How to overcome fungus in the intimate area in women and men

The most common diseases in gynecology are fungal infections of the genital organs in women.

As a result of a weakened immune system, the fungus begins to multiply uncontrollably, infecting the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and female genital organs. In gynecology, yeast fungus causes a disease called urogenital candidiasis or thrush. In addition, the fungus can cause vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, when in addition to the vagina, the colony affects the mucous membranes of the vulva, causing severe burning and itching.

How does genital fungus manifest?

If a woman notices the appearance of abundant cheesy white discharge on her underwear, she should immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Perhaps it is a fungus on the genitals.

By affecting the external genitalia, vaginal fungal infections can penetrate into the internal organs of the genitourinary system, thereby leading to serious complications - diseases of the genitourinary system and infertility.

Fungal diseases in women extend to:

  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • fallopian tubes.

Thus, they provoke more and more new foci of infection.

Fungal genital infections cause such diseases of internal organs in women as:

  • colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • bartholinitis and others.

In addition, fungus in gynecology is one of the main reasons for the development of cervical erosion, and this in turn leads to infertility, i.e. inability to have children. Main symptoms

Typically, a fungal infection has the following symptoms:

  • Thick discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • Unbearable burning and itching in the genital area;
  • Pain during urination;
  • Pain during intercourse;

Having discovered such symptoms, a woman should first contact a qualified doctor, for example, to us at ON Clinic.

Preventive measures

It is difficult to prevent the activation of bacteria, but it is possible. Intimate hygiene and the main provisions about it sound the same for both men and women. If you follow the basic recommendations, you can reduce the chance of the disease:

  1. Antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor. Do not prescribe medications yourself! Incorrectly selected medications can cause undesirable consequences.
  2. Change sanitary pads promptly during your period.
  3. After showering, dry your genitals with a personal towel.
  4. Avoid tights and other tight clothing during the warmer months.
  5. When visiting public baths, use personal rubber slippers. When sitting on a bench in the steam room, lay down the sheet that you brought from home.
  6. It is worth purchasing an intimate wash gel that will not disturb the acid-base balance.
  7. Consume more dairy products, but limit yourself to sweets and high-calorie foods.
  8. Do not wear tight synthetic underwear, opt for underwear made from natural cotton.
  9. You should not walk around in a wet swimsuit for a long time: a warm and humid environment is an ideal condition for the development of bacteria.
  10. The sexual partner acts as a source of infection. In this case, intimate contact with this person should be postponed until the end of treatment.
  11. When taking antibiotics due to a disease, you need an antifungal agent.
  12. You should wipe away from the vagina or groin to avoid infection.
  13. Treatment should not hide the symptoms, but destroy the cause of the infection.
  14. Don't get stressed, learn to relax and stay healthy.

Types of fungal diseases

Gynecological fungal diseases are most often caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which has about 170 species. For example, Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Glabrata, Candida Albicans and Candida Tropicalis. More than 75% of women of childbearing age experience a vaginal infection caused by fungi at least once in their lives. Basically, these are thrush (candidiasis) and candidal vaginitis, most often caused by the fungus Candida Albicans.

Fungi of the genus Candida belong to the normal microflora of the vagina. However, under the influence of various factors, favorable conditions for fungal parasitism are created in the female body. World statistics show that candidiasis is diagnosed in 24-36% of cases of visits to a gynecologist.

What causes thrush?

Thrush or fungus in women can occur for various reasons. Doctors call alkalization of the vagina one of the common reasons for the development of candidiasis - a change from the normal (acidic) environment of the vagina to an alkaline one due to hormonal disorders, infectious and gynecological diseases. The alkaline environment in the vagina becomes an impetus for the proliferation of fungi due to the death of microorganisms that make up the natural microflora of the vagina. The disease can be caused by taking corticosteroids or antibacterial drugs. Thrush can also develop:

  • against the background of decreased immunity;
  • due to wearing underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • due to unprotected sexual intercourse, use of intrauterine contraceptives.

Methods of treatment and prevention of vaginal candidiasis

Today, in order to treat women from vaginal candidiasis, our clinic uses low-toxic and quite effective medications. For local treatment, qualified doctors at our clinic use special suppositories and creams that contain antifungal components. All medications offered by our doctors are highly effective; they are distributed evenly and quickly throughout the vaginal walls. However, the most effective treatment is to take medications orally and vaginally at the same time. In addition to increased effectiveness, this method of treatment minimizes the possibility of relapses.

In some cases, treatment is supplemented with immunotherapy and physiotherapy, and preparations of competing microorganisms (colibacterin, lactobacterin, lactic acid bacteria). From a scientific point of view, the effectiveness of these drugs has not been fully studied, but in practice their use has a targeted positive effect.

In addition to direct treatment, the disease requires timely prevention - elimination of the causes of vaginal candidiasis:

  • normalize the microflora of your genital organs by using medications containing live cultures of lactobacilli;
  • normalize the acidity of the vagina by giving up junk food, unfiltered water, and also be less nervous;
  • take care of your intestinal health and cure dysbiosis;
  • stimulate the immune system with vitamins and wellness treatments, as well as sports or gymnastics in clothing specially designed for this;
  • normalize your metabolism with a properly structured diet;
  • If possible, minimize your use of antibiotics by talking to your doctor.

Do not forget to take vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor to increase your overall immunity level. Due to the fact that thrush can affect the intestines, B vitamins are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. Avoid using synthetic underwear and replace them with natural fabrics such as cotton.

As for recurrent vaginal candidiasis, occurring more than 4 times a year, the following can be noted. It is necessary to undergo screening for endocrine diseases, as well as other chronic diseases, as early as possible. It is important to examine the organs adjacent to the urethra, primarily the intestines and bladder. Most likely, the doctor will order cultures (bacteriological studies), the purpose of which is to determine the body's response to certain antifungal drugs. Treatment of the chronic form is usually carried out with several drugs over a longer period of time than the treatment of the primary disease. Suppositories or vaginal tablets should be taken according to an individual dosage regimen, usually over several months. In some cases, periodic observations are necessary from a gynecologist, as well as from a doctor who monitors the treatment of the organ that is the source of infection.

Recurrence of thrush can also be caused by chronic intoxication with alcohol or drugs. Patients taking phenylbutazone, tranquilizers, and metronidazole are at increased risk. The cause of relapses may be untreated tuberculosis, colitis, anacid gastritis, pneumonia and other diseases.

The effectiveness of the completed course of treatment is usually determined using bacteriological testing. The average waiting time for results is 1 – 2 days.

Vaginal smear - what infections does it show?

A vaginal smear allows you to identify pathogenic microflora in the vagina (bacteria, fungi). This is the simplest and most effective laboratory method for diagnosing the inflammatory process in the female genital organs. Based on the results of the analysis, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis (vaginal candidiasis, vaginitis or other gynecological disease).

A vaginal smear shows:

  • number of leukocytes, lactobacilli, squamous epithelial cells;
  • Is the ratio of “beneficial”, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, the number of which must be balanced, disturbed?

How to get rid of fungi in the body using folk remedies?

Fungal diseases of the female organs should be treated only as prescribed by a gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to the development of a chronic form of candidiasis, the appearance of concomitant diseases (cervical erosion, diseases of internal organs due to fungal infection of the kidneys, intestines or bladder).

If untimely or improperly treated, fungal infections can enter the bloodstream. This is called candidemia. According to the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, candidemia is one of the most common fungal infections in the United States. In addition, yeast infections can lead to other health problems, such as dermatological diseases, as the area around the vagina becomes inflamed due to yeast infections. Prolonged inflammation threatens skin infections and increases the chance of infection spreading to other parts of the body.

How to treat fungal infections?

Treatment of fungal diseases of the genital organs is based on the use of antifungal drugs, which can be prescribed externally (vaginal ointments) or internally (tablets). The gynecologist selects treatment depending on the type of fungal infection, the patient’s medical history and the course of the disease.

During the treatment period, we recommend that women abstain from sexual activity. If you have sexual intercourse during treatment, use contraception so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process in the vagina. However, in this case, it must be taken into account that vaginal creams and suppositories for the treatment of fungal infections can weaken the properties of latex condoms. This may cause it to slip or break.

Therapy methods

Treatment should not be postponed to the future; the disease will develop into a chronic stage, and it is much more difficult to get rid of it. You will have to treat the disease yourself after consulting a doctor and prescribing special medications. Most often these are local medications, sometimes in advanced cases tablets are prescribed. There are no major differences in treatment methods between men and women.

You should undergo tests so that the doctor makes the correct diagnosis:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Checking your sugar level.
  3. Biochemistry.
  4. Scraping areas of skin affected by the disease.

After the tests, the doctor will specify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The list of possible medications looks like this:

  • Ointment.
  • Cream.
  • Pills.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.


They are a common way to treat fungus. Before applying, wash your hands and apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin and a healthy area nearby. You should also change sheets and pillowcases, as well as underwear, in a timely manner. If the infection has spread to additional areas of your body, then treatment of these areas must be carried out simultaneously.

A course of ointments is prescribed for half a month, it all depends on the condition of the body. If there are no noticeable improvements, be sure to consult with a specialist again to prescribe new medications. Usually Burov's liquid is additionally prescribed in the form of compresses. One ointment is enough for the treatment to be successful.

An approximate list of drugs against fungus:

  • Ketoconazole.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Lamisil.
  • Mycozoral.
  • Nystatin.
  • Nitrofungin.
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