Baked onions for drawing out pus: recipe and methods of use

In this article we will look at how to use baked onions to draw out pus.

Purulent processes (boils, boils) have occurred in all people at least once in their lives.

In traditional medical practice, an integrated approach is used to treat abscesses - oral antibacterial medications and medications for external use, for example, syntomycin emulsion and Vishnevsky liniment. In folk medicine, baked onions are quite popular for drawing out pus.

Can baked onions help draw out pus?

People who are wondering how to draw out pus using folk remedies at home often encounter positive reviews from those who have used baked onions for this. The vegetable not only alleviates the severity of symptoms, but also partially affects the cause of suppuration - inflammation or infection.

Due to its therapeutic effect, baked onions are used to treat boils, furuncles, uterine erosion, sinusitis, abscesses, panaritium (purulent inflammation of the finger tissue), abscesses, carbuncles, long-term non-healing wounds, diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa of an inflammatory nature, hemorrhoids.

The vegetable is used in combination with pharmacological drugs . As an independent remedy - at an early stage of the disease, with a mild form of the disease or for preventive purposes.

Important! Consultation with a specialist is required to select an adequate treatment regimen and prevent possible decomposition of bacteria.

Another popular question is why they use baked onions. During the cooking process, all valuable and beneficial compounds for the human body , but aggressive essential oils are lost. In addition, it does not have an aggressive effect on the skin and rarely causes adverse reactions such as itching, irritation, and redness.

Operating principle and beneficial properties

Pus is a cloudy liquid formed as a result of purulent or serous-purulent inflammation . It consists of cholesterol, fats, lecithin, globulins, pyogenic microorganisms, which caused the development of suppuration.

Onions have a variety of effects on the body:

  1. Suppresses the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, prevents their spread, thereby reducing the likelihood of sepsis.
  2. Reduces pain, fever, inflammation.
  3. Accelerates the healing process, takes part in the formation of new cells.
  4. Reduces the likelihood of several abscesses forming in a small area of ​​the body.
  5. Improves trophism and metabolism in tissues.
  6. Regulates blood cholesterol levels.

The vegetable is valued due to the presence of flavonoids , which have antioxidant properties and the ability to neutralize free radicals. In combination with ascorbic acid, they reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, increase the elasticity of red blood cells, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Also, a warm bulb stimulates blood flow , accelerating the process of maturation of the abscess and ensuring the outflow of pus to the outside.

How to bake onions correctly

There are several ways to properly bake onions. on the quality of the product used and proper heat treatment . It is better to use a vegetable from your own harvest or grown in guaranteed safe conditions without the use of nitrates.

In the oven

Regardless of the cooking method, it is important to choose the right onion . A high-quality product has medium dimensions (5-6 cm), smooth, dry husks without signs of spoilage or foreign unpleasant odors.

How to bake onions in the oven for treatment:

  1. Peel the husks and cut into two equal parts. If the head is large - four.
  2. Line a baking dish with foil, place the vegetable cut side down, and cover tightly with foil on top.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at +180-200°C until golden brown.

In the microwave

This is the fastest and easiest way to prepare a vegetable for treatment . Place the pre-peeled onion in a ceramic or glass bowl. Cook on high power for ten minutes.

On the stove

For baking, it is better to use a non-stick frying pan without adding oil .

The recipe is simple:

  1. Peel the onion, cut in half.
  2. Heat the pan, place the vegetable cut side down, cover with a lid.
  3. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of various diseases

What does this fragrant vegetable cure? If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then along with drug treatment, eat a portion of baked vegetables every day. It is good for lowering blood sugar levels. You need to eat 3 pieces a day for a month, that is, 1 piece before meals. The first dose is required in the morning on an empty stomach.

Oven recipe:

  • Onion - 5 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 g.
  • Dried garlic - 2 g.

Method of preparation: peel each head and cut into 4 parts. Season with salt, oil, and garlic. Wrap in foil cut side down. Bake for 30 minutes at 170-180°C.

Result: after 7-8 days, the sugar level will return to normal, and the functioning of the pancreas will improve.

How to use

To draw out the pus, warm petals of a baked onion are applied to the sore spot. You can make a compress :

  1. Bake the onion in the oven, cool, and grind into a paste using a blender.
  2. Apply to the site of suppuration, cover the top with polyethylene or wax paper. Secure with a few turns of the bandage.

To enhance the effect, onions are combined with other products. Here are some popular recipes for using baked onions for boils and ulcers :

  1. Place 100 g of baked vegetable in a blender and beat until mushy. Add 50 g of grated laundry soap to the onion mixture and mix. Place it on a bandage folded in several layers, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in plastic on top, and wrap it in a warm scarf.
  2. Mix equal proportions of chopped garlic and baked onion in a blender. Apply the mixture to the source of suppuration and secure with a plaster or bandage.
  3. Grind one medium-sized baked onion in a blender. Combine with liquid honey and wheat flour in equal proportions.

Duration and effectiveness of treatment

In the absence of contraindications, baked onions are used until complete healing and cessation of symptoms. The duration of treatment is influenced by the causes of suppuration, the stage, the presence of complications, and the body’s reaction to the measures taken.

On average, you can expect a positive result in 2-5 days . The vegetable accelerates the process of maturation of the purulent focus, the release of the contents. A favorable outcome of the disease and faster recovery are possible if onions are used in combination with medications.

Important! It is contraindicated to use onions after opening a purulent cavity, due to the high risk of infection through open inflamed tissue.

Is it possible to use boiled

If it is not possible to make a baked vegetable, you can boil it. Boiled onions draw out pus, not being inferior in effect to baked onions.

To prepare the remedy, you will need a medium-sized vegetable, boiling water, and a deep saucepan. First you need to boil clean water. Then place the onion cut in half in it, boil for 3-4 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat.

When the vegetable has cooled, it is disassembled into scales. The largest plate is applied to the sore spot with pus, secured with circular rounds of bandage. The next morning the compress is removed. The site of the abscess is covered with Streptocide. With a mild course of the disease, it clears up in 1 day. For advanced pathology, 4 to 10 procedures are needed.

It is better to use boiled onions instead of baked ones when abscesses are located in hard-to-reach places - on the ear, between the fingers, near the nails. It is difficult to fix a large vegetable cooked in the oven in a small area to extract pus from the tissues.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the effectiveness of onions in the fight against purulent-inflammatory processes, this treatment is not suitable for everyone and has contraindications . For external use - violation of the integrity of the skin at the intended site of exposure, for oral use - gastrointestinal diseases of an erosive-ulcerative nature, asthma. Onions are strictly contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

Baked onions within normal limits will not cause harm to health . People suffering from arterial hypotension, type 2 and 3 diabetes mellitus, and late pregnant women should use it with caution.

Treatment during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, there are no contraindications to taking the vegetable, but the dosage should be observed. Too many baked onions can cause nausea. It is not recommended to eat the product during feeding, as this may lead to a deterioration in the taste of the milk. It can only be used in the form of compresses.

During pregnancy, before starting treatment for any disease, you must consult a doctor who monitors the progress of pregnancy. He will be able to tell for sure whether the product is allowed to be consumed internally.


Those who have used baked onions to draw out pus, in most cases, leave positive reviews. Negative statements are mainly associated with the use of onions in severe purulent-inflammatory processes without the prescription of antiseptic medications.

Larisa, 50 years old : “I used baked onions in combination with an antibiotic to treat felon. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of onions separately, but I was able to cope with the suppuration without surgery. Even if the onion did not affect the course of the disease, it certainly did not cause harm to health or provoke negative reactions.”

Claudia, 41 years old : “After suffering from bronchitis, a boil formed on my face. Since the body was weakened after antibiotics, on the advice of a friend, I decided to get rid of the abscess with the help of baked onions. For three days in a row I applied warm baked onion flakes to the affected area. By the end of the third day, the boil opened. Next, I used Vishnevsky ointment externally. The course of treatment took seven days without complications or side effects.”

Inna, 26 years old : “How can you use baked onions for purulent-inflammatory processes without consulting a doctor? After all, you can complicate the situation, provoke sepsis and other adverse reactions. The active components contained in onions are not so effective against infection. Think about your health, use only medications and only after consultation with a specialist.”

From boils

This vegetable has been used since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases. Among them are ulcers that occur due to penetration of a staphylococcal infection into a wound or under the skin (boils, boils, carbuncles). Baked onions were used to draw out pus. It was used both as an independent medicine and in combination with other components. Today, this method of combating pathology is no less popular.

Thanks to heat treatment, the onion significantly loses its sharpness. At the same time, it retains the ability to eliminate purulent accumulations. This feature allows you to use baked onions for boils without any restrictions or contraindications. In extremely rare cases, skin irritation may occur (in patients with hypersensitivity).

Not everyone knows that onions are very good at drawing out pus.

What to remember

  1. Baked onions are an effective aid in the treatment of colds, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, skin diseases such as boils and carbuncles.
  2. Before properly baking onions in the oven for curing, select medium-sized onions and wash them, but do not peel them.
  3. The basic recipe for baking onions in the oven to treat diabetes is to salt half an onion, sprinkle with oil, add garlic and bake for 30 minutes.
  4. If you want to get rid of boils using baked onions, the benefit will be maximum if you cook the onion halves in the microwave and oven, divide them into plates and apply them to the abscess.

Properties of baked onions

The main healing properties of baked onions are:

  • suppression of the activity of many pathogenic microorganisms, inhibition of their reproduction processes;
  • acceleration of boil maturation;
  • preventing the development of multiple furunculosis and eliminating existing foci of inflammation, which subsequently combine into a carbuncle.

Baked onion therapy gives the maximum effect if it is used in combination with drug treatment. Antibiotics, penetrating into the blood, fight inflammatory foci from the inside, and onion compresses contribute to the speedy breakthrough of the abscess.

You can treat an abscess yourself using traditional methods only in cases where there is only one abscess, and the inflammation process is not complicated by fever and high temperature. If there are multiple lesions, you should urgently consult a specialist.

The use of onions in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract

In the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and abdominal organs, onions cannot always be used. It can be used to improve the condition of indigestion, sluggish acalculous cholecystitis.

If onions make your condition worse, you should stop taking it. It is better not to use onions in case of severe indigestion, when food begins to be poorly absorbed.

Cooking method

How to prepare baked onions to draw out pus?

All existing baking recipes are approximately the same. The only difference is where this medicinal vegetable will be prepared:

  • in the oven;
  • on the stove;
  • in the microwave.

For all these methods, the onion must be peeled, cut into two parts and placed cut side down in a dry bowl. Fats and oils are not used for this.

For baking on the hob, you can use a small frying pan. To do this, place the onion on the bottom of the dish, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

We'll tell you how to prepare baked onions to draw out pus.

If an oven is used for cooking, then before placing a frying pan or baking tray with onions in it, you must wait until the temperature inside the oven rises to 170 °C. Baking requires no more than 5 minutes.

Supporters of traditional healing methods often wonder how to bake onions in the microwave and whether they will lose their healing properties. You can also cook baked onions in a microwave oven, but for this you need to use special dishes. Place the container with onions in the microwave, set the maximum power and time (10 minutes), and then you can start cooking.

It is important to find out in advance how to bake onions in foil.

The last method is convenient because you don’t need to time the clock. The microwave oven will turn off automatically at the end of the baking mode.

It is strictly forbidden to expose abscesses to heat, so the mass must be cooled before applying a baked onion compress to draw out the pus.

How to get rid of parasites

Helminths cause great harm to the body, and even greater harm is caused by the medications that people swallow to get rid of them. Try using traditional treatment.

Common onions have powerful anthelmintic properties. This has been proven by numerous experiments, so we will treat helminths with our proven method.

The simplest remedy is to eat 1 onion or 100 g of green onions daily. This vegetable will get rid of the parasites already “sitting” in you and protect you from further infection.

If there are contraindications, then pour boiling water over the cut vegetable in the evening, and drink 0.5 cups of this infusion in the morning. After 30 minutes, start breakfast. Drink this portion 3 times a day for 4 days. This drug can be given even to children.

A tincture works even better: fill a liter jar with onions, pour vodka. Leave to infuse for 10 days. Take 1 tbsp before meals. tinctures three times a day.

Prepare an anthelmintic remedy from the husk:

  • Take 4 tbsp. l. onion peel
  • Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours.
  • Take 100 ml in the morning and evening, 30 minutes after meals.
  • The course of treatment is 5 days.

To enhance the effectiveness of the infusion, add 1 tbsp to the husk. dry wormwood.

Herring lovers can prepare a healing dish against parasites:

  • Peel 1 herring and cut into very thin pieces.
  • Finely chop 1 large onion.
  • Arrange all the pieces of herring into rings.
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Eat herring during the day without bread or side dish. You can drink water 2 hours after a meal. After 4 days of herring therapy, you will completely get rid of worms.

Finally: be sure to use the baked onion treatment that our ancestors used and were healthy for many years.

In the article we discuss the benefits of baked onions and contraindications. You will learn what medicinal properties baked onions have, what they help with, how to bake onions in the oven to treat boils and how to cook them correctly for diabetes.

Baking recipe

This method of preparing baked onions involves baking them in foil. This method helps to cook the onions in such a way that they retain all the beneficial substances and moisture. To do this, take a small piece of foil and wrap the onion in it. Then the product is placed in the oven, which is recommended to be preheated. You need to keep the onion in the oven for 15 minutes, after which the foil is removed, and the onion can be divided into several parts and applied to the site of the abscess at intervals of 2 hours.

What are the benefits of baked onions?

This simple, accessible tool can be useful to every person. Why this product is useful:

  • With complex therapy, it slowly reduces the amount of glucose in the blood, helping a person cope with diabetes.
  • Reduces the risk of hypertension and atherosclerosis. With regular use, blood vessels are cleansed of plaque.
  • Helps get rid of hemorrhoids, heals long-term non-healing wounds.
  • After a heart attack and stroke, it helps restore blood circulation.
  • Helps treat acute respiratory infections.

The important thing is that during heat treatment, onions retain their entire chemical composition, which includes: vitamins C, E, group B, retinol, and essential microelements.

You can also watch the video about the benefits of baked onions:

During baking, essential oils evaporate, so the onion loses its pungent smell and pungent taste.

Treatment of pus under the nail

An accumulation of pus or an abscess on a finger near the nail is called “felon” in medicine. This is an inflammation of the tissues of the periungual area - the lateral ridges or cuticle, provoked by exposure to pathogenic streptococcal bacteria or staphylococcus. In some cases, the localization of inflammation spreads deep under the entire nail, involving tendons and even bone tissue.

The following types of felon are distinguished:

  • an abscess under a fingernail or toenail;
  • focal, when the pathology affects only one finger;
  • extensive, when suppuration of several fingers is observed.

This disease can also be cured with baked onions, especially if it occurs in a mild form. Onions are used externally to draw out pus under the nail using compresses. You can use one of the onion recipes described above for this. The compress is applied to the finger, secured with an adhesive plaster, and wrapped with a bandage on top. This medicine must be kept for approximately two hours, after which it should be replaced with a fresh one.

The effect of use occurs after about two days. The abscess should burst and its contents should flow out. After the abscess has broken through, baked onions can no longer be applied, because an infection can get into the open inflamed tissues, which will seriously complicate the course of the disease. After removing the pus, it is best to use any antiseptic solutions to wash the periungual area, for example, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol solutions.

We told you how to treat an abscess on your finger near the nail.


Baked onions for boils and other abscesses can be used in different ways: apply the prepared half whole or divide it into slices, and you can also prepare a paste, supplementing it with other ingredients.

Halves or plates of the onion are applied to the abscess, fixed with a plaster and wrapped with a warm scarf on top. The duration of the procedure is two hours, after which you need to apply a fresh compress. There are also several recipes for preparing a medicinal mixture using baked onions.

Recipe 1

  • baked onion (100g);
  • laundry soap 72% (50 g);
  • bandage or gauze;
  • plastic bag;
  • Warm scarf.

Grind the baked onion in a blender and mix it with grated soap. Place the mixture on a bandage or gauze and form a layer. Apply to the abscess and cover with a bag. Wrap a scarf on top. Keep the resulting compress for no more than two hours.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: onion, flour, natural honey.

Mix baked onion pulp, wheat flour and honey in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the abscess, cover the top with a gauze cloth, and wrap it with a scarf.

If the honey has crystallized, it should be heated in a water bath.

Recipe 3

To prepare the mixture you will need baked onions and fresh garlic in a 1:1 ratio. Place a small amount of onion-garlic paste on the boil, cover with a cotton pad, secure with a band-aid and wrap with a scarf. Duration of exposure – 2 hours.

Fresh garlic contains essential oils that can cause irritation. The recipe with it should not be used by people prone to allergies. In such cases, it is better to use onion pulp without any additives.


No one is immune from the development of boils and boils, but the likelihood of their occurrence can be significantly reduced by observing the rules of personal hygiene. Furunculosis can also occur as a result of nervousness, due to weakening of the immune defense, so a balanced diet is not the last place in preventing the disease. But when the disease does strike, you need to take all measures to eliminate it in a timely manner - consult a doctor or use traditional methods of therapy, including using baked onions.

Reviews of baked onions for drawing out pus are presented below.

Useful tips

In order to achieve maximum effect from baked onions, traditional healers advise:

  • choose quality vegetables without signs of rot or mechanical damage;
  • Before the baking process, always peel the onions, rinse with running water and wipe off any remaining moisture with a kitchen towel;
  • Cool before use;
  • keep the compress for at least 2 hours;
  • fix the bandage with gauze or bandage, and also insulate it with woolen clothing.

Did you know? According to the UN, today the largest consumers of onions are Libyans.
In the country, each average resident eats about 33 kg of vegetables per year. Baked onion therapy is considered one of the most effective. It is beneficial due to its availability and harmlessness, and is appropriate in the initial stages of the development of the disease. When treated at home, boils should not be allowed to be complicated by an increase in body temperature.


Treatment of purulent abscesses with onions is considered a safe method of traditional medicine, which has no contraindications. Despite this, it would not be superfluous to find out from a specialist whether this method can be used while using medications. It is also necessary to know that with suppurations of various nature and localization, onions are used only for the purpose of drawing out pus, but it cannot solve the cause of the formation of an abscess, like all means for external use of traditional or folk medicine.


The most effective folk remedies for treating abscesses are baked onions and laundry soap. Below are many ways to help cure an abscess using improvised means. Recipes are taken from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

How to treat abscesses with baked onions? Baked onions are the most effective folk remedy for treating abscesses. Warm baked onions should be tied to the wound overnight in a thicker layer so that the heat lasts longer. In the morning there will be no more pus in the wound, and the wound itself will quickly heal. (HLS 2010, No. 8, p. 33)

The woman had an abscess under her arm that could not break through for a long time. The pain was severe, it was impossible to move my arm. A folk recipe helped - the patient baked an onion, cut it in half and applied the cut side to the abscess. The abscess has matured, the pus has flowed out, and the wound has healed. (HLS 2008, No. 8, p. 31).

If you don’t have the opportunity to bake an onion, boiled onions will help cure the abscess. Boil water, throw in an onion cut in half. Cook for 3 minutes. Separate the onion halves into flakes. Take the largest one, remove the film from the inside and apply the onion to the sore spot. Secure with a bandage. In the morning, cover the abscess with streptocide (crush the tablet) and make a bandage. If the wound is not neglected, the abscess will clear in 1 day. (2005, no. 1, p. 31).

After mastitis, a woman developed abscesses on her chest every year. Every time it’s the same thing: a scalpel, cleaning, a tube to remove dirt. Once again, a friend advised her to fasten a baked onion to her chest overnight. In the morning she woke up all wet and sticky - it turns out that the abscess had opened and all the pus had flowed out. My chest didn't ache anymore. (HLS 2004, No. 22, p. 17).

Ointment for abscesses based on propolis tincture. Take 1 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical tincture of propolis, butter and honey. Mix and place in a water bath. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, the ointment is ready. After cooling, store in the refrigerator. Apply this ointment to the aching area of ​​the body and bandage it. (HLS 2013, No. 1, p. 27)

How we managed to cure abscesses in a dog using aloe. Once a small lap dog was bitten by a large dog. For two days, the bitten dog sat under the sofa, and they could not get it out of there. When she crawled out to the people, the dog had abscesses the size of chicken yolks on her side. The owner squeezed out the pus, the dog moaned, but did not escape. Then she tore off the largest leaf from the aloe and squeezed the juice directly into the wounds. The dog squealed and crawled under the chair. She didn’t show up for a day, and when she came out, the dog’s abscesses had gone, the wounds had healed, and only small scratches remained. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 26)

Treatment of abscesses with ficus at home. Indoor ficus helps cure abscesses and boils. You need to take 2 sheets, grind one in a meat grinder, and put the other in boiling water. Place the rolled mixture on a hot sheet and apply to the abscess, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. If it doesn’t help the first time, repeat the procedure. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 31)

Treatment with potatoes. A man developed a lump under his knee that was making it difficult to walk; the patient picked it off. By morning an abscess appeared. By evening, my entire leg was swollen and my temperature rose. In the morning, the doctor at the hospital was horrified by what he saw, scared by amputation, and gave several injections.

At home, a neighbor grated potatoes, covered her leg with this paste, and bandaged it. Soon the pain subsided and the temperature subsided. By morning the abscess broke through and the wound began to heal (HLS 2003, No. 22, p. 20)

Valerian for abscesses. During a cold, a woman constantly developed pustules in her nose. She took a stick with cotton wool, dipped it in valerian tincture and smeared it on them. I did this 4 times a day, and everything went away. (HLS 2008, No. 13, p. 4)

Garlic tincture will help you quickly get rid of boils and colds at home. Take a small bottle and fill it 1/3 with finely chopped garlic. Fill the bottle to the top with vodka. After a couple of days, the tincture is ready. She should always be at home. At the first sign of a cold, you should inhale alternately from one nostril to the other.

When abscesses or pimples appear, lubricate them with this tincture several times a day, and they quickly dry out - this has been tested several times. The same tincture helps with insect bites. (HLS 2012, No. 22, p. 39)

Ointment for boils with wormwood. Add 1 tbsp to 200 g of heavy cream (preferably homemade). l. chopped wormwood herb, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool until warm, strain. Place the resulting ointment in the refrigerator. Apply this ointment to abscesses as needed. Keep the medicine for no more than five minutes, then wipe off with cotton wool or rinse with water. At first the abscess will tug and hurt. Then the wound will heal quickly. (HLS 2012, No. 12, p. 32)

How to cure boils with soap at home. A woman developed an abscess on her finger. The folk remedies she knew did not help. When the pain could no longer be tolerated, the finger swelled and turned purple, and I went to the hospital. The surgeon said that it was necessary to cut, otherwise gangrene would begin. The woman did not agree to the operation.

At home, a neighbor suggested a simple folk remedy for abscesses - you need to moisten a piece of bandage, soap it with baby soap, apply it to your finger overnight and secure it. The woman did just that. In the morning, pus began to come out, and the pain subsided after 2 hours. After several procedures, the finger became normal. (HLS 2008, No. 22, pp. 31-32).

Ointment for boils made from soap and milk: boil 100 g of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. The soap must be newly made. Cook, stirring, until it thickens, like jelly, so as not to spread; after cooling, the ointment will thicken a little more. This ointment treats boils, boils, and abscesses. One woman’s son had 140 boils on his body; she already thought that her son would die, but this ointment managed to cure him (2002, No. 16, p. 4).

The grated soap can simply be diluted with boiling water to the desired consistency, applied to the abscess overnight, with a bandage and polyethylene on top. In the morning all the pus comes out (2007, No. 6, p. 30).

How to prepare ointment for abscesses at home: mix 50 g of grated laundry soap and 150 g of boiling water, add 20-30 g of beeswax, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 50 g rye flour. Stir. If the wax has not dissolved, warm it up a little. The ointment is ready. Helps treat abscesses, various pustules, mastitis (HLS 2008, No. 7, p. 30)

Treatment of abscesses with sweet clover. The herb and flowers of sweet clover are widely used in folk remedies for treating abscesses, boils, and various ulcers. This herb accelerates the maturation of abscesses and the discharge of pus.

Sweet clover is used in various forms: as a decoction for baths and compresses, an ointment for abscesses is made from it (the flowers of the sweet clover are boiled for 30 minutes in pork fat), warm poultices are made (the herb is placed in a small bag and boiled in a small amount of boiling water for 30 seconds) . In the field, the leaves and flowers of sweet clover are simply kneaded and applied to the wound to soften and absorb swelling and to draw out pus.

Traditional medicine against heel spurs

A heel spur appears suddenly. In the morning it is impossible to stand on your heel, but then the person will move away and the pain will subside. It can “grow” in obese people, athletes, and women who like to wear high-heeled shoes. The bone spur causes severe pain and the foot becomes red and swollen. Is there an effective folk remedy that will relieve this torment forever?

The best remedy is considered to be onions and garlic. Make a compress from grated onion or garlic:

  • Grate one head of any vegetable.
  • Place on cellophane.
  • Tie to the heel, wrap with an elastic bandage.
  • Keep it for 2 nights in a row.

Reviews about this treatment are most positive.

From personal experience. A friend of mine wore a garlic compress for just 2 nights. The skin peeled off my heels, I had to lubricate them with sea buckthorn oil, but the spurs never appeared again.

You can make an onion compress like this:

  • Cut the onion head.
  • Drop a few drops of tar on it.
  • Tie to the heel and hold for 4 hours.
  • The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
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