How effective is heparin ointment for puffiness under the eyes - reviews on the use of the drug

Heparin ointment: composition, release form and therapeutic effects

Heparin ointment is a drug used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, injuries and bruises . A combination type medication, used externally .
Available in the form of a transparent ointment. When used, it reduces blood clotting and prevents the formation of clots.

Heparin ointment is widely used in cosmetology , as its active components stop inflammation and resolve seals.

It is worth noting! The main active ingredient is sodium heparin. It improves blood circulation and prevents blood clotting.

Benzyl nicotinate improves the absorption of heparin and enhances the effect. Peach oil moisturizes, nourishes, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

The ointment has a light texture, so it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and influence from the inside . Its components relieve inflammation and the feeling of skin tightness.

Heparin ointment contains additional components:

  • glycerol;
  • emulsifier No. 1;
  • petrolatum;
  • anesthesin;
  • benzocaine;
  • propylhydroxybenzoate;
  • cosmetic stearin “D”;
  • methylhydroxybenzoate;
  • purified water.


The capsule form is indicated for the treatment of varicose veins, venous insufficiency in women, hemorrhoids, and retinopathy. Capsules are necessary for a systemic effect on the body. The medicine allows you to strengthen all venous vessels, which prevents further progression of the pathology.

Troxevasin capsules have received many positive reviews in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since this disease is associated with systemic damage to the veins. With the use of the medicine, the pathology stops progressing, nodules and cracks go away, pain and itching are relieved.


“The ointment appeared in my medicine cabinet not so long ago. I started using it to improve the condition of my legs, but then I was told that it does a good job with puffiness under the eyes.

The ointment has many advantages: low cost, high effectiveness in eliminating bruises, inflammation and swelling . But I haven’t found any downsides yet.

She helped me , when after snow and rain a tree fell near me, and a branch touched my face and injured a blood vessel under my eye. A hematoma formed in this place.

Is it true that hemorrhoid ointment helps with dark circles under the eyes? | Page 3

181 answers

Last - December 12, 2022, 21:57 Go


Luna, did the hyparin solution only help with bruises? What about bags?

Fox Alice

It is better to use ointments not for hemorrhoids but for varicose veins. I recommend Lyoton, it relieves puffiness under the eyes, reduces dark circles, and the skin becomes fresh.


Fox Alice, I do gymnastics, but my nasolabial bastards cannot be corrected. It seems that by relying on gymnastics, I am only wasting time, and my nasolabial lips are getting deeper.


46 is impossible. regular use of tonics, peelings, and occasional cleansing. When they say on TV - apply it and there will be no blackheads - it’s funny. Blackhead cream can lighten the top of the comedone. and the contents themselves must be squeezed out in any case.

After the top has lightened, time passes and the fat in the comedone oxidizes and turns black. The longer the fat is contained in the pore, the more the latter stretches. and when those who believe in advertising begin to feel lumps under their fingers, they run to a cosmetologist. The eel is squeezed out with the consistency of plastic.

I hate such cleanings - after them my fingers cramp and the next morning my biceps hurt (like after a workout)


Helps. But with one condition. You must first spread it thickly as intended, and then, after 30 minutes, carefully collect the residue onto your fingertips and apply to the skin under the eyes.

Squirrel Bo

I heard that heparin ointment helps, has anyone tried it?


The girls wrote so much and forgot to give the name Celestoderm-B with garamycin. And goodbye to bruises around the eyes. Don’t apply it constantly during the day, it won’t cause redness as the drug is very strong


Girls, look what I've seen)) I'm 44 years old, and thanks to this I look like I'm 30!!)) And I've also lost a lot of weight)



I hyporin mazola. And another relief.


I just applied heparin ointment to the bruises under my eyes... it stings... it’s better to be patient than to sit with bruises... I’ve already tried everything... nothing helps... and yesterday I heard about heparin ointment)) and immediately decided to try it... the reviews are wonderful) )


Tell me, is heparin ointment suitable for me for bruises after a blow (black eye)((((((.


Gel 'Troxevasin' helps a lot!


I’m 24. The first dark circles under my eyes appeared when I was 15. I tried applying heparin ointment - it bakes and the skin turns very red, the redness goes away after a couple of hours, there was no effect, although I tried applying it several evenings in a row. I also applied Lyoton 1000 - with everything is fine with my skin, only the fumes make my eyes water a little, so I applied it at night - there is an effect, but it’s insignificant


cosmetologist, a fat black dot constantly appears in my ear in the same place... I squeeze it out and a centimeter-long “worm” comes out from there, or even more... after a while I squeeze out the same thing again... What should I do? get rid of this bullshit forever??? Each time this point becomes wider and wider...


Keep in mind! According to the above reviews about the use of Heparin ointment, it became clear that it has proven its effectiveness in relieving puffiness under the eyes.

This is explained by the following effect of active ingredients on facial skin:

  • relief of dark circles formed due to dilation of subcutaneous vessels;
  • reduction of edema;
  • elimination of fine wrinkles.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, consult a specialist before using the drug, as there are the following contraindications :

  • allergy;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Properties and composition of the ointment, the main purpose of the ointment

The anticoagulant properties contained in this drug well prevent blockage of blood vessels and the formation of thrombophlebitis with varicose veins.

The ointment also eliminates the first signs of hemorrhoids, successfully treats postpartum mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland), and copes well with inflammation of the lymph nodes and lumps after injections.

The use of heparin for cosmetic purposes is due to its moisturizing and skin-soothing properties. It wonderfully removes puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes, reduces shallow wrinkles, and actively fights rosacea and acne on the face.

The ointment dilates blood vessels, has an antimicrobial effect, reduces and relieves pain during active physical activity and injuries.

How is heparin ointment used in facial cosmetology?

At the beginning of the last century, Jane McLean (a scientist from America) proved that heparin improves blood clotting. This discovery made it possible to see in practice how the medicinal ointment works better than any anti-aging agents.

Heparin ointment can fight the signs of aging, smooth out any wrinkles and achieve noticeable rejuvenation. After using the drug, you can safely remove a couple of years from your age. The skin of the face is transformed, looks more well-groomed, tightened, and acquires a healthy and natural color.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles, bruises, bags under the eyes. Reviews from women using the ointment indicate that the product is highly effective, although it has serious contraindications

It is important that heparin ointment remarkably eliminates any problems associated with the area around the eyes, and also actively fights various age-related changes on the face (acne, rosacea, etc.).

This can be done thanks to the medicinal substances included in the drug, heparin and anesthesin. They enhance the movement of blood through the vessels, promote the resorption of small hematomas and seals.

Important to remember! Heparin ointment is not a cosmetic product, so it should be used carefully, preferably after consulting with a specialist in advance.

Heparin ointment: instructions for use

If you decide to start treatment with heparin ointment, do not forget to consult your doctor. The drug quite often causes an allergic reaction, so start using it by clarifying this important point.

For diagnosis, apply a small amount of ointment to the inside of the forearm and leave it in this state for several hours. If the product does not cause itching, rash, or redness of the skin, then you can safely use it.

It would be useful to take a blood clotting test. After all, as you know, heparin is a direct anticoagulant that prevents this process.

When you are sure that using heparin ointment is safe for your health , you should pay attention to some rules for its application:

  • First you need to thoroughly clean and dry your facial skin by blotting it with a soft towel;
  • Next, your face needs to be treated with an antibacterial agent suitable for your skin type. For example, a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin, furatsilin or calendula tincture. Regular alcohol is suitable for the same purpose;
  • The ointment should be applied in an almost transparent layer. If the case requires it, pointwise, without touching the area around the painful area;
  • The treatment procedure should be repeated at least three times a day until the problem completely disappears.

How is heparin ointment used for dark circles under the eyes?

The heparin drug effectively copes with the elimination of such phenomena as bruises under the eyes. To do this, a small amount of ointment (about 1 gram) must be applied in a translucent layer to the affected surface of the skin, then carefully rubbed in with massage movements, avoiding contact with the eyes.

This procedure should be performed at least three times a day. And after about 3-4 weeks, you will notice clear improvements in the condition of the skin under your eyes. It will become noticeably lighter, the vascular network will resolve, and the unpleasant “panda effect” will dissolve.

If there are scratches on the delicate skin of the eyelid, even the slightest, it is better to avoid using the ointment for a while until the damage heals. Otherwise, the remedy will only do harm. Once in the wound, it will increase irritation and cause intense redness of the skin.

How to use heparin ointment for bags under the eyes

To eliminate bags under the eyes, heparin ointment is used for 21 days, less often it takes ten days. It is applied in an even layer to the damaged area of ​​the face approximately 2-3 times a day until the symptoms completely disappear. During the process, avoid getting the product into your eyes. If this happens, you need to quickly rinse your eyes under running cool water.

Be careful! When using this medicinal drug for such purposes, it is simultaneously prohibited to use acetylsalicylic acid or warfin, as well as use various kinds of vasodilators.

How is heparin anti-wrinkle ointment used for facial rejuvenation?

Experts have repeatedly proven that long-term use of heparin ointment increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, helps smooth out existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new signs of aging on the face.

Before using the product, you need to wash your face thoroughly , after which a small amount of the product is evenly distributed over the areas of the face affected by wrinkles. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day.

And it is worth noting that a greater effect can be achieved if you use the ointment together with your favorite eye cream in a 1:1 ratio. You will notice the first results after two to three weeks of use. Expression wrinkles, especially in the corners of the eyes, will become barely perceptible.

How is heparin ointment used for swelling?

Heparin ointment is famous for its effectiveness in eliminating various types of edema.

This applies to both swelling on the face and on the body as a whole. To combat excess fluid in tissues, the product, as in most cases, is applied in a thin layer to the problem area, distributed evenly, and you will notice the first signs of recovery after about 1 hour.

In addition to eliminating swelling around the eyes, such a “mask” for the face will reduce bruises in this area and give the skin a healthy appearance, refreshing it. If we talk about swelling on the body, then to combat it, it is recommended to use lotions using heparin.

In this case, the drug is applied to a sponge or a piece of sterile bandage, then applied to the swollen area. Leave for 20–30 minutes, after which remove any remaining product with plenty of warm water.

The result will not be long in coming; it will be noticeable after the first use.

How to use heparin ointment for rosacea on the face

Heparin ointment copes with the dilation of blood vessels on the face and the formation of “stars” quite quickly. To eliminate them, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin every day, carefully distributing the product in a thin layer. Then, with careful movements, it is rubbed into the skin of the face and left until completely absorbed.

This procedure must be carried out in the morning, afternoon and evening until you notice obvious improvements. Most often, the full course of treatment takes from 3 to 7 days.

Sometimes the recovery period can take 10–14 days, but do not forget to take into account that this remedy has its own characteristics and may not work at all as you expect.

Therefore, independence here is extremely undesirable. Before you start using ointment for rosacea or decide to continue the treatment process, be sure to visit a doctor and get his approval. Always be aware of the side effects of the drug.

Note! Ointments intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids are ideal for rosacea.

How to use heparin ointment for acne on the face

This amazing product will quickly and effectively eliminate rashes on the skin of the face, remove redness, and even help cope with scars left after acne and acne.

Often representatives of the younger generation experience great difficulties with subcutaneous acne. They bring the greatest discomfort and are difficult to pass. Thanks to its medicinal components, heparin ointment copes wonderfully with this problem. After using the product, the pimple matures much faster and disappears without a trace.

Which is better: Lyoton or Troxevasin

Lyoton does not allow platelets to accumulate on the vascular mucosa and increases blood fluidity. The medication is not able to strengthen the vascular wall. It is indicated for complicated varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Troxevasin combines the properties of Lyoton gel, further increasing the permeability and strength of the vascular wall. Troxerutin is ideal for the complex treatment of varicose veins, as it has 2 forms (local and systemic).

Troxevasin is actively used in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Both diseases are associated with pathological dilation of the veins. You cannot independently treat diseases with ineffective drugs, including folk remedies. If symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins appear, you should consult a doctor (surgeon, phlebologist, therapist, proctologist). The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment. Proper therapy will help stop the development of pathology, prevent complications, and eliminate the need for surgery.


The gel is a local remedy. It is advisable to use it for varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and retinopathy. The use of a local form is always combined with compression therapy (compression garments and bandages), as well as a systemic drug in capsules.

Patients often ask whether it is possible to apply Troxevasin for ulcers. The gel is not indicated for open ulcerative defects, as infection, local allergic reactions and inflammation are possible. For trophic ulcers, the doctor prescribes systemic antibiotic therapy, as well as a capsulated form of troxerutin.

Troxevasin gel can be used for bruises. The medication accelerates the resorption of hematomas and relieves pain.

Troxevasin gel

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the capsule form during pregnancy in the first 3 months is prohibited. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, it is allowed to prescribe medication if the benefit to the woman outweighs the possible risks to the embryo. When breastfeeding, taking the capsule form is possible if the danger from the disease for the mother is higher than for the baby.

The gel form of the drug can be used both during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. The drug does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and does not affect the baby’s body.

During pregnancy, the drug can be used to eliminate severe symptoms of hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency, and ulcerative defects (for varicose veins). Both local and systemic forms are used. The patient is monitored during therapy.

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