Blepharoplasty: everything you wanted to ask the doctor about

Anesthesia or local anesthesia? When performing certain plastic surgeries, the patient can independently choose one of two proposed options. If you decide to have a traditional abdominoplasty, then anesthesia will definitely be chosen, even without your participation. But if you just want to have eyelid surgery, then here you can express your preferences regarding pain relief. Blepharoplasty is sometimes performed under local anesthesia, which pleases patients who want to avoid complete immersion in sleep during surgery. What are the obvious and not noticeable features of eyelid correction under local anesthesia?

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

The doctor makes incisions along the natural folds of the eyelids. After this, excess skin is excised. If necessary, a strip of the orbicularis oculi muscle and excess fatty tissue are removed. The tissues are tightened and fixed in new places.

Sutures and an aseptic dressing are applied.

The duration of the operation is from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

The patient is observed for several hours and then sent home.

Why is preparation for blepharoplasty so important?

It is very easy to answer this question, even without going into medical details. Many patients, having seen photos before and after eyelid surgery, come to the conclusion that blepharoplasty is a very simple and low-traumatic procedure, since during the operation the plastic surgeon works on a couple of centimeters of skin in the eye area. For this reason, many decide to go to the clinic on the same day to correct cosmetic imperfections. But this approach is extremely dangerous, since without careful preparation for surgical correction there is a high risk of complications during and after blepharoplasty. Thus, preparation for blepharoplasty is a very important stage that is strictly forbidden to be skipped.


Laser blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive operation that is considered quite simple and safe. But like any other surgical intervention, eyelid correction with a laser has certain contraindications:

  • anemia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • exacerbation of any somatic diseases and infectious processes;
  • disorders of the thymus gland;
  • oncological diseases;
  • ophthalmological diseases in the acute stage;
  • increased intracranial pressure, uncontrolled arterial hypertension.

Contraindications to laser blepharoplasty are identified by an ophthalmologist at the stage of examination and comprehensive diagnostics.

Relative contraindications include the following:

  • inflammatory processes of the skin of the eyelids;
  • viral diseases;
  • recent surgery.

Some diseases require more careful preparation. Diabetes mellitus is a conditional contraindication. But when blood glucose is normalized, experts give permission to perform laser blepharoplasty.

Lower blepharoplasty – remove bags, hernias and swelling under the eyes in just 1 operation!

Lower eyelid surgery is performed in two ways. The incision is made either along the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid, or on the inner side of the eyelid, through the conjunctiva.

Lower blepharoplasty with a subciliary incision is used when pronounced age-related changes in the eyelids and paraorbital area predominate.

Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty is used primarily in young patients without excess skin and without pronounced wrinkles.

For whom correction is contraindicated

Unfortunately, such an effective rejuvenation method is not available to everyone, and it’s not all about the price. There are many factors that put blepharoplasty at risk. This:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • disruptions in the functioning of vital systems of the body (endocrine, cardiovascular, immune);
  • diabetes;
  • malignant pathological processes;
  • tattooing in the eyelash growth area (in recent months);
  • diseases of infectious nature;
  • any problems of the organs of vision, etc.

A circular lift is not possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Important : be sure to tell your doctor if you have your period on the appointed date, since operations are not performed on these days.

What to expect after surgery?

Regardless of whether blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids is performed, bruises will form under the eyes after surgical correction, which will disappear after 1-2 weeks. There may also be weakened tone of the eye muscles, so the eyes may be slightly open during sleep. To avoid complications (corneal infection, erosion, eye pain), the patient should use a moisturizing antibacterial ointment recommended by the plastic surgeon.

The feeling of dry eyes may persist for several weeks after blepharoplasty due to exposure to dust. Such discomfort will pass after the eyes fully adapt to the effects of external factors. To speed up the process, the patient is recommended to blink frequently so that the cornea is moisturized in a timely manner. Read our article for more detailed information about the rehabilitation period.

The result after blepharoplasty on the upper and lower eyelids is visible instantly. The final effect of eye surgery can be assessed after complete restoration of the eyelids and the end of the rehabilitation period.

Blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids is an excellent opportunity to transform yourself, become younger and more beautiful. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor in preparing for surgery. In this case, complications from surgical eye correction are reduced to zero.

The information on the site was personally verified by plastic surgeon Maxim Aleksandrovich Osin; if you have any additional questions, call the phone number listed on the site.

List of analyzes

  • Complete blood count (8 main indicators), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR);
  • Leukocyte formula;
  • General urine analysis with sediment microscopy;
  • anti-HCV, antibodies;
  • HBsAg;
  • HIV 1.2 Ag/Ab Combo (determination of antibodies and p24 antigen);
  • Treponema pallidum, antibodies;
  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT);
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST);
  • Total protein in whey;
  • Total bilirubin;
  • Serum urea;
  • Plasma glucose;
  • Blood type ABO;
  • Rh factor;
  • Coagulogram No. 1 (prothrombin (according to Quick), INR);
  • Fibrinogen;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • Chest X-ray.

How is the operation performed?

Whether local or general anesthesia is ultimately used, the patient follows the same rules regarding the preoperative period. So, you should not take blood-thinning medications, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking 2 weeks before the intervention. The patient submits a list of tests, and doctors also compile his allergy and anesthesiological history so that during the operation there are no complications or threats to the patient’s health and life.

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon applies special markings on those areas of the eyelids where eyelid surgery will be performed. Then an antiseptic is applied to the entire face and painkiller injections are administered. After the anesthetic takes effect, the plastic surgeon begins manipulations.

After the operation is completed, the patient spends several hours in the ward under observation. If no complications arise, painkillers (tablets or injections) are prescribed, then the patient is discharged home.

Is it painful to have blepharoplasty under local anesthesia?

To ensure that the patient does not feel pain and is not under anesthesia, two methods are used.

  1. The first is called application, which involves local application of an anesthetic cream or spray. After this, the area becomes numb, but the cream does not affect the deeper layers. This method of pain relief is usually used for Botox or filler injections.
  2. The second method is injection. From the name it is clear that the anesthetic drug is injected into the tissues using an injection, which allows the active substance to penetrate the subcutaneous fat and muscles. Typically the drug contains lidocaine, ultracaine and bupivacaine.

The injections themselves are quite unpleasant to endure, because the injections are administered to a considerable depth, and the periorbital area itself is very sensitive. When the operation itself takes place, there will be no pain, but all manipulations will be felt - the pressure of the instruments, the moving threads during suturing. The process will resemble dental treatment with anesthesia, when the movements of dental instruments in the oral cavity are felt, but without pain.

During blepharoplasty, the patient will see the light of surgical lamps, and also, if a laser is used instead of a scalpel, the person lying on the operating table will also have to inhale the smell of burnt meat. Not everyone can cope with such an ordeal calmly, so sedatives are often added to local anesthesia to put the patient into a calmer, sleepier state.

If the patient has a low pain threshold or is too sensitive, then intravenous sedation is usually recommended. Consciousness is switched off, which makes this option of pain relief almost equivalent to anesthesia, with which they differ only in the dosage of drugs and the possibility of spontaneous breathing.

How long the pain relief will be provided depends on the amount and concentration of the drug administered. The individual characteristics of the patient’s body also have an impact. There have been cases when during surgery the patient feels that the effect of the painkiller is decreasing. In such a situation, you need to tell the plastic surgeon about this, who will administer an additional injection.

Types of laser blepharoplasty

Depending on the purpose, laser blepharoplasty can be of the following types:

  • Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. During the operation, excess skin is excised using a laser, the position of the upper eyelid is changed, sagging tissue is tightened and signs of sagging and other age-related changes are eliminated.
  • Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids. The operation involves removing bags under the eyes and fatty hernias.
  • Circular blepharoplasty. The operation allows you to eliminate defects in the entire periorbital region.
  • Canthopexy. During surgery, a specialist lifts the drooping corners of the eyes, which visually makes the look open, clearer and more youthful.
  • Changing the shape of the eyes. The operation allows you to change the shape of the eyes to a more desirable one that suits a specific type of appearance.

Possible complications after blepharoplasty

The most dangerous complication of local anesthesia is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, which can lead to anaphylactic shock. To avoid this, the surgeon and anesthesiologist examine the patient's health status and, if there is reasonable doubt, perform a sensitivity test. This test is also performed at the request of the patient. But even if the test turns out to be positive, then with the wide variety of modern anesthetics available today, it will not be difficult for doctors to replace the substance in the drug that causes an allergy in the patient.

Side effects of local anesthesia may include puncture of the vessel, which will cause the patient to feel a burning sensation during the injection. After surgery, puncture of the vessel may lead to the formation of a bruise. There is also a risk of impaired spontaneous breathing, but this complication occurs in patients with a history of serious respiratory dysfunction. But for such patients, local anesthetics are generally contraindicated.

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

The high efficiency of the operation, combined with low trauma and a short recovery period, makes laser blepharoplasty a safe and affordable alternative to classical correction using a scalpel.

Advantages of laser blepharoplasty compared to traditional surgery:

  1. No need to go to hospital.
  2. Reducing the duration of the operation itself and rehabilitation.
  3. Both general anesthesia and local anesthesia can be used.
  4. The laser beam, unlike a scalpel, causes minimal damage, but at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. The laser, while removing tissue, cauterizes it, preventing bleeding and reducing the risk of secondary infection.
  6. The natural consequences of the operation in the form of swelling and hematomas are quite weakly expressed after laser blepharoplasty.
  7. The tissue healing process itself is much faster than after plastic surgery using a scalpel.
  8. The result of laser blepharoplasty is not inferior, and sometimes even superior, to traditional plastic surgery.
  9. Scars after laser correction will be almost invisible.
  10. The laser beam accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells, promotes their renewal and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Patient reviews about blepharoplasty

“I’ve already had one procedure done, on the eyes (drooping eyelid), under general anesthesia... Now I’ve come to further improve myself. I wish you prosperity and more clients.”


“I had two operations in one with Dr. Dmitry Vladimirovich Elenschläger. Operations – blepharoplasty and mammoplasty. Initially, when I arrived, he conducted the consultation, immediately announced the scope of work, in principle, I was satisfied with it, and we combined two operations into one, and for this I am grateful to him, I did not have to undergo rehabilitation twice. In principle, in preparation for the operation, the managers who work here provide information in full. On the day of the operation, everything went without worry for me, everything went very smoothly, very quickly and, most importantly, painlessly.”


“I had blepharoplasty with the surgeon Dmitry Aleksandrovich Blinov. At the moment, 12 days have passed since the operation, all my friends are already noticing changes in a positive direction, they say that they look very much younger and in general everything is wonderful.”


“I turned to the Institute of Plastic Surgery in order to correct some age-related changes. I came to Dr. Blinov, and he advised me to undergo certain operations. I really liked the attitude, the operation itself was completely painless, the rehabilitation period also went very well, in general I am very pleased with this clinic, I recommend it to everyone!”


“I had a circular blepharoplasty procedure done by Dmitry Aleksandrovich Blinov. I’m very pleased with everything, I really liked everything, thank you very much to all the staff!”


“Satisfied! I would recommend everyone to visit this institution, it’s very pleasant. Five!"

Irina Evgenievna

“I contacted the Institute of Plastic Surgery and had blepharoplasty four and a half months ago. Doctor Grigoryan did it, I’m very pleased with everything.”

Chechkova Olga

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my doctor, Marina Plotnikova, and the entire team who worked on me. The perfect eyelid lift. We did blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. I am satisfied with the price and quality of the operation performed. Excellent and very attentive service. The care is felt in everything: from the first consultation to postoperative examinations. It's nice to have such an attitude! Thank you for my wonderful transformation!


Thank you for the perfectly performed circular blepharoplasty, Dr. Yuri Rafaelovich...Your light hand and sense of humor work wonders...Thank you..)


Excellent clinic, reasonable prices, qualified specialists, masters of their craft, thank you very much, good luck and more clientele and prosperity.


I would like to leave a review about a perfectly performed operation by Aslan Auesovich Meshchezov! I went to the doctor because I had bags under my eyes. The problem was solved by blepharoplasty performed by him. Now I look great, for which I am immensely grateful to the doctor!

Lyudmila Vershkova

I had blepharoplasty done by Dr. Matvey Olegovich Goglov. A very attentive and careful doctor. I was very pleased with the result and looked 10 years younger.

I recommend to everyone.

The manager Lena Belyaeva is also very attentive and quickly resolves all issues. I am lucky that I fell into the hands of such people.

Aramina Olga

I want to say a big thank you to the clinic specialist. Matvey Olegovich Goglov is an excellent surgeon and person. He made beautiful eyes at me. Lyudmila Mikhailovna is an excellent manager, a person in the right place. He always gives advice and arrives on time. Great employees never stand still.

Success, health and prosperity to the wonderful clinic.


I thank Aslan Auesovich Meshchezov for the beautifully performed blepharoplasty. Thank you for my rejuvenated face and my great mood, as I look great now!

Irina Vorobyova

Your Institute of Plastic Surgery does not need Sukharevsky Lane, but the Avenue of Women’s Desires. On December 17, 2022, I had blepharoplasty. This day is marked in my calendar with a red pencil. My destiny brought me together with people who give and prolong youth! I'm happy! I began to live differently, eat differently. I fly. Everything has changed in my life. Goglov Matvey Olegovich is a plastic surgeon, I love you for your professionalism, for your soul, which you put into every patient. You have a talent from God! And the manager Lyubov Anatolyevna is a fairy. She quickly finds contact, captivates with her attention, and I believed her. Thank you, Love.

Igitova Natalya Vasilievna

At the beginning of November 2022, I had circumferential blepharoplasty. Great result! I would like to thank surgeon Matvey Olegovich Goglov and his assistant (unfortunately, I don’t know his name), therapist Olga Igorevna, manager Svetlana for their high professionalism, attentive attitude and moral support before and after the operation. I am no longer afraid of surgical intervention, I am convinced that all problems can be solved, I will contact you again!


Thanks to Dmitry Alexandrovich Blinov! The result of circular blepharoplasty with meopexy took me back 10 years ago)) A pleasant bonus was the incentive to lose excess weight)) “Unpleasant” - I’m looking for new clothes and my friends no longer recognize me)))


Three weeks ago I had blepharoplasty and check lifting with Dmitry Elenschläger, the results are already visible! Thank you very much to Dmitry Vladimirovich for the quality work, I am very pleased! I have already returned to work and am receiving compliments. I am very grateful to all the clinic staff! To the manager Anna and the nurses, there is a favorable, friendly atmosphere in the clinic.


I’m 35 and I regret that I didn’t have eyelid surgery earlier. I started having hereditary hernias when I was 25, so I put it off and was afraid. It really takes 3-4 months to heal, but 2 years have passed since Terezanov did a circular bluff for me here, and my eyes look just wonderful!


The bruises and hematomas took a long time to heal... only after 4 months did I see a full-fledged excellent result. So, patience, just patience! and also drop chloramphenicol into the eyes and foundation is more expensive))))


I did a circular bluff, the result was impressive, especially in the first days))) it was scary to look at myself. And to be honest, after 2 months I was very glad that I survived it all. Because it's worth it!

Blue eyes :)

See more reviews or Leave a review about your visit to the clinic. Also, you can read Molodeu Magazine or watch Videos on procedures.

Circular (full) blepharoplasty for only 49,900 rubles. This amount includes absolutely everything!

Rehabilitation period

Recovery after laser blepharoplasty lasts several weeks. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor so as not to disrupt the natural regeneration processes.

The ophthalmologist will provide basic data on the course of the rehabilitation period. It is important to follow certain rules and specific restrictions:

  • protect facial skin from direct sunlight, dust and various contaminants;
  • do not touch your face with your hands, especially in the first days after surgery;
  • do not rub the skin with washcloths or hard towels; it is prohibited to use peelings and other aggressive procedures;
  • the ban on cosmetics lasts for 10-14 days;
  • physical activity is limited for a month.

To monitor your eye condition, it is recommended to visit your doctor on time.

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