossible to achieve ideal conditions at home. The cold allows you to remain without your own colony of bacteria. The sun's rays can ruin all our work, and the cell is dark. In addition, we add vitamin C to the serum. In heat, it is destroyed, changing the entire composition.

About the acidity of whey. I recommend purchasing test strips and always having them with you. We have already discussed why. The skin's pH ranges from 4 to 6, but more often – 5-5.5. For oily shine, “network” and dermatitis, a more aggressive product is needed (5), for dryness - less (5.5). Measure the acidity level half an hour after the finish. How to adjust indicators? Lactic acid will help lower the pH, and soda will help increase it. Don't overdo it with dosages! 1-2 drops or a small pinch is enough, then check again.

Vitamin C is not the ultimate truth. You can add something else if you have different goals. Just keep an eye on the compatibility of the components and the order. The preservative is always the last.

Now you can please your skin yourself! It's economical, fast and easy. Have you tried making whey? What supplements do you prefer? What product are you using?

We replace hyaluronic acid with vitamins and dietary supplements

Answering the question “What can I replace hyaluronic acid with?”, we will immediately say that in this case the desired effect will have to wait longer than after injections; on average, the first results will be visible after 2-3 months of regular and methodical use of analogues.

Let's name the main products that can replace hyaluronic acid. All of them should be taken no more than 1 capsule per day.

  • vitamin E;

A powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process at the cellular level.

  • vitamin A;

Strengthens the synthesis of collagen by skin cells, protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

  • vitamin C;

A strong antioxidant that helps restore skin cells.

  • vitamin N (lipoic acid);

Increases the anti-aging effect of vitamin C, stimulates collagen production. The maximum daily dose of this vitamin is 25 mg;

  • collagen;

Noticeable results can be achieved after 8 weeks of daily use (no more than 2.5 g per day).

  • Coenzyme Q10.

Returns skin elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid tablets

An alternative to “injections” is to take hyaluronic acid tablets.

Leading aesthetic centers in Asia have found that a course of hyaluronate restores the water balance of the skin and enhances collagen production.

You need to drink hyaluronic acid according to the instructions, usually 1 tablet per day (at least 120 mg).

If you regularly (at least 3 months) drink hyaluronic acid, then you can achieve:

  • increasing cell regeneration;
  • long-term skin hydration;
  • reduction of facial and shallow wrinkles;
  • the appearance of a protective biobarrier.

Important! A visible effect is achieved only by regular course intake, drinking 2 liters of water per day and combining hyaluronic acid tablets with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Can skincare products (creams, serums) replace hyaluronic acid injections?

The first thing many women think of replacing salon techniques is cosmetics. But, unfortunately, even the most precious creams do not give the same effect as injections of useful substances.

Creams and serums with peptides or hyaluronic acid can partially replace injections. These substances relax facial muscles, reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin.

To get a truly lasting result, you need to try and find a cream whose peptide composition is at least 5% of the total mass of the product. There will not be even 1% in mass market products.

Any cosmetics affects the surface layer, while injections are injected deep into the skin, awakening the internal processes of cellular restoration.

Contraindications for use

Like any product, hyaluronic acid has some contraindications for use that should be taken into account when using:

  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the component - the product is a natural component, however, a similar reaction to low-quality analogues of hyaluronic acid is possible;
  • inflammatory reactions on the surface of the skin - the use of the drug can intensify their nature;
  • autoimmune disorders in the body.

Can homemade face masks replace hyaluronic acid?

It makes sense to resort to “beauty injections” after 30 years. If a young girl undergoes such a procedure to moisturize her facial skin, her body will relax and simply stop producing hyaluronic acid on its own.

You will end up depending on the injection of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is better for young ladies to make moisturizing masks once a week. And even after 30, this method will bring results.

Here are two recipes for moisturizing masks that you can make at home yourself:

Mask based on honey and eggs

Not only nourishes the skin and moisturizes it, but also has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and fights blackheads.

To prepare it: mix 30 grams (1 tbsp) of honey with egg white, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1⁄2 tablespoons of oil (grape, peach, flaxseed, olive or almond).

Apply the mask to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Turmeric mask

Oriental spice strengthens the walls of epidermal cells and saturates the skin with beneficial substances.

So: mix 2 g of turmeric, 3 drops of turmeric essential oil, 2 drops of sesame oil and one banana.

Apply the mask onto your face using massage movements. After 20 minutes, remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in olive oil.

Let's go to the end

It is unlikely that you will want to stop there. You can add the gel to a basic or inexpensive baby cream. I have already talked about how to prepare a nutritious base yourself. For 30 g of base take 10 g of additive. After thorough mixing, the jar should again “infuse” in the refrigerator. Vitamin E is not such a strong preservative to cope with hyaluronate. The product should only be stored in a cool place.

Do you have some extract of youth left? Wonderful! Let's kill two birds with one stone. Prepare a moisturizing serum. You will apply it to the skin before the cream.

Pharmaceutical products instead of hyaluronic acid

What else can you use to replace hyaluronic acid at home? Pharmacy analogues come to the rescue.

Attention! These are all medications, you don’t need to rush headlong to the pharmacy to get them; before using, you need to consult a cosmetologist.


Blepharogel is an ophthalmic drug that relieves dryness and irritation. It will become a panacea for wrinkles around the eyes. The drug, in addition to a large amount of hyaluronic acid, contains natural aloe juice and glycerin - an ideal moisturizer.

You need to use Blefarogel for a course of one and a half months. Then take a month-long break and then to maintain it, it is enough to use it once a day.

First, you need to apply the product twice a day to problem areas around the eyes. The skin must first be cleansed, and then a small amount of gel must be applied with light patting movements.

You should not use the gel immediately before bed, otherwise swelling will be possible in the morning.

Attention! There may be an allergic reaction to Blefarogel. Therefore, before use, apply the gel to the bend of your elbow and observe.

Sodium hyaluronate

Hyaluronic acid salt is essentially a low-molecular substance, which means it can penetrate the skin as deeply as possible to restore it at the cellular level.

By using this analogue you will receive:

  • skin hydration;
  • restoration of damaged tissue, including correction of scars.


This drug is as close as possible to hyaluronic acid in composition and properties.

On the one hand, this is a big plus. But on the other hand, you need to be very careful with this drug. Indeed, in the case of uncontrolled injection, severe bleeding can be provoked.

But don't be so scared right away. If you use heparin-based ointments and creams, your health and life will not be in danger.

Apply them to your face once a day in a thin layer to get rid of wrinkles, you can also treat the skin around the eyes.


Not an analogue of hyaluronic acid, but capable of stimulating its production. When using glucosamine you will get not only an anti-aging effect, but also:

  • lightening pigment spots;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • hydration.

The effect of this drug is enhanced when used simultaneously with Chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate

Initially, the product is intended to restore joint tissue, but in the form of a gel and cream it can be used for cosmetic purposes. After all, its composition stimulates collagen production and increases skin turgor.

Apply the drug 2-3 times a week to clean facial skin. You can massage with your fingertips, then wait 15 minutes and remove excess product with napkins.

Attention! When applying the drug, a slight burning and tingling sensation may occur, which indicates an acceleration of metabolic processes in small blood vessels.

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