Skin pigmentation: what is it, why do pigment spots appear on the body?

Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation of the skin - what is it?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this term and such a defect has absolutely nothing to do with any diseases.
The dictionary definition states that this can be called the uneven distribution of coloring pigments over the surface of the epidermis. In our case, we are talking specifically about a substance such as melanin, produced by a certain type of cell (melanocytes). Excessive accumulation or deficiency can cause hyperpigmentation or, conversely, tissue discoloration. This is how dots and even extensive formations appear, which are clearly visible to the naked eye. However, not only this substance has coloring ability; there are others. These can be lipochromes, bilirubin, lipofuscin and many others, which are products of cell metabolism.

What are age spots?

Pigment spots are areas of the skin on which melanin is deposited in excess. Melanocyte cells, which are influenced by the state of a person’s hormonal background, are responsible for its production. The formation of melanin is the body’s protective reaction to stress. There are 3 types of age spots on the body and face:

  • moles are congenital formations or appear on the body over time;
  • chloasma - smooth manifestations of brownish-brown color with jagged edges;
  • lentigo - brown or black-brown lumps that rise above the skin.

There are 2 types of lentigo: juvenile, which is a genetic formation, observed in children under 10 years of age, and senile, which appears in older people on exposed parts of the body. Causes of spots:

  • ultraviolet;
  • cheap cosmetics;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • age-related changes;
  • laser procedures;
  • liver diseases;
  • genetic predisposition.

Pigmentation (hyperpigmentation) in adults and children

People often wonder why and what causes pigment spots to appear on the body. There can be quite a few reasons, most of them will be answered in our article. Heredity may be a major factor. In such cases, visual defects appear from birth or at a very young age, because information about them is embedded in the DNA.

Therefore, there is no big difference when a person decides to deal with the problem. In the most extreme situations, when this seriously spoils the appearance, and, consequently, the quality of life, treatment with modern surgical techniques, for example, laser resurfacing, is indicated. However, these are extreme measures, and alternative options can always be found. Laennec Skincare – LNC offers to transform the skin at the cellular level, prevent and completely eliminate hyperpigmentation.

How to remove freckles, moles, deep age spots?

  • If there are pigment spots on the skin, then such people need to sunbathe with extreme caution. Of course, it's fashionable, but health should come first. In addition, fair skin makes its owner several years younger. In spring and summer, people with age spots must protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation by applying special creams to it. Wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses will help in this regard.
  • You can make freckles less noticeable using a chemical peeling procedure with fruit or lactic acids. However, this is a temporary measure, since when the sun hits the skin, freckles will appear again. This will happen much faster if you do not use sunscreen.
  • You can get rid of moles using methods such as cryotherapy, laser removal, and diathermocoagulation.
  • You can get rid of deep pigment spots using laser peeling, photoremoval method, mesotherapy, and mechanical peeling.

Among them:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Hydroquinone and products based on it;
  • Lavender oil;
  • Acids (ascorbic, citric, acetic, salicylic, lactic);
  • Horseradish vinegar tincture;
  • Resorcinol.

These drugs can have a pronounced keratolytic effect and exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis well.

Hair and eye coloring

Few people know that the color of the iris also directly depends on the amount produced, the depth of occurrence and the total mass of the main coloring pigment. The shade of the iris becomes darker when there is more melanin in the body and vice versa.

The situation with hair is approximately the same; the lighter it is, the fewer compounds are produced. Over the course of life, due to various internal and external circumstances, its release may intensify or subside due to various pathological or physical phenomena.

How to whiten age spots at home

To whiten age spots at home, you should choose cosmetics (masks, lotions) that contain glabridin, arbutin, hydroquinone, ascorbic and kojic acids.

These substances stop the formation of tyrosine, the oxidation of which produces melanin, as well as tyrosinase, which accelerates this process. Lotions, masks and creams containing fruit acids (1–3%) also have a slight peeling effect.

There are many folk remedies that can whiten age spots. As a rule, they include licorice, bearberry, cucumber, lemon, parsley, cranberry and viburnum. Drugs from the pharmacy are also used, for example, ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Next, we will present several recipes that allow you to cope with the task of whitening age spots at home.

1. Rub a citrus fruit onto your skin.

Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which can help remove the top layer of skin. The most popular recipes for whitening age spots are:

  • Rub the juice squeezed from lemon, lime, grapefruit or orange into the skin. For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex have used this particular method to whiten age spots. This is done very simply: squeeze the juice out of half a fruit and apply it to problem areas using a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face with water. This procedure can be carried out twice a day.
  • Another equally effective way to whiten age spots involves using lemon (juice of one fruit) and honey (two spoons). Both ingredients are mixed and then applied to the age spots. After 30 minutes, everything is washed off with plenty of water.
  • You can also use a homemade scrub to whiten age spots. To do this, fruit juice should be mixed with 1 tsp. baking soda and powdered milk to a paste consistency. Apply the composition to the skin and rinse with water after a while.
  • Vitamin E, an antioxidant, strengthens and repairs skin cells. In this case, both external and internal use is allowed.

If you use vitamin E topically to whiten age spots, it should be applied daily to problem areas.

It can be taken internally with foods, in particular it is found in nuts (pistachios, almonds, pine), as well as in wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds and dried apricots.

2. Papaya.

Papaya contains vitamins E and C, as well as papain, which not only has a whitening effect, but also strengthens cells. For maximum effectiveness, it is better to choose green fruits, since they contain a higher concentration of the substance, although ripe ones are also suitable.

The following recipes require peeled, seedless papaya:

  • In order to whiten age spots, you need to apply a piece of fruit to the problem area twice a day for 20–30 minutes.
  • Blend the chopped papaya in a blender until smooth. The resulting paste is applied to the neck and face for half an hour. After the specified time, everything is washed off with plenty of water.

3. Aloe vera.

This plant has many beneficial properties, so it is used both to moisturize the skin and to treat burns. Aloe vera will also help whiten freckles and age spots. To do this, you need to extract the pulp from one leaf and apply it to the problem area. You can also use purchased products containing this plant, but pure juice is much more effective.

4. Red onion.

You can easily replace lemon with red onion, since it also contains acids that can whiten age spots. To do this, the vegetable is peeled and crushed in a blender. You can put the onion through a juicer. The resulting paste should be applied to the age spot and washed off with water after 15 minutes.

5. Lightening face masks for age spots.

A good remedy for skin whitening is a mixture of viburnum juice and honey. Combining the two ingredients in equal parts, apply the mask to areas with pigmentation and after half an hour, rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the skin must be wiped with lemon juice, previously diluted with water.

As for how to whiten age spots with hydrogen peroxide (3%), it should be mixed with lemon juice in equal parts and, using a flannel or paper towel, applied to the dermis, held for 15 minutes, and rinsed with water. This procedure should be done twice a week.

Another mask for whitening pigmented areas is prepared from kefir (unsweetened yogurt) and parsley juice, which can be obtained by squeezing chopped greens in a blender. The two products need to be mixed in equal parts and applied to the face using a napkin for 20 minutes. In this case, it is not necessary to wash your face; it is enough to wipe the skin with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The mask should be used before going to bed after washing.

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How to get rid of unwanted hair quickly, painlessly and forever More details
6. Cosmetic ice.

Twice a day (in the morning and evening after cleansing the face), pigment spots are wiped with ice cubes made from viburnum juice. Finally, a cream with a moisturizing effect is applied.

7. Scrub.

For the scrub you will need cranberry (lemon) juice, finely ground coffee and chopped oatmeal. Mix all three ingredients 1 tbsp. l. and apply to face. After 10 minutes, you need to rub the composition in a circular motion and rinse with water. After this, you should use a cream that matches your skin type. It is recommended to carry out such cleansing once a week.

8. Infusion.

Pour 1 tbsp. l. bearberry with one glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes in an enamel bowl. After cooling the infusion, strain it and take ⅓–½ cup three to five times a day. However, you need to keep in mind that this product can be stored for no longer than two days and only in the refrigerator.

Face and body

There are a huge number of different reasons why skin hyperpigmentation appears. It can occur not only on the surface of the face, but also on the arms, back, legs, and abdomen. This may be due to genetics, various autoimmune disorders, excessive uncontrolled exposure to ultraviolet rays, insurmountable external circumstances, for example, the climatic characteristics of the region of residence, the environmental component, smoke or dust in cities.

Darkening on the stomach or back, on the arms or legs can appear after an inflammatory process in the epidermis. For some, insect bites cause light or dark areas of varying sizes that last a long time. Why is this happening? There are many prerequisites, they are worth discussing separately.

What to do?

If the formation is red and itchy, folk remedies will help relieve the symptom. Pigment spots are lubricated with apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:1, sea buckthorn berry oil, and potato juice. In addition, sea buckthorn oil softens the resulting crust. Physical pressure also helps relieve itching: you need to gently press for 2-3 seconds or move your fingers over the skin in the area of ​​the formation, but without touching it. If the surface of the pigmentation is damaged, it is necessary to lubricate it with peroxide or other antiseptics and consult a doctor.

Causes of age spots on the body

The mechanism is simple - melanocytes participate in tissue healing, help rapid regeneration, and stop oxidation from the effects of free radicals. However, “working” on a certain place, they at the same time significantly darken it, which is why a stain is formed.

Problems with improper redistribution of melanin can arise with long-term use of certain medications. In the process of treating one imperfection, a person also earns an additional one - ugly darkened or light areas. Antibiotics and oral contraceptives also sometimes cause different types of darkening of the surface of the dermis.

Anti-age drugs

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

How to whiten age spots using cosmetics

In order to whiten age spots on the face, you can use both traditional methods and preparations intended for home skin care. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to completely get rid of such a defect, but it is quite possible to lighten it and also prevent the appearance of new copies.

1. Creams.

Since the cream contains very little substance aimed at lightening the skin, it can be used every day.

2. Serums.

If you have a question about how to quickly whiten age spots on your face, then due to the high concentration of retinoids and acids, serums will be an excellent choice. However, they should be used strictly following the instructions.

3. Masks.

A good way to cope with such a task as whitening the skin and removing age spots is to use masks that help even out the tone of the dermis.

It is worth remembering that it is completely impossible to get rid of this defect, and the chosen method of struggle (aesthetic procedures, cosmetics) does not play any role. However, it is possible to whiten the skin by making the darkened areas lighter, for which certain cosmetics containing the components listed below are suitable.

  • Retinoids.

Thanks to retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, the restoration of dermal and epidermal cells is regulated. That is why they are often included in cosmetic products for the care of mature skin, and are also used to combat acne and post-acne.

It is worth noting that they can cope with such a task as whitening age spots on the face quite effectively and quickly, however, irritation and dryness of the dermis may occur.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

It allows you to speed up regeneration and reduce melanin production, therefore making pigmentation less noticeable. In addition, vitamin C protects cells from free radicals and also promotes collagen synthesis.

However, it must be remembered that products containing vitamin C are effective only if they do not come into contact with air.

  • Arbutin.

A non-toxic component, which is an analogue of hydroquinone, allows you to whiten age spots by slowing down the production of melanin.

  • Kojic acid.

The main advantage of this substance is that it does not lose its properties even if it dissolves in oil or water. Also, products that contain kojic acid do not require special packaging. Thanks to this component, skin cell regeneration is accelerated and melanin production is reduced, therefore, pigment spots become noticeably lighter.

  • Fruit acids.

In order to whiten age spots, you can use skin exfoliating AHA acids, including lactic acid (retains moisture in cells), glycolic acid (thanks to small molecules, it penetrates deep into the dermis) and malic acid.

  • Azelaic acid.

This component allows you to accelerate the regeneration of dermal cells and also has bactericidal properties. All this helps to whiten age spots.

Types of skin pigmentation disorders

They can be either primary (congenital) or secondary, that is, they are actually a consequence of some process in the body or outside it. The intensity may increase or decrease over time.

Cutaneous-ocular albinism

This heterogeneous disease can most often be diagnosed in the fetus while still in the womb. If the diagnosis was not established in time, then the disease manifests itself immediately after birth. The main signs are depigmentation of the skin (milky-white tint), iris, hair, and other things. Often accompanied by deafness and even epilepsy, actinic (solar) keratosis.

People with this diagnosis have a high risk of developing tumors in the dermis, for example, under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, doctors recommend them powerful photoprotective creams, as well as other drugs containing many retinoids.


This phenomenon consists of a special concentration of skin pigment, a significant increase in its color compared to normal. It is caused by its excessive production due to various processes in the body. The main shade of the epidermis directly depends on melanocytes, which are responsible for the production of melanin in special formations called melanosomes. Tyrosine and its derivative tyrosinase, which is related to copper, are responsible for the synthesis.

First, promelanin appears, which, under the influence of another enzyme, oxidase, is already converted into the final substance. From its immature cells, melanocytes are produced, which are found mostly in the basal epidermal layer. It is noteworthy that representatives of the light-skinned race have exactly the same number of them as dark-skinned people. However, the coloring component penetrates into all layers of the dermis, including the stratum corneum.

The appearance of hyperpigmentation: hyperchromia

Sometimes it can be limited, that is, appear only in certain places. Such disorders also include chloasma and maculae, commonly called freckles.

These formations can be regular or irregular in shape. Most often they are yellowish, yellow-brown or even brownish-brown. They can be located in the facial area (in the majority of cases), but also dispersed throughout the body (disseminated position). The main cause of this skin defect is genetics.


Maculae first appear in children of primary school or preschool age, most often after prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. These are neat, oval or round, brown or red spots, the size of which can vary between 1-10 millimeters in length. For many people with this feature, pigmentation is clearly visible in spring and summer, but in the cold season it fades and becomes barely noticeable.

Such macules do not pose any threat to health, and they are diagnosed using a visual examination. However, it is still better to maintain a certain degree of dermal care. In warm weather, you should definitely use creams and ointments with photoprotective ingredients and SPF filters. It is not customary to remove freckles, but many cosmetologists recommend whitening compounds and keratolytic agents.

For the qualitative elimination of such defects, the injection and non-injection drug CURACEN is effective, which can “override” the main prerequisites for starting the process of melanogenesis. After testing, it turned out that it can even be used for recovery after various aggressive procedures (peelings, scrubbing, acid exfoliation). Its cosmetic non-injection form – CURACEN Essence – is also perfect for this. Among the best-proven tone-evening products are specialized preparations from the brands Bb Laboratories, Laennec Skincare - LNC, PlaReceta. They are developed by pharmacists, which guarantees their effectiveness and safety.


Melasma, cutaneous melanosis or melasma - all this refers specifically to this phenomenon and is an excessive deposition of a dye in the epidermis. Usually it looks like symmetrical formations of irregular shape, located mainly on the face. They are often brighter and darker than freckles and have a very indirect relationship to genetics. There are only two reasons for the appearance of chloasma:

  • Excessive accumulation of phagocytes in the papillary layer, which capture melanin coming directly from the epidermis and absorb it.
  • Increased concentration of the coloring component in the cells of the basal layer.

Such formations occur, which do not appear on the surface in any way, due to friction, during pregnancy and gynecological diseases in women, due to pressure or due to the use of certain oral contraceptives.


The process is characterized by the fact that a person develops very weakly pigmented skin. The reason usually lies in the insufficient production of that same melanin, or its complete absence, for which they even came up with a special term - depigmentation. Its total deficiency is considered albinism, and its partial deficiency is itself a subtype of hypochromia.


Scientists have not yet figured out where this disease came from and what causes it. However, it is thoroughly known that this is an acquired anomaly, which is in no way related to genetic mutations, but is related to such characteristics. Those who suffer from vitiligo often have problems with the endocrine system (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland).

The disease looks like whitish, colorless spots all over the body, growing and merging together. Sometimes before this you can observe erythema, that is, some redness and mild inflammation. Sometimes even hair on their surface becomes discolored, but not always. Sensitivity in the affected areas increases, inflammation from the sun often occurs, redness and itching appear.

Doctors do not yet have any effective treatment for vitiligo. But therapy is always prescribed to reduce the rate of development of spots, as well as unpleasant symptoms. If the defect interferes with the appearance and is located on the face, it is recommended to use various cosmetics, for example, decorative dyes in general, and dihydroxyacetone in particular.

Incomplete albinism

A cutaneous-ocular hereditary disease can be complete, in contrast to a purely cutaneous one, or incomplete. It is characterized by a lack of color and is genetic, that is, congenital in nature. Main signs:

  • Translucent iris of the eyes.
  • Completely whitish or unusually light hair.
  • Hypopigmentation of the fundus.
  • Hypomelanosis or complete absence of color.
  • Acute reaction to too bright light.

There are several undesirable consequences that can occur with this disease. The first is a significant deterioration in vision, and the second is complete intolerance to light. That is, a person simply cannot be in the sun even for a limited time. There is no treatment that completely cures albinism, but all unpainted areas should, if possible, be hidden from direct ultraviolet rays and regularly treated with high-quality protective agents.

Tuberous sclerosis

This is a genetic disease that is transmitted as a dominant autosomal trait. In almost everyone who suffers from it, it manifests itself in the form of spots devoid of dye, located mainly on the buttocks and torso. The pathology appears around the fourth year of life and is characterized by seizures, sebaceous adenoma and even mental retardation.

The shape of depigmented spots is oval, but can be elongated, and the number is from one to several dozen. Additionally, they can be placed across the body, as well as along the arms and legs. Diagnosis is most often carried out using a CT scan, and relatives who have similar marks or have seizures of unknown origin are also checked.


Recklinghausen's disease is also inherited, like the previous one. Most often it first appears in children around 3 years of age as small pale yellow-brown or beige spots on the body, arms and legs. Their diameter can easily reach 10-15 centimeters, but there are also small ones, up to 1-3.

Moynihan syndrome

Sometimes this disease is poetically called “leopard” and it is not at all accidental. Pathology is also transmitted through genes in a dominant manner. With it, the entire surface of the body is usually covered with limited brownish areas of small size, in which the melanin content is very high. In this case, the syndrome is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Growth retardation compared to peers.
  • Pulmonary artery stenosis.
  • Severe genital pathologies.
  • Deformation of the face, disruption of normal coloring.
  • Deafness.

Chloasma of pregnancy

The main sign and symptom of this disease are hypermelanotic areas on the epidermis, that is, ordinary dark spots. Interestingly, similar darkening also occurs in men. It occurs more often in those who have previously taken oral contraceptives.

Doctors recommend the use of vitamin C, nicotinic and folic acids, as well as the use of external local remedies, such as natural keratolytics and creams with a whitening effect (diluted citric acid, juice or vinegar, hydrogen peroxide).

Pigmented papillary skin dystrophy

The reasons may lie in the development of this disease, which is also called acanthosis nigricans. It is expressed in brownish and brownish-brown spots that have a velvety rather than smooth surface. This phenomenon is often observed in those who suffer from various types of oncology, diabetes mellitus, Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, pituitary adenoma and others.

Urticaria pigmentosa

Patients symptomatically develop spots and papules, mostly not turning into pustules, of a reddish-brown or yellow-brown hue. In infants, this type of disease occurs spontaneously and most often goes away on its own, but sometimes after many years. Such pathologies are treated by prescribing antihistamines, although no special effect can be expected.

Types of age spots

There are the following types of age spots:


Freckles are small brown areas of pigmentation that are located mainly on the face and open areas of the body. Sometimes such pigmentation can affect the ears, chest, skin of the arms and legs. Freckles are widespread among people with fair skin and red hair. The appearance of pigmentation is caused by excessive sun exposure and genetic predisposition.

The color intensity of freckles may vary depending on the time of year. This applies to their number and size. They may appear as light-colored dotted spots, no more than an injection mark, or large brown freckles may appear.

By their nature, freckles represent a tan, which is distributed unevenly; therefore, in the winter season, they can completely disappear. In addition, they become less bright as the body adapts to the effects of sunlight on it, learning to distribute them more evenly.

In a 2013 study of 523 French women, frequent sunburn and a gene known as MC1R (which produces melanin) were identified as major risk factors for developing freckles. [2]

Freckles do not pose any threat to the health of their owner; moreover, many freckled people do not perceive this phenomenon as a cosmetic flaw. If freckles cause psychological discomfort, you can prevent their appearance by using sunscreen with a powerful UV filter. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the face, but also other parts of the body that will be exposed to sunlight.

Freckles are not deeply pigmented, so it is easy to get rid of them with the help of fruit and milk peels. However, peelings are not able to protect against their reoccurrence.

Nevi or birthmarks

Moles and birthmarks are the most common type of skin pigmentation. Nevi look like small, evenly defined hyperpigmented areas on the skin that are a feature of a particular person. They, like other age spots, appear as a result of uneven distribution of melanin. It is the excessive accumulation of melanocytes that makes nevi noticeable. The color of birthmarks varies from person to person and can be either light or dark brown.

Every person has birthmarks of varying sizes and colors. But if there are too many of them, or if they increase in size, then there is a risk of their degeneration into an oncological formation. Therefore, nevi that are located in areas of high friction or on the face must be removed. Also, you should not delay visiting the doctor if the birthmark begins to change in any way. Most often, moles are removed using liquid nitrogen or diathermocoagulation. (


There are various methods to get rid of unwanted coloring. Their choice should primarily depend on the pathology itself, the person’s age, and whether he or she has any other problems. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carry out a competent diagnosis, which is impossible without special equipment and experienced specialists.

Cosmetical tools

If the unwanted coloring is not a consequence of any disease, then you can use some cosmetic preparations. Effective creams and masks usually contain:

  • parsley or jojoba extract;
  • arbutin;
  • kojic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • hydroquinone.

It would be worth repeating that you should use any means only after consulting a doctor.


In addition to cosmetics, you can purchase effective, safe and high-quality placental preparations to eliminate various skin defects.

  • Bb Laboratories - the line is highly effective due to the combination of biologically active substances, peptides, herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid and other components.
  • GHC Placental Cosmetic is a series of products that saturates cells with beneficial biologically active compounds, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, improves the regeneration process, and reduces wrinkles.
  • PlaReceta & PiloPla - the line fights the signs of facial aging, restoring the dermis. The products are especially aimed at those with sensitive, dehydrated, flaky skin, providing effective care and maintaining youth.
  • LAENNEC SkinCare - LNC is a placental and vitamin line aimed at eliminating age-related changes. It also helps in restoring the condition of the skin after photodamage. The products restore an even complexion, improve the condition of the skin during inflammation and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Hyaluron-elastin-collagen extract

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

Laser skin resurfacing

Often, girls and women choose similar salon procedures that help to quickly and without a trace cope with certain types of skin defects. The laser penetrates deeply into the epidermis and destroys melanin, eliminating everything quickly and safely. Problems usually do not arise after such “cleaning”, but you should only contact reliable and trusted specialists.

Treatments for hyperpigmentation

You can get rid of pigmentation on the face using the following procedures:

Whitening cream

. Before using this product, you must visit a dermatologist. Some whitening ointments contain allergic or toxic substances. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those with liver and kidney diseases, should not use whitening creams. It is most reliable to use ointments that contain:

  • hydrogel;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • lactic acid.

Cleansing ointments have a limited shelf life, so the ointment should be used immediately after purchase. The compositional features are lost after 7 days.

Cryodestruction procedure.

This is the most popular and inexpensive method of combating age spots. Liquid nitrogen is used to treat stains. The skin takes on a white, cold tint and becomes insensitive. The procedure lasts only 7 minutes. A crust forms on the skin, which subsequently falls off. Renewed skin has a vibrant and rosy appearance. You can completely get rid of pigmentation in 3 procedures.

Cleaning with a radio knife

. In this case, radio waves and current are used. The patient is given local anesthesia. After cleaning is completed, a crust will form on the skin, which will fall off within 7 days. In advanced cases, you need to resort to more powerful influences.

Ultrasonic cleaning

. Eight sessions are enough to completely remove pigmentation. The likelihood of new spots appearing is low. The procedure does not cause any discomfort. During the session, many people fall asleep in the chair. Ultrasonic cleaning should not be used by pregnant women, patients with hypertension, those with skin irritations, or wearing a pacemaker. It should be taken into account that ultrasonic waves are designed to clean shallow pigmentation.

Dry cleaning

. The facial skin is treated with a light acid solution. As a result, the top layer of the skin is removed along with age spots. The specialist selects the drug and its concentration based on the number of spots.

The most popular is superficial skin cleansing using fruit and glycolic acid. Cleaning is performed in 4-10 procedures. The break between visits to the salon can be about 14 days.

Medium cleaning is performed using trichloroacetic acid. It is necessary to carry out 3 procedures with a break of 2 months. This cleaning is practically painless. Redness on the skin disappears within a day.

Diamond resurfacing (microdermabrasion).

The cosmetologist uses a device with a diamond attachment. A special tip delivers microcrystals to pigment spots. This procedure is not as painful as dry cleaning. The effect is carried out only on the upper and middle layers of the skin. When performing the procedure, you can feel a light touch of a rough object.

Fractional laser treatment

. This method is used to eliminate complex age spots. The skin is cauterized with a special laser. During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt. Anesthesia is not necessary. The main advantage of the procedure is the immediate effect. Laser beams do not damage the skin, so healing occurs within 3-4 days.

How to deal with hyperpigmentation

Today there are many methods that will help even out skin color, but the purpose of one or another method depends on the severity of the problem and goals.

Unfortunately, if a person is predisposed to hyperpigmentation, then making the skin look young and even in color is quite difficult.

In cosmetology they use:

  1. special masks and creams with whitening effect;
  2. in some cases, peeling or grinding (acid or laser) is indicated;
  3. hardware IPL procedures.

Hardware methods are the most effective way to remove the appearance of pigment on the skin.

How to lighten pigment spots with melasma

  1. Provide skin protection from excess exposure to ultraviolet rays and blue light. UV rays and visible light rays are the main trigger for the appearance and recurrence of pigmentation. Their use is mandatory, regardless of the time of year.
  2. Lightening agents that help:
  • decreased division of melanocyte pigment cells
  • suppression of pigment formation inside melanocytes
  • destruction of formed melanosomes

Those. a full range of effects on the mechanisms of melasma.

The Latin American Academy of Pigmentary Disorders Academy-PDA has developed an algorithm for selecting therapy depending on the degree of its development:

  • Mild degree - use of drugs based on Azelaic acid up to 20%
  • Moderate and severe degrees - only combination therapy, including several ingredients with a brightening effect, with different mechanisms of action.

What should be included in the combination drugs, see below.

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