Achromin cream for age spots. Reviews from doctors, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, before and after photos

Types of pigmentation

The color tone of human skin is determined by the combination and amount of coloring pigments, mainly melanin.

Pigmentation disorders are common to most people; they are often reversible, occur locally and are treatable, for example:

  • red moles - appear at the site of accumulation of blood from damaged skin vessels;
  • yellow spots - may be a consequence of excess carotene, but more often they speak of liver diseases;
  • moles are brown spots, pinpoint accumulations of melanin. They do not pose a threat to health, but it is not advisable to injure them or remove them without indication;
  • freckles – small dots of light or rich yellow color, especially noticeable in the spring and summer. Location: face or hands. Similar to moles, the presence of freckles is genetic, but they do not contain an excess of cells that synthesize melanin and can be lightened;

  • chloasma is an acquired type of focal pigmentation, manifested in the form of uneven brown or almost black spots on various parts of the body. More often this is a “female” problem associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy or taking hormonal medications;
  • lentigo - small, often multiple brown spots on the skin, most often acquired in adolescence or old age, including (but not always) against the background of tanning;
  • areas of photosensitivity - are the result of a local increase in skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation caused by the use of alcohol-containing cosmetics, essential oils or taking contraceptives.

These are the most common and relatively harmless types of violations.

Medicine identifies a number of diseases that lead to rarer skin color anomalies. An example is vitiligo - uneven white or pale pink islands of skin that appear as a result of an autoimmune disorder.

Description of the drug

Achromin is a budget whitening face cream from the Bulgarian manufacturer Alen Mak. It is a dense, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of essential rose oil. The cream is well absorbed into the skin and does not leave an unpleasant greasy shine. Immediately after the active ingredients are absorbed, the beneficial properties of the cosmetic product appear:

  • lightening dark areas of the skin;
  • acceleration of exfoliation of the keratinized epidermal layer;
  • moisturizing the skin, preventing moisture evaporation;
  • saturation of the epidermis with biologically active substances - microelements, fat- and water-soluble vitamins;
  • UV protection.

Achromin is used in cosmetology as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The use of cream helps to lighten overly tanned skin and protect it from the negative effects of sunlight. The cosmetic product will eliminate age spots, regardless of their origin and location on the body.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Achromin is not included in any clinical and pharmacological group. It is a cosmetic product, not a drug. Despite this classification, the cream has a certain therapeutic activity.

pharmachologic effect

Skin color depends on the pigments produced in the body: melanin, carotene, melanoid, oxyhemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin. If their concentration is disturbed, then pigment spots of various sizes are formed. Most often, cosmetic defects arise as a result of an excess of the coloring substance melanin. With the help of the effective whitening ointment Achromin, it is possible to regulate the coloration of the epidermis.

The brightening effect of the cosmetic product is based on the content of a large number of the following active ingredients:

  • licorice phytoextract. The cream component evens out skin tone while softening, moisturizing and nourishing it. The whitening effect of licorice phytoextract appears after approximately 10-14 days of course use of Achromin;
  • organic acids. Biologically active substances destroy coloring pigments, whitening the epidermis. Organic acids stimulate the removal of dead cells, accelerate the formation of young, healthy tissues;
  • fat-soluble vitamins. Tocopherol and nicotinamide have an indirect lightening effect. They prevent cell destruction by free radicals and prevent premature aging of the dermis. By accelerating metabolic processes, the rate of tissue renewal increases.

The active and auxiliary components of Achromin enhance and prolong the beneficial properties of each other. The substances used to form the base have an aseptic and antimicrobial effect. When using the cream, rashes do not form, new freckles and age spots do not appear.

Release form and composition

The Bulgarian manufacturer produces Achromin in aluminum tubes, each of which contains 45 or 65 ml of cream. The secondary packaging is a cardboard box with instructions for use inside. The active ingredient in the bleach is licorice root extract.

The auxiliary composition of Akrikhin cream is represented by the following components:

  • purified water;
  • mineral oil;
  • glycerin;
  • petrolate;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • carbomer;
  • triethanolamine;
  • stearic acid;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • citric acid;
  • potato starch;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • nicotinamide;
  • wheat germ cosmetic oil;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • flavoring.

Despite the presence of a large number of ingredients in the composition, they do not “clog” each other’s action. Some components (triethanolamine, cetyl alcohol) ensure optimal distribution of licorice phytoextract in tissues. Others (glycerin, mineral oil) are responsible for improving the condition of the skin.

Storage conditions and periods

Achromin is intended for storage in places protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 10-25°C. Violation of storage conditions will lead to a change in the physicochemical properties of the cream. It will delaminate, change color, smell, and lose its whitening properties. The shelf life of Akrikhin is 18 months; after opening the aluminum tube, it is limited to 3-4 weeks.

What is Achromin cream?

The medicinal and cosmetic drug is produced in aluminum tubes. The contents of the package are white, have a dense, slightly viscous consistency and an unobtrusive scent of pink petals.

When used correctly, Achromin allows you to get rid of different types of pigment spots

Numerous reviews characterize Achromin for age spots as an easy-to-use cream, noting its easy distribution and rapid absorption.

When will the effect be noticeable?

To notice the first results, it should take about 2 weeks of daily use. If you periodically skip application of the product, the effectiveness of the drug decreases. The user must understand that it will not be possible to permanently get rid of hyperpigmentation using this product. The cream does not destroy stains, but during use it blocks the enzyme that catalyzes the production of melanin pigment. After the end of use, the effect continues for several more weeks, since the cream has a cumulative effect. It is highly not recommended to abuse the use of Achromin in order to obtain a more pronounced and faster effect, otherwise you can provoke various skin diseases.

The effectiveness of whitening products depends on whether you have old pigmentation. The effect of cosmetic procedures is much better. Dermatological surgeon Sanusi Umar


Initially, the main active substance of the cream was hydroquinone, which inhibits the synthesis of melanin in special skin cells - melanocytes. It is also capable of destroying old accumulations of such cellular structures. However, the toxicity of the component, especially with long-term and frequent use, has provoked a ban in many countries on high concentrations of hydroquinone.

Therefore, having purchased the “modern version” of Achromin, you can find it in the composition:

  • licorice (licorice) extract - designed to replace hydroquinone, having a milder and safer whitening effect. Confirmation of the effectiveness of the component is the long-term use of infusions and lotions from licorice root to combat age spots as part of traditional medicine;
  • gluconic acid - it enhances the effect of licorice, and also moisturizes, smoothes and tightens the skin, helps remove dead cells;
  • lactic acid - has an exfoliating, moisturizing effect, reduces inflammation, fights age-related changes, including hyperpigmentation. It is characterized by low toxicity;
  • glycerin – provides the necessary consistency and viscosity of the cream, as well as the delivery of active substances to skin cells;
  • Lanolin is a wax of animal origin. The component plays the role of a cream base, penetrates the skin, has a softening effect, and heals cracks;
  • beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant of plant origin;
  • vitamin C – slows down skin aging, promotes recovery after aggressive exposure to sunlight, moisturizes, brightens, increases elasticity;
  • UV filters are a group of components that neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Among the excipients, parabens should be noted - preservatives, the safety of which is questionable.

Analysis of the main active ingredients

The main components in the composition are:

  • hydroquinone;
  • octyl methoxycinnamate;
  • lactic acid;
  • glycerin, lanolin, paraffin.

Let's look at each component in more detail.


Hydroquinone reduces the production of melanin pigment, which provides the lightening effect. The substance blocks the enzyme tyrosinase, without which melanin cannot reach the skin cells, the epidermis gradually brightens. Although it is contained in a low dosage, it still has some toxicity. The substance penetrates through the skin into the bloodstream, so the cream has contraindications. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use Achromin for longer than the specified time.

Hydroquinone can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. This is why people with sensitive skin should be careful. Dermatologist Sean Allen

Octyl methoxycinnamate

This is an ultraviolet filter with a gentle effect on the skin. It is often added to many sunscreen products. The substance absorbs ultraviolet rays in the UVB range, reduces their damaging effects on the skin, and prevents photoaging.

Lactic acid

This component is often used for soft peelings. When carrying out aggressive chemical peeling, redness and peeling appear on the skin, and the epidermis reacts painfully to cold or hot water and air. Lactic acid acts more delicately. It does not penetrate deep into the tissue, so it does not cause a strong skin reaction.

The substance softens the upper keratinized cells and promotes their exfoliation. It also promotes cellular renewal, so the skin becomes firm and elastic after use. Lactic acid also has moisturizing properties. It binds and retains moisture, forming a kind of water shell. The cream helps normalize skin moisture. The composition also contains ascorbic acid. It is a strong antioxidant for the skin and also has a slight brightening effect.


Achromin, according to reviews, eliminates pigment spots of various types.

In addition, the cream allows you to:

  • remove or make acne marks less noticeable;

  • protect from “harmful” ultraviolet radiation;
  • even out skin tone;
  • reduce tanning intensity;
  • ensure the prevention of hyperpigmentation in the presence of provoking factors (hormonal disorders, taking a number of medications).

In addition, the active ingredients of the product:

  • care for the skin, making it more hydrated;
  • cleanse, remove dead cells and stimulate skin regeneration.

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Benefits of Retinoids

What are the other benefits of Retinol and why you should choose them:

  • Physiological – is a substance familiar to the skin, because the body itself supplies vitamin A to the skin in low concentrations;
  • Non-toxic and penetrates well into the deep layers of the skin;
  • Suppresses the increased activity of melanocytes , but does not destroy them, but normalizes melanin production;
  • Stimulates cellular renewal , preventing colored cells from lingering on the surface and speeds up their exfoliation.

The principles of operation and benefits make retinoids the drugs of choice for correcting a number of skin problems: pigmentation, age-related changes, photoaging and acne.

Indications for use

Pigmentation disorders can be of different nature, and cosmetic products cannot always cope with the problem.

Achromin makes sense to use for:

  • creating a barrier to ultraviolet radiation, the excess of which threatens melanoma and skin aging;
  • lightening freckles;
  • fight against lentigo;
  • whitening of chloasma lesions after pregnancy;
  • correction of skin tone with increased photosensitivity or hyperpigmentation affecting the entire skin;
  • removal of scars after acne or other inflammatory skin diseases.

Achromin is suitable for any skin type.

Price and where to buy?

Every woman who is concerned about excessive skin pigmentation can afford this cream. The average cost of a cosmetic product is 100-130 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, and also order it online. In the latter case, it is better to choose trusted cosmetic stores that value their reputation and user reviews.


The main obstacle to using the cream is individual intolerance to the components.

Among other restrictions:

  • children's age - up to 12 years;
  • allergic reaction - both during the test before using the cream, and in the presence of confirmed episodes of allergy to substances in the composition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding – applies to batches containing hydroquinone;
  • signs of acute inflammation on the skin - swelling and redness;


Achromin is available without a prescription, but consulting a doctor before using it is advisable - at least to make sure that the problem can be eliminated with the help of a cosmetic product.

The subsequent algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Cleanse the desired area of ​​skin.
  2. Squeeze out a small strip of cream and apply it with light movements to the area of ​​pigmentation - solid (if we are talking about freckles) or within the contours of pigment accumulation (for large areas with clear boundaries).
  3. Rub in with massaging movements for 1 minute. If you experience a tingling sensation in your skin for a short time, there is no need to worry.
  4. After an hour, excess cream can be removed with a napkin - however, this is not necessary.
  5. Unless otherwise recommended, the cream is applied twice a day - morning and evening.

If Achromin is used to eliminate freckles, then the course should be started in late winter - early spring.

Question answer

The cream is applied exclusively to the pigmented area in a thin layer with light massage movements. The skin should be clean and dry. It is recommended to do this after and before bedtime. If you want to eliminate freckles with this product, it is recommended to start using the cream at the end of winter.

The duration of use should not exceed 2 months.

Remember that when using the cream it is better to avoid not only direct sunlight on the skin, but also avoid solariums.


Achromin for age spots (reviews confirm this) is effective with regular use. You should not expect immediate dramatic changes after the first application. But by using the cream in courses, you can count on visible improvements.

Application periodWhitening effectCaring effect
1-2 daysMore hydrated skin
A weekSlight lightening of overall skin tone or areas of hyperpigmentationSmoother, even-toned skin with noticeably smaller pores
2 weeksNoticeable lightening in the vast majority of those who used the product
MonthVisible effect on darker pigmented areasMore elastic and tightened skin, improved facial contours
2 monthsMaximum possible whitening and even skin tone

Longer use of a cream containing hydroquinone is undesirable, but if Achromin with licorice extract is used, prolonging the course is not advisable. According to reviews, Achromin cream eliminates pigmentation disorders for a long time. In the absence of a provoking factor - hormonal imbalances or excessive exposure to the sun, a repeat course will not be needed.

How does the product work?

The cream has a comprehensive effect: brightens, protects from ultraviolet radiation, and moisturizes. With regular use over the recommended course, the cream gradually reduces the severity of freckles, age spots or darkening of the skin after pregnancy. It contains a UV filter that protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, which helps reduce the likelihood of age spots and prevents skin photoaging. That. the product has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Be sure to pay attention to the contraindications of the bleaching agent. Also remember that the result will appear in about 14 days. Dermatologist Emily Altman

Achromin whitening cream also moisturizes well, eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness. It helps improve skin elasticity and slows down the formation of wrinkles. This innovative product with a complex effect will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against pigmentation. The cream will even out skin tone, soften and protect from the sun.

Possible harm and side effects

The first use of the cream may cause slight irritation. This is not a reason to immediately reject the remedy. After 5-6 days, Achromin should be applied again and wait 24 hours. If the skin reacts inadequately again, you should give preference to another cream.

By ignoring signs of drug intolerance, or by violating the rules of use, you may encounter the following problems:

  • intense, persistent itching;
  • significant redness;

  • severe swelling of the skin;
  • allergic rash.

Precautionary measures

Simple recommendations will help you avoid the negative consequences of using the cream.

Using Achromin you should:

  • consult a dermatologist first;
  • if unwanted reactions occur, rinse the skin with water;
  • prevent contact of the drug with damaged skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity;
  • monitor side effects - if they worsen, discontinue the drug immediately;
  • pay attention to the expiration date of the cream.

Achromin should not be used immediately after sunbathing, and vice versa - less than two hours before going outside. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect - increased pigmentation.

Prevention of pigmentation

Pharmacy and cosmetic ointments will get rid of dark spots on the skin, and prevention will help consolidate the result. It is worth reviewing your diet: include foods with antioxidants in the menu, replace coffee with green tea or cocoa, and red wine is acceptable from alcohol.

Follow the rules for staying in the sun. If the skin is predisposed to pigmentation, then it is better to minimize ultraviolet rays. Choose products with an SPF level of at least 30, cover exposed skin with clothing, and keep sunbathing time to a minimum. Before going to the resort, do not do laser hair removal; the procedure increases the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Doctors and cosmetologists advise regularly performing a complete check-up of the body. To do this, get tested, visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist and therapist. Listen to all the signals from your body, in particular the dark spots on your face and body. Problematic skin requires treatment, because pigmentation spoils the appearance and indicates underlying problems.

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Reviews from doctors

Dermatologists allow the use of Achromin, many of them recommend the drug to their patients.

Having summarized the reviews of experts, we can formulate a number of nuances and recommendations:

  • you need to make sure in advance that the cause of pigmentation does not lie in a systemic disease of the body by visiting a dermatologist and, if necessary, obtaining advice from a specialist. An exception may be “inherited” freckles or the effects of tanning, but they only confirm the general rule;

  • a cream containing hydroquinone requires compliance with the course, application regimen and dosage. Attempting to speed up the process by applying it more often, more or longer may result in the opposite effect or irritation of the skin;
  • For some patients, any cream may be ineffective, and application may not be possible due to the high sensitivity of the skin. In such cases, you should choose other products or cosmetic procedures;
  • When using the cream, you should be prepared for side effects, including persistent ones. You shouldn’t tempt fate if you are planning a special event in the near future, or just need to be visible;
  • Old age spots are less amenable to bleaching.


Not everyone likes freckles, age spots on the skin of the face or body. Among the products that can effectively whiten the epidermis, Achromin plays an important role. Over the long period of its existence on the cosmetics market, the product has gained many fans. Let's look at what Achromin whitening cream has reviews.

Victoria, 45 years old, St. Petersburg, Russia:

“Before buying Achromin whitening cream with UV filters in a 45ml tube, I read a lot of reviews. I was a little confused by the main active ingredient. It is toxic, although it is found here in small quantities. But I risked trying, because I had tried many masks and procedures - not a single product could remove age spots on my face. After using Achromin 2 weeks later, I really noticed a lightening of the darkened areas, they almost merged with the rest of the skin. I used it for about a month, I was pleased with the result, I will now use it periodically.”

Irina, 37 years old, Voronezh, Russia:

“Every summer my face is covered with freckles. I don’t really like it, so I decided to find a good cream that can be used seasonally, because the rest of the year there are no pigment spots on my face. The first thing I came across after a short search on the Internet was Achromin cream. When I saw its cost, I thought that it was unlikely to help me. But the money is small, so I decided to take it. It was in stock at the nearest pharmacy. After 2 weeks of use there was no stunning result, but the freckles were no longer noticeable as before. After another 2 weeks they became almost invisible. Overall, I am satisfied, considering the price of the drug."

Alina, 39 years old, Moscow, Russia:

“I used the cream to lighten a large pigment spot on my hand. I applied it for a month and the stain became lighter. I didn't experience any side effects. On the contrary, the skin is well hydrated. I like the light, unobtrusive scent of rose. But the consistency is a little thick for me, I would like it to be more liquid so that the cream is absorbed faster.”

Customer Reviews

Achromin for age spots, reviews of which can be found in large numbers, is, of course, not a panacea. The first and main point that many women note is that a product with hydroquinone and a cream based on licorice extract are not the same in terms of effectiveness.

According to reviews, the “softer” Achromin may not cope with the problem or require longer use. However, often reviews - positive and negative - do not focus on the composition.

In some cases, there was no improvement when using the old, more aggressive composition - this is due to the characteristics of pigmentation. Some managed to cope with them with the help of more expensive whitening cosmetics, while others had to resort to laser removal or chemical peeling.

There are many positive reviews about the cream when used as directed and without allergies, however, some of those who have been helped by the cream note a number of negative aspects.

These include:

  • after application there is a feeling of tingling or burning;
  • oily texture creates the feeling of a mask on the face;
  • depending on the skin type, the cream makes it oily or, conversely, dries it out;
  • there is no detailed annotation in the box;
  • the product has an unpleasant odor.

Sometimes the cream gives an effect only if you refuse to sunbathe, and sometimes it lightens the basic skin tone, being powerless against hyperpigmented areas.

Conclusion: in general, the cream corresponds to the stated characteristics, but the sensations during use are individual.

Causes of pigmentation

Melanin is the main pigment of the skin, produced by the nervous and endocrine systems. It controls the level of ultraviolet radiation affecting the dermis. The process of hormone production is called melanogenesis. Pigmentation is a failure in melanogenesis and the body’s protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation, and a pigment spot is an accumulation of melanin. Examples of age spots are freckles, birthmarks and moles.

But brown spots appear not only due to excessive insolation, but also as a result of exposure to internal factors. Dark spots usually appear on the face, where the skin is thinnest. The main reasons why the epidermis changes color:

  • deficiency of folic acid, vitamin C and other nutrients;
  • influence of medications;
  • changes in hormonal levels (menopause, menstrual cycle imbalance, pregnancy, lactation, use of oral contraceptives, insulin resistance);
  • metabolic disease. The epidermis changes color during an improper diet and with excess weight. This indicates precisely a disturbed metabolism;
  • age-related changes. In every store you can find face cream 45+; the best products, according to cosmetologists, have a whitening effect and belong to the category of products against spots on the skin;
  • genetic predisposition. Usually the hereditary factor is easy to determine immediately after birth;
  • damage (trauma, burns, frostbite, improper treatment of acne, squeezing out pimples, deep peeling);
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible to get rid of pigmentation on the face forever? Knowing the reason for the appearance, yes. The most effective removal of age spots is possible if you use high-quality products and eliminate the root cause of the defects.

Good pharmacy face whitening products will give a clear result. Pigment spots on the face under the influence of active substances will begin to lighten and then disappear. If internal causes are not treated, relapse is possible.

How to replace Achromin

Recommendations will depend on the reason for reluctance to use the cream:

  • if you need a product with hydroquinone, which is more aggressive but effective, you can try Achroactive or Astramin - they contain this substance;
  • if you need a soft, safe, completely natural remedy, folk recipes based on licorice root, infusion of parsley leaves or fresh strawberries are suitable;
  • old areas of excess pigmentation require hardware procedures - peeling or laser removal.

Achromin cream eliminates age spots and is safe if the rules of use are followed and there is no hypersensitivity. The presence of conflicting reviews is caused by differences in composition and individual characteristics of the skin and pigmentation.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Deborah Longwill

practicing dermatologist-cosmetologist

Before you start using any whitening product, you should go for an examination. The fact is that pigment spots can provoke pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc. It is better to use this cream in the spring so that you can admire the effect by the beginning of summer. But the problem is that the result will not last forever, as the stains will appear again. Better pay attention to peeling or hardware procedures.

Aisha Baron

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