How to whiten age spots: some of the most effective ways

From this article you will learn:

  • Why do age spots appear?
  • What types of age spots exist?
  • How to whiten age spots using cosmetics
  • How to whiten age spots using professional procedures
  • How to whiten age spots at home
  • How to prevent the appearance of age spots

“How to whiten age spots at home?” - a pressing question for many girls these days. Pigmentation is considered to be moles, freckles and a number of other age-related changes in the color of the skin. These stains do not pose any danger, but from an aesthetic point of view they often cause a lot of inconvenience.

If you don’t want to spend money on visiting elite salons and resort to expensive procedures, then you can try to get rid of pigmentation yourself using folk remedies. We will consider which of them are the most effective in our article.

Why do age spots appear?

When an uneven distribution of melanin, which is responsible for skin color, occurs in the body, doctors diagnose “Hyperpigmentation.” People with freckles are familiar with this phenomenon first-hand, in which clusters of cells in one area produce more dye than in another.

Although it is worth noting that most often freckles make the appearance brighter and give it charm, rather than spoil it. In addition, given that they appear in a person at a young age, they usually get used to them. As for age spots, they usually appear unexpectedly and take you by surprise. This forces the use of various cosmetic foundations in order to hide defects.

The cause of pigmentation is most often a hormonal imbalance, as a result of which some cells produce more melanin than others. The spots themselves are not dangerous, but they indicate that changes are occurring in the body that can cause harm to health.

As a rule, pigmentation appears for the following reasons:

1. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, melanocytes, that is, cells that produce melanin, are irritated. If a person does not have health problems, then the tan is distributed evenly. Although, if exposed to ultraviolet light too often, melanocytes may begin to produce more melanin than necessary.

Usually people who prefer to stay in the sun for a long time or tan in a solarium suffer from pigmentation.

2. Skin injuries, including sunburn.

Tanning is a kind of protection because, by producing melanin, the skin blocks ultraviolet radiation. A barrier in the form of a dark pigment is formed around the cells, which scatters UVB rays.

The body especially protects damaged areas of the dermis; melanocytes produce melanin in these places more actively, so they darken earlier than the rest of the skin.

3. Hormonal changes.

The production of melanin directly depends on hormonal levels, so pigmentation often appears during pregnancy, endocrine diseases, and taking contraceptive medications.

4. Age-related changes.

As we age, the skin thins and melanocytes rise to the surface. If in youth the melanin they produced was hidden under a layer of the dermis, over time the skin becomes unable to cope with this task. As a result, older people may experience age spots.

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5. Taking certain medications.

Another cause of such a dermatological defect can be the use of retinoids, antibiotics from the tetracycline series, as well as drugs used in chemotherapy.

6. Malfunctions of internal organs.

Problems with internal organs can also lead to pigmentation. For example, a similar phenomenon can be observed in diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract.

What types of age spots exist?

Next, let's talk about what types of pigmentation are the most common.

1. Moles.

Nevi, or moles, can be found on almost every person’s body, the number of which varies throughout life. However, such formations must be closely monitored, since some of them can develop into melanoma, which is a dangerous tumor.

Before removing nevi, you must consult a dermatologist for advice and undergo a diagnostic dermatoscopy procedure using a special device with tenfold magnification for fluorescent microscopy.

2. Freckles.

Most often, ephelides (freckles) are observed in young people. This is a seasonal phenomenon that occurs between April and October, when the sun is most active, and disappears or becomes less noticeable during the autumn-winter season. In this case, the spots cover areas of the skin that are most often exposed to ultraviolet rays (face, back, shoulders and neck).

3. Age spots.

Pigmentation often appears in people over 40 years of age. This is especially true for women who have begun menopause. The reason for this phenomenon is that the protective properties of the skin are reduced, so it copes worse with constant photodamage.

If you are thinking about the question of how to whiten age spots, you need to consider that the older a person is, the larger and darker they are, and it is quite difficult to get rid of them or make them less noticeable due to the following reasons:

  • mature skin recovers more slowly than young skin;
  • the production of elastin and collagen deteriorates;
  • the protective function decreases.

4. Post-acne.

When comparing freckles, moles and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, the difference lies in how the pigment is distributed in the skin. In the fight against them, in this case, the same measures are used as for the prevention of pigmentation.

If you are interested in how to whiten such stains, then the best remedy is cosmetics with vitamin A.

How to whiten age spots using cosmetics

In order to whiten age spots on the face, you can use both traditional methods and preparations intended for home skin care. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to completely get rid of such a defect, but it is quite possible to lighten it and also prevent the appearance of new copies.

1. Creams.

Since the cream contains very little substance aimed at lightening the skin, it can be used every day.

2. Serums.

If you have a question about how to quickly whiten age spots on your face, then due to the high concentration of retinoids and acids, serums will be an excellent choice. However, they should be used strictly following the instructions.

3. Masks.

A good way to cope with such a task as whitening the skin and removing age spots is to use masks that help even out the tone of the dermis.

It is worth remembering that it is completely impossible to get rid of this defect, and the chosen method of struggle (aesthetic procedures, cosmetics) does not play any role. However, it is possible to whiten the skin by making the darkened areas lighter, for which certain cosmetics containing the components listed below are suitable.

  • Retinoids.

Thanks to retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, the restoration of dermal and epidermal cells is regulated. That is why they are often included in cosmetic products for the care of mature skin, and are also used to combat acne and post-acne.

It is worth noting that they can cope with such a task as whitening age spots on the face quite effectively and quickly, however, irritation and dryness of the dermis may occur.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

It allows you to speed up regeneration and reduce melanin production, therefore making pigmentation less noticeable. In addition, vitamin C protects cells from free radicals and also promotes collagen synthesis.

However, it must be remembered that products containing vitamin C are effective only if they do not come into contact with air.

  • Arbutin.

A non-toxic component, which is an analogue of hydroquinone, allows you to whiten age spots by slowing down the production of melanin.

  • Kojic acid.

The main advantage of this substance is that it does not lose its properties even if it dissolves in oil or water. Also, products that contain kojic acid do not require special packaging. Thanks to this component, skin cell regeneration is accelerated and melanin production is reduced, therefore, pigment spots become noticeably lighter.

  • Fruit acids.

In order to whiten age spots, you can use skin exfoliating AHA acids, including lactic acid (retains moisture in cells), glycolic acid (thanks to small molecules, it penetrates deep into the dermis) and malic acid.

  • Azelaic acid.

This component allows you to accelerate the regeneration of dermal cells and also has bactericidal properties. All this helps to whiten age spots.

How to whiten age spots using professional procedures

1. Laser therapy.

In this case, a laser beam is used, which affects chromatophores (pigmented cells), heats and destroys melanin. It is worth noting that normal areas of skin located nearby are not damaged. This is one of the safest and at the same time effective ways to whiten age spots. In some cases, if the defect is small, just one procedure is sufficient.

2. Chemical peels.

With the help of chemical peels, the topmost layer of skin with pigment spots is removed. As for how to whiten them, preparations that include alphahydroxy acids (malic, glycolic, tartaric, citric, lactic), as well as retinoic and trichloroacetic acids are used for this.

It is better to do this procedure in the cold season, that is, from October to March, when the sun reduces activity. The fact is that the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thinner after peeling and cannot provide the necessary protection from ultraviolet rays. In conjunction with the procedure, you should use cosmetics that stop the production of melanin, as well as products that protect against the sun and the appearance of new age spots.

After peeling or laser therapy, you should not sunbathe, either naturally or in a solarium. This is explained by the fact that after the procedures, the layer of skin in which melanocytes are located is absent, so the risk of pigmentation increases.

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3. Phototherapy for age spots.

To whiten age spots on the face, hands or other parts of the body, you can use phototherapy. However, in order for the result to appear, you will have to conduct from two to five sessions using flashlights.

If necessary, the series of procedures can be repeated after three to four months. Immediately after phototherapy, even greater darkening of the skin may occur, but over time the spots lighten or disappear completely.

4. Fractional thermolysis.

This method is aimed at reducing the production of melanin, therefore it is very effective in whitening age spots.

The main advantage of fractional thermolysis is the absence of any contact of medical instruments with the client’s skin during exposure to darkened areas, which completely eliminates the possibility of transmitting any infections.

As for how much you will have to spend to whiten age spots in the salon, it depends on the chosen method:

  • Mesotherapy method: 6,000–17,000 rubles.
  • Microdermabrasion method: from 3,500 rubles.
  • Laser correction method: 9,000 rubles and above, depending on the number and size of pigmented areas.
  • Chemical peeling method: 4,000–10,000 rubles, depending on the medicine used.

How does zinc ointment affect skin pigmentation?

Zinc paste or salicylic-zinc ointment is often used by women with problem skin as a therapeutic and cosmetic product. The drug is especially effective for pigmentation. With its regular use, it is possible to replenish the lack of zinc in the body and regulate the production of melanin, which will prevent the appearance of spots.

If the pigment has already appeared, using ointment you can speed up the regeneration process of unhealthy areas of the skin. When zinc penetrates the epidermis, the growth of new healthy cells is provoked, which displace melanin from the deeper layers. As a result, the spots lighten or disappear completely. However, the process is long, clarification occurs gradually. In case of deep pigmentation, imperfections can only be eliminated with the help of professional peeling.

Also, products based on zinc oxide have the following properties:

  • normalization of sebum production;
  • elimination of oily shine;
  • drying small wounds;
  • elimination of inflammation and irritation;
  • prevention of early aging;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • UV protection.

Zinc ointment or paste is used to treat acne, dermatitis, and urticaria. It is even used to eliminate heat rash in newborns. The composition heals and prevents infection from attaching to the wound.

To combat pigmentation, choose products with 10% active substance. The ointment is suitable for all skin types, approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and rarely causes allergies. With its help you can get rid of small birthmarks, freckles, post-acne. Zinc also heals the dermis after sun and thermal burns.

How to whiten age spots at home

To whiten age spots at home, you should choose cosmetics (masks, lotions) that contain glabridin, arbutin, hydroquinone, ascorbic and kojic acids.

These substances stop the formation of tyrosine, the oxidation of which produces melanin, as well as tyrosinase, which accelerates this process. Lotions, masks and creams containing fruit acids (1–3%) also have a slight peeling effect.

There are many folk remedies that can whiten age spots. As a rule, they include licorice, bearberry, cucumber, lemon, parsley, cranberry and viburnum. Drugs from the pharmacy are also used, for example, ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Next, we will present several recipes that allow you to cope with the task of whitening age spots at home.

1. Rub a citrus fruit onto your skin.

Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which can help remove the top layer of skin. The most popular recipes for whitening age spots are:

  • Rub the juice squeezed from lemon, lime, grapefruit or orange into the skin. For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex have used this particular method to whiten age spots. This is done very simply: squeeze the juice out of half a fruit and apply it to problem areas using a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face with water. This procedure can be carried out twice a day.
  • Another equally effective way to whiten age spots involves using lemon (juice of one fruit) and honey (two spoons). Both ingredients are mixed and then applied to the age spots. After 30 minutes, everything is washed off with plenty of water.
  • You can also use a homemade scrub to whiten age spots. To do this, fruit juice should be mixed with 1 tsp. baking soda and powdered milk to a paste consistency. Apply the composition to the skin and rinse with water after a while.
  • Vitamin E, an antioxidant, strengthens and repairs skin cells. In this case, both external and internal use is allowed.

If you use vitamin E topically to whiten age spots, it should be applied daily to problem areas.

It can be taken internally with foods, in particular it is found in nuts (pistachios, almonds, pine), as well as in wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds and dried apricots.

2. Papaya.

Papaya contains vitamins E and C, as well as papain, which not only has a whitening effect, but also strengthens cells. For maximum effectiveness, it is better to choose green fruits, since they contain a higher concentration of the substance, although ripe ones are also suitable.

The following recipes require peeled, seedless papaya:

  • In order to whiten age spots, you need to apply a piece of fruit to the problem area twice a day for 20–30 minutes.
  • Blend the chopped papaya in a blender until smooth. The resulting paste is applied to the neck and face for half an hour. After the specified time, everything is washed off with plenty of water.

3. Aloe vera.

This plant has many beneficial properties, so it is used both to moisturize the skin and to treat burns. Aloe vera will also help whiten freckles and age spots. To do this, you need to extract the pulp from one leaf and apply it to the problem area. You can also use purchased products containing this plant, but pure juice is much more effective.

4. Red onion.

You can easily replace lemon with red onion, since it also contains acids that can whiten age spots. To do this, the vegetable is peeled and crushed in a blender. You can put the onion through a juicer. The resulting paste should be applied to the age spot and washed off with water after 15 minutes.

5. Lightening face masks for age spots.

A good remedy for skin whitening is a mixture of viburnum juice and honey. Combining the two ingredients in equal parts, apply the mask to areas with pigmentation and after half an hour, rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the skin must be wiped with lemon juice, previously diluted with water.

As for how to whiten age spots with hydrogen peroxide (3%), it should be mixed with lemon juice in equal parts and, using a flannel or paper towel, applied to the dermis, held for 15 minutes, and rinsed with water. This procedure should be done twice a week.

Another mask for whitening pigmented areas is prepared from kefir (unsweetened yogurt) and parsley juice, which can be obtained by squeezing chopped greens in a blender. The two products need to be mixed in equal parts and applied to the face using a napkin for 20 minutes. In this case, it is not necessary to wash your face; it is enough to wipe the skin with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The mask should be used before going to bed after washing.

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6. Cosmetic ice.

Twice a day (in the morning and evening after cleansing the face), pigment spots are wiped with ice cubes made from viburnum juice. Finally, a cream with a moisturizing effect is applied.

7. Scrub.

For the scrub you will need cranberry (lemon) juice, finely ground coffee and chopped oatmeal. Mix all three ingredients 1 tbsp. l. and apply to face. After 10 minutes, you need to rub the composition in a circular motion and rinse with water. After this, you should use a cream that matches your skin type. It is recommended to carry out such cleansing once a week.

8. Infusion.

Pour 1 tbsp. l. bearberry with one glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes in an enamel bowl. After cooling the infusion, strain it and take ⅓–½ cup three to five times a day. However, you need to keep in mind that this product can be stored for no longer than two days and only in the refrigerator.

Contraindications for use

Zinc is a substance that the body needs to maintain the beauty and health of the skin; when its concentration decreases, a person begins to age faster. There are practically no contraindications to the use of the drug, since it does not cause allergies. Simply apply a thin layer of ointment only to age spots, following the instructions.

Do not use the ointment too often, as this can lead to an overdose. Therefore, if you experience headache, dizziness, or nausea, stop treatment immediately.

Do not use zinc ointments with other components to which you may develop an allergy. You should not self-medicate. If there are a large number of rashes, pustular lesions, or open wounds on the face, it is better to consult a dermatologist. Also, the drug is not suitable for treating skin affected by fungus or herpes. Avoid contact of the product with eyes and mucous membranes.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots

Most often, people with fair skin and hair face problems such as pigmentation. In order to prevent the appearance of such a defect, as well as during acne treatment, three basic rules should be followed:

  1. Avoid products that cause skin irritation. Scrubs should only be finely dispersed, and it is not recommended to use them every day. Products containing alcohol should be completely avoided, as they dry the skin and slow down cell regeneration. When using acids or procedures using them, it is necessary to moisturize the skin more often, since they take moisture from the epidermis.
  2. Apply sun protection daily. During periods of increased solar activity, it is necessary to choose drugs with a protective factor of 30 SPF. If we are talking about a beach holiday, then from 50 SPF. In any other situation, the SPF might be 15–25. This rule should be especially observed by those who use exfoliants that enhance photosensitivity, as well as those whose age spots appear on vacation after a certain period of time.
  3. Do not touch inflamed areas of the skin. With age, the renewal of epidermal cells slows down, so healing when microtraumas appear takes longer than if they occurred in youth. So you should not touch damaged areas of the skin.

The following will help prevent the appearance of age spots:

1. Do a facial massage.

When using any cosmetic product, for example, cream, serum, peeling or mask, when applied, it affects the upper layer of the dermis. The formation of age spots occurs much deeper, so even if they are bleached, melanin will still accumulate, although it can be found in completely different areas of the skin.

During the massage, the entire area of ​​the epidermis on the face is affected. It must be remembered that this method will not help get rid of extensive and dark pigmentation, but it is quite capable of whitening the spots a little.

During self-massage, blood circulation and microcirculation improve, resulting in:

  • The skin becomes more elastic and firm as it receives more nutrients.
  • The protective function of the dermis is also enhanced, thanks to which it easily resists the effects of ultraviolet rays and other negative factors.
  • Accelerated metabolism allows cells to quickly get rid of excess pigment and toxins.
  • Skin regeneration is also accelerated.

With a proper and balanced diet, very soon pigment spots will become less noticeable, but only if there is an active pushing out of keratinized cells by the lower layers of the dermis.

It should be borne in mind that with the help of massage alone it will not be possible to remove defects or whiten them. In addition, if you compare it, for example, with peeling, then the result can be expected much later. As for chemical procedures, with their help a person gets rid of only the external manifestations of pigmentation, but not the causes of its occurrence. Massage can make your skin healthier.

2. A complete diet.

It is very important to consume the required amount of water, since it is it that triggers the metabolic processes occurring in the human body. Depending on your weight, you need to drink at least 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight per day. This figure will be higher for those who lead an active lifestyle or live in the southern regions of the country.

You can whiten age spots if your diet includes foods with a high content of the following components:

  • Copper. It is found in cocoa, cod liver, nuts (especially hazelnuts and peanuts), squid, peas, shrimp, buckwheat and lentils.
  • Vitamin A. The main supplier products are pumpkin, carrots, apricots, sea buckthorn and all orange-colored fruits.
  • B vitamins. These are usually fish, meat and eggs, that is, products of animal origin.
  • Vitamin C. A large content of this component is present in bell peppers and rose hips.
  • Vitamin D. Found in chicken egg yolk and fish oil.
  • Vitamin E. Its main source is vegetable oils (unrefined).
  • Vitamin PP. The main products that contain this component are tomatoes, peas and avocados.

3. Improvement of the endocrine system and the entire body as a whole.

Before bleaching age spots if you have diseases associated with internal organs, the immune system or the endocrine system, you should consult your doctor.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the Chinese qigong healing system, which includes exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as maintaining their health. The fact is that, according to the healers of the East, these organs are the gates of life, and the appearance of the skin, as well as the uniformity of its color, depends on the state in which they are.

It is necessary to take into account that only correctly selected cosmetics will allow you to achieve the desired result in whitening age spots.

Other things to remember:

  1. When whitening age spots, sun protection products must be applied in a thick layer.
  2. Using preparations for lightening and carrying out the procedure at home, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  3. Research has found a link between the use of hydroquinone, which is found in some whitening products, and dermatitis, cancer, cell damage, and other dermatological problems. Therefore, many specialists use them only when other options have not produced a positive effect.
  4. If you have an allergic reaction to aspirin, you should avoid using products that contain salicylic acid.
  5. When you consult a doctor, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations given by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  6. After applying citrus fruit juice to your facial skin, you should not be in direct sunlight, as there is a high risk of getting a burn.
  7. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised not to use salicylic acid.

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What does it contain?

You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy for 30 rubles, and it is available without a doctor’s prescription. The ointment does not contain hormones, fragrances, or parabens. The composition contains a minimum of ingredients:

  1. Zinc oxide has a drying, disinfecting effect. Thanks to the component, the ointment penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, suppresses excessive sebum production, and accelerates the death of pigmented cells. The chemical knits and tightens, allowing you to tighten and refresh your face.
  2. Vaseline allows you to apply the product evenly, creates a protective film, and prevents the penetration of infection. It is necessary to mitigate the pronounced effect of zinc on the skin. It is the basis of the drug; thanks to this component, a thick consistency is achieved.
  3. Salicylic acid (in salicylic-zinc ointment) accelerates skin regeneration, promotes rapid healing, eavesdrops. Quickly whitens the skin from small spots, freckles, moles.

Many pharmaceutical companies add useful components to the ointment that enhance the effect of the main substance: menthol, lanolin, fish oil, vitamins A, E, D. If you add essential oils (apricot, orange, fir) to the composition yourself, the remedy will nourish and moisturize.

Starch is added to zinc paste, which reduces the concentration of the chemical. This option in a glass or plastic jar is suitable for the treatment of miliaria, diaper rash, and dermatosis in children.

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