Instructions for use and reviews of Cream-gel Malavit

Pimples, acne, skin inflammation, uneven complexion, herpes, warts, rashes, redness on the skin are regular problems that occur in 90% of people.
Men and women, teenagers and adults face them. And then the question arises of choosing a drug that will not only be effective and efficient, but also will not harm your body with side effects. Let's consider the drug Malavit, which has a natural composition and has virtually no contraindications for use, as a result of which it can help effectively get rid of acne, warts and other unpleasant problems.


Cream-gel Malavit has a light consistency, is quickly absorbed, and is localized in pathological areas. Smells like herbs. Used sparingly. It is used in case of skin problems, as well as in normal epidermis to strengthen the protective properties and prevent rashes. It is recommended for teenagers if they have acne or irritation. In addition, Malavit is used as an aid for gynecological diseases, colds, bruises, injuries, burns.

The universal remedy is based on natural ingredients, so there are no contraindications other than individual intolerance. Malavit is allowed to be used by absolutely everyone. The main components are substances of plant origin. The base is glycerin. Allowed to be used for a long time. The drug is not addictive, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

Officially, Malavit is registered as a dietary supplement - a cosmetic product for the care of the skin of the face and the whole body. Sold in pharmacies, often recommended by doctors in various fields. Sold freely, without a prescription. The manufacturer is a domestic company. The recipe for the product was developed in 1990 by a doctor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, Viktor Mironovich Dvornikov.

Cream-gel Malavit - analogues

There are no dietary supplements that completely replicate the composition of the drug under consideration:

  1. Similar effects are produced by the Septisol solution, which is also made only from natural ingredients, but it is produced exclusively in liquid form. In the field of cosmetology, it cannot replace Malavit; a solution will not work as a cream for the face, décolleté and neck.
  2. Another synonym for the drug is Karavaev balm or Vitaon. It is an oily extract containing only extracts from medicinal plants.


Cream-gel Malavit is intended for the care of normal and problem skin of all ages. The universal product has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • antiallergic;
  • antipruritic;
  • decongestant;
  • regenerating;
  • healing;
  • protective;
  • sedative;
  • deodorizing;
  • painkiller;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • moisturizing.

Malavit accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates tissue regeneration and cell renewal. Copes well with burns, scratches, hematomas, abrasions.

Release form and composition

The cosmetic product is available in the form of a cream-gel with a light texture. It has a light specific herbal aroma. Sold in tubes of 30 g, 75 g.

The active substances are plant extracts, oils, and mineral components.

  1. ionized water;
  2. glycerin – has a softening, moisturizing effect, prevents moisture loss from cells, normalizes lipid balance;
  3. cedar resin – is a powerful natural antiseptic, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  4. white mumiyo (stone oil) – accelerates metabolic processes, increases blood circulation, stops inflammation;
  5. Shilajit – has antibacterial, immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory properties;
  6. larch gum – protects the skin from the negative influence of environmental factors, stops and prevents allergies;
  7. pine bud extract – disinfects, soothes, relieves pain, relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue healing;
  8. birch bud extract – has a pronounced antimicrobial, regenerating effect;
  9. oak bark is a powerful antiseptic with antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial effects;
  10. copper and silver ions – disinfect, destroy pathogenic microflora, heal wounds, accelerate cell regeneration, stop bleeding;
  11. Essential oils are the main flavoring agents, as well as tonic and restorative components.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • chamomile;
  • peony;
  • immortelle;
  • plantain;
  • calendula;
  • mint;
  • calamus;
  • sage;
  • celandine;
  • thyme;
  • lactic acid;
  • copper carbonate, sulfate;
  • chaga;
  • gum;
  • dandelion;
  • elecampane;
  • coltsfoot;
  • yarrow;
  • Echinacea.

The composition does not contain aggressive components, parabens, mineral oils, silicones, or chemicals that can harm the body. This is a hypoallergenic product with a safe composition.

Indications for use of "Malavita"

The ointment contains herbal components - they are safe for use by people whose body condition is not burdened by chronic pathologies. The preparation contains derivatives of copper and silver, glycerin, malachite, organic acids, extracts of fir and cedar resin.

The universal qualities of “Malavit” allow it to be used in several areas at once: • To eliminate inflammatory elements that have arisen against the background or as a result of colds. • In obstetrics and gynecology, when rashes occur due to hormonal imbalance. • In case of disruption of the functional activity of the skin glands. • For inflammatory lesions of the skin of the face, if the pustules are of fungal origin. • In dentistry, this cream is also used to eliminate rashes that occur due to periodontal disease, gingivitis, and stomatitis.

Considering the natural origin of the components of the ointment, it can be used when a rash appears on the face, if the appearance of inflammatory elements on the skin has an unclear root cause.

Instructions for use

Malavit cream-gel is applied in a thin layer to problem areas. Distribute with massage movements. It is absorbed quickly, after 5 minutes an invisible and imperceptible protective film is created, and the therapeutic effect begins.

The procedure needs to be carried out 2-4 times a day, depending on the problem that needs to be solved.

  1. Injuries, diseases of the spine, ligaments, joints . The cream is used to treat problem areas three times a day until the painful symptoms completely disappear.
  2. Headache . Apply to the temples, the back of the head, and treat the forehead. The frequency of use depends on the complexity of the situation, the nature and cause of the pain.
  3. Herpes, viral skin lesions, ulcers, inflammation . Apply Malavit up to 4 times a day, pointwise, exclusively to problem areas.
  4. Hygiene, deodorization . Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin of the legs, armpits, and perineum.
  5. Sinusitis, respiratory diseases . Apply to the bridge of the nose, throat, around the ear, and chest. It is an auxiliary remedy for the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear, and respiratory tract.
  6. Insect bites . To relieve itching, swelling, inflammation, redness, and accelerate healing, apply to affected areas up to 4 times a day.
  7. Hematomas, bruises. Rub in with massage movements up to 6 times a day.
  8. Pimples. Treat inflamed areas. Initially, the skin is cleaned of dirt and dried.
  9. Improving the condition of the skin. Apply a thin layer to clean skin every evening. With daily use, the complexion improves, peeling, dryness, inflammation are eliminated, and the severity of wrinkles is reduced.

In gynecological practice, Malavit is prescribed for thrush, a violation of the vaginal microflora. The cream-gel is used to treat the mucous membrane or is impregnated with gynecological tampons and inserted overnight.

Use of the product and possible side effects

“Malavit” in the form of a solution is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. The cream, accordingly, is distributed on problem areas of the skin without auxiliary means. The procedure is repeated twice a day for 2 weeks.

The risk of side effects is virtually eliminated. In 1 case out of 1000, the patient may develop a slight tingling sensation at the site where the solution or ointment was applied. More often, this skin reaction is associated with their excessive use.

The medicinal product is available for free sale. But, despite its availability, it is important to read the accompanying instructions and refuse to use it if there are contraindications.

Tags: acne

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Indications and contraindications

Used for many pathological processes and diseases.

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dislocations, sprains, bruises;
  • thermal, solar burns;
  • hematomas, bruises;
  • headache, muscle pain;
  • fungal infections of the epidermis;
  • acne;
  • allergy;
  • furunculosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • scratches, cuts;
  • itching, swelling after insect bites;
  • problematic skin;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • viral, respiratory infections;
  • rosacea;
  • varicose veins;
  • gynecological diseases.

Contraindication for use is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Manifests itself as allergic rashes on the skin. When the drug is discontinued, the condition returns to normal. Cases of allergies are extremely rare, therefore, it is believed that Malavit has no contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of "Malavita"

According to doctors, the main restrictions apply to people with a high predisposition to allergic reactions. If the patient has a history of intolerance to herbal products, it is advisable to perform a skin test before using Malavit. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the forearm and wait 15 minutes. If there is no redness, itching, or swelling, the ointment can be used without fear.

Until now, there has been little information about the possibility of using the cream in question to treat acne in pregnant women. Therefore, for fear of harming the fetus, doctors do not recommend using Malavit during pregnancy. A similar warning applies to women who are breastfeeding.

Pregnancy and lactation

It so happens that preparations based on herbal components are considered safe and can be used during pregnancy. In most cases this is true. But during fetal development, with hormonal fluctuations, a woman’s immunity decreases and the risk of developing allergies increases.

If after several uses of Malavit a burning sensation, redness, dryness, or peeling of the epidermis is observed, the cosmetic product should be discarded. In other cases, the use of cream-gel is allowed. Malavit can be used for thrush and vaginosis, but only under the supervision of specialists and for minor manifestations.

Special recommendations for effective treatment

Recovery will come faster if you do not ignore the features that the use of the drug in question suggests:

1. If a person with dry skin type is to treat a rash, it is advisable to refrain from applying a concentrated solution. It can dry out the skin, which is undesirable in the treatment of acne. To achieve a safe concentration, add 100 ml of distilled or boiled water to the bottle with the product. Each time after use, place the bottle with the remaining solution in the refrigerator to maintain consistency.

2. It is necessary to maintain an interval between application of the product of at least 2 hours.

3. Avoid applying directly to open wounds.

4. Refrain from use if allergic reactions develop during treatment (redness, worsening of the wound, appearance of new inflammatory elements).

It is also important to apply the drug to previously cleansed skin - regular washing is sufficient, but always with soap.

Other forms of release

In addition to the universal cream, narrowly targeted products are produced under the Malavit brand.

  • Malavit for joints . Painkiller, warming drug. Designed to eliminate discomfort due to joint pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Cream for tired legs. It has an antivaricose effect, anticonvulsant, anticellulite. Eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, burning, swelling, numbness.
  • Baby cream . Has a softening, moisturizing, healing effect. Designed to care for problematic, sensitive skin. Protects from ultraviolet radiation and the harmful effects of environmental factors.
  • Anti-cellulite . Improves blood circulation, eliminates congestion, tones and softens the skin. Relieves swelling, increases elasticity and firmness.

Malavit is also available in solution form. Differs in a set of auxiliary components. Used for the treatment of mucous membranes of the genitals and ENT organs. Place drops in the nose, ears, moisten gynecological tampons, and place a compress on the chest. Rub into temples for headaches. Rub the skin for injuries, muscle pathologies, arthritis, bursitis. Apply to the skin in the presence of acne, pimples, and inflamed areas. Used as a disinfectant and deodorant for sweating feet, hands, and armpits.


If we consider the composition, there is no similar product. There are a lot of herbal-based drugs with a similar mechanism of action. The cost of universal products is from 50 rubles. up to 1000 rub. Dietary supplements are sold mainly via the Internet, the cost is too high. Only a small part is sold in pharmacy chains at an affordable price. Doctors do not prescribe Malavit as a medicine, but may recommend it to accelerate the therapeutic effect.

  1. Healing cream Lavender . Price 380 rub. Contains water, D-panthenol, oils, glycerin, lactic acid, alcohol, and a large list of plant extracts. A universal remedy is used to restore the skin from bites, injuries, and injuries.
  2. Rescuer-Forte . Accelerates wound healing, stops inflammation, improves blood circulation, stimulates cell regeneration. Contains beeswax, milk lipids, oils, plant extracts, tocopherol acetate. Price about 150 rubles.
  3. Cream for all occasions Home doctor . It works on the basis of plant components - oils, extracts. It is used for any damage to the skin - cuts, abrasions, hematomas, burns. And also for allergies, contact dermatitis. Price from 50 rub.

Malavit contains a huge list of natural ingredients and has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the muscular, circulatory and nervous system. Buyers on forums tell us how effective the cream-gel is.

The healing properties of the drug "Malavit" in the treatment of acne

A solid evidence base has made it possible to judge the medicine “Malavit” as a method that helps quickly and without associated complications get rid of rashes on the face.

Clinical studies have found that the naturopathic remedy:

• Has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. • Characterized by a powerful antimycotic effect. • Eliminates facial swelling. • Dries wet wounds of various sizes. • Heals wounds of various sizes - the components of the medicinal consistency allow the formation of a crust on the wound surface. After the scabs are rejected, no scars remain, which is especially important given the aesthetic side of the issue. • Eliminates skin itching, regardless of the degree of its manifestation. • Reduces residual effects after acne has healed. • Lightens the skin, eliminating the effects of acne. • Normalizes pigmentation disturbed during bacterial infection. • Qualitatively relieves the manifestations of herpetic infection on the face - “Malavit” helps to dry out herpetic blisters. • Has a positive effect on the skin for all types of purulent rash. • Effectively eliminates lichen on the face, as well as psoriatic crusts, warts, and condylomas.

When using the drug "Malavit" there is no development of resistance of pathological microflora. Considering all the listed advantages of the drug, doctors often prescribe it as part of complex therapy for inflammatory processes. Since “Malavit” has a pronounced ability to enhance the healing effect of basic drugs intended to eliminate aerobic and anaerobic infections.


Dear readers, was this article helpful? What can you say about Malavit cream gel? Leave your feedback in the comments! Your opinion is important to us, and it will help our readers make a choice!


“Last year my daughter cut her lip very badly. There was a lot of blood. I treated the wound with peroxide and lubricated it with Rescuer. We saw the doctor the next day. We were told not to apply peroxide anymore as it promotes scarring, but to buy Malavit cream. After the first use, the swelling went away and the sponge became normal. I applied it almost endlessly for 5 days. The wound has healed and there is no trace left. I am very grateful to this cream and to the doctors who recommended it to us.”


“My daughter is in her teens and started having skin problems, rashes and acne. I bought Malavit cream gel. We didn’t see much change from it; moreover, it clogs the pores a lot if applied frequently to the face. We bought the liquid, and then a real miracle happened. The skin became clearer every day. They got it in order within a month. My daughter uses it sometimes now, as soon as an inflamed pimple appears.”

Precautionary measures

When using Malavit gel or solution, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing and using it directly, be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. Do not apply the cream-gel or solution together with other medicinal or cosmetic products; observe the interval between the application of various medicinal and cosmetic products. Only a combination of cream-gel and Malavit solution is allowed, since in this case their effect is enhanced.
  3. Follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions.
  4. Do not use the product internally; the cream and solution are intended for external use only. If a large amount of Malavit enters the stomach, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and consult a doctor immediately!
  5. Store Malavit out of the reach of children and animals.
  6. The bottle must be shaken before using the solution. The solution may become cloudy over time, and sediment may appear at the bottom of the bottle - this is acceptable for the medicine.
  7. Dilution of the solution is only permissible with boiled water at room temperature or slightly cooled. The diluted solution is stored for no more than a day.
  8. Observe the storage conditions of the medicinal product. The shelf life of the solution is 2 years from the date indicated on the package. The solution is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +25° C. The cream is also stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, suitable for use for 18 months.
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