BeautyMoist air: 15 products for dehydrated skin

Today, the world market offers a wide variety of cosmetics, in particular personal care products. Unfortunately, there is no single official classification of all products, so it is quite difficult to understand all the diversity, and most often you have to rely on your own intuition. Despite this, the entire range can be secretly divided according to purpose, features of action and effectiveness of use. Thus, we will highlight three, the most convenient groups: mass-market cosmetics, selective (premium and luxury) cosmetics and active (medicinal) cosmetics. Mass-market cosmetics are intended for general personal care, however, they do not contain biologically active substances with medicinal properties. Mass market cosmetics can be found both in pharmacies and on the shelves of any chain store. The main difference between selective cosmetics and mass-market cosmetics is the limited use, depending on skin type, hair, and age. You can purchase cosmetics of this type only in specialized cosmetic stores. Active cosmetics, in turn, contain biologically active substances and are used for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

It is quite difficult to understand all the diversity, and most often you have to rely on your own intuition.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics and what are their advantages?

Let us dwell in detail on the third group of cosmetics. Active cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics, medicinal cosmetics - all these terms are used to refer to cosmetic products whose purpose is to correct deficiencies and have a regenerating effect. Medical and pharmaceutical data are used in the development of these cosmetic products, which means that the use of all ingredients is scientifically based. Also, another advantage of such cosmetics is that they are certified; therefore, sales are possible only in pharmacies, online pharmacy stores or in specialized stores.

How to degrease oily and combination skin

Sebum acts as protection and lubricant for the skin. However, such protection can be too much, and you need to get rid of it. There are several ways to degrease and moisturize oily skin.

Quick options

If you need to degrease the skin quickly and in a crowded place, you can use the following methods.

Special blotting paper

This is smooth paper that will absorb excess oil in a matter of seconds without harming your makeup or complexion. One of the fastest solutions if it is not possible to make a mask or wipe the surface of the face with tonic. You just need to take the paper and blot the problem areas with it: forehead, chin, cheeks, wings of the nose, neck.

You can buy blotting paper at any pharmacy and it is not inexpensive.

Disposable face tissues

It’s also a good and convenient product, but it consists of water and soap. Therefore, it harms the condition of the makeup. If the appearance of the makeup is more expensive, it is better not to use such a product. After use, it is advisable to wash your face with cool water to remove any remaining soap on your face.

Applying toner

Finding the best toner for oily skin is one way to quickly remove the signs of oiliness. Simply soak a cotton pad in it and apply to problem areas. The only problem is that it ruins your makeup. Find out how to choose a lotion for oily skin in this material.

You can buy tonic at any cosmetic store or make it yourself.

Homemade tonic recipe

You need to pour half a glass of natural apple cider vinegar into a jar and dilute it with a glass of water. Mix and use a cotton pad to apply to problem areas as needed. The number of uses per day is unlimited.

Washing with cold water

You can tidy up your face with simple cold water. Low temperature water closes pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and refreshes the skin. After washing, you need to thoroughly and gently wipe your face with a towel.

Harmful to makeup, but it's convenient and effective.

Face creams

Another good and effective way is the daily use of moisturizing creams at home. They are the ones who fight dehydration, remove oily shine and nourish the epidermis.

Types of pharmaceutical cosmetics

In the presence of dermatological disorders, the main purpose of pharmaceutical cosmetics is to correct deficiencies and provide a pronounced therapeutic effect. Depending on the purpose, there are several types of funds, each of which is selected depending on the specific problem:

  • for normal, dry, oily skin;
  • for the treatment of acne;
  • to eliminate pigmentation;
  • for tightening and smoothing wrinkles;
  • to cleanse sensitive skin prone to allergies and redness;
  • for baby skin care.

Unlike other cosmetics, pharmaceutical cosmetics contain a higher content of active ingredients, which undergo additional testing and purification. The content of preservatives and aggressive chemical compounds in pharmaceutical cosmetics is minimal or completely absent, which means that such products are hypoallergenic, safe and ideal for sensitive skin and acne-prone skin.

Signs of dehydrated oily skin

Symptoms of dehydration may not be noticed immediately, as oily secretions mask them. Therefore, it is best to distinguish such skin when it is dry. However, signs of dehydration will be noticeable over time in any case. This is a permanent or periodic condition of the epidermis, with the following symptoms:

  1. Dull complexion. Many people are mistaken when they think that complexion depends on sleep and time spent at the computer. Basically, a dull complexion indicates a deplorable condition of the skin and body. He lacks moisture.
  2. Peeling on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin. This is also often confused with vitamin deficiency, but it is not so. Vitamin deficiency most often appears on the arms and legs, and on the face last. Therefore, peeling is a clear sign of dehydration. The best face masks for peeling are collected in this article.
  3. Enlarged flabby pores. This may not only be a consequence of too frequent use of cleansers and procedures for opening and cleansing pores. But also signs of insufficient water in the body’s cells.
  4. The skin ceases to be firm and elastic. This process can be noticed in girls after thirty and forty years. This is the aging process, hormonal imbalance. But if a girl experiences this long before the specified period, the problem is a lack of moisture.
  5. Rare urination, dark urine. The more water you drink, the lighter your urine. Draw conclusions.
  6. The skin becomes shiny or inflamed, and a feeling of tightness appears. Due to lack of moisture, many processes begin to go astray. Including protective ones. Irritation, redness appears and the skin cannot cope with it.
  7. Dry mouth, dry lips.
  8. Dehydrated skin begins to absorb moisture from cosmetic products. At the end of the day, your makeup will be smudged.
  9. Lack of appetite, general fatigue.

How to choose pharmacy cosmetics?

Depending on the activity of the sebaceous glands, four skin types can be distinguished: normal, dry, oily, combination. In normal condition, the skin has a natural protective mechanism, which is a dense barrier of a layer of epidermis and sebaceous glands that create a stable lipid film. Such a barrier does not release water and protects against the penetration of microbes and allergens. Based on this, in order for the product to really provide what is needed, it should be selected based not only on the specifics of the problem, but also in accordance with the skin type.

Dry skin

If there is insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands, the risk of both infectious and allergic reactions increases. Aggressive environmental factors can cause dry skin: wind, frost, sun rays and dry home air. The problem may also arise due to internal factors: poor diet, vitamin deficiency, insufficient water intake or skin diseases (allergies, inflammatory and infectious diseases).

Main signs of dry skin:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • cracks;
  • irritation;
  • narrowed pores;
  • peeling;
  • early appearance of signs of aging.

Oily skin

This skin is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Often, this condition is caused by hereditary factors and endocrine disorders. However, at the same time, poor nutrition and improper skin care make a significant contribution.

Main signs of oily skin:

  • greasy shine;
  • clogged pores;
  • black dots;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • milia.

Combination skin

The most problematic type, in which there is a combination of several skin types. For example, oily skin in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and dry or normal skin in the rest of the face. The difficulty of caring for such skin lies in the need to combine different skin care products. The causes of this condition of the skin can be: hormonal changes, local increased activity of the sebaceous glands, genetic predisposition, poor nutrition and improper care.

Before purchasing cosmetics, pay attention to your skin and, if you have serious problems, consult a dermatologist.

Dry skin care steps

1. Washing should be done in the morning and evening, using hydrophilic soap, milk or foam for dry skin. After washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-free tonic.

2. Creams for dry skin are divided into:

  • to a moisturizing and nourishing cream containing hyaluronic acid oils. This cream is applied to the skin after washing your face in the morning;
  • night nourishing cream;
  • eye cream. It is applied after each wash;
  • anti-aging cream. They begin to use it after 25 years;
  • cream with UV protection.
  • serum containing hyaluronic acid and having a moisturizing effect. Cleanse the face with the serum before applying the cream.

3.Masks for dry skin:

  • yolk-oil-honey mask. Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of almond or olive oil. Apply with a brush to clean skin in layers. After the third layer, give the mask 25 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week. A tangible result will appear in a month and a half;
  • yolk-oil mask. The yolk is mixed with a teaspoon of peach, almond or olive oil. Apply the mask to the face in 2-3 layers. After 25 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cotton swab. Wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer;
  • mayonnaise for skin. Gradually add 15 g of olive oil to the yolk. The resulting mayonnaise is applied to the skin and removed after 20 minutes with a damp cotton swab;
  • hot mask made from flaxseed flour. Boil in 2000 ml of water with 3 tbsp. spoons of flaxseed until you get a viscous paste. Add a spoonful of honey and olive oil to the cooled mass. Apply the mask to the face and décolleté, cover the face and neck with a warm towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your face and neck with cold water.

Features of the composition

Pharmacies and cosmetics stores offer a huge selection of Russian and foreign-made skincare products that can be used to maintain health and beauty. These are day and night moisturizing creams for dehydrated facial skin, intense moisturizing products (fluids, serums, gels), medicinal products (they do not mask, but eliminate the problem), tonal BB products, cosmeceuticals (a mixture of cosmetic and medicinal components), creams with targeted action (according to age, skin type).

On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the purpose by age, skin type and problem, as well as the full composition and expiration date. The information must be carefully studied in order to choose the best option at the right price. The label “moisturizing” alone is not enough; what is important is the presence of one or more components:

  • hyaluronic acid. With age and under the influence of various negative factors, the body produces less hyaluronic acid. It is necessary to retain moisture in tissues;
  • mineral and vegetable oils. Soften the skin, stimulate cell regeneration, eliminate peeling and irritation. For oily skin types, you need to carefully select products, since some oils have the ability to clog pores, causing acne, inflammation, and the appearance of blackheads;
  • glycerol. The action is the same as that of hyaluronic acid. Moisturizes, creates a film that prevents moisture from evaporating;
  • elastin, coenzyme, collagen stimulate cell restoration, increase the firmness and elasticity of the structure;
  • vitamins, plant extracts, minerals nourish tissues and improve cellular metabolism.

It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist to get recommendations on the components that will best cope with a specific problem. This way, the action will be targeted, and you will be able to quickly return your face to a healthy appearance without expensive salon procedures.

Features of thin skin

If you study the properties of the skin, thin skin resembles dry skin. But there are certain individual characteristics. You can recognize thin facial skin by certain signs:

  • there is no shine or greasy film on the face;
  • has a matte velvety structure;
  • the surface is smooth and does not contain enlarged pores;
  • too tight, dry and flaky;
  • there are capillaries near the surface, so the face may often turn red;
  • due to insufficient amount of melanin, the face is too pale;
  • bruises often appear under the eyes because veins are visible there;
  • Irritation may occur due to a reaction to new cosmetics, smoky air, salt water, wind or frost, or the sun.

When a person is still very young, his coverings are distinguished by their neatness and good appearance. But after some time, her aging will occur much faster. Already at the age of 25, a person may experience the first wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to start proper care from adolescence.

How to care for dehydrated skin

In addition to the need to choose one of the best creams for dehydrated facial skin, you will have to follow a number of rules for facial care. Only a comprehensive approach can eliminate the problem and prevent relapse.

Cosmetologists remind you that it is necessary to control the level of air humidity in the room. In winter, heating devices dry out the air, which dehydrates the skin. A humidifier copes well with the problem, but if there is no money for it, you can install water containers near the heating radiators. The liquid will gradually evaporate, saturating the air.

Prolonged exposure to cold air is harmful, so you will have to use protective compounds and appropriate clothing.

The normal drinking volume is about 2 liters of fluid per day, but the norm is different for everyone, since it depends on the presence of diseases, medications, lifestyle, and nutrition. It is better if this volume consists mostly of clean water, rather than coffee, tea and carbonated lemonades.

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