Restoring the skin after acne

Update date: 12/09/2021 13:02:27 476 Share:

Author of the article: Demidova Anna Viktorovna

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

People of any gender and age experience skin rashes. They can be triggered by hormonal changes, systemic pathologies, as well as errors in nutrition or care. Incorrect attempts to get rid of such a defect lead to the appearance of acne marks (scars, spots or hyperpigmentation). We figured out how to choose the right products for such skin imperfections and compiled a rating of the best pharmacy and cosmetic products.

How to choose the right product

Acne marks vary, so products need to be selected individually in each case. As a result of acne, dark spots, pits, bumps, and scars may appear on the face. Before choosing a product, you need to clearly understand what type of imperfection needs to be eliminated.

It is also useful to consider the following criteria when selecting the right product:

  1. Compound

    . The result of its use will depend on what active components the drug contains. They should help reduce the size of the damage to the dermis, as well as lighten it so that the neoplasm is less noticeable.

  2. Skin type

    . If you choose a product that is not suitable for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive), then trying to get rid of acne spots can only worsen your condition.

  3. Manufacturer.

    Products from well-known brands with a good reputation will help solve the problem as soon as possible. They usually use high-quality, well-purified substances in their products that have maximum therapeutic effect.

When solving the problem of acne marks, an integrated approach is usually used. The success of the manipulations undertaken largely depends on how old these elements are, what their shape and size are. In most cases, you need to be prepared for the fact that this process will not be quick. It is best to first consult with a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

If there are traces of acne, then first of all you need to learn how to deeply cleanse the skin and stimulate renewal processes. Particular care must be taken in selecting products for epidermis with enlarged pores, which are prone to increased sebum production. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to act too aggressively on the skin, trying to clean it properly. For skin with post-acne elements, products containing clay or acids are well suited. Large abrasive products are contraindicated.

If dark spots appear after acne, then peelings with acids, as well as products with lightening components, will help. To avoid new breakouts, it is important to choose non-comedogenic cosmetic products. Dermatologists also note that the basis for the treatment of acne and post-acne is the use of local


For centuries, people have used cryotherapy to improve their health and harden themselves. We have always loved diving into a snowdrift or an ice hole after a bath, but this requires serious preparation and can only be done in the cold season if you have a country house or dacha. Residents of megacities do not have access to regular hardening using this method. Therefore, relatively recently (in the 70s of the last century) a cryotherapy installation was invented. This is a special capsule, inside of which the temperature can be maintained down to -110 °C. In this case, a person does not require special preparation before undergoing the procedure.

The first cooling units were developed in Japan. They were huge containers, inside of which nitrogen was sprayed. Such designs are still used in some beauty salons. Initially, cryotherapy helped patients cope with joint pain, but soon after the invention of this technology, people noticed several other effects from exposure to cold:

  • reducing the thickness of the fat layer;
  • smoothing skin affected by cellulite;
  • disappearance of warts.

Now cryotherapy is not only a medical, but also a cosmetic procedure that can improve the condition of the body and rid a person of unpleasant appearance defects.

Recommendations for caring for post-acne skin

If acne appears quite often, and the spots and scars after them are very expressive, then it is useful to first visit a specialized specialist. He will accurately determine the type of post-acne and prescribe competent therapy. Most often, dermatologists give the following general recommendations to their patients:

  1. Use finely abrasive scrubs that delicately exfoliate and peel the skin.
  2. In home care, give preference to products with. To avoid burns, their content should not exceed 10%. It is recommended to use such cosmetic products no more than once a week.
  3. After sanding at home, be sure to moisturize your skin well. In overdried epidermis, local immunity is weakened. As a result, under the influence of aggressive factors, new inflammatory elements and age spots will appear on it.
  4. To avoid creating an additional layer of oil on the skin, it is advisable to use only light bases of cosmetic products.

The best pharmaceutical remedies for acne marks

One of the options for dealing with acne marks is to purchase the product at the pharmacy. Their release form can be different: gels, creams, ointments. Most of them are available without a prescription, but for greater effectiveness it is better to consult a dermatologist first.


Rating: 4.9

The drug Skinoren is produced in Italy. Its active ingredient is azelaic acid. This component successfully fights existing acne pimples, and also eliminates old marks and prevents new manifestations of acne. The product is available in the form of 20% cream and 15% gel. To combat closed comedones and subcutaneous lesions, the latter option is usually used.

The texture of the product is creamy, opaque, with a yellowish tint. There are no problems when distributing Skinoren over the skin. It is absorbed quickly. But after 2-3 minutes a slight tingling begins at the application site, which intensifies over time. And after 30 minutes this discomfort goes away. To avoid burns, the product should be applied in a thin layer. Skinoren whitens dark acne marks well, prevents new breakouts, and reduces oily shine.


  1. active ingredient - azelaic acid;
  2. effectively removes dark spots;
  3. resolves closed comedones;
  4. eliminates oily shine;
  5. improves the general condition of the skin.


  1. There is a tingling sensation within 30 minutes after application.


Rating: 4.8

The drug Contractubex, produced by a German pharmaceutical company, contains three active ingredients: liquid onion bulb extract, sodium heparin, allantoin. The combined agent has a diverse effect: anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, keratolytic. It stimulates cellular regeneration and has proven itself well on acne scars that manifest as atrophic scars.

The product has a matte gel-like texture with a yellowish or light brown tint. Its smell is quite specific. It spreads easily over the skin and dries quickly to form a transparent film. We included this drug in the rating because it significantly lightens red and bluish marks after acne. And with prolonged use, it noticeably evens out the texture of the skin. The drug is well tolerated, but some complain of itching and redness at the site of application.


  1. effective combined composition;
  2. easy to apply;
  3. lightens red and bluish spots well;
  4. with prolonged use, it eliminates uneven terrain.


  1. causes local redness and itching.


Rating: 4.8

The drug Solcoseryl from Switzerland contains deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves, which activates repair and regeneration processes in damaged tissues. This remedy is widely used for various dermatological diseases. In particular, it can be used to successfully eliminate traces of post-acne. It also helps tremendously in cases where, after squeezing out a pimple, a bleeding wound that takes a long time to heal appears in its place.

Solcoseryl is produced in the form of a homogeneous transparent gel of dense consistency with a characteristic smell of meat broth. This product spreads easily over the skin and is absorbed quickly. It leaves behind a thin, transparent film. If you use this drug for a month, even the oldest acne marks will be eliminated. In the reviews, many praise Solcoseryl, but note that in the area of ​​application it can provoke a short-term burning sensation.


  1. heals wounds well at the site of squeezed pimples;
  2. spreads easily and is quickly absorbed;
  3. copes even with old acne marks;
  4. Due to its dense texture, it is economically consumed.


  1. causes a brief burning sensation at the site of application.

A difficult pimple is worse than a difficult teenager

The owner of a pimple, wanting to get rid of such a dubious “decoration” as quickly as possible, often tries to squeeze it out, but nothing works, since the stagnant secretion simply cannot pass through the narrowed duct of the sebaceous gland. Another option for the wrong approach to the problem is burning the skin over the pimple with various solutions, ointments and creams. But they are not able to penetrate the deep layers of the skin and open the stagnant conglomerate. Gradually, a chronic pimple goes away on its own, but in its place a bluish, then brownish pigmentation, and often an atrophic scar, remains for a long time.

What to do?

In order for a stagnant pimple to go away quickly, it is advisable to help the skin get rid of it. It’s very simple - you need to use a method called electrocoagulation with “opening” the channel to remove the contents of the pimple, and then inject an antibiotic or an oxygen-ozone mixture under it to quickly suppress bacterial inflammation. After such manipulation, healing proceeds very quickly, however, pigmentation and a scar can still form, therefore, as soon as a pimple has formed, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Atrophic scars after acne can be eliminated with injections of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and regular application of retinol cream. The younger the scars, the better they respond to treatment. For the same purpose, as well as to even out skin color, superficial-medium peelings are used, which stimulate skin renewal and actively exfoliate its upper layers. Usually these are 4 procedures at intervals of a month. They are carried out in the autumn-winter period (from October to February), when the sun is not very active, and the likelihood of abnormal pigmentation after the procedure is low. The resorption of bluish spots can be significantly accelerated with the help of oxygen-ozone therapy and mesotherapy with vitamin complexes and antioxidants.

The best cosmetics for acne marks

Cosmetology brands from Israel, Germany, and South Korea produce effective products that help fight acne marks. If necessary, you can select serums, tonics, peelings, and targeted creams that allow you to quickly get rid of post-acne elements.

GIGI ACNON Day control moisturizer

Rating: 4.9

The Israeli cosmetic brand GIGI ACNON produces a day moisturizer containing: panthenol, salicylic acid, chamomile extract (azulene), sepicontrol A5, niacinamide. The product has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and also stimulates the renewal of the epidermis.

The cream has a homogeneous, thick consistency and a pronounced fragrance. It is distributed and absorbed well, and is consumed economically. From a review by user iraonlogn on the irecommend site: “The cream mattifies very well, evens out the complexion, reduces the number of rashes, lightens fresh acne marks quite well, but has a weaker effect on old ones. It doesn’t clog pores and doesn’t provoke allergic reactions.”


  1. well thought out, multi-component composition;
  2. pleasant texture to use;
  3. does a good job of lightening fresh acne marks;
  4. mattifies, does not clog pores;
  5. does not provoke allergic reactions.


  1. For some, the fragrance is too strong.

Holy Land Special Mask MASKS

Rating: 4.8

A mask from the Israeli brand Holy Land is perfect for treating irritation, rosacea and post-acne. It contains: white clay, camphor, zinc oxide. Thanks to the effects of this mask, oil secretion will be significantly reduced and pores will become less noticeable. The active components included in the composition help the skin recover better and prevent secondary infection. The product is designed for oily, seborrheic and porous skin.

The mask has a clayey white consistency. Its aroma is quite specific, combining the smell of sulfur and camphor. The product has an excellent cooling effect. This mask perfectly relieves inflammation, tightens pores, eliminates swelling in the area of ​​squeezed out pimples, and also relieves other manifestations of post-acne. After its systematic use, the skin tone is evened out. The unpleasant thing is that the mask can slightly dry out the skin.


  1. good combination of active ingredients;
  2. fights irritation and inflammation;
  3. eliminates visible signs of acne;
  4. prevents the appearance of new acne;
  5. has a cooling effect.


  1. may dry out the skin.


Rating: 4.8

The German brand JANSSEN COSMETICS produces a toner for oily acne-prone skin. We included this product in the rating because it has a non-aggressive composition (hydrolyzed yeast proteins, allantoin) without alcohol and very delicately improves the condition of the epidermis with acne marks. The product has an antibacterial and soothing effect.

The consistency of the tonic is liquid, transparent, practically odorless. It is well suited for both women and men with problem skin. The product prevents the appearance of new acne elements, and it makes existing acne marks almost invisible when used systematically. The tonic also significantly reduces oily shine and the number of blackheads on the nose. At the same time, the product does not tighten the skin and does not cause harm to it.


  1. non-aggressive composition without alcohol;
  2. suitable for both women and men;
  3. acts gently and does not tighten the skin;
  4. regulates sebum secretion;
  5. reduces the number of inflammatory elements;
  6. eliminates acne marks.


  1. not detected.

Holy Land ABR Complex Restoring Cream

Rating: 4.7

In our rating we included another effective product from the Holy Land brand - a restorative night cream. It has a very effective combined composition: plant extracts, hydrolyzed silk, vitamins A and C, glycolic, salicylic, lactic acids. The cream tightens pores, eliminates comedones, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

This product from Holy Land has a fairly thick creamy texture. When the jar is turned over, it does not flow out of it. Its smell is sour, its color is milky. It is not absorbed immediately, but when it does, there is no stickiness or greasy film left on the skin. on the irecommend site in his review of.


  1. high concentration of effective ingredients;
  2. does not leave behind stickiness or greasy film;
  3. lightens acne spots well;
  4. tightens pores;
  5. has a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  6. evens out the surface and color of the skin.


  1. It does not resolve acne scars.

Mizon Acence Blemish Out Pink Spot

Rating: 4.6

The local action product from the Korean brand Mizon contains: salicylic and glycolic acids, lemon, raspberry and ivy extracts, zinc and iron oxide. When applied to problem areas, the product relieves redness, soothes irritation, accelerates healing and prevents further development of inflammatory processes.

The product has a two-phase consistency and consists of a yellow liquid and pink powder. There is no need to shake the product before use. Its smell is quite pungent - camphor-like. You need to apply it with a cotton swab. The product dries quickly on the skin, leaving beige-pink spots. It helps especially well with weeping and long-lasting acne. The product does not irritate or dry out the skin. Effectively eliminates old acne marks.


  1. well thought out composition;
  2. unusual two-phase consistency;
  3. does not dry out or irritate the skin;
  4. relieves inflammation well;
  5. eliminates acne marks;
  6. prevents the appearance of inflammatory elements in the future.


  1. some are confused by the pronounced smell of camphor.

GELTEK Anti-acne

Rating: 4.6

A Russian brand of professional cosmetics produces Stop-Acne serum. Due to the biologically active complex with azelaic acid and glycine, the product provides a noticeable whitening effect. D-panthenol enhances skin regeneration, the mineral complex (copper, magnesium, zinc) stimulates metabolic processes and renewal of the epidermis, has antioxidant and sebum-regulating effects.

The serum has a light consistency, white color and neutral odor. It is well distributed throughout the epidermis and is quickly absorbed. At first, when applied, a slight burning sensation appears. The serum quickly eliminates redness and eliminates the appearance of post-acne. This product does not dry out the skin, but at the same time regulates sebum production well. Effectively fights hyperpigmentation.


  1. multifunctional, combined composition;
  2. whitens acne spots;
  3. has an antibacterial effect;
  4. regulates sebum production;
  5. does not dry out the skin.


  1. When applied, a slight burning sensation appears.

GIGI ACNON Pore purifying mask

Rating: 4.5

The GIGI brand produces a pigment-constricting mask. The active ingredients of this product: RET complex, zinc oxide, kaolin, tea tree oil, vitamins A, E, F. The formula suppresses all symptoms and manifestations of dermatological problems. This product stimulates the skin to actively renew itself. This mask has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

The texture of the product is quite dense. It only takes a small amount to apply to the entire face. The aroma of the mask is fresh and herbaceous. This product is suitable for sensitive skin as it is gentle on the skin. The mask heals the skin well and minimizes the manifestations of inflammation. Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalizes their work. Makes acne spots almost invisible.


  1. a complex of ingredients that suppress all symptoms and manifestations of acne and post-acne;
  2. economically used;
  3. has a pleasant aroma;
  4. heals the skin well;
  5. evens out the relief and tone of the skin;
  6. Lightens acne spots.


  1. not detected.


Rating: 4.5

In the laboratory of the famous Israeli brand HOLY LAND, an effective chemical peeling for the face was developed that eliminates the manifestations of post-acne. It contains a large amount of fruit acids - 8%, which allows you to achieve noticeable results in the shortest possible time. We included this product in the rating because, due to its optimal pH of 3.5-3.8, it is suitable for any skin type.

The peeling has a fairly runny texture. It is translucent brownish. The aroma is barely perceptible, sour-astringent. The product thickens slightly upon application. After the first use, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch and silky. After using this peeling, the color of the epidermis becomes even and the relief improves. With course use, post-acne manifestations disappear. The product has a whitening effect, dries out acne, and reduces comedones.


  1. does not cause discomfort;
  2. unobtrusive fragrance;
  3. evens out skin tone and texture;
  4. deeply moisturizes and renews the epidermis;
  5. eliminates acne marks.


  1. Once opened, it is only good for 6 months.

HOLY LAND Drying Lotion Demi Make Up DOUBLE ACTION

Rating: 4.5

Israeli cosmetologists of the HOLY LAND brand have also developed a drying lotion for problem skin. The formula of the product contains the following valuable components: zinc oxide (absorbs, reduces fat content), camphor (natural antiseptic, improves blood microcirculation), colloidal sulfur (softens, exfoliates). The active components effectively dry out opened pustules, heal and eliminate itching.

The lotion has a liquid consistency, brown color and a specific smell due to the content of camphor. Since the product not only dries out inflammatory elements, but also has a tone, it is important to shade it in time. It is not suitable for fair-skinned people because it gets even darker during the day. The product significantly improves the condition of skin with acne and post-acne symptoms. But it should not be overused, since severe drying and flaking are possible.


  1. effectively dries out inflammatory elements;
  2. masks imperfections well;
  3. improves the general condition of the skin;
  4. economically used.


  1. specific aroma;
  2. burning sensation upon application.


Rating: 4.5

Our rating includes another product from the Israeli brand GIGI - azelaic cream against hyperpigmentation and acne. In addition to azelaic acid (15%), its composition also contains: aqueous extract of olive leaves, as well as the NSA5 complex, consisting of 5 special components. The cream eliminates and heals various inflammations and irritations without damaging the water-lipid balance of the skin.

The texture of the product is quite light, but not spreading. The aroma is cosmetic, unobtrusive. The cream spreads easily and is absorbed within 20 minutes. Leaves behind a dewy, non-greasy finish. The product has a cumulative effect. Perfectly eliminates fresh inflammatory elements, evens out skin texture and tone, and eliminates pronounced acne marks. It moisturizes the skin well and does not cause flaking.


  1. quickly relieves inflammation;
  2. moisturizes, does not cause dryness;
  3. evens out the relief and tone of the skin;
  4. gets rid of old acne marks;
  5. has an antibacterial effect;
  6. has a cumulative effect.

Skin and hormones

For teenagers and young adults, the main reason for the development of acne is a sharp increase in sebaceous secretion and thickening of the upper layers of the skin from the onset of puberty.

What to do?

In this case, the ideal solution would be a combination of local homeopathic treatment aimed at liquefying thickened sebaceous secretions and the use of peels with salicylic or glycolic acid. In the acute period, when there are bright red swollen nodules on the face, electrocoagulation, local antibiotic or ozone therapy will be effective. In the first stages of treatment, the so-called “cleaning” may be advisable, when the sebaceous glands are mechanically freed from the secretions that clog them. Cleansing is not a truly therapeutic measure, since in the absence of systematic treatment, the sebaceous glands very quickly become clogged again, but in the first stages it can be useful in ensuring access of medications to the walls of the gland.

In some cases, an undeservedly forgotten quartz lamp, which was previously widely used to treat skin diseases, gives a very good effect on inflammatory acne. Currently, such a lamp can be purchased at home. However, only a specialist can give recommendations on purchasing such a lamp and recommend a course, since in some cases its use will be contraindicated, which, however, applies to any method of treatment.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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