Sesame oil for: benefits for facial skin, methods of use

History and description

Sesame is a very ancient crop, the beneficial properties of which became known about 7 thousand years ago. Initially, the oily liquid was used as a lubricant and fuel for lamps (China). Later they began to add it to food, and around the 6th century. BC e. learned to use it as a healing agent. It is believed that the Persians were the first to do this, but exact information is lacking. One of the proofs of the hypothesis is that the benefits of sesame oil are mentioned in the treatises of the Persian physician Avicenna.

Even information about the origin of sesame contains more assumptions than facts. According to one version, the birthplace of culture is Africa, according to another, India. Many are inclined to the second option. Gradually, sesame oil appeared in Europe, as well as in America, where the seeds arrived with African slaves.

Interesting to know. The myth of Ancient Assyria says: before the creation of the world, the gods drank sesame wine. And the name sesame is translated from Assyrian as “oil plant.”​

Today, several types of sesame are known. Healthy oil is usually extracted from the white and black varieties. Plants differ in their habitat, composition and set of valuable properties. White sesame is grown in Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. As a rule, it is added to desserts and baked goods.

Black (unrefined) is cultivated in China, Thailand, and Japan. It is often added to marinades and used for medicinal purposes. Black sesame contains more iron, calcium, copper and other trace elements, easily digestible carbohydrates, and less protein and fat. The rich composition is provided by the husk, which is not removed from the seeds.

Sesame pods are harvested slightly unripe. The process is carried out manually so as not to lose the valuable contents of the seed pods. Regardless of the type of plant, sesame oil is extracted by cold pressing. The most useful liquid is obtained from seeds that have not been roasted. During heat treatment, raw materials lose some of their valuable properties. The same thing happens when oil is refined.

At home, sesame extract most often has to be prepared by roasting.

The raw seeds produce a yellow, transparent extract with an almost neutral taste. Roasted sesame produces a dark, oily liquid with a rich, nutty flavor. Also keep in mind that additionally refined oil loses its characteristic taste properties. But the healthier unrefined product is not suitable for frying, but is ideal for cosmetic procedures.

By the way. The differences in oils extracted from different types of sesame are important when ingesting the product. Both types are beneficial for facial skin. But the extract from black sesame seeds is more expensive because it is considered rarer. The oil is a base oil, that is, it is used both in pure form and in combination with other components, esters.

Making miracle oil at home

For those who can’t get their hands on sesame oil or don’t trust the product options offered, we will tell you how to make sesame oil at home. There are several ways to extract a valuable product. Let's consider a technology that preserves the maximum number of useful components:

  • Lightly heat sesame seeds of light varieties in a frying pan.
  • There should be no dirt, oil or drops of water on the pan. Only dry and clean!
  • Stir the seeds so they don't burn.
  • Grind the warm sesame seeds in a blender.
  • Wrap the crushed product in a piece of gauze (bandage), pass it through a garlic press or place it under a special press.
  • The purest sesame oil is ready for use.

Watch a detailed video on how to make sesame oil at home below.

Remember, the beauty and youth of the skin is so fleeting that you need to take care of it at the first wrinkles. Sesame oil is a faithful helper for the skin, proven over centuries. Use it and your skin will always look great!

Composition and beneficial properties

The combination of vitamins and microelements makes the oily liquid from sesame seeds a source of beneficial qualities:

  • sesamol - protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation;
  • protein - adds elasticity to the epidermis;
  • lecithin - moisturizes the skin, softens rough areas;
  • vitamin E - improves the nutrition of dermal cells, protects the skin from dehydration, gives it elasticity and firmness;
  • fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) - promote collagen production, fight skin rashes, improve complexion and texture, and have an antioxidant effect. Most of all, sesame extract contains oleic and linoleic acids; there are also palmitic, stearic, etc.

According to some studies, sesame oil, unlike sesame seeds, does not retain some elements: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Therefore, you cannot count on the fact that during cosmetic procedures you will saturate your skin with these substances.

Chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of unprocessed product)

Calorie content899 kcal
Squirrels0 g
Fats99.9 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water0.1 g

Nutrient balance (in grams per 100 grams of unprocessed product)

Tocopherol (E)0,0081
Saturated fatty acids14,2
Palmitic acid8,9
Stearic acid4,9
Arachidic acid0,3
Monounsaturated fatty acids4,2
Oleic acid (Omega-9)39,9
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid)40,3

Indications for use

Sesame oil is not addictive, so it can be used on the skin for a long time. This product is most useful for dry, dehydrated, aging, flabby dermis. But owners of other skin types will also find a lot of benefits in sesame seed extract, which:

  • serves as a prevention of early aging;
  • prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and slightly smoothes existing ones;
  • increases the elasticity of the dermis;
  • eliminates dullness of the face, evens out and improves its color;
  • soothes irritations;
  • eliminates signs of flaking of the skin, softens it, including chapping;
  • lightens acne marks;
  • protects the epidermis from sunburn and ultraviolet radiation.

Advice. Sesame oil can be used as an express remedy for skin with signs of fatigue. Use this benefit to refresh your skin after a busy week, sleepless night, etc.

Facial skin protection

How can you use sesame oil on your face? First of all, to protect it from the influence of ultraviolet rays. To do this, you just need to lubricate your face with sesame oil every day, paying special attention to the areas around the eyes. This product perfectly softens the skin, heals small cracks and wounds (especially after mechanical stress), smoothes out wrinkles, and even helps with burns. It is also very useful to add a couple of drops of sesame oil to the night cream immediately before applying it to the skin.

Where to buy and how to store

One of the main recommendations for purchasing any oil is to choose a product in a glass container. Such a bottle will ensure better preservation of the oily liquid. A dark (but not brown) container perfectly protects the oil from external factors. But in a light bottle you can clearly see the color, transparency and consistency of the sesame extract.

When buying an extract from sesame seeds, check the expiration date and the availability of information about the method of obtaining the product. It is optimal if the container indicates the method of first cold pressing without subsequent refining. Since white sesame oil is most often found on the shelves of pharmacies and stores, make sure that it has a yellow tint, that is, it is made from unroasted seeds.

The low cost of sesame extract indicates a fake or that this is a mixture of oils and not a pure extract.

Keep the purchased bottle in the refrigerator. Screw the cap on tightly to prevent oxidation of the oil. After opening the container for the first time, try to use its contents within six months. If the liquid has a winey, bitter or metallic taste or similar odor, it has gone bad. This oil should not be used on the skin!

By the way. The unrefined product has a shorter shelf life than the refined product.

It is good if the sesame seed extract is delivered from a country where sesame is grown. For example, from Pakistan or Thailand. In this case, make sure that the supplying company is licensed, and the bottle is supplemented with an insert or sticker with information in Russian. In Russia, sesame is also cultivated, although not as widely as in Southeast Asia. But this does not prevent domestic products from collecting good reviews from consumers.

Options for sesame oils that can be bought in the Russian Federation (including online):

  • from the BIOLIO company - unrefined sesame seed extract costs about 570 rubles per 250 ml;

  • from Trawa (also Russia) - raw pressed butter at a price of 640 rubles for a similar volume;

  • French brand BioPlanete - filtered sesame extract obtained by cold pressing, sold at a price of about 700 rubles per 0.5 liter;

  • unrefined Italian Crudigno oil costs about the same (same volume);

  • Sesame seed extract from the Russian Oliva company will cost 230 rubles per 100 ml;

  • and its analogue from the Diveevo brand costs 145–160 rubles;

  • Altay Seligor sesame oil (Russia) sells for 500 rubles per 0.25 l;

  • another domestic manufacturer, Oil King, packages the oily liquid in bottles of different sizes, which affects the price: 100 ml - approximately 250 rubles, 0.25 l - about 400 rubles, 350 ml - 550 rubles, and 0.5 l - almost 700 rubles

For comparison: in a store selling natural cosmetics, you can buy white sesame oil (Pakistan) for 200 rubles per 30 ml, and black sesame oil for 700 rubles (identical volume).

Why do acne appear on the face?

Acne on the face appears, as a rule, due to overactivity of the sebaceous glands.
At puberty, the secretion of hormones increases significantly, provoking increased secretion of sebum. And insufficient cleansing of the skin leads to pores becoming clogged with dead epidermal cells, sebum and dirt. All this is an excellent environment for the growth of various kinds of microbes, which causes inflammation, acne, and the appearance of pimples.

The market is literally overflowing with various products to get rid of acne. These include lotions, sprays, and various types of balms and gels. However, the result of their use may differ greatly from what was expected. Some bring temporary victory, but only for a short time. This is especially true for chemical-based skin care products and alcohol-based lotions.

They often dry out the skin, temporarily relieving the problem of acne, but in the end only aggravating the situation - in response to overdrying, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively. It is worth giving preference to natural and natural products, such as sesame oil .

General recommendations

The most effective is an extract from sesame seeds, slightly heated to a temperature of +36...+38 °C. In this form, sesame oil penetrates the skin better, leaving less greasy marks on its surface. You need to heat the oily sesame extract in a water bath, and remove its remnants from your face using a paper napkin. Do not rub the skin intensively - just gently blot it.

Due to its properties, sesame oil is suitable for use all year round. In winter, it moisturizes the face, preventing peeling and chapping. In summer - protects the skin from solar radiation without causing the appearance of age spots.

The oil, in its pure form or as part of a mask, is applied to the previously cleansed dermis. This is especially true for women whose skin is of the oily type. In all cases, removing remnants of cosmetics and dirt is a mandatory step.

Attention! Sesame extract is hypoallergenic, but still requires preliminary testing on the skin. Drop a little onto your wrist or elbow to make sure that the liquid does not cause itching, redness, or peeling.

The course consists of approximately 10 procedures. For the purpose of prevention, sesame oil is applied to the skin once a week, distributing the product strictly along the massage lines. In case of pronounced problems, the number of sessions for the same time interval is doubled, unless the specific recipe contains other rules. After this, you can take a break for a couple of weeks.

For cosmetic purposes, sesame oil can be replaced with olive, almond, or jojoba oil when it comes to nutrition, moisturizing the skin or protecting it from ultraviolet radiation. If you need to dilute the ether or make the base for a mask, even baby cream or Vaseline melted in a water bath will do.

“Magic” composition of sesame

The beneficial properties of sesame oil for the face are not limited to just a nourishing and firming effect. It is not for nothing that the extract of small seeds in ancient times was considered an elixir of beauty and immortality: sesame has a healing effect on the entire body.

It must be taken into account that when processing seeds into oil, the original chemical composition of the product changes. And the “juice” no longer contains amino acids, a generous set of minerals and vitamins, as in whole seeds. But there is an increased concentration of precisely those substances that are important for the health of the epidermis. What is included in sesame seed oil, why is the product so beneficial?

  • Unsaturated fatty acids. These “comrades” protect skin cells from the effects of free radicals, retain moisture, relieve inflammation, heal, prevent acne, and perform a protective function. They also give the skin immunity and prevent the occurrence of seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  • Tocopherol. Beauty vitamin E is necessary for the skin to produce collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis and “tighten” the oval of the face.
  • Sesamin. Works as an antioxidant, enhances the effect of vitamin E.
  • Beta-sitosterol. Improves blood circulation, which means increases the flow of oxygen to tissues. Relieves swelling, stimulates collagen production, dries out acne. Is a natural UV filter.

Sesame oil is a general tonic that can be taken orally. Its medicinal properties are described as follows: prevention of cancer, improvement of the digestive system, reduction of cholesterol levels, normalization of metabolism.

Methods of application

Since sesame seed extract is a base oil, it is allowed to be used in its pure form. For example, sometimes the product is replaced with a day or night cream. =

In the first case, the skin receives additional protection from solar radiation, in the second - deep nutrition and hydration. The oil does not need to be washed off unless otherwise specified in the recipe.

Residues that are not absorbed into the skin should be removed with a dry cloth. But you can’t rub the dermis - only gentle blotting.

Makeup removal

Like other fatty, oily products, sesame extract perfectly dissolves and removes even stubborn mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, etc. Features of use:

  • slightly heat the required amount of oil to approximately 36–37°C;
  • dip a cotton pad into it;
  • apply tightly to a closed eye for a few seconds;
  • gently wipe the skin, moving along the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer, and vice versa along the lower eyelid;
  • when you have dealt with this area, clean the entire face of makeup, moving along the massage lines;
  • If desired, wipe the epidermis with tonic, but do not wash with water.

Additive to cosmetics

You don’t have to replace a cosmetic product with oil, but use it as an additional ingredient. For example, if after washing with foam or gel you feel dry, tight skin, dilute your product with an extract of sesame seeds. Proportions - 1:1. This way you will provide your face with hydration, freshness and good color.

In addition, sesame oil goes well with other personal care products: store-bought masks, creams, lotions, etc. Choose the proportions arbitrarily.

For example, at 1 tbsp. l. cosmetic product, you can take 10–20 drops of sesame concentrate.


The procedure will make your skin radiant and eliminate signs of aging. Soak your fingertips in warm oil and spread the product over your face using tapping movements. Direction of movement: from the center to the sides, strictly along the massage lines. Treat the skin around your eyes in the same way. Do not massage for longer than 10 minutes and do not pull the skin with your fingers.

Anti-wrinkle compresses

Oily applications on the face will help smooth out facial wrinkles. Prepare small pieces of gauze, folded several times, or cosmetic discs. Soak them in heated oil and apply to problem areas of the skin. For greater effectiveness, cover your face with a terry towel. After half an hour, remove the compress and blot the remaining oily liquid with a dry cloth.

A similar recipe is suitable for affecting deeper wrinkles on the skin of the forehead. Just place the parchment on top of the gauze napkins or sponges. Secure the structure with a plaster, bandage or elastic bandage. Keep for 1 to 8 hours.

Face masks

Useful formulations are designed to cope with the most popular skin problems: wrinkles, inflammation, decreased elasticity, etc. All masks with sesame extract listed in the following list are distributed over the skin for 15–20 minutes.

After this, the face is rinsed with herbal decoction, milk or ordinary boiled water, and moisturized with daily cream.


  1. Grape . It will help eliminate inflammation and reduce acne. To prepare, squeeze the juice from white grapes and aloe (1 tbsp each). Combine both liquids, pour in 1.5 tbsp. l. sesame oil.
  2. Banana . Provides skin nutrition. Mash half a ripe banana. Pour 1 tbsp into the puree. l. sesame extract.
  3. With cocoa butter . Acts as an anti-aging mixture. Heat the cocoa butter in a water bath. You will need 1 tbsp. l. Add a similar amount of sesame seed extract.
  4. Sour cream . Moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking, nourishes the epidermis. Measure out 1 tsp. sesame oil and full-fat homemade sour cream. Turn into a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Cucumber _ Will make the skin fresher, silkier. Grind the cucumber pulp on a fine grater, measure out 3 tbsp. l. Pour in the same amount of sesame seed extract. Add to them 1 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold at the pharmacy). Enrich the composition with esters of lemon, grapefruit, mint - 1 drop each.
  6. Protein . Suitable for girls who are shy about shiny facial skin. Beat 2 chicken whites, combine with 1 tbsp. l. sesame seed extract. You can keep the mask on your face for up to half an hour.
  7. Yolk . The recipe is similar to the previous one, but instead of whites, raw yolks are used here. Beat 2 pieces, pour in 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil. Apply also for a maximum of 30 minutes.
  8. Essential . In 1 tbsp. l. base of sesame seeds, add 1 drop each of the following esters: tangerine, juniper, pine. This mixture helps fight facial swelling, so it is allowed to be left overnight.
  9. Ginger . Refreshes aging skin. Measure out 1 tsp. sesame extract and ginger powder. Distribute over cleansed, steamed skin for a maximum of 15 minutes. The mixture is suitable not only for the face, but also for the neck.

To rejuvenate the skin, you can use a simple mask consisting of 2 oils : coconut and sesame. Heat the first component in a water bath, add the second to it. Distribute over the skin, after half an hour, blot the residue with a napkin. The mixture reduces the depth of wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, and slightly lightens pigmentation.

A coffee-avocado scrub mask will provide gentle cleansing of the dermis . Instructions for preparation and application:

  1. Puree half a ripe avocado in any way you like.
  2. Add 1 tbsp there. l. coffee grounds.
  3. Heat the sesame oil slightly in a water bath. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. into the coffee and avocado mixture, stir.
  4. Apply to face.
  5. Gently massage your skin for 5 minutes.
  6. Wait another 10–15 minutes.
  7. Rinse your face with warm water.
  8. Use nourishing cream.
  9. The frequency of scrub use is every 7–10 days.

Recipes for masks to moisturize the skin :

  1. Combine 1 tsp. almond and sesame oils. Distribute over your face, not ignoring the area around the eyes, and rinse after 20 minutes.
  2. Or beat 3 raw quail yolks until foam forms, mix with heated sesame seed extract and cottage cheese (1 tbsp each). Spread a thick layer over your face, and after 20–25 minutes, wipe the skin with a damp sponge.

For oily skin, the following mixture is suitable:

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. l. turmeric with the same amount of sesame seed extract.
  2. Turn into a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Distribute over the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, you can even apply it to the shoulders.
  4. Leave until the composition dries completely.
  5. Rinse everything off with warm water.

To get rid of pimples and acne , use the following mixture options:

  1. With blue clay . Measure out 1 tbsp. l. this component, dilute with warm water to a paste. Pour in 0.5 tsp. sesame oil and 2 drops of lemon ether. 10 minutes after applying the mixture to the skin, wash with warm water. The course of treatment is 2 months. During this time, you need to make 8-16 of these masks that cope with acne.
  2. With white clay . First, prepare a sage decoction: 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of freshly boiled water over the herbs, boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Dilute 1 tbsp with healing liquid. l. white clay to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Pour in 9 drops of sesame extract and stir. Distribute over your face and wash after 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 3 months (1 anti-inflammatory mask every 7–10 days).
  3. With tea tree ether . A simple mixture will help deal with blackheads and acne. Apply a mask of 1 tbsp to pre-steamed skin. l. sesame extract and 3 drops of tea tree ether. It is recommended to wash your face after 15 minutes. The frequency of applying the mixture is every 5 days for 3 months.

Composition for the skin around the eyes

The most common problem in this area is fine lines and wrinkles called crow's feet. The following vitamin mixture will help reduce their severity:

  • 1 tsp. sesame extracts;
  • liquid contents of 4 vitamin A capsules;
  • identical amount of vitamin E.

Turn all 3 components into a homogeneous mixture, distribute around the eyes with light patting movements. Leave it on all night.

For lips

Sesame extract nourishes and moisturizes delicate skin, protects from drying out and cracking. It is enough to simply lubricate the sponges with a small amount of oil, waiting for it to be absorbed. This natural balm is suitable for prevention and treatment.

Options for eyelashes and eyebrows

The nourishing mixtures are distributed after thoroughly removing makeup and kept for at least an hour. Combining sesame seed extract with other oils is considered the most effective. Recipes:

  1. Against hair loss. Combine 0.5 tsp. sesame extract with almond oily liquid (10 drops). Repeat 2 times a week for 2 months.
  2. Recovery . This option is relevant for girls who get eyelash extensions. After removing artificial hairs, use the following mixture: 10 drops of wheat germ oil + the same amount of sesame extract. The course lasts 3 months. The frequency of application of the composition is every 5 days.
  3. Stimulating growth . To do this, combine sesame and olive oils in equal proportions, then distribute over eyelashes and eyebrows. Do this every 2-3 days for a month.

Advice. Avoid getting oils into your eyes. If this happens, thoroughly rinse the mucous membranes with chamomile infusion or green tea, and use anti-inflammatory drops if necessary.


The extract obtained from sesame is drunk on an empty stomach or during meals to improve health and appearance. Approximate scheme for an adult - 1 tsp. 2–3 times a day. For children, the dosage is less (depending on age).

The oil is good for digestion, respiratory and digestive organs, cardiovascular system, etc. It is used as a laxative and also a means for weight loss.

Unrefined oil is used to season salads, while the refined analogue is used for frying. True, it is expensive and ineffective, since the raw analogue brings more benefits to the body.

Oily skin

Another way to use sesame oil for the face is masks. This option is for those women who have oily skin. So, a mask with sesame oil will help cope with sebaceous impurities, as well as comedones. To prepare it, you need to stock up on low-fat cottage cheese - you will need about 150 grams. Add a few drops of this drug to the product and first use it as a scrub - wipe your face. After several minutes of massaging the skin, the product is left on the face in the form of a mask for about 15 minutes. Then all that remains is to rinse everything off with water.

Precautionary measures

External use of sesame extract is limited to only one condition: an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the substance. If you have previously done a test that did not reveal a negative reaction, there are no other prohibitions on using sesame seed extract. For oral administration the list is longer.

Sesame oil is contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, thrombosis, allergies to nuts and seeds. Due to its laxative effect, it is not recommended for people with unstable stools or a tendency to diarrhea.

Attention! With great caution, the oily sesame product is given to children, pregnant and nursing mothers. In all these cases, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.

Rejuvenating mask

You can also prepare a rejuvenating mask, which will also be based on sesame oil. To do this, you will need one tablespoon of the above-mentioned drug, three tablespoons of cucumber juice, one tablespoon of glycerin. You can also take a drop of your favorite essential oils. Mix everything together, apply it to your face for fifteen minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of sesame oil:

  • rejuvenates and refreshes the skin;
  • prevents its rapid aging, increasing tone and reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • provides protection of the dermis from ultraviolet radiation;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • can be used both in pure form and in complex formulations;
  • does not require rinsing;
  • suitable for delicate skin around the eyes;
  • used internally and externally for various cosmetic procedures;
  • has a wide range of indications for use (including for body skin, hair, etc.);
  • sold freely in pharmacies and stores, including online;
  • is produced by different manufacturers in large and small bottles, giving customers freedom of choice.

Less disadvantages:

  • there is a risk of purchasing a low-quality product;
  • sesame extract requires special storage conditions;
  • in some cases it can cause a negative skin reaction;
  • You can find cheaper base oils (for example, flaxseed).

Night eye mask

Here is another way on how you can use sesame oil on your face. The use of this remedy will help those women who want to get rid of crow's feet around the eyes. To do this, you need to first buy 4 ampoules of vitamin A and E at the pharmacy, mix everything with one teaspoon of sesame oil and apply to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids with gentle patting movements, while massaging the skin. The mask remains overnight and is simply washed off in the morning. This is a very effective remedy that will help cope with many skin problems.

User reviews

Most often, women take sesame extract internally to improve their health, lose some weight, or diversify their daily diet. Opinions about the external use of oil are much less common. For example, the girl who left this review considers sesame remedy ideal for problem skin.

A user named Anna uses sesame oil extract to cleanse her face and also as a replacement for expensive hydrophilic oil. In both cases, the girl is satisfied with the sesame extract.

Despite the fact that many praise the oil for its non-comedogenicity, the author of the following review, Maria, advises being careful about your skin. After all, the risk that the product will clog the pores still exists.

Sesame oil is a universal product for internal and external use. In both cases, you can use the same bottle if you choose and purchase it correctly. Often negative opinions about sesame extract are associated precisely with its low quality. Give preference to brands with a solid reputation, read the label carefully and remember that a quality product cannot be too cheap.

Double chin

How else can you use sesame oil for your face? This remedy helps very well if you need to fight the so-called double chin. In such a situation, you need to lubricate the backs of your hands with oil (2-3 drops on each hand will be enough), rub the product thoroughly and pat yourself on the chin with very confident movements. This should be done for about 2-3 minutes, after which it is important to rinse your face with cool water. After just a few weeks of such efforts, the double chin will begin to go away.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits of sesame oil for skin were carried out by foreign doctors and scientists. Below you can find the primary sources of research on which this article was written:

Research sources

1. 2. 3.https://www.ncbi.nlm. 4. 5. /


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