Angelina Jolie before and after plastic surgery. A selection of photos of the actress before and after rhinoplasty and plasma lifting operations

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American actress Angelina Jolie has been considered the most beautiful woman on the planet for many years, and this fact, oddly enough, does not irritate almost anyone. Men admire Angelina's appearance, and women beg plastic surgeons to give them Jolie's lips (fortunately, this fashion is passing!). Journalists, fans and envious people are trying to find out whether beauty is really given to the actress by nature, or whether she is disingenuous, declaring that she has never had plastic surgery and, moreover, is not going to resort to it in the future. Interestingly, the actress immediately claims that she is not an ardent opponent of plastic surgery and allows its use if necessary. For some reason, looking at photos taken at different times, the thought comes to mind that Angelina Jolie did have plastic surgery, since the actress’s nose shape, cheekbones, cheeks and face shape changed slightly . Many suspect that at one time she slightly “corrected” her lips and enlarged her breasts, but no one doubts that after a mastectomy she underwent breast reconstruction - the star never hid this operation, as well as the reason why she decided on it.

A little biography

Angelina Jolie is an actress, director, screenwriter and model. Winner of the Oscar, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award and others. The actress was born in Los Angeles, California, and after a while her family moved to New York.

Eyes, plump lips, prominent cheekbones - a description of a recognized beauty in Hollywood. Angelina Jolie has long been the standard of beauty and femininity; she delights all her fans. Looking at photographs from different periods of time, you can understand how much the beauty of Angelina Jolie has changed before and after plastic surgery.

Despite numerous rumors about operations, the actress has millions of fans who dream of looking like her. This article will put everything in its place: did the actress use the help of plastic doctors or did nature endow her with beauty.

Angelina in her youth

In her youth, the girl never considered herself a beauty. She considered herself too thin and disproportionate, with a lack of style.

The aspiring model was short, had a boy's figure, broad shoulders and nose, a full face, large lips, a small chin and expressionless cheekbones. Her appearance caused ridicule among her peers.

Mother of 14 children in pursuit of Jolie's appearance

A beauty with a striking appearance, a talented actress, a sincere woman and a mother of six children, Angelina Jolie has won the adoration of millions of men and the envy of a huge number of women. Many associate the success of the actress with her external data, which nature generously endowed the girl with.

Young girls and older ladies want to be like Angelina Jolie; plastic surgeons very often hear requests that the patient have her lips, eyes, nose, chin done... almost everything like Jolie’s.

The thirty-four-year-old Hollywood brunette is perhaps the modern standard of beauty that millions want to get closer to. Even those girls who are in full view of the media are not ashamed of their desire to become like Jolie, they forget about their own uniqueness in the name of a proven appearance.

Thus, the famous Nadya Suleiman, who surpassed Jolie in motherhood by 8 children, she has only 14, cannot bring her appearance into full compliance with the beauty of her idol. When Nadya gave birth to 8 twins at the same time, people from all over the world provided her with financial support. Nadya blossomed before our eyes, turning from a simpleton into some semblance of Angelina Jolie.

What rumors are there about the actress's plastic surgery?

Evil tongues believe that the celebrity resorted to the help of plastic surgeons to correct her cheeks, facelift, breast and lip enlargement. No one has been able to unequivocally confirm these rumors, despite strong arguments.

Well-known American surgeons who studied Jolie’s appearance from the beginning of her career to the present day did not come to an unambiguous answer - the presence/absence of the star’s facts of intervention by plastic surgeons. The operations performed by the actress are indisputable: rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, plasma lifting.

Basic information about Angelina Jolie

How old is Angelina Jolie/date of birthin 2016, the actress turned 41 years old / June 4, 1975.
Height Weight170 cm / 47 kg (there is information that the actress has lost weight to 35 kg).
Occupationactress, fashion model, public figure.
Facial plastic surgeryrhinoplasty, possibly: correction of cheekbones, cheeks, lips and eyes.
Body plastic surgerybreast augmentation, double mastectomy followed by prosthetics.

Have you had plastic surgery on your lips?

Plump and sensual lips are Jolie’s calling card. Some experts are confident that hyaluronic acid is injected into her lips. But they looked like this since childhood, so statements that this is the effect of injections are just fiction.

Experts suggest that the lips have changed slightly over time, as evidenced by a smaller lower lip and a clearer contour. This could have been achieved through either chin surgery or lip contouring. In the first case, the contour of the lower lip is deformed due to skin tension due to the implant.

Tuning that catches your eye

I sincerely believe that grooming is all about natural characteristics preserved in perfect condition. And I am always “for” plastic surgery and cosmetology, when the result is not visible, as if everything was so. I consider Angelina Jolie to be in the category of “over-groomed” stars.

Looking through her public appearances, you can see an overly sparkling face - her forehead shines like a skating rink.

This indicates that her doctor either injected too much Botox, or it (the Botox) was of poor quality. In such cases, the skin looks tense, unnatural, and excessively shiny.

Well, many fans still can’t believe that Angelina Jolie’s beauty is the result of the painstaking work of surgeons. But this only proves the fact that the operations are done very skillfully. Here is the right example of competent contact with specialists in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetology.

Was there plastic surgery on the cheekbones?

In her youth, Jolie had full cheeks and expressionless cheekbones; now she has sunken cheeks and expressive, clear cheekbones, making her look 10 years younger. Experts believe that the relief of Angelina’s cheekbones is supported by high-density fillers, or she underwent lipofilling (during this plastic surgery, adipose tissue is transplanted into the patient’s cheekbones).

Fans of the actress do not agree with this. They are convinced that the cheekbones and cheeks have changed as a result of Angelina's significant weight loss. By the way, makeup artists did Angelina Jolie’s famous makeup in the movie “Maleficent” based on her natural cheekbones, with small overlays. That's why the makeup was so fantastic.

Was there plastic surgery on the nose?

Angelina Jolie had a different nose shape before and after plastic surgery. This change was an undeniable change in the star's appearance. Since childhood, the girl looked different: she had a snub and wide nose. During the operation, it was straightened and reduced, bringing it closer to the ideal Greek profile.

To get the best result, surgeons performed their work with pinpoint precision. Angelina Jolie insists that her nose changed on its own, without surgery, but eminent experts insist differently - that the nose cannot look like this without surgery.

Have you undergone a lot of plastic surgery?

In fact, it is quite difficult to understand how many surgical interventions Jolie has had. If they were, then the job was done perfectly. Angie chose plastic surgeons of the highest level and professionalism. She did not radically change her appearance in pursuit of fashion and trends, but remained true to herself. As a result, Angelina Jolie looks like herself, only in an improved version.

Many people try to determine the number of plastic surgeries by comparing photographs of the actress now and during her childhood and youth. Almost everyone notices a change in the shape and width of the nose, the size of the lips, the thinning of the chin and cheekbones, the ideal oval of the face, as well as an increase in breast size. Jolie herself admits only to having her nose done. And a few years ago, she decided to have a mastectomy to eliminate the risk of breast cancer, which killed her mother.

As for other changes in facial features, the star herself does not confirm them, but, by the way, does not refute them. On the other hand, comparing photographs with a difference of 20 years and talking about any interventions to improve appearance is not entirely correct. It is hardly possible to find a person who looks identical at 18-20 years old and at 40-something.

Age-related changes affect everyone; over time, the face becomes longer (the notorious gravity), the cheeks “shrink,” and the volume of the lips is lost. And some things can be corrected with good makeup.

But the possibility of plastic surgery cannot be denied either. Not every celebrity acquires such chiseled beauty over the years.

Was there plastic surgery on the chin?

Angelina Jolie before and after plastic surgery clearly demonstrates to viewers what successful plastic surgery looks like when it is performed by a professional, highly qualified plastic doctor. Changing the shape of the chin is a very correct and successful decision, since with minimal correction of the defect, the maximum effect was obtained.

Before the operation, the star could not boast of her chin: it was vaguely defined with a wide shape. Now she has a perfect chin and a clear angle between her neck and face. This wave was also picked up by fans of Jolie’s appearance in Hollywood: Megan Fox, Caitlyn Jenner and other celebrities who strive to be similar in appearance to Angelina.

How will Angelina change after surgery?

“I will never be able to give birth to a child on my own again: after the removal of my ovaries, I entered menopause. However, I understand and am already trying to accept the rapid changes in my body, not at all because I am so strong, but because such is life, you should not be afraid of it,” Jolie admitted in the same essay “Operation Diary.” “I wear a special patch that releases estrogen as well as a progesterone coil into the uterus to help maintain hormonal balance.”

However, Dr. Leila Hanna believes that Angelina Jolie will be able to overcome all the unwanted symptoms of menopause with the help of hormone replacement therapy. The actress’s attending physician, Dr. Christy Funk, confirmed the opinion of her colleague: “Of course, Angie will not be able to avoid all problems, but I am almost sure that thanks to hormone therapy, Jolie’s menopause will not manifest itself physically, which means she will soon be able to return to work and lead an active lifestyle life, as before the operation." admires Angelina Jolie’s courage and is grateful to her for her frank talk about her experience, aimed at supporting women living with a cancer diagnosis around the world. We sincerely wish Angie many years of life surrounded by loved ones!

Have you had plastic surgery on your eyebrows?

Angelina Jolie's gorgeous eyebrows are a reason for envy. At different times, the shape of the eyebrows changed, the actress experimented with them as best she could, but all these experiments were not surgical, but cosmetic, related to Botox.

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Have you had breast surgery?

In 2007, fans began to think about this question. Despite the actress's significant weight loss, at this time her breasts increased and did not decrease, as happens with severe weight loss.

Angelina finished breastfeeding her daughter Shiloh in mid-2006, and such an increase in the bust cannot be associated with the lactation period, when the breasts increase in size.

Nutritionists come to the star’s defense; they argue that not everyone’s breasts become smaller after losing weight, citing the example of other people. Jolie has had a similar physique since her youth: a thin body with a size 3 bust. Therefore, there is no need to say that these are implants. Large breasts are the actress’s body constitution.

At the beginning of 2013, Angelina Jolie shocked the public with her frank statement that she had 2 breasts removed. The reason was a test that showed an 87% probability of a tumor forming in the breast. After this, Angelina was forced to take this step.

The actress’s mother died at the age of 56 from breast cancer; this fact served as a reason for the actress to undergo examination for the likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Angelina Jolie spent 3 months in the hospital. The surgical intervention consisted of 3 stages: in early February, doctors took a sample from the nipple in order to exclude the possibility of malignant tumors forming here.

After 2 weeks, an operation took place in which Angelina Jolie’s breast tissue was removed. The third stage was scheduled 9 weeks after stage 2. During the operation, Angelina received breast implants, after which she underwent a long rehabilitation course.

After a mastectomy, the effect of the operation before and after for Angelina Jolie was amazing, the likelihood of developing breast cancer decreased to 5% from 87%. Jolie herself, commenting on this, said that she could not do otherwise, since she has children and she is responsible for them.

The actress cannot even admit the thought that her children will grow up without a mother. Now her children can say with confidence that their mother will not die from breast cancer.

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Removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes

In March 2015, Jolie underwent another operation - removal of her ovaries.

The CA-125 protein is responsible for ovarian cancer, and at the time of testing, its levels were normal. However, the attending physician expressed concern about the initial stage of cancer of any other organ, since the number of other markers had increased.

It turned out that the first stages of ovarian cancer can occur without a CA-125 protein reaction, so Jolie decided to schedule a full examination of the ovaries with a surgeon. With the help of an ultrasound, it became clear that there were no dangerous tumors on the ovaries.

To find out the reasons for the increase in the number of markers, additional tests were taken from Angelina, which were prepared over 5 days.

The scan showed that there was no growing tumor in the body, but the doctors agreed that the operation to remove the ovaries should be performed as early as possible - 10 years before the age when cancer was discovered in close relatives. At the time of the examination, Angelina was 39 years old, and the age when her mother was first diagnosed with the disease was 49 years old.

So, in 2015, Angelina decided on bilateral laparoscopic removal of the appendages.

This surgical intervention led to the following consequences:

Early menopause

Removal of the ovaries led to premature menopause, which affects changes in hormonal levels and the general condition of the body. Angelina can no longer bear children.

On the subject: biological children of Brad Pitt and Jolie

Mental difficulties

The operations undergone change not only physical health, but also self-perception. Angelina spoke honestly about this in an interview, assuring that she would do everything possible to be happy.

Hormonal imbalance

Angelina was prescribed hormone replacement therapy.

Brad Pitt fully supported his wife in this decision. According to Jolie, he was always there, present at operations, and they even found an opportunity to laugh in this situation.

Risk of developing cancer after surgery

The actress undergoes a full examination every year and visits oncologists. After the operations, the risk of a tumor decreased to 5%, so at the moment the star is not in danger. In every interview where questions about health were asked, Jolie expressed her intention to maintain high immunity by all means.

The only thing fans are worried about now is the actress’s divorce. Because of this, the star was a lot nervous and lost a lot of weight, which greatly frightened the public.

On the subject: why Pitt and Jolie divorced

Have you had rhinoplasty?

Angelina Jolie had a different nose shape before and after plastic surgery. His correction is the most obvious transformation of the star’s appearance. From birth the girl looked different. She changed her plump and snub nose to a straight nose with a Greek profile.

Surgeons worked with pinpoint precision to achieve the most natural look. Angelina Jolie convinces fans that her nose changed without anyone's help, but experts insist that her nose could not have changed in this way without surgery. Have you had a facelift?

Once again they started talking about Jolie's plastic surgery in 2009. This was prompted by a photo in which a scar is clearly visible behind the star’s ear, reminiscent of a surgical incision. Several versions immediately appeared from eminent specialists. According to New York surgeon David Schafer, such scars may indicate otoplasty.

Specialist Jennifer Walden does not agree with this, he argues that such a scar is not characteristic of the kind of incision that is made during a facelift or ear surgery.

The scar extends far from the scalp and the direction of the incision differs from that made during a facelift. If the actress actually had such an operation, the scar would be located in her hair, where it would not be visible.

Photos of Angelina Jolie before and after plastic surgery

There is another speculation about the origin of the scar. It could have arisen as a result of the removal of a star's birthmark, or it could be a mark from narrow temples on glasses.

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Angelina and correction


Jolie's facial features have long been symbols of female beauty and sexuality. Many agreed to entrust their body to a plastic surgeon, just to become the owner of the same lips, nose, and cheekbones. Even famous stars succumbed to this beauty, for example, Megan Fox and Victoria Bonya copied their lips.

It’s not for nothing that Angelina ranks first among the most beautiful women on the planet. She has many not only imitators, but also doubles. Of course, such a star cannot avoid rumors, and many claim that she did...


In the late 90s, Jolie starred in the film Hackers, and the whole world learned about her.

A lot of time has passed since that moment and the actress has undergone changes in her appearance. Most likely, the shape of the nose was corrected and the area of ​​the back was narrowed.

This gave her face a special sophistication and made the actress popular with many directors. They saw her as a brave, courageous, but no less sexy heroine. If you look at the photo where Angelina is 16 years old, you can see a snub and wide nose. And after a few years it turned into Greek, perfectly smooth and graceful.

If the operation took place, then it was truly a piece of jewelry and the most successful rhinoplasty, during which the face did not lose its individuality at all. Angie assures that such a correction could not have happened, but the shape of the nose has visually undergone changes, which could not have happened on its own.

Changing cheekbones and cheeks

In the photo in her youth, Angie has plump cheeks and smooth cheekbones on her face. Now everything has changed - the cheeks are sunken, the cheekbones are pronounced and sharp, the chin protrudes forward. Thanks to this, the star looks 10 years younger, and maybe more. The actress was born in 1975, which means that in 2022 she will turn 42 years old.

It is possible that the relief of the cheekbones is created thanks to high-density fillers, such as Radiedde. Or perhaps lipofilling was performed, which is a plastic surgery involving the transplantation of one’s own fat.

But it’s worth mentioning that the version with correction of the cheekbones and cheeks is not common, since many are sure that the changes occurred due to Jolie’s weight loss.

Emphasizing your cheekbones is quite easy with makeup, as proven in the movie Maleficent. This part was so exaggerated to give her the image of an evil witch.


In 2009, photos appeared on the Russian Internet that sparked talk about Jolie’s surgical facelift.

Some paparazzi saw a scar behind the ear that looked like a mark from plastic surgery - a facelift or otoplasty.

Although the American plastic surgeon assures that operations of this nature leave completely different marks - the incisions are supposedly made on the scalp, and the skin dries out in the opposite direction. There is another version of the origin of the scar - removal of a birthmark.

And some have put forward the idea of ​​Botox injections. No one knows exactly what it is, perhaps just a mark from the temple of sunglasses.

Then in 2010, the paparazzi posted a photo showing strange formations on Angie’s cheekbones, extending into the neck area. Perhaps just installation.

All this is guesswork, but 42-year-old Jolie today has an ideal oval face without signs of age-related changes.

Lips are Jolie's calling card

Angelina's natural lips are voluminous, which can be seen in photographs from childhood and adolescence.

In addition, fans closely observe the actress, her life, and noted that her own children also inherited this trait.

Therefore, there is no point in performing plastic surgery on this part of the face. But, you should keep in mind the age of the star. After forty, lips usually become deflated. To maintain shape, hyaluronic fillers are often used, and this is most likely the case, due to the fact that Jolie’s lip shape and volume do not change over the years and look like they were in her youth.


Angie has almond-shaped eyes, which gives her a sexy look, so the star most likely did not change it. But false eyelashes or extensions often end up in the frame.


Jolie has a charming smile, but one cannot help but notice that the shape and color of her teeth have changed. The actress has veneers. But, unlike other stars, they have a natural color and appearance.

Star body

The actress has an excellent physique - a thin body and size 4 breasts. The figure is magnificent, however, some changes have occurred.


The natural curves of the actress are naturally curvy, which can be seen in the photo in her youth. However, in 2007, the actress most likely corrected her breasts, which had lost their shape after breastfeeding her daughter Shiloh. The plastic surgeon not only restored the shape, but also increased it.

However, there is no exact information. Maybe this is only a visible effect after a girl’s sudden weight loss. The strange thing is that the breasts remained the same size, even visually enlarged, although it should be the other way around. Some nutritionists have mentioned the fact of weight loss in all places except the chest.

It's worth talking about mastectomy. Jolie's mother died of ovarian and breast cancer. Then Angelina decided to fight with radical methods, especially when she learned that with a probability of up to 87% she would face the same fate. In 2013, the star decided to have both mammary glands removed, which shocked the world.

All that was left of the mammary glands were nipples and areolas. After two months, the actress underwent prosthetics with size 4 implants inserted. After that, Jolie was never seen in dresses with a neckline. But, as the star assures, this does not upset her at all, but the risk of developing breast cancer has decreased from 87 to 5%.

Operations the feminine way

Jolie continued to fight the potential threat and in 2015 decided to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes. During the operation, a tumor was discovered on one ovary, although it was benign.

As soon as the risk of developing cancer decreased, serious problems with hormonal levels began. Angie went through menopause and had to maintain her condition with hormone therapy.

Experts are confident that getting rid of the ovaries will not benefit the body; in addition, it significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular pathologies, triggers the process of bone tissue degradation, and worsens the condition of hair and skin.


In recent years, the star has looked very thin in photographs. Of course, Angie has always been slim, but after stressful situations - the death of her mother, divorce, the star’s body began to lose weight and Jolie was no longer able to gain weight.

Now her arms and legs are decorated with prominent blue veins. Some experts are confident that the situation can be corrected by lipofilling, that is, you need to pump your own fat into the thin areas. True, where can you find excess fat on an actress’s body?

Have you had dental surgery?

Angelina Jolie's Hollywood smile before and after plastic surgery remains the most natural and bewitching among other Hollywood actresses.

The color of the veneers for the star was chosen to be as close as possible to the natural shade of the teeth, and the existing barely noticeable irregularities add a special charm to the actress. Thanks to the correctly selected shade of veneers, Angelina suits both nude and red lipsticks.


It is known for certain that Jolie regularly undergoes plasma lifting, this is what helps her look flawless. At her age, the skin can look so perfect only with the help of qualified specialists who monitor the beauty of the actress.

Angelina has long been a fan of this operation. Plasmolifting involves the introduction under the skin of platelet-rich plasma, which is obtained from the patient’s own blood. Undoubtedly, the work of plastic surgeons is done with jewelry and causes real delight.

Reasons for a couple's divorce

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorced, mysteries remained about the true reason for this event. Objectively, the former spouses do not explain the reason, which gives rise to multiple gossip.

  1. Cheating husband. There is an opinion that the reason why the star actors broke up is Brad's infidelity with Marion Cotillard; according to statistics, this is one of the main reasons why couples get divorced.
  2. Brad Pitt's passion for alcohol. This is the version voiced by the actress.
  3. Excessive involvement of your children in the UN charity mission. Recently, Angelina has been one of the hundred most influential women in the world, and involves her children in her activities. The husband was categorically against Angie taking small children with her to war in Syria.
  4. Brad Pitt was allegedly a sperm donor for one of the country singers. His wife jealously watched over the lady and possibly the “Pitt” children. Finding similarities with her husband, she became furious and said that she could not tolerate such betrayal.
  5. Brad says that his wife suffers from many inappropriate “pranks.” Sometimes he sins with alcohol, tortures himself, plays tricks with knives and straight razors in front of children. And in sex she is too eccentric.

In short, there’s still a couple...

The most desirable woman in the world is already free, she continues her charitable activities, takes care of children and has already signed a contract to participate in the filming of Maleficent 2. The artist's appearance is a vivid example of the fact that sometimes the consequences of plastic surgery look more than worthy.

Scars on the neck

“Scars, tattoos and blood—that’s what I’m made of,” is how Angelina Jolie describes herself. Angelina started growing up early. The first attempts to become a model were failures. At this time, she began to mutilate her body. Jolie had her own collection of knives, with which she deliberately wounded her neck, arms and chest, after which scars formed.

In this way, the girl tried to punish herself for failures. The actress got a lot of scars on her neck and body while filming films, as she prefers to do all the stunts herself. This is especially true for the film “Lara Croft”, where she played the main role. The star did almost everything herself, without the help of stuntmen.

Expert opinion

Experts are constantly monitoring Angelina Jolie's appearance, trying to find at least a few clues about the operations performed.

Famous experts and doctors adhere to similar conclusions:

  • That rhinoplasty definitely happened, since the nose cannot change on its own;
  • The actress had Bisha's lumps removed , due to which her cheeks became sunken; a similar effect from losing weight does not occur;
  • Jolie's cheekbones are pumping up . It is noticeable that there is less adipose tissue, but the cheekbones still become more defined, which indicates their artificial origin;
  • The presence of an implant in the chin is obvious. It was small and wide, and later the chin was pushed forward;
  • The star’s bust in her youth was natural, but looking at photographs of her in a swimsuit (before the mastectomy), it is quite possible that she had implants.

Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons working with Angelina Jolie do an excellent job. The actress looked stunning before and after plastic surgery.

The natural beauty of the actress is masterfully emphasized. Fans don't care whether their idol has had surgery or not, they will still admire her appearance and talent. There will also always be people who are willing to undergo plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie.

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