Transconjunctival blepharoplasty – sutureless eyelid surgery

Bruising after blepharoplasty is a common phenomenon that is considered normal. Blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids, in addition to aesthetic rejuvenation and a beautiful appearance, leads to the formation of swelling and bruising in the eye area. The more complex the plastic surgery, the greater the likelihood of bruising.

The eyelids are the part of the body that is more susceptible to intense staining than other areas as a result of the mixing of blood and tissue fluids. Let's look at the peculiarities of the formation of bruises, the recovery process and other nuances associated with this unpleasant consequence of the procedure.

Causes and characteristics of bruises

During blepharoplasty, the blood vessels around the eyes are damaged, causing blue discoloration on the face, and the operated area swells significantly.

The appearance of bruises under the eyes after blepharoplasty directly depends on the level of surgical intervention. A bruise is a collection of blood that occurs as a result of damage to a blood vessel. Bruising is often associated with blood loss during surgery or minor bleeding after blepharoplasty.

The development of bruising under the eyes usually takes 7-10 days. First, there is a pronounced red tint to the bruises, which gives way to purple, after which the treated area turns yellow. The bruises go away slowly, gradually fading away. The duration of the last bruises is observed from 6 to 8 weeks. It depends on the speed of healing and the individual properties of each person’s skin.

You can learn more about eyelid blepharoplasty from the video:

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Removing circles from pigment and brightening the skin

Traditionally, IPL photorejuvenation is used against pigmented skin. The result can be seen after the first visit, but usually 2-3 procedures are needed for complete correction. The cost of photorejuvenation of the area around the eyes is 5,000 rubles.

Also, to lighten pigment, whitening peeling , but not every composition can be used in this area - the skin around the eyes is delicate and thin.

We recommend Enerpeel EL Plus delicate peeling, created specifically for this area. Cost - from 3000 rubles (price including discount, check if it is valid at the moment).

Please note that you may need multiple photorejuvenation or peel treatments to achieve long-lasting results.

In the case of peeling, good results are achieved in combination with the Cytocare meso-cocktail (consists of hyaluronic acid and a nourishing, vitamin solution).

Mesotherapy - from 3500 rub.

Mesotherapy as a separate procedure can also help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. During mesotherapy, a mixture of drugs and vitamins is introduced, which is selected individually. The average course of mesotherapy includes 4-8 sessions , and the effect of the procedure lasts up to six months.

We select mesotherapy cocktails personally, sometimes mixing them. To rejuvenate the eyelid area, we prefer preparations with peptide and amino acid complexes; to lighten pigmented dark circles under the eyes, we prefer products based on adapted ascorbic acid.

Biorevitalization - from 7,000 rubles.

Biorevitalization involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid in its pure form into the dermis and does not directly eliminate either dark circles or the nasolacrimal groove .

We recommend biorevitalization to those whose dark circles under the eyes are just appearing or have appeared. At the initial stages of the problem, the procedure, in general, can “push back” contouring to a later date.

Usually, in addition to injection procedures, we select professional cosmetics for each patient, which can be used at home to consolidate and increase the result.

Video of the filler injection procedure.

How many days do bruises last after blepharoplasty?

Bruising and swelling are most pronounced in the first 48 hours after surgery, after which they begin to gradually fade away. The amount of bruising varies from patient to patient. There are cases when bruises are localized only on the right side of the face or only on the left. This is individual for everyone. The disappearance of mild bruises occurs after 2-3 days, and less significant bruises can last up to 2 weeks.

After blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids, bruising is a normal consequence. To reduce their manifestations after surgery, the patient is given a cooling bandage on the visual organs. It not only reduces swelling but also prevents the appearance of cyanosis on the skin.

Swelling of the eyelids, as well as bruising on the face, tends to worsen during the first two to three days. This is normal.

After the operation, the visual organs remain swollen for another two to three months after surgery. It may take up to six months for complete swelling and bruising to go away. But in most cases, the bruising goes away earlier, and the swelling that remains is insignificant and not noticeable from the outside. It is possible to talk about the final results of the operation only after six months have passed from the moment of the operation.

Photos of bruises after blepharoplasty by day

What procedures definitely won’t help?

Advertising is everything to us, but don’t rush to loud headlines!

“Laser rejuvenation” is often mentioned as a life-saving way to remove dark circles.

Laser rejuvenation cannot improve the appearance of dark circles: the skin of the lower eyelid is already very thin and delicate, “burning” it with a laser is unnecessary!

But laser exposure to tone the skin can add density and is often used in the complex elimination of problems under the eyes.

RF lifting (RF-lifting) also does not help with dark circles.

Thread lifting (thread correction) - does not remove bruises and circles under the eyes.

Serums, masks and ointments. How can these products restore lost subcutaneous fat or eliminate pigmented skin cells?

Blapharoplasty - from 65,000 rubles.

A surgical correction method that helps remove bags under the eyes, but does not save you from dark circles!

Examples of corrections in different ways

Before and after results when corrected using various methods.

What determines the number of bruises

How long bruises last after blepharoplasty varies from patient to patient. This depends on several factors:

  1. The age of the person. Everything is logical here - the older the patient, the more time it will take for rehabilitation. This is explained by a slowdown in the tissue regeneration process.
  2. Skin type. Patients with thin epithelium with small capillaries will have more pronounced swelling and cyanosis of the face. But such phenomena will pass much faster, thanks to good blood circulation.
  3. The volume of the operation performed. Depending on the amount of tissue covered during exposure, one or another number of bruises will form. The more tissue is treated, the more noticeable the bruising.
  4. A type of blepharoplasty. An upper eyelid lift causes fewer bruises and allows the patient to return to a normal lifestyle sooner. Performing a lower eyelid lift provokes the occurrence of more bruises, and the duration of rehabilitation increases.
  5. Methods of performing blepharoplasty. Laser eyelid lift is the least traumatic; it eliminates the development of a large number of bruises and swelling.
  6. Skin infections. This happens extremely rarely, but can still lead to increased bruising on the face.

Also, swelling and bruising after blepharoplasty depend on the individual characteristics of the body (for example, fluid retention).

Often the reason for long-term persistence of bruises and swelling is associated with non-compliance with the recommendations of the plastic surgeon after eyelid surgery.

What should I do if the swelling or bruising lasts longer?

If traces after surgery persist longer, you can consult a doctor so that he can prescribe additional medications and cosmetics that will make it easier to eliminate the consequences of the operation.

However, it is important to remember that in the first days after blepharoplasty, swelling may increase slightly (this is a completely physiological process), but then it steadily decreases. The same goes for bruises. The blood that gets under the skin during the operation may be slightly redistributed; during the process of coagulation and resorption, the bruise can change not only its color, but also become a little wider. If this happens in the first days after plastic surgery, do not be alarmed.

By following the recommendations given and all the doctor’s advice, you can effectively speed up the process of disappearance of bruises and swelling.

Cost of eyelid surgery

What will help with quick rehabilitation: general tips

To remove bruises after blepharoplasty as quickly and effectively as possible, experts strongly recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. During the first six to seven days of the recovery period, the head must be placed on a high pillow while sleeping. This helps improve blood flow in the eye area, prevents accumulated fluid from stagnating and reduces swelling.
  2. To reduce cyanosis and swelling, it is recommended to systematically apply cold compresses under the eyes. This is due to the fact that cold promotes vasoconstriction, which neutralizes the brightness of cyanosis and swelling of the eyelids.
  3. If possible, it is recommended to blink as rarely as possible, since excessive blinking provokes swelling in the eye area. To reduce blinking, it is recommended to read less, not watch TV, and work at the computer. These activities cause the tears in the eyeball to evaporate quickly.
  4. Protect your eyes from the influence of external factors. These include ultraviolet rays. Wearing sunglasses is recommended to protect your eyes. They not only protect the visual organs from bright light, but also prevent the entry of dust and hot wind.
  5. It is not recommended to engage in active sports, cry, or take a hot shower. Taboos include visiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools. It is better to limit procedures that increase blood flow to the eyelid area.
  6. Avoid drinking alcohol, strong black coffee and green tea. This is explained by the fact that these drinks linger in the body for a long time, increasing blood flow.

It is strictly forbidden to treat the eyelid area with special preparations and antibacterial gels without first obtaining permission from the plastic surgeon who performed the operation.

There are also special eye exercises that help in recovery after blepharoplasty.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to significantly speed up the disappearance of bruises in the eye area.

Preparing for surgery

Preparation for blepharoplasty begins with a consultation with an ophthalmologist. The specialist carefully listens to the patients’ complaints, conducts an initial examination, and studies the medical history.

The next stage of preparation is taking traditional tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • determining the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other infections;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor.

After receiving the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the specialist receives detailed information about the patient’s health status. This allows you to decide on the further technique of the operation or postpone surgical intervention for a certain period.

What to apply to bruises after blepharoplasty

Most women are still concerned about the question of how to get rid of bruises after blepharoplasty. There are a huge number of remedies that will help eliminate the consequences of the operation. Let's look at the most popular ones in the table:

Name of the drugCharacteristic
Express bruiseThis is a cosmetic product that helps cope with hematomas and stagnant processes in the skin. The gel is based on freshwater sponge extract (bodyagi), due to which it provides an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. If you apply the ointment three to four hours after the bruise forms, it will disappear within 2 days. In addition to aesthetic changes, the cream helps eliminate pain caused by the formation of bruises. To be effective, you must apply the cream up to 5 times a day. Before use, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction. This is described in detail in the instructions for the product.
Gel "Ambulance"This is an inexpensive but effective remedy that helps eliminate bruises and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is based on essential extracts of tea tree, sea buckthorn, chamomile and calendula. The natural composition of the product allows its regular application to bruises (up to 8 times a day).
SinyakoffA cream based on leech extract, which helps to quickly resolve bruises, which means reducing bruises. In addition, the cream helps eliminate swelling in the affected area and relieve inflammatory processes.

Plastic surgeons also recommend using herbal remedies such as Bromelain and Arnica during the first month after surgery. The products increase the rate of healing of bruises and reduce inflammation in the surgical area.

Upper blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty allows you to get rid of excess and overhanging skin in the upper eyelid area. The so-called “drooping eyelid” effect is not only an aesthetic defect; due to the heaviness of the eyelids, vision deteriorates over time and the eyes become more tired.

In 90% of cases, during surgery, it is also important to remove excess fatty tissue in the upper eyelid area in order to make the look more youthful and open, and the face more attractive. Plastic surgery on the eyelids involves an incision along the natural skin fold of the upper eyelids, due to which the cosmetic seam remains completely invisible.

Eyelid correction can be performed simultaneously with surgery to eliminate the congenital pathology of eyelid ptosis. To achieve the best result and visible rejuvenation, upper blepharoplasty is performed in combination with lower blepharoplasty.

Help from folk remedies

To quickly remove bruises after lower eyelid blepharoplasty, you can use folk remedies. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective and affordable methods of traditional medicine.

Based on calendula

At the pharmacy they buy the usual calendula tincture from golden mustache. The products are mixed, a bandage is dipped in the resulting mixture and applied to the bruises.

Comprehensive fee

Take 20 g of coltsfoot leaves, chamomile flowers and celandine leaves. The herbs are poured with boiled water (0.5 tbsp of herbal mixture per 100 ml). The product is left for two to three hours. Then take a piece of cotton or linen cloth, dip it in the prepared infusion and apply it to the bruises. It is recommended to keep the compress for as long as possible; the procedure must be repeated every 2-3 hours.

With aloe

Aloe is often used to eliminate bruises, since it has a resolving and wound-healing effect on problem areas. Juice is squeezed out of agave leaves (for this you can use a meat grinder or blender). Then a bandage with healing juice is placed on the bruise site. You can also simply cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and apply it to the epithelium with the inside.

Using bodyagi

Bodyaga is the most common folk remedy that helps quickly eliminate bruises. The substance has an irritating effect, which activates the blood circulation process and promotes the resorption of edema. Bodyaga is sold in the form of an ointment or powder; the powder is dissolved in water (2:1) and mixed. The prepared gruel is applied to the area of ​​bruises and left for 45-55 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the pulp is washed off with water. To achieve quick results, procedures must be performed at least three times a day.

Honey-beet mixture

Suitable only for those patients who do not have allergic reactions to bee products. The beets are finely grated, then mixed with natural honey (proportion – 1:1). The prepared compress is applied to the bruise and left for 120 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be carried out only once a day.

Application of radish and horseradish

These two products are grated, mixed in equal proportions, applied to a bandage and placed on the area of ​​the hematoma. This procedure helps eliminate bruises in 2 days.

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