Retinoic ointment: review of the drug, how it helps against wrinkles, where to buy

Skin problems can arise at any age: during adolescence, acne appears on the face due to hormonal changes, and with age, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles begin to appear.

Retinoic ointment is a universal remedy for solving cosmetic problems; it is sold in pharmacies and is classified as a medicine.

What is Retinoic ointment

The main component of the ointment is isotretinoin, its content can be 0.05 g or 0.1 g. The substance is a biologically active form of retinol (vitamin A), which affects the process of cell differentiation.

Excipients include petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, emulsion wax, dibunol, distilled water and butyloxyanisole.

The product is a yellowish substance of uniform consistency without inclusions. Packaged in tubes of 10 or 15 g, sold in boxes along with instructions.

Registration number:

P N000556/01

Trade name:

Retinoic ointment

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

ointment for external use.


  • Active ingredient:
    isotretinoin 0.05 or 0.1 g.
  • Excipients:
    butylated hydroxytoluene – 0.05 g, butylated hydroxyanisole – 0.025 g, emulsion wax – 8.0 g, petroleum jelly – 8.0 g, glycerol (glycerin) – 10.0 g, ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 95% – 10 .0 g, purified water up to 100 g.


homogeneous ointment from light yellow to yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

tissue regeneration stimulator.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties

Isotretinoin is one of the biologically active forms of vitamin A. It inhibits the terminal differentiation of sebocytes and hyperproliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the composition of their secretions and facilitates its evacuation. Due to this, sebum production is reduced and the inflammatory reaction around the glands is reduced. The ointment has an antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic effect, and enhances regeneration processes in the skin.

Indications for use

Acne vulgaris, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis.


Use with caution in chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, chronic pancreatitis, cardiac decompensation.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to apply to large areas of skin during pregnancy, breastfeeding and women planning pregnancy.

Directions for use and doses

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin twice a day. Duration of treatment is 4-12 weeks. A repeated course of treatment is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

In the second week of treatment, an exacerbation reaction is possible - the appearance of new rashes, itching, redness and peeling of the skin. If the reaction is severe, it is recommended to stop treatment for several days until it subsides. In some cases, with individual sensitivity, maculopapular rashes, itching and swelling appear on the first or second day of use. In such cases, the drug should be discontinued. With prolonged use, symptoms of chronic hypervitaminosis A may develop (cheilitis, conjunctivitis, dryness and flaking of the skin).

Interaction with other drugs

The ointment should not be prescribed to patients receiving other drugs from the retinoid group in order to reduce the risk of hypervitaminosis A. The effect of the ointment is weakened by simultaneous local use of glucocorticosteroids.

special instructions

It is not recommended to apply the ointment to the skin around the eyes, or in cases of severe acute inflammation. Do not apply to mucous membranes. During treatment, you should avoid exposure to the sun; if necessary, use sunscreen; preventive and therapeutic use of ultraviolet rays and visiting a solarium are not recommended.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration.

Release form

Ointment for external use 0.05% and 0.1%.

Aluminum tubes of 10, 15, 20 and 35 g. The tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

At temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Do not allow freezing. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Mechanism of action of Retinoic ointment

The instructions for Retinoic ointment contain information that the drug belongs to dermatotropic agents. This means that the composition protects the skin from microbes and parasites, stimulates the healing process and renewal of the epidermis.

Due to retinoic acid, the product provides:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • exfoliating effect;
  • antiseborrheic effect;
  • dermatoprotective effect.

Isotretinoin has proven effectiveness in the treatment of dermatitis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby relieves acne, pimples and acne.

Glycerin present in the composition helps smooth the skin, and ethanol has an antibacterial effect and improves blood circulation. The medicinal composition is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and inhibit the production of sebum, preventing the expansion of the diameter of the sebaceous ducts and their clogging with secretions. The ointment improves the removal of fat, due to which the inflammatory process is relieved, and the pores are narrowed, giving the skin a healthy and even appearance.

Three groups of anti-pigmentation products

  1. Whitening products

Reduce melanin production in various ways. As a rule, everything ends with the purchase of a lightening product. Unfortunately, this is not enough.

  1. Exfoliants

To speed up the expected result, as well as for better penetration of lightening ingredients, products are needed that remove horny layers from the surface of the skin. Later they will speed up the exfoliation of pigmented cells.

  1. Protective means

Necessary to create a protective barrier from external provoking factors are products with SPF and BlueLight filters (ideally a combination of both).

Does the abundance of jars scare you?

Use products containing Retinol (Vitamin A) - at the same time it is an effective whitening ingredient with a delicate exfoliating effect.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

Dermatologists who prescribe Retinoic ointment for the treatment of skin diseases note that as a result of use, the face is further transformed: the face becomes elastic, the skin is tightened and thickened, rashes and wrinkles disappear.

Conducted scientific studies confirm that isotretinoin, when applied systematically, is capable of:

  • have a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • increase elasticity and firmness;
  • renew the epidermis due to intensive exfoliation of the dead layer of cells;
  • improve skin tone;
  • make the skin denser and thicker;
  • restore tissue, smooth out deep wrinkles, including around the eyes, creases;
  • indirectly stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which smooth the surface and increase tightness.

Thus, having noticed the first age-related changes, such as sagging skin, paleness of the face, wrinkles, start using Retinoic ointment, which can be applied not only to the face, but also to the shoulders, hips and back.

Why retinoids will help?

Retinoids perform 3 important functions in lightening pigmentation:

  • Lightening – reduces melanin production
  • Antioxidant protection – reduces the amount of free radicals that provoke melanin hyperproduction. They have a calming effect on excited pigment cells.
  • Exfoliation – accelerates cellular turnover and removes stained skin cells

Retinoids cope with all three tasks simultaneously, which reduces the number of products used to one.

Read about which peels really whiten the skin and the key points of choice and the results of their use here .

When the drug is contraindicated, side effects

Like any medicine, the ointment has contraindications for use:

  • planning conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding (cannot be applied to large areas of the skin);
  • taking other retinoid drugs to avoid overdose.

With caution, it can be used by persons with chronic kidney and liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis, and severe heart failure.

Undesirable effects may occur during treatment:

  • personal intolerance to the substance and auxiliary ingredients;
  • the appearance of new rashes from the second week of use, redness of the skin, which does not require cessation of therapy.

When used for a long period, increased dryness of the skin with peeling, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips may occur.

How do retinoids work?

The mechanisms of retinoids that lighten age spots and even out skin tone:

  1. Inhibit tyrosinase
  2. Inhibit the process of pigment transfer into melanocyte pigment cells
  3. Normalize cellular renewal and stimulate timely exfoliation of pigmented horny scales from the surface of the skin.
  4. They stimulate keratogenesis - the appearance on the surface of the skin of cells with a normal, genetically programmed amount of pigment, i.e. normally colored.
  5. They work as conductors for other active ingredients, ensuring their deep penetration.

Retinoids are a group of substances derived from vitamin A. Due to their physiological effects on the skin, they effectively rejuvenate, eliminate acne and lighten the skin. Knowing the principles of operation and rules of application, Retinoids can achieve true correction of many skin problems.

How to apply anti-wrinkle ointment

If Retinoic ointment is used for wrinkles, then the following procedure must be followed:

  1. Cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics using toner.
  2. Dry the skin with a clean towel or dry cloth.
  3. Apply the ointment to the face and décolleté in a thin layer.

It is better to carry out the procedure once a day before bed to allow the drug to be absorbed.

You can apply the composition as a mask for 40-60 minutes and rinse with warm water, and then use a moisturizer.

It is important to understand that the result will become noticeable with regular use.


You can find different reviews of Retinoic ointment online. Young people note the effect declared by the manufacturer - acne disappears. Older women confirm that the product helps smooth out shallow wrinkles. Users express their opinion about unpleasant sensations at the beginning of use - tightness and burning.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Retinoic ointment for wrinkles indicate that if you use the product correctly, discomfort will be minimized. The composition perfectly smoothes out unevenness, eliminates acne, and improves skin structure.

Retinoic ointment: price, analogues

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles - the average price will be 250-350 rubles per 10 g tube. Such a low price in comparison with other retinoid-based drugs is explained by the fact that the drug is produced in the form of a not very effective form (oily ointment), and not in the form lotion, cream or aqueous gel, which are a priori more effective forms of drugs for external use.

Analogues for the treatment of wrinkles –

On the Russian market, among products for external use, there are no analogues of retinoic ointment (based on the retinoid Isotretinoin) that could be used against wrinkles. But on the Internet you can buy Retin-A cream made in the USA (Fig. 4) - based on an even more effective retinoid than Isotretinoin. This gel contains the retinoid Tretinoin, and costs about $50 at the current rate (for a 20 g tube).

Analogues for the treatment of acne –

  • Lotion "Retasol" (Fig. 5) - contains a 0.025% concentration of Isotretinoina that is weak enough to eliminate wrinkles, but is quite suitable for treating acne in people with oily skin.
  • “Roaccutane”, “Acnecutane” (Fig. 6) are tablet forms of isotretinoin. It is these drugs that are most often prescribed abroad for the complex treatment of acne (blackheads and pimples). They are very, very effective, but they have a strict prescription and should be used only after consulting a dermatologist.

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