Enlarged pores on the face: how to get rid of them at home or with the help of treatment and plastic surgery. +Photos before and after

Why do the sebaceous glands become overactive?

The skin can be affected by cleansers that contain a lot of alcohol, sulfates, silicones, and parabens. Pores can also expand due to the use of hydrophilic oils and frequent scrubbing of the stratum corneum.

If you regularly use such products, you can, of course, cleanse the skin, but there is also a risk of destroying the lipid barrier. It becomes thinner and integrity is compromised. The sebaceous glands want to help the skin, which is why they produce secretions. But as a result, the pores begin to actively expand. The more sebum, the wider the pores will become.

Pore ​​enlargement also occurs in case of hormonal imbalance. When there are disturbances in the female body, testosterone begins to manifest itself more actively, as a result of which the production of sebum increases. That is, testosterone irritates the glands, and sebum promotes the expansion of pores.

Enlarged pores under the eyes can also occur as a result of loss of elasticity of the skin. The collagen framework sags after some time, because the body produces less elastin and collagen. The skin becomes flabby. Due to the fact that the condition and density of the skin changes, the pores change their shape.

Causes and treatment methods

The main reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores include:

  • Truly oily skin, characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands (heredity).
  • Hormonal disorders, including those associated with excess testosterone (adolescence, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.).
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • Poor nutrition, an excess of saturated fatty acids in food, which leads to an increase in the density of sebum, which makes it difficult for it to reach the surface of the skin and leads to the formation of comedones.
  • Irrational use of alcohol-containing lotions causes dehydration of the skin, dries it out, which only leads to even more sebum secretion. This is due to the protective reaction of the skin in the form of increased sebum secretion to restore the damaged hydro-lipid film.
  • Scrubs “scratch” the skin, which leads to the abrasion of the protective layer of the skin and subsequently to uneven thickening of the epidermis, which in turn forms an uneven skin texture and contributes to clogging of the mouth of the sebaceous glands and the formation of comedones.
  • UV abuse and skin photoaging (solarium, excessive sun exposure)

The forehead, nose and chin are the so-called “T zone” - the most prone to increased oily skin, the appearance of enlarged pores and comedones - their inextricable companions. There are open and closed comedones.

Closed comedones, or “whiteheads,” are small cystic formations consisting of horny scales, bacteria and sebum. The appearance of such comedones is due to the impossibility of sebum coming to the surface of the skin when the mouth of the sebaceous gland thickens, which is often associated with uneven trauma and thickening of the skin after the use of scrubs, abuse of UV, etc. Such comedones can only be removed with a special needle. Crushing them yourself is strictly contraindicated.

Open comedones - “blackheads”. This type of comedones is formed on the skin under the influence of air and oxidation of the conglomerate, which is formed from accumulated sebum, dust and dead microbial cells. Proper and timely cleansing of the skin and periodic facial cleansing will make it easy to get rid of such blackheads.

What could make the problem worse?

Enlarged pores on the nose - what can be done in this case? It is very difficult to solve the problem with enlarged pores once and for all. But it’s worth thinking about the factors that create the problem and removing them. According to experts, the following habits negatively affect facial skin and make life difficult for pores:

  • great love for the sun, prolonged exposure to the rays of the sun;
  • loss of water in the skin, insufficient amount;
  • bad habits;
  • eating fast food in large quantities;
  • the skin is not cleaned properly and thoroughly;
  • The wrong products are selected for home care. This also applies to the use of decorative cosmetics; they must also be suitable for your skin type and be of good quality.

What will help tighten pores?

Lifestyle and nutrition

  1. Changes in lifestyle and nutrition will play a big role. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits restores elasticity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and improves cellular immunity. Instead of coffee, drink juices, smoothies, and herbal teas. It is important to drink clean filtered water for rejuvenation, hydration, and removal of toxins.

  2. Eliminate fried foods from your diet, fast food, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, ice cream, candy, and chocolate.
  3. Get enough rest at night, don't sit at the computer, avoid stress, and exercise.

Cosmetic procedures

Today, cosmetology solves many problems related to appearance. A cosmetologist can recommend various procedures that can improve skin condition. Let's look at some of them.


This is a cleansing of the epithelium, which smoothes the surface of the skin. By removing the stratum corneum, the skin regeneration process is stimulated, which increases its elasticity.

There are different peelings for example:

  • - acidic when trichloroacetic acid is used. This is the simplest peeling that is suitable even for sensitive skin;

  • glycolic peeling (using glycolic acid);
  • enzyme peeling (contains the enzymes bromelain trypsin papain);
  • microdermabrasion (micro-resurfacing) is an effective procedure using a device with a brush attachment and diamond tips. This is a gentle method, redness goes away after a few hours. The effect lasts from eight months to a year.


A popular procedure in which liquid nitrogen is applied along massage lines. Usually carried out 12-15 times every three days.

Cosmetic procedures

How to remove enlarged pores on the face? Many women undergo special procedures in salons that are effective. For example, peeling is often done. It can be different:

  • Superficial, middle. These peeling options will help cleanse pores and make them narrower;
  • Chemical. This procedure can remove comedones, as well as narrow deep pores that are enlarged;
  • Glycolic. This is a type of chemical peel. It is very often performed on women in salons and is popular. This peeling is superficial; a solution of glycolic acid is used here, but it is very weak. The pores are narrowed due to the fact that the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated;
  • Enzymatic. It will help cleanse and tighten pores. It is classified as a superficial peeling, which is why this procedure is noted to be gentle. The formula contains different enzymes. They dissolve the contents that are inside the pores and make the skin smoother.

In addition to peeling, salons offer microdermabrasion. That is, they polish the skin. For this purpose, microcrystals or nozzles with a diamond tip are used. This procedure is painless and allows you to cleanse and tighten pores. It can be used for any skin. It is recommended to do 4-5 sessions per year.

Experts always remind that scrub is an excellent way to cleanse the skin, but not in the case of enlarged pores. You should not use a product that contains large particles, as there is a risk of injury to the pores and their expansion.

How to deal with enlarged pores?

Independent measures will help in solving the problem, as they are part of a comprehensive methodology. Home care treatments include:

  1. Masks. The composition should have several effects - cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing. You can purchase ready-made masks or make the product yourself. The following ingredients are suitable for this: lemon, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, potatoes, clay, egg white. This type of care is required 2-4 times a week.
  2. Before applying the mask, cleanse your skin well. Homemade scrubbing can be done from sea salt, ground coffee, aspirin, almond crumbs, activated carbon. Oatmeal, honey, soda, and so on are added to the product. The skin must first be steamed. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.
  3. Home peeling. Beauty products with a low concentration of chemical acids, night-time serums, mineral products, and so on are suitable. Can be done no more than once a month. It is recommended to consult a cosmetologist first.

Procedures using the Darsonval apparatus are also available at home. But to control special attachments, it is better to take a training course.

Rating of professional steaming face masks before cleansing

Masks for steaming the face are produced in the form of napkins with holes for the eyes and nose, creams, and liquid formulations. Everyone chooses a product based on financial capabilities, ease of use and skin type, and the ranking of the most popular drugs from worst to best is given below:

  1. Organic Kitchen Facial bath. Price – 100–120 rubles. A heterogeneous creamy composition, intensely smelling of forest plants, in a black jar with bright labels. Chamomile extract, lavender and cinnamon oils, shea butter and tea tree butter nourish and open pores. The downside is that it is difficult to wash off with water.
  2. Compliment Coenzymes of youth. Price – 25–30 rubles. Available in the form of a sachet for single use. The contents are a soft substance with small granules. Ingredients: chamomile and tea extracts, coenzymes, which provide a skin tightening effect. Disadvantages: strong chemical smell, lack of heating effect.
  3. Bio World. Warming face mask, used before cleansing, from a Belarusian manufacturer. Price – 200–250 rubles. A 100 ml tube contains natural ingredients: based on chili pepper extract, clay and birch tar are additionally included for the adsorption effect. Pros: instant results and easy rinsing with water. The downside is the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  4. Skinlite Oatmeal. Price – 90 rubles. Steaming mask from a Korean manufacturer in a double sachet. Ingredients: oat extract, honey. The product nourishes and moisturizes, and to enhance the steaming effect, it is advisable to apply it with massaging movements. Disadvantages - difficult to apply texture, unpleasant odor, lack of heating effect on the skin.
  5. Floresan Steaming. Price – 140 rubles. The package contains 4 sachets. The contents are a dense, easy-to-apply mass that fits well on the face. Calendula extract and salicylic acid provide a moisturizing effect. Pros: Possibility of use for rosacea and dry epidermis. Cons: Most components are of chemical origin.
  6. Echoice Aloevera Soothing Gel made in Korea. Price – 300 rubles. The mask intensively moisturizes, causing the epidermis to swell and become more pliable for the penetration of beneficial substances into the deeper layers. The basis of the composition is aloe juice, additional ingredients are extracts of mint, lemon balm and grapefruit.
  7. Cetaphil. Price – 900 rubles. A composition that opens fat plugs for oily epidermis. Helps with acne, extinguishes inflammation, provides an antibacterial effect. Advantages – suitable for the care of sensitive skin, does not cause an allergic reaction.
  8. Pleyana. Steaming mask in the form of a hydrogel in a 200 ml bottle. Price – 1500 rubles. Ingredients: extract of Barbados aloe and medicinal plants (chamomile, wormwood, calendula, fennel), allantoin. Plant components moisturize, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Allantoin softens the epidermis and exfoliates dead skin particles.

Without steaming agents, it will not be possible to achieve high-quality cleansing of the skin and removal of comedones, since fat and dirt accumulations will not be drawn out. Therefore, steaming homemade or store-bought masks are used that are suitable for different skin types. In order not to injure the epidermis, it is necessary to use the products according to the instructions, observing safety precautions.


First, let's figure out what it is

Genetics. Everything is laid down by nature from the very beginning. The appearance of our skin is a reflection of our physical condition. Skin pores are the controller of the process of thermoregulation and secretion. In each pore there is a channel for the sebaceous, sweat gland. This is a process of both softening the skin, moisturizing, and releasing excess waste products from the body.

Some got smooth skin, while others had visible defects prone to inflammation and comedones. The work of the sebaceous glands is to blame; they secrete excess secretions, skin cells expand, bringing a lot of aesthetic discomfort to life. The areas of the chin, forehead, nose, and cheeks are especially susceptible to this.

Home Recipes for Enlarged Pores

  1. Take a few small potatoes, then peel them and chop them finely. Pour clean water over the chopped potato pieces and let them cook. When the potatoes are cooked, immediately drain the liquid and take a towel. You need to tilt your face over a pan of potato broth about thirty centimeters from it, then cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not escape from under the towel. Sit in this position for 10 minutes so that the pores can open. Facial cleansing must be done immediately after steaming, otherwise they will close.
  2. Prepare a herbal decoction by mixing 25 grams of string and chamomile and pouring a liter of boiling water over it all. This mixture must be put on fire and brought to a boil. Let the broth sit for five minutes, then place the container with the broth on the table and repeat everything described above: tilt your head over the container, cover yourself with a towel and wait 15 minutes.
  3. There is another effective recipe for enlarging pores based on a decoction, but from oak bark. It is easy to prepare, and it has an excellent antibacterial effect, allowing you to get rid of germs during the pore enlargement procedure. So, pour 20 grams of crushed oak bark with 600 milliliters of hot water. Place this mixture over low heat and bring it to a boil. Afterwards, you need to let the broth sit for a few minutes, then remove it from the stove and use it to open the pores. Don't forget to prepare a towel in advance.
  4. If you don't really want to hold your face above the steam, try using another method. Go into the bathroom and close the door, turn on the hot water and wait until the room fills with steam. When this happens, just stand in the bathroom for a quarter of an hour. During the specified time, the pores on your face will be able to open, and you will then cleanse your skin. By the way, it is recommended to cleanse directly in the bathroom, since the steam present in it will not allow the pores to close.
  5. Use a mask of oatmeal and baking soda. To prepare it, you need to mix a quarter teaspoon of soda and a tablespoon of cereal, then dilute these ingredients with milk until you obtain the consistency of a thick slurry. The mask is applied to the face, and after 20 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
  6. The following recipe for a pore-expanding mask consists of honey and olive oil. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of oil, as well as linden honey. Wash off the mask with a decoction of linden or chamomile. This mask will help soften the skin, nourish it and expand the pores.

Quick disguise

There is another quick way to cover up imperfections on your face, for example, when you need to go to a business meeting, date or other event, but don’t have time. We do the following manipulations.

We cleanse the skin of dirt with any tonic or lotion. We treat the inflamed pimples with the corrector and wait for it to dry. Moisturize your face with a cream, preferably non-greasy, matte in color. Apply the product in a thin layer over the entire face. Of all the cosmetic products, only foundation can even out the tone of the face, especially if it is flesh-colored or ivory. Distribute the cream on the skin, without touching the areas covered by the corrector, and retouch with a cotton pad. The next step is to powder your face. Makeup with mineral powder lasts a long time and has an even tone. As a blush, you should not use peach shade, dark bronze, light brown tones

They will draw attention to inflamed and severe acne.

You can effectively hide skin defects by highlighting your eyes. We use eyeliner or the smoky eyes technique.

Mask recipes

So, to make a mask for blackheads and enlarged pores, you need to purchase clay at the pharmacy - white, green or black, but you will get approximately the same effect from clay of any color. Also buy oils: one or two basic ones - grape seed, avocado, jojoba or rosehip, and essential oils - lavender, tea tree, rosemary, lemon. These ingredients can be combined with each other to create your favorite masks yourself, so the recipe combines several at once.

Take 2 tablespoons of clay, dilute them to a thick cream in a non-metallic bowl, add 5-7 drops of base oil and 3-4 drops of essential oil, mix thoroughly and apply to the skin after removing makeup, washing and exfoliating.

Other reasons for their occurrence

In addition to genetics, there are other reasons for enlarged pores.

Endocrine system, hormone balance

Hormonal balance changes throughout life. The development of hormonal levels at any age does not pass without leaving a trace. Aesthetic imperfection of the skin becomes a tangible problem. The pores become clogged. Unnaturally removed keratinized epithelium, microscopic particles of dirt, and secreted fat accumulate inside.

The process brings with it an additional problem: the mouths of the hair follicles cannot function fully. Acne and comedones form. Bacteria begin to multiply, forming pustular foci, infiltrates, boils and other unpleasant inflammatory phenomena.

Diet, bad habits

Our life happens on the run.
The quality of food is decreasing. Increasingly, coffee and cigarettes are becoming a companion. The body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Complex vitamins B, A, C and giving up bad habits come to the rescue.

Smoking can cause irreparable damage to the skin and enlarge its pores.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics are a brilliant assistant. Low-quality cosmetics are a hidden enemy. Salts of heavy metals and excessive layers of cosmetics do not help, but lead to unpleasant consequences. Makeup must be removed before going to bed. Cleanse skin before applying it. In the external environment there are already many enemies of the skin invisible to the eye. Why join them?

External environment

The sun brings a good mood, but being under it without a protective cream leads to dryness and burns.
The excretory system of the epithelium begins to work incorrectly. Dust particles add an additional effect. The epithelium is exposed to a double enemy. A sharp change in ambient temperature also has a negative impact. In cold weather, the skin must be protected and protective creams used.

Preparing for the mask application procedure

If there are too large pores on the face, then the skin must first be steamed. This procedure leads to softening of comedones and sebaceous plugs. In addition, steaming helps all components of the mask penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin .

You can eliminate large pores by using special masks to combat oily skin. The main component in this case should be protein, which has a tightening effect. It is best to use homemade eggs, which contain all the nutrients and microelements that are so important for the skin.

The composition of the mask must be tested first. Otherwise, the risk of developing skin allergies is very high. You need to wash off the mask from your face with warm running water. After the skin dries, a moisturizer must be applied to it.

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