What to do if watery blisters appear on your hands and fingers?

Watery blisters on the skin of the hands: What is it?

Watery blisters on the hands are small formations protruding above the skin level, the diameter of which does not exceed half a centimeter. They differ from healthy skin in color and in most cases are red or pinkish in color. Inside, such rashes are filled with clear (serous) or bloody fluid.

When rubbed or pressed, the bubbles can burst, leaving a wound in their place. This most often occurs with blisters on the palms of the hands when a person wipes their hands, grasps a door handle, or performs other daily activities.

Typically, the appearance of watery blisters on the fingers or toes is preceded by redness of the skin, possibly peeling and increased sensitivity. Also, the rash is sometimes accompanied by swelling, burning and itching.

Before you begin treatment for the disease, you need to accurately determine the cause of the rash. As a rule, when the cause is eliminated, the rash goes away quite quickly: usually within a few days, sometimes longer. Let us list the main reasons that cause such a reaction.


Watery blisters between the fingers, palms and hands can be a manifestation of an allergy to cosmetics, the sun or chemicals. In this case, itchy pimples appear exactly in the place that came into contact with the allergen. Most often these are fingers or palms, but sometimes also wrists (the reaction can occur, for example, to a watch strap).

The blisters may be painful, itchy, and crusty. This is quite dangerous: damage to the crust can lead to purulent infection. Without treatment, the rash can grow, coalesce, and affect more and more of the skin.

Infectious diseases

Watery blisters on the hands can be a symptom of an infectious disease. If the red rashes are very itchy and spread from the palms of the hands to the stomach and legs, there is a possibility that the patient has scabies. Such blisters can appear after a scabies mite bite or as a result of contact with a sick person in a public place. Scabies is a very painful and contagious disease, so it needs to be treated urgently.

Often, a rash on the hands can be a consequence of other infectious diseases: chickenpox, rubella, measles, enterovirus infection, etc. These diseases are thought to affect children more often, but in fact, teenagers and adults can also become infected. Depending on the type of disease, the rash may vary in shape and size. These can be small subcutaneous pimples or larger ones with pus.

If, in addition to rashes, a person feels unwell, has a fever and a headache, the likelihood of an infectious disease increases. Call a doctor immediately!

Internal diseases

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers and other diseases) also affect the condition of the skin. Exacerbation of such diseases can lead to skin rashes in the form of small, fluid-filled blisters. This indicates the accumulation of toxins in the body or metabolic disorders.

Treatment of blisters on the hands in these cases should be comprehensive. First of all, you need to cleanse the body of toxins and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Local treatment for this reason will not work.

Skin diseases

Rashes with clear liquid may also indicate fungal diseases. Along with the rash, the skin may become dry, red, and flaky. Another symptom of fungus is severe itching. At the slightest suspicion of a fungus, you should immediately contact a dermatologist, as the disease can infect your loved ones.

External reasons

Blisters on the skin may be a reaction to thermal burns from hot water, steam, iron or other devices. Burned skin usually feels hot and sore and red. After some time, a bubble forms at the burn site.

What tests need to be taken for a rash on the palms

To accurately understand the causes of skin rashes on the palms, the doctor will order tests.

The list of standard examinations includes:

  • analysis of the contents of pustules, skin scrapings;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood for allergens;
  • blood for helminth detection;
  • feces on worm eggs.

If sexually transmitted infections are suspected, a blood test will be ordered for syphilis, gonorrhea, and so on.

You can get tested without leaving your home. Our clinic offers this service at home and transportation of biomaterial to the laboratory. Test results can be obtained on the same day of treatment.


If you have itchy, watery blisters on your hands, seek help. The more severe the rash, the more often they are accompanied by a deterioration in general condition and an increase in temperature. If the blisters grow, turn red and hurt (possibly even fester), and the area around them swells, it is better to call an ambulance, as there is a high probability of infection.

In any case, only a doctor will determine the exact cause of the disease and tell you how to treat the blisters on your fingers. Don't panic: in the vast majority of cases, rashes go away as soon as the cause of their occurrence is eliminated. This may happen in a few days or weeks.

Treatment of the disease is chosen after diagnosis. If the cause of the itchy rash is scabies, it will be treated with external medications within a week. The therapy uses sulfur ointment for watery blisters on the hands and other medications.

If the rash in children or adults is caused by chickenpox, the patient may be hospitalized. For mild forms, treatment is possible at home. Patients are recommended antiviral and antipyretic drugs and local remedies that dry out pimples.

Fungal blisters are treated with topical creams and ointments. They are used to treat the affected areas. Often such drugs are toxic, so only a doctor should select them.

If watery blisters on the hands become an allergic reaction, treatment will be carried out using antihistamines: internal and external.

In any case, you should not diagnose yourself. This can only harm you. Let your doctor determine the cause of the problem and tell you what to do.

What diseases cause a rash on the palms

A rash on the palms is just one sign of many diseases. This condition occurs in infectious and non-infectious pathologies. In addition to the rash, high fever, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and deterioration of health may occur. You must immediately seek medical help, since wasting time can threaten the health and sometimes the life of the patient.

Among the possible diseases that occur with rashes on the palms are:

  • meningitis;
  • piggy;
  • rubella;
  • syphilis;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • dyshidrosis;
  • advanced stage of fungal skin infection;
  • chicken pox and much more.

It is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on just one sign. The doctor will prescribe a series of tests to determine the type of pathogen. Based on the data obtained, a treatment regimen will be drawn up.

One of the most dangerous diseases accompanied by a rash is meningitis. This is a viral disease, but there is also a bacterial form. She's more insidious. One of the signs of this type of meningitis is a rash localized on the legs, arms, and sides of the body. This rash is bright red, sometimes with a purple tint, and does not rise above the skin. When pressed, the color of the rash does not fade. In addition to the rash, the pathology causes severe headache, muscle spasms, vomiting, and high fever. Emergency assistance required.

Dyshidrosis mainly affects people who are prone to allergies or have a hereditary predisposition. The disease occurs due to decreased immunity, central nervous system disorders, and disruptions in the endocrine system. Rashes on the palms appear periodically, since the disease has a chronic form. The rash is small, subcutaneous, and can merge with each other. There is liquid inside, and after the bubbles burst, erosions and crusts remain. The rash is accompanied by itching.

A dangerous condition that causes a rash on the palms can be anaphylactic shock or allergic purpura.

Cream La-Cri for sensitive skin of hands

Whatever the cause of the lesion, the skin suffers in any case. Patients experience increased sensitivity to cosmetics and chemical components, so they are advised to abandon conventional cosmetics and give preference to neutral hygiene products.

Special La-Cri products will help fight inflammation and provide gentle skin care. Instead of regular soap, it is better to switch to a soft cleansing gel that is suitable for the entire body and face. After washing, the skin can be lubricated with anti-inflammatory and softening cream.

The La-Cri skin care series is developed on the basis of natural ingredients (healing oils, panthenol, plant extracts). These products do not contain hormones, dyes, fragrances or parabens, so they can be regularly used by children from the first days of life and by adults with sensitive skin. Such cosmetics will help speed up treatment and restore skin faster.

To prevent relapse, lead a gentle lifestyle. Try to get rid of bad habits, maintain hygiene, avoid contact with chemicals (wear gloves).

Rash on the palms of pregnant women

During pregnancy, hormonal levels are disrupted. This may affect the condition of the skin such as allergic dermatitis. Habitual creams, soaps or foods can cause an allergic reaction.

Upon repeated contact with the allergen, the rash and swelling occur again. Usually everything goes away on its own if the irritant is eliminated. But it often happens that a woman does not immediately realize what causes such a reaction. And he continues to use the same household chemicals or cosmetics that cause a reaction. In this case, the allergy intensifies.

The danger with such rashes is that if a rash with blisters occurs, they burst and a bacterial infection can occur. And women’s immunity is weaker during this period. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

The danger is also that the rash may be a sign of rubella. And this is a dangerous disease for pregnant women, causing damage to the fetus.

Rashes can also be a consequence of conditions such as:

  • herpes (herpes in pregnant women has nothing in common with classic herpes, it is an autoimmune process, that is, the body’s allergic response to its own tissues, the rash occurs in the form of spots, blisters, papules);
  • erythema or telangiectasia (if the amount of female sex hormones estrogens in the blood is increased).

Any strange changes in the body of a pregnant woman and manifestations in the form of a rash should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Clinical researches

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

The composition of La Cree cream for sensitive skin includes:

  • Violet extract and bisabolol (the active ingredient of chamomile) have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect;
  • Extracts of string and licorice have anti-inflammatory properties, have an antipruritic effect, relieve redness and flaking of the skin;
  • Walnut extract has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
  • Panthenol and avocado oil have a regenerating and softening effect, nourish and moisturize the skin.

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily care of children's skin, including skin with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.


  1. Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich, Illustrated clinical dermatology. Brief alphabetical reference book, publishing house Lux Print, 2010
  2. Chapman M. Shane, Habiff Thomas P., Zug Catherine A., Dinoulos James G. H., Campbell James L., Dermatology. Handbook of differential diagnosis, publishing house: MEDpress-inform, 2014
  3. Molochkova Yulia Vladimirovna, Dermatology. Brief reference book, publishing house: GEOTAR-Media, 2017

Which doctor treats rash on palms

A rash on the palms is usually treated by a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a specialized specialist whose responsibility is to determine the causes and treat diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Our clinic employs a highly qualified dermatologist with extensive experience. It is certified to accept adults and children.

If necessary, the dermatologist will refer the patient for a consultation with an immunologist, allergist, or infectious disease specialist.

Where to go with a rash on the palms

A rash on the palms can be a sign of many diseases. You cannot diagnose yourself; you must seek qualified medical help at a medical institution.

Advantages of seeking help from our clinic:

  • We work any day, without holidays and weekends;
  • The appointment is conducted by an experienced dermatologist;
  • The clinic’s staff also includes allergists, immunologists and infectious disease specialists, whose consultation may be required;
  • The clinic’s own laboratory allows you to quickly and easily take all the necessary tests and get results on the day of treatment;
  • There is a service to call a doctor at home, which is much more comfortable for the patient.

Our clinic provides assistance to both adults and children. The well-equipped clinic, professional medical workers, polite and friendly attitude contribute to a speedy recovery.


To determine the causes of the bubbles, the doctor conducts an examination and studies the patient’s medical history. He must also establish the presence or absence of allergies.

Often, a specialist can identify the disease by external signs. If an allergy is suspected, special tests are carried out to identify the substance that provoked the negative reaction.

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Many diseases require a skin biopsy. To do this, a small piece of the upper layer of the epidermis is removed and sent to the laboratory for examination. Using special devices and solutions, the presence or absence of pathologically altered cells is determined.

Blisters on the surface of the skin on the palms or fingers may not go away for several days or weeks, depending on the cause. With the constant influence of negative factors, they always progress, affecting healthy areas. In the case of the presence of autoimmune diseases, they can be chronic in nature, which requires the constant use of various medications.

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