How is laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids performed?

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty today allows you to make your look more attractive and expressive. The main advantage of this procedure is that it involves minimal surgical manipulation. In addition, the recovery period after laser blepharoplasty is less than 14 days. This innovation is extremely popular nowadays among the fair sex at any age.

The main task facing eyelid blepharoplasty is making corrections in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelids through minor surgical intervention. The result of the operation is the elimination of “bags” under the eyes, as well as getting rid of drooping eyelids. Thanks to blepharoplasty, a woman will look several years younger.

Who is laser blepharoplasty aimed at?

Age-related deformation makes itself felt on average by 35-45 years, sometimes earlier. Accordingly, it is at this age that you can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. There are no age restrictions in this case. As for deformation, it consists in deterioration of the elasticity of muscle fibers and skin of the eyelids. The overall tone of the face and eyelids decreases, and only this low-traumatic operation can help restore it fully.

In what cases is it recommended to use this operation?

The main reasons when it is advisable to perform surgery have been discussed above. But, there are others.

Indications for laser blepharoplasty:

  1. Eyelid defects. May be acquired or congenital;
  2. Correction of the shape or shape of the eyes. Eyes become more expressive;
  3. Removal of excess eyelid skin and bags under the eyes.

Only laser eyelid blepharoplasty allows you to change your facial expression and eliminate drooping corners of the eyes with minimal trauma.

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

  • the possibility of infection is excluded. The operation is performed at elevated temperatures. As a result, the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the wound is reduced to nothing. Even if they end up there, the thermal effect will immediately eliminate them;
  • no noticeable scars. Wounds heal with the formation of thin scars;
  • minimal injury. Skin incisions are made with a scalpel, which guarantees a short recovery period for wounds, as well as their rapid healing with the formation of a thin, unnoticeable scar;
  • coagulation of blood vessels without bruising and swelling. High temperatures help avoid the occurrence of these temporary defects on the face;
  • short rehabilitation period. After a couple of weeks, you can return to a full life without any restrictions.

On top of that, it must be said that laser eyelid blepharoplasty does not require a person to be in the clinic after the operation. After a couple of hours, the woman can leave the walls of the establishment.

Contraindications to laser blepharoplasty

Alas, not all representatives of the fair sex can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. The thing is that there are a number of contraindications. Carrying out a cosmetic procedure is not allowed in the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms. In addition, blepharoplasty is not recommended if you have HIV infection, blood diseases, or problems with the endocrine system. Temporary contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding and chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Preparing for laser eyelid lift

To ensure that the result of laser eyelid blepharoplasty exceeds all expectations and that there are no complications, you should properly prepare for the operation. The first step is to come for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. It is he who will inform you about which areas need to be given attention in order to achieve maximum effect. A couple of weeks before surgery, you need to stop using medications that directly affect the level of blood clotting. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

The following tests will have to be taken:

  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • biochemical and standard blood tests;
  • hCG and HIV;
  • Analysis of urine.

Based on the results of all tests, the specialist will inform you whether a minimally invasive procedure can be performed. The anesthesia that will be used during the operation is also determined.

How does the laser method differ from the surgical method?

During blepharoplasty , a scalpel is used .

Know! Laser blepharoplasty is performed using a medical laser and, unlike a surgical procedure, produces less noticeable scars.

If during surgery severe hemorrhages can occur due to damage to blood vessels and capillaries, then during laser surgery the damaged vessels are immediately cauterized with a laser beam.

Therefore, such consequences can be avoided.

The laser used during surgery serves not only to excise tissue.

It performs several functions, including creating microscopic burns , which prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the risk of secondary infection.


Laser peeling. Service code: A22.01.002

Description of serviceCost of service, rub.
One procedure10000

Laser resurfacing of post-acne. Service code: A22.01.002

Description of serviceCost of service, rub.

Laser resurfacing rejuvenation. Service code: A22.01.002

Description of service Cost of service, rub. Face 15,000 Face with eye area 20,000 Circular laser blepharoplasty 12,000 Laser blepharoplasty (upper/lower eyelids) 7,000 Perioral zone 5,000

Laser resurfacing of scars. Service code: A22.01.002

Description of serviceCost of service, rub.
1 sq. cm 1000

Indications for surgery

Keep in mind! Laser blepharoplasty is recommended for patients with the following problems:

  • asymmetrical face shape;
  • bags and puffiness under the eyes;
  • defects and deformations resulting from injuries;
  • mimic or age wrinkles;
  • excess skin that forms with age due to stretching;
  • fatty hernias;
  • drooping upper eyelid.

The operation can be performed both for medical reasons and as a cosmetic procedure if the patient wishes.

Types of blepharoplasty: non-surgical and surgical – which is better?

Types of blepharoplasty: non-surgical and surgical plastic surgery - how they are similar and how they differ. Advantages and disadvantages of methods for correcting the upper and lower eyelids.
The first thing we look at is a person's face. His eyes. You can tell a lot by looking, almost all women will agree on this. How to remove ptosis of the upper eyelid? How to tighten your eyelids? What is better to choose, non-surgical blepharoplasty or full-fledged eyelid surgery? Coolaser Clinic doctors will answer these and other modest questions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

It is worth noting! Laser blepharoplasty is preferable to conventional blepharoplasty for the following reasons:

  1. The incision made with a laser than during surgery. Therefore, healing occurs faster , and after time there are no scars left on the patient’s face.
  2. The laser beam performs several functions in addition to making an incision ( cauterization of affected vessels, disinfection of treated tissues).
  3. Since there are no hemorrhages during laser blepharoplasty, swelling does not form .
  4. The procedure does not require a long hospital stay for the patient.
  5. The effect that can be achieved by this method is observed over the next 5-10 years.

Stay up to date! The main disadvantages of laser intervention are its possible consequences, including:

  • burns ;
  • development of dry eye syndrome due to laser damage to the lacrimal glands (but this can be considered a normal consequence that goes away over time);
  • eyelid asymmetry;
  • the appearance of hematomas and paraorbital edema .

To be fair, it should be said that the risk of developing such consequences is minimal, and they are possible only if the specialist acts incorrectly.

UltraPulse - ultrapulse fractional CO2 laser

UltraPulse is the most powerful of all CO2 lasers for aesthetic medicine.
Thanks to the unique ultra-pulse mode, it is able to solve the most complex problems in rejuvenating and smoothing the skin texture. UltraPulse allows you to penetrate the skin to a depth of up to 4 mm without stacking, which is important for the treatment of scars, at the same time, this laser is convenient to use for the most delicate resurfacing procedures with short rehabilitation. More details about the device

Features of blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

Laser blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid , and there is also a circumferential blepharoplasty .

Important! The upper type of surgery is used when it is necessary to eliminate sagging of the upper eyelid (ptosis) or correct the incision and eliminate wrinkles and folds.

Since pronounced fatty tissues do not form under the upper eyelid, this type of operation is more likely to be cosmetic in nature than medical.

Lower blepharoplasty is divided into three types :

  1. Percutaneous. The incision is made along the edge of the eyelid along the eyelash line.
  2. Transconjunctival. The eyelid is pulled back with a special holder and cut from the inside.
  3. Intraoral. The incision is made through the mouth. This is a very rare type of operation, which is used when it is necessary to redistribute fatty tissues without removing them.

Need to know! Laser blepharoplasty is preceded by preparation, which determines not only the course of the procedure and its successful outcome, but also the duration of the rehabilitation period.

First of all, the patient needs to undergo urine and blood tests to identify chronic and acute inflammatory diseases.

an initial examination is carried out by a surgeon , who assesses the general condition of the skin, identifies problem areas and draws up a scheme according to which the operation will be performed.
The patient to stop drinking alcohol and smoking a week before surgery

Five hours before the procedure , you should not eat, and drinking a lot is also not recommended (especially for people prone to swelling after drinking large amounts of liquid).

Note! The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The patient is given an anesthetic. Anesthesia can be local or general. This depends on the type of blepharoplasty and how large the amount of work is.
  2. Markings are made on the eyelids with a special marker.
  3. Lenses are inserted into the patient's eyes to protect the pupils.
  4. An antiseptic gel is applied to the areas that will be operated on.
  5. The specialist makes the cuts using a special device that generates a laser.
  6. Subsequent necessary manipulations are performed (removal of fatty tissue, tightening, formation of new structures and position of the eyelids).
  7. The fabric at the incision sites is connected and then can either be stitched together or special glue is applied to them.

This operation takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half . This depends on the complexity of the procedure and whether the eyelid of one or both eyes is being operated on.

For your information! Traditional laser blepharoplasty is performed within 30-90 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case. As a rule, the operation is done in several steps.

Benefits of surgical blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery

  • Facial rejuvenation. Rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelids, removal of hernias and bags under the eyes rejuvenate the entire face as a whole.
  • Reliable results. Even in the most advanced cases, the surgeon can easily correct shortcomings and turn them into advantages.
  • Improved self-esteem. Agree, when you get the look of your dreams, your self-esteem rises significantly. You feel younger, more confident and more attractive.

Disadvantages of surgery

We wouldn't call these shortcomings. Rather, an integral part of the surgical procedure. Trust me, in most cases it's worth it!

  • Appearance. During the recovery period, redness, swelling and bruising around the eyes are common. This is normal and will pass quickly.
  • Scarring. A rather rare but possible phenomenon is long healing of scars. Are you predisposed to keloid scars? Be sure to tell your doctor about this!
  • Dryness and swelling of the eyes.

Attention! A properly performed operation carries virtually no risk of complications for the patient. With quality home care, the results of blepharoplasty will please you for many years.


Since blepharoplasty is a full-fledged surgical operation, consultation with specialists is required. You will learn the full list during your consultation. This is necessary to maintain your health.

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncology
  • Eye diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Viruses and infections
  • Blood diseases
  • Increased intracranial pressure
  • Endocrine system (thyroid) disorders

Postoperative period

The rehabilitation period after laser blepharoplasty is individual for everyone.

For reference! On average, incisions take up to two weeks to heal if there are no complications.

During this period, the patient must follow the following recommendations :

  1. It is advisable to sleep on your back , with your chin slightly raised.
  2. If you experience pain during the first few days, you can apply cooling compresses to your eyes . This will also help eliminate swelling and bruising that inevitably occurs after blepharoplasty.
  3. The use of decorative cosmetics for two weeks is prohibited.
  4. Aspirin-based medications should not be taken , as these drugs thin the blood and can cause bleeding from the incisions.
  5. Visiting saunas, solariums and baths is excluded .
  6. It is necessary to limit physical activity and sports.
  7. When going outside in sunny weather, you must wear sunglasses.

Scars left after surgery are a natural phenomenon.

Over the next few weeks, they usually disappear , but not completely, although in any case after laser blepharoplasty they are hardly noticeable.

Need to know! If the scars are large enough and distinct, you can resort to an additional procedure - laser resurfacing.

Resurfacing is performed using a laser, which targets scar tissue, smoothing it out.

The procedure requires an average of 5-6 sessions.

In addition to removing scars, resurfacing also helps stimulate the inner layers of the dermis, which begins to produce collagen and elastin.

Due to this, the skin gains elasticity, smoothness and natural color.


The postoperative period lasts 1-2 weeks. During this time, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • apply cooling compresses to reduce tissue swelling;
  • for the same purpose, for better results and the absence of complications, do not sleep on your stomach and with your face in the pillow, the desired position is on your side or back, with your head slightly raised;
  • protect the skin around the eyes from sun rays by using a special sunscreen suitable for the face with a factor of at least 40-45 (preferably 45-55 spf);
  • do not lift heavy objects, avoid strong physical activity during the rehabilitation period;
  • exclude blood thinning medications (Warfarin, Clopidogrel, Aspirin and others);
  • do not use decorative cosmetics, especially in the eye area;
  • do not stay in the sun for a long time, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium.

If it is necessary to use medications to thin the blood and it is impossible to discontinue the medications, consult a surgeon and cardiologist (for example, the risk of heart attack, thrombosis).

We recommend reading: Photos by day after blepharoplasty

A specialist will give more detailed recommendations for the postoperative period, taking into account the questions asked and the patient’s characteristics.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the lifting technique. With surgical laser blepharoplasty, it lasts 2-3 weeks. With a non-surgical method – up to 5-7 days.

Patient reviews

Below are some patient reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

I decided to have laser blepharoplasty at the age of 46 .

I had a choice - to do cheaper traditional blepharoplasty or laser, and I chose the second option, since it leaves practically no traces.

In practice, the scars, of course, remain, but if you don’t look closely, they are not noticeable from the outside.

Overall, I'm pleased with the result. Of course, the skin doesn’t look the same as it did when you were twenty, but at my age it’s already stupid to want a perfect youthful face .”

Kristina Pozhogina, 50 years old.
“I was
forced to undergo laser blepharoplasty to remove fatty hernias under my eyes . The procedure scared me: I was afraid not only of pain, but also of negative consequences, but fortunately everything went well.

True, I have very thin skin from birth, so rehabilitation took longer than expected (about a month).”

Lyubov Balakireva, Kamyshin.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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