Recipe for a black face mask Black Mask with photos and videos

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A huge number of people, to one degree or another, have encountered the problem of blackheads on their faces.

These spots can seriously ruin your face, appearing on your nose, forehead or chin. Up to 95% of teenagers and approximately 25% of adults suffer from acne. Sometimes blackheads can leave pigment spots, scars, scars.

The black mask has recently appeared on our market, but has already attracted the attention of everyone who wants to get rid of acne on their face. Let's figure it out.

Causes of blackheads

The cause of blackheads is always excessive secretion of sebum, fat, and sebum. It can be called differently. The essence does not change from this. The skin stops renewing itself and excessive accumulation of sebum occurs in the pores. It looks like a black dot. What causes this development of events?

  • Improper care - insufficient cleansing and moisturizing
  • Wide pores – if you are prone to enlarged pores, use products to narrow them. These can be store-bought tonics or homemade masks.
  • Hormones
  • Stress
  • Genes
  • Poor nutrition. Fast food, fatty, fried, smoked foods, refined, sweet foods, coffee and chocolate often cause acne and blackheads on the face.

Whatever the reason, proper care will help eliminate the problem and prevent its further development. A black face mask can prevent the development of the disease and reduce the number of existing comedones.

Features of skin care for blackheads and pimples

When blackheads and pimples appear, think first of all: are you doing enough cleansing procedures? In this case, daily evening cleansing is simply necessary. A facial scrub will help deeply cleanse the dermis, eliminating blackheads and preventing the appearance of new ones. And sometimes morning removal of sebum is required. Usually it is lighter - a cleansing lotion, foam or gel.

At the same time, we must not forget about the need for hydration. Its deficiency will cause the pores to produce more oil. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a light moisturizer immediately after cleansing.

A black face mask is an additional remedy for blackheads and pimples. It cleanses the skin, tightens pores, and normalizes sebum production. A film mask can pull out blackheads. But doing this is often not recommended. Since this disrupts the natural protective mechanisms of the dermis. It is optimal to do it 1-2 times a week, not forgetting about the main stages of care.

Read more about the stages of facial care

It is important to exclude base oils from care products. They often cause clogged pores and the formation of comedones.

In what cases should a black mask not be used?

The mask has no obvious contraindications. It is forbidden to use the product if the allergy test is positive. In other cases, the mask can be applied, following some recommendations:

  • When applying the product, it is necessary to exclude injured areas of the skin;
  • For dry skin, you need to increase the period between using the mask, as it has a drying effect. After the mask, it is recommended to apply a deeply moisturizing cream;
  • The mask should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

What are black masks made of? and How is each useful?

A homemade black face mask is made from affordable ingredients that can be found at a pharmacy or your local grocery store.

  • Coal. Activated carbon absorbs all impurities, prevents the development of acne, and removes oiliness.
  • Black clay. Contains minerals, promotes cell renewal, evens out skin texture, accelerates regeneration, helps narrow pores, and removes excess oil.
  • Gelatin. They make film masks with it that can pull out blackheads.

A black face mask may contain other ingredients to cleanse and fight blackheads and inflammation. For example, lemon juice, tea tree essential oil, soda, aspirin and other ingredients.

Comparison of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we recommend taking a look at the table with their characteristics.

MeansManufacturer countryPurposeDuration of one application (min)Price, rub)
Pilaten HydraSouth Koreaagainst acne30from 160 to 180
Black Mask Purifying PeelChinaagainst acne25from 300 to 320
Black Mask BosciaUSAagainst acne and deep impurities30from 874 to 920
Black Mask film maskChinaagainst acne and oily shine25from 384 to 460
Mask-scrub Belita-VitexBelarustightening pores, exfoliating, cleansing25from 106 to 120
Garnier “Cleansing Charcoal”Francecleansing, moisturizing15from 159 to 170
Natura Siberica Caviar PlatinumRussialifting and rejuvenation, nutrition, tone and radiance15from 723 to 890

How to make a black mask for blackheads? – Nuances

The simplest black film mask is prepared as follows.

  • Crush 1-2 tablets of activated carbon into powder
  • Add 1 tbsp. gelatin
  • Pour in 2 tbsp. filtered water
  • Mix thoroughly and microwave for 8 seconds
  • Check that the temperature is comfortable and apply a thin layer as quickly as possible. Avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • Leave until completely dry, the edges will begin to curl.
  • Remove the film from bottom to top

To ensure that everything works out with maximum effect, keep the following in mind:

  • Before applying, open the pores, wash with warm, hot water or wipe your face with a hot towel.
  • Apply a thin layer the first time. Don't touch what's already grabbed
  • Try not to talk and not use facial muscles so that the black face mask does not fall behind the dots.
  • When it seems that the mixture has completely dried, wait another 5 minutes.
  • Immediately after removing the film, moisturize the skin with cream.

These simple nuances will allow you to get maximum effect with minimal time and effort. Below you will find a few more recipes for a black mask for blackheads, pimples and simply high oily skin.

Recipe gelatin and black coal - a face mask that will help you quickly get rid of the problem. But you shouldn't rely only on it. Regular use of a scrub also helps prevent the appearance of comedones.

Other masks for blackheads

A homemade black face mask is also made using other ingredients.

Useful dirt

Therapeutic mud has a restoring, cleansing and nourishing effect on the facial skin. If you purchased medicinal mud powder, dilute it with water to a thick paste.

How to use? You can apply it in its pure form, or you can add different components. No matter how good the mud is, you need to try it for allergies.

Apply it to your wrist, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with water. If after 3 hours itching and redness do not appear, then you can make masks. Thus, you need to check the clay and any mask product.

How to apply? First, wipe the skin with cleansing milk, then take a chamomile steam bath to open the pores. Then cleanse your skin with a scrub. Scrubbing will help the healing components penetrate deeper into the pores.

After these procedures, apply the product to the skin. You should feel the thermal effect. This is how healing mud works!

If you are doing a mud procedure for prevention, then keep it for 10 minutes, if you want to get rid of problems, then 30 minutes. If you feel too hot, then the procedure should be stopped.

Now wipe your face with warm milk, then wash with water, and then rinse your face with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Several anti-aging masks:

  • Classic , for oily epidermis: 2 tbsp. l. dilute the mud with water and apply to the face.
  • For inflammation and acne : 1 tsp. mix mud with 1 tsp. dried chamomile flowers and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils.
  • Softening : 2 tbsp. warm milk, combine with 2 tbsp. l. mud.
  • Anti-aging : 2 tbsp. l. mix mud with 2 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile and mint.
  • For normal dermis type: take 2 tbsp. mud and chamomile infusion.
  • Tonic : 2 tbsp. dilute the mud with warm water until creamy, add 6 drops of geranium, chamomile, jasmine oil.
  • Moisturizing : pour 1 tsp into mushy mud. olive oil.

After several procedures, you will notice an improvement in complexion and a reduction in wrinkles.

Clay black mask

A black face mask with clay is recommended for pimples and blackheads. It is enough to use it 1-2 times a week to enhance care for problem skin. Clay improves metabolic processes, reduces pores, disinfects and removes excess shine. It is possible to use clay of any color; their composition is not much different.

  • clay, water - a teaspoon, charcoal - one tablet, lemon or tea tree ether - 2-3 drops

Mix everything. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Apply for 5-7 minutes and rinse. Afterwards, be sure to provide your skin with proper hydration.

About facial clay

Acne clay

Efficiency of use

The face mask effectively cleanses and renews the skin, and also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. After the first use, the skin looks fresher and tighter.

The effect of systematic use of the mask:

  1. Regulation of sebum production;
  2. Removal of the keratinized top layer;
  3. Delicate skin peeling;
  4. Opening of clogged pores followed by deep cleansing and narrowing;
  5. Gentle skin care, smoothing and brightening;
  6. Removing toxins and destroying pathogens;
  7. Increases the protective functions of the skin against negative environmental influences (wind, frost, heat, UV rays);
  8. Improves the appearance of the skin: fine wrinkles are evened out, complexion improves, contours become clearer;
  9. Awakens natural collagen production.

Black face mask for blackheads

A black film mask for the face at home is prepared on the basis of gelatin or protein.

  • 2 tablets of activated carbon, 1 egg white

Grind the tablets and beat with egg white. Apply to face, place a thin paper napkin on top. Make another layer of composition on top of the napkin. Wait 20-40 minutes until completely dry, trying not to use facial expressions or speak. Once the napkin is completely dry, remove it like a film mask from the bottom up.

  • gelatin - 1 table. spoon, water - 2 table. spoons, activated carbon – 2-3 tablets

Pour crushed tablets and gelatin with water and mix. Microwave for 8 seconds. Pull it out and try to apply it as soon as possible. But don't get burned! The composition is often very hot! It can be applied with hands or a brush. After spreading over the skin, as in the previous recipe, try not to move. Wait another 3-5 minutes until you feel that everything has dried and remove from bottom to top like a film mask.

Ready-made drugs

If you don’t have time to make masks, you can buy ready-made preparations, for example, Belita-Vitex Black Clean Film Mask. To choose the right product, read reviews and buy only from well-known cosmetic companies.

Reading reviews about the Black Head Pore Mask, you can understand that not everyone likes it because of the pain that can be experienced when removing the film. But, as the girls say, because of the brilliant effect obtained, you can be patient.

I think, in order not to endure pain in vain, try to do painless procedures for yourself, of which there are enough selected in this article.

Black Purifying Black Face Mask

  • yogurt without additives - 1 teaspoon. spoon., coal - a couple of tablets., lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

Grind activated carbon and mix all ingredients. Apply the black face mask to your skin for 5-7 minutes. The acids in juice and yogurt will make blackheads less noticeable, and charcoal will draw out dirt, grease and dust. Delicate color alignment and lightening is an additional effect of the composition.

About cleansing face masks

Black Mask film mask: action, instructions, composition

This mask is a powder, it is sold in sachets, one sachet is for 1 procedure.

Effect of the Black Mask mask

The manufacturer of the product assures that its cosmetic product is intended to:

  • make skin soft and smooth,
  • remove acne on the face painlessly and effectively,
  • prevent the appearance of spider veins on the skin,
  • enrich the dermis with nutrients,
  • tighten, smooth the skin,
  • produce a peeling effect,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • protect your face from harmful environmental factors.

Composition of the black mask Black Mask

The instructions for use of the black mask indicate that it consists exclusively of natural ingredients :

  1. White clay - whitens the skin, dries out acne, tightens pores.
  2. Castor oil – nourishes, moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  3. Activated carbon – removes dirt and dust from pores and has an adsorbing effect.
  4. The series - tones the dermis, fights acne, and prevents the aging process.
  5. Wheat sprouts - tighten, make the skin soft and velvety.
  6. Riboflavin - thanks to it, the skin breathes well, the face acquires a healthy color.

Black face mask for acne


  • aspirin – 1 tablet
  • activated carbon – 1 tablet
  • kefir – 1 tsp.

Grind the tablets into powder and mix. Pour in kefir, you should get a creamy mixture. Apply for 15-20 minutes to a previously washed face. Rinse with running water and moisturize.

A black face mask with black charcoal and aspirin disinfects and prevents the development of every pimple and rash in general. But to get rid of the disease, other stages of care are also necessary.

More acne masks


The black color of the drug is due to its component composition. The base is coal, black clay or medicinal mud. Among the additional components in the composition, vitamins, essential oils, and medicinal plant extracts should be noted.

Black compounds have the following positive properties:

  • intensively cleanse even the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • rejuvenate, tighten the facial contour;
  • eliminate inflammatory formations on the skin;
  • saturate skin tissue with beneficial substances.

Masks with black charcoal usually have a gel-like consistency and are excellent at drawing out dirt from the skin pores. One of the best products is Helen Gold Black Mask.

Preparations with black clay are available in the form of powder for preparing an aqueous solution; they intensively absorb sebaceous secretions and mud particles. One of the most popular products is Caolion Premium Blackhead Steam Pore Pack.

Masks with black healing mud come in both powder and gel form; they have a healing and regenerating effect. An excellent option is the Israeli drug Health & Beauty Magic Mud Mask.

Black face mask with aloe

Aloe soothes the skin and tightens pores. It can help with blackheads and pimples. It is possible to use pulp from a fresh aloe leaf, ampoules from a pharmacy or aloe gel.

  • coal – 2 tablets, 1 teaspoon each. water, sugar and aloe.

Grind the sugar in a coffee grinder, but not into dust, but to the size of fine salt. Grind the tablets. Mix all ingredients. The resulting black face mask is applied with massage movements. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and rinse off.

About aloe for the face

Green tea face mask for blackheads

Green tea makes pores narrower, disinfects and cleans out clogs. Brew 1 tsp. green tea 1/4 cup boiling water. Let it brew. The resulting infusion can be used to wipe your face 2 times a day. If desired, you can add a few drops of tea tree essential oil. This is not a black face mask, but it is also a very effective product.

About tea tree essential oil for acne

Black face mask with honey

Honey is a source of more than 200 active natural ingredients that are beneficial for the skin. Including antioxidants, because honey does not spoil! Candied particles can be used as a scrub. Recipe:

  • 5 tab. coal, honey – 1 tbsp, gelatin – 2 tbsp, water – 60 ml

Mix honey with water, crushed charcoal with gelatin. Then combine and stir thoroughly. Let it sit for a bit so that the gelatin swells. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse. Honey, on the one hand, is beneficial, but can cause allergic reactions. Even if they are not present when ingested. Therefore, before use, try dropping a little on the bend of your elbow and rubbing. Assess the reaction within 20 minutes. The same will happen on the face. If everything is in order, the risk of allergies is minimal.

Face masks with honey

Best lists

Let's look at the best products in the following categories:

  • Best price.
  • Korean.
  • Fabric.

Let's study this range in more detail.

Pilaten Blackhead Pore Strip - best price

The presented product helps to quickly and efficiently cleanse problem skin. It easily copes with both cleaning pores and a number of other problems. Already after the first use, the mask produces a very noticeable external effect: it removes almost all blackheads, sebaceous plugs and pimples, including deep ones, the skin looks fresh, rested and toned, small expression wrinkles seem less noticeable.

Price : from 70 to 90 rubles .

Pilaten Blackhead Pore Strip mask

Black Out Pore Minimizing Pack Secret Key - Korean

A product with charcoal exfoliates dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, absorbs sebum and cleanses the pores of the dermis of all impurities. Cleansed pores are noticeably narrowed, the skin becomes smoother, cleaner and healthier. Extracts of papaya fruit and black sesame seeds, rich in vitamins and minerals, gently nourish and care for the skin. The mask also contains macadamia seed oil, garlic extract, extracts of centella, witch hazel, soybean seeds and other components that moisturize and nourish the skin, provide antioxidant protection, and activate cellular renewal processes.

Cost: from 800 to 1000 rubles.

mask Black Out Pore Minimizing Pack Secret Key

Mediheal - fabric

The presented product contains mushroom extract, sodium PCA, centella asiatica extract, pomegranate extract, etc. The product controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps to narrow pores and strengthen skin turgor. Intensively restores skin elasticity and smoothness. Pomegranate extract stimulates the formation of aquaporins (active water transport channels that play a critical role in maintaining the optimal amount of moisture in the skin) and has anti-inflammatory activity.

Price tag: from 120 to 180 rubles.

Mediheal mask

Possible side effects and concerns

  • Avoid the eye area when applying a black face mask
  • When using honey and other natural ingredients, do not forget to do a sensitivity test. Apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and evaluate the reaction for 20-30 minutes. If redness, itching and other unpleasant symptoms do not occur, the risk of an allergy is minimal.
  • A black face mask is done more than a couple of times a week. Optimally – 1 time. The upper layers of the epidermis must have time to recover between procedures.
  • Don't consider a black face mask as your only home remedy for blackheads. It is only an additional solution. And it will not replace full-fledged care.
  • After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer. Cream or milk. Choose them according to your skin type.

Recommendations, tips

You already know how to use Black Mask correctly, but now we suggest you remember (or write down) the following recommendations:

  1. Before using the mask, the skin needs to be steamed. This is easy to do: add water to a small saucepan and put on fire. When it boils, you need to place your head above the steam and cover it with a towel for about five minutes. Second option: you can take a hot bath.
  2. While the black mask is in effect, it is advisable to remain calm: rest, lie down, watch TV.
  3. Before applying the mask, be sure to check your skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of black care product to your wrist. After an hour, remove it, if redness, itching, and peeling do not appear at the site of exposure, then this mask can be used.
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