My experience treating acne with coconut oil

For everyone who correctly uses coconut oil for facial acne, it can be a real salvation. Due to its unique properties and rich composition, this product is often included as one of the components in home and factory cosmetics.

Coconut oil is an excellent product for skin health and beauty. It is used both in its pure form and as an ingredient in miraculous masks.

But coconut oil is not suitable for everyone - for dry skin it only brings benefits, for oily skin it may be contraindicated.

What is coconut oil

Coconut oil is an edible and fatty oil extracted from the coconut kernel. It has found amazing uses in cooking, beauty, health and medicine. Have you ever wondered why so many beauty products contain coconut oil? This is because it has excellent moisturizing properties. Plus, it's a great makeup remover!

A word of warning though: Use only organic virgin coconut oil. This will help you avoid both absorbing toxic pesticides through your skin and drying them out—regular coconut oil is comedogenic (meaning it clogs pores, thereby creating acne).

Coconut oil: benefits and harm for the skin

Coconut oil mainly consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for full human life.

Walnut squeeze contains the following varieties:

  • Stearic;
  • Linolenic;
  • Palmitic;
  • Lauric;
  • Caprylic;
  • Myristic;
  • Arachidonic;
  • Oleic.

It will also be rich:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium.

Coconut oil is most valuable for dry skin, but it is also useful for other types. Positive properties of the squeeze:

  • Nutrition and hydration;
  • Recovery;
  • Prevention of irritation, peeling;
  • Acceleration of wound healing;
  • Elimination of acne on the face, back and chest;
  • Increased turgor;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Getting rid of age spots;
  • Neutralization of the negative effects of sunlight.

The negative effects of coconut oil can be caused by excessive consumption of the product internally - food poisoning occurs or chronic pathologies of the digestive system worsen. Also, excessive lubrication leads to clogged pores and the development of inflamed acne.

Isn't it crazy to use coconut oil on my already oily, acne-prone face?

No, it's not crazy! You may think that oil is the main cause of acne, but this is actually not the case. It really depends on what kind of oil you have on your skin. Some oils, as already mentioned, are comedogenic. This includes both the oils in the products you use on your face and the oils in your products (which affect the sebum from your skin). Are most of your oils fat from junk food? If yes, then you should give them up. But if you are using virgin coconut oil, there is no need to worry.

When you use coconut oil to treat acne, yes, you are fighting oil with oil. But there is some logic to this. Just like you need good oils to get rid of the fat around your middle, you need good oils to get rid of the bad stuff (excess sebum on oily skin). Coconut oil removes bad oil, toxins, dirt, grime and blackheads from deep within your pores. This sudden detox can cause immediate, sometimes extensive breakouts. They will gradually decrease and then disappear completely if you continue the coconut oil treatment.

Does coconut oil help with acne?

Coconut oil has many nutrients that help fight acne, the reasons why it is proven to be so effective in helping the skin fight acne are explained below:

Coconut oil is the source of two of the most powerful antimicrobials found in fruits or vegetables. These two antimicrobial components are Capric acid and lauric acid. These are the same acids found in mother's breast milk that protect newborn babies from infections.

When similar acids found in coconut oil are applied to the skin, beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that fight acne infection and are present on the skin convert these acids into monocaprin and monolarins. This process helps replace the protective acid layer on the skin and enhance the fight against acne and acne. , affecting their appearance under the skin and on it.

Since without the presence of acne bacteria, pimples on the skin cannot continue to appear, so not only external application, but also internal consumption of coconut oil will give you a similar level of protection for the skin from acne-causing bacteria.

Benefits of use

Coconut oil is great for acne. It also helps strengthen the underlying skin tissue and removes dead cells that make the skin appear dry and flaky. Coconut oil deeply moisturizes the skin. Did you know that coconut oil is the richest natural source of lauric acid? Moreover, it also contains caprylic acid. Both lauric and caprylic acid have powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties that naturally fight acne. Here are some of the nutrients found in coconut oil and their benefits:

Lauric acid

- Naturally found in organic coconut oil. Effective against bacteria that cause acne.

Caprylic acid

— Provides a nourishing effect for sensitive and oily skin. Acts as an antioxidant.

Vitamin E

- Acts as a powerful antioxidant. Fights free radicals that cause oxygen damage to skin cells. Removes acne scars.

Healthy fats

— Lubricates and moisturizes the skin. Suitable for combination skin and also for exfoliating dry skin with acne.

Why do acne occur?

Acne on the face can appear due to the following factors:

  • An incorrect, unbalanced diet, when the predominant food is heavy, fatty dishes, confectionery, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, foods high in preservatives and other additives.
  • Endocrine disruptions - a surge of hormones during pregnancy or puberty, the influence of internal pathological processes that cause increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse and smoking poison the body and disrupt metabolic processes.
  • Ignoring hygiene standards - unwillingness to cleanse the face of cosmetics at night, using care products that are inappropriate for your skin type.
  • Using cheap cosmetics or abusing decorative products.

After eliminating these causes, coconut oil against acne helps to tidy up your face.

This is a true story from my little sister T.

“I have suffered from acne since my early teens. Of course, I tried a lot of over-the-counter creams, benzoyl peroxide and a couple of serums. Even though I used them consistently until my pimples cleared up, they still appeared after a few hard-earned, gorgeous days. This caused frustration and stress, which of course led to more acne! Since then I have been passionate about natural healing and holistic living. This means I've left greasy burgers, cheesecakes and all processed junk food behind in favor of healthy alternatives. And I'm telling you, it improved my skin!

Since discovering coconut oil for acne, my acne-prone skin has improved dramatically and I now swear by this miracle product. It finally helped me get rid of my cysts! When I first started using this cosmetics, huge pimples filled with pus appeared on my face. I wasn't scared because I knew this was part of the "detox phase" where coconut oil pushes out the "bad" oil that clogs pores and causes acne. Coconut oil also removes grime, dirt, and impurities from the pores that lead to massive breakouts. Those nasty, painful pustules waiting to come to the surface are pushed out by the wonder of coconut oil. So you will start getting enough sleep immediately. But don't be alarmed by the appearance of whiteheads on your face because it's all part of the detoxification process and your face will be blemish-free afterward anyway! "I've developed a nighttime routine where I use coconut oil to both cleanse and moisturize my face."

Here's a simple recipe she used every night.

Coconut oil is a rich source of vitamin E, especially beneficial for the skin.

Poll: When did your acne appear? (Number of votes: 4295)

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It's been a couple of years now

About a few months


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Additionally, coconut oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which is designed to keep your skin healthy and ensures proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and unclogged pores. This means that coconut oil helps address the actual root cause of acne by killing the acne bacteria, not just the behavior , which leads to its appearance or symptoms, like many cosmetic products and drugs Vitamin E, a hormone-regulating substance, can reduce some of these natural hormonal fluctuations that cause the skin membrane to become more overactive.

How to use coconut oil correctly


● Organic pure virgin or extra virgin coconut oil


● Steam your face or simply dip a towel in hot water, wring it out and cover your face to open the pores.

● Drop a teaspoon of coconut oil on your left palm and use your right hand to apply the beautiful goo on your face in a circular motion. I usually start with the cheeks, then the forehead and finally the chin. Avoid the area around the eyes and mouth.

● Gently massage the oil into the skin in a circular motion to allow the nutrients to penetrate deep into the pores.

● Finally, you can wash your face, preferably with natural cold process soap. This step is very important - you don't want to leave any excess oil on your face. If your face is a little dry, especially in winter, add a tiny drop of coconut oil to your soap to moisturize your face.

This is it! After this wonderful massage, your face always glows with a warm pink light.

Coconut oil quickly reduces pimple inflammation

Coconut oil soothes the skin quite quickly by penetrating into the deepest channels of the skin's pores, so when it is applied to areas of the face or body, it is quickly absorbed and begins to immediately reduce the already present inflammation from acne. Coconut oil also helps heal open wounds on the skin from severe cases of acne First of all, coconut oil improves the metabolic rate between skin cells and tissues. It also indirectly affects the proper secretion and hormonal balance, thus curbing the chances of developing acne and increasing the rate of healing and restoration of skin cells damaged by this common disease.

As mentioned earlier, coconut oil can either be applied as a topical cream or consumed as a stand-alone product. Some experts recommend its use either by taking coconut milk internally or using it externally in the form of a coconut mask or acne mala.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Acne Skin

Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits of coconut oil for skin and acne treatment:

Prevents aging

When you use coconut-based products or raw oil on your face, you can be sure that the antioxidant benefits of vitamin E and various polyphenolic compounds will provide impressive results for the health and beauty of your skin. These components of coconut oil are known to reduce oxidative stress and help prevent the negative effects of free radicals Your face is constantly exposed to inflammatory conditions as well as pollutants and irritants that can accelerate cell breakdown and lead to wrinkles, age spots and other unwanted breakouts and pimples Washing your face with coconut oil will help you avoid many of these problems.

Moisturizes the skin

As a moisturizing agent, coconut oil is known to penetrate the skin to deliver its nutrients to lower levels of the skin where it needs them most. Even if you have oily skin that is highly prone to acne, coconut oil can help reduce skin production. sebum and provide excellent results in removing them from the face and restoring a healthy complexion.

Boosts the immune system

The fatty acids found in coconut oil have natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that can protect your skin's immune system and reduce the chances of any pathogens appearing on your face. Bacterial and fungal infections can often develop on oily or dry skin, especially if you suffer from acne, so using coconut oil on your face every day can protect you from various infections, including acne.

Coconut oil relieves irritation

Dry or cracked skin, especially under the nose, forehead, chin and even neck can cause irritation, itching and pimples, but washing your face with coconut oil can change the texture and health of your face for a much better time. The anti-inflammatory properties of this substance combined with deep moisturizing abilities can Promote increased blood circulation and healing of pimples in these irritated areas while providing vitamin E, and coconut oil also helps cross-link collagen, which reduces the appearance of these inflamed areas.

Antibacterial effects of oil

As mentioned earlier, coconut oil contains a high concentration of medium chain fatty acids, which have natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. For people suffering from acne that is caused by the growth and activity of bacteria, a face mask with coconut oil can penetrate the skin and displace dirt, toxins and oils where these bacteria can grow and thrive over time.

Super plant Kalanchoe for acne!

Ways to quickly get rid of pimples overnight!

How to get a unique product

Everyone knows what a coconut is. A large nut with white, tender pulp and milk inside is exotic for our table. But the substance that comes from it has long been used in industry, in confectionery production, and medicine. At the 8th, 9th month, coconut juice begins to mix with copra (white fleshy layer), an emulsion appears, from which valuable oily juice is collected. The mass must contain at least 67% fat. Skilled workers separate the hard layer from the shell, then the copra is crushed and placed under a press. There are two types of production - hot and cold. The product can also be refined or unrefined. In the first case, cleaning (deodorization) is carried out under pressure in special units. The color of the purified product can be white, yellow, or milky. Refined differs from unrefined in the absence of a specific aroma. The finished product must be melted at a temperature of 25 degrees. If it is lower, then the mixture is solid grains.

What is coconut oil rich in?

When purchasing coconut oil, you must purchase a pure product without fragrances, chemicals, or dyes. Healing substances for the human body are fully concentrated in every drop of cold pressed water. The oil contains acids such as:

  • lauric;
  • hyaluronic;
  • palmintina;
  • capric;
  • stearic;
  • linolenic;
  • oleic, etc.

The product contains vitamins B, A, C, E, D, PP, calcium, magnesium, zinc, carotene and a number of other healing substances. Each component has an amazing effect on the skin, hair, nails, eliminates acne and ulcers.

Homemade coconut oil masks

There are many mask recipes that can help you quickly deal with problem skin. But it still makes sense to take into account the recommendations of cosmetologists who offer ideal compositions for various skin types - oily, dry, mixed, etc. If you wish, you can buy a fresh coconut and squeeze the juice we need out of it, but this is not necessary. Any market or pharmacy sells ready-made goods of any type, and you can quickly prepare a unique composition. Before use, be sure to check the tolerance test. Lubricate the back of your elbow with it and wait 15 minutes. If there are no rashes, redness, itching, or swelling, feel free to start using the product, which, after opening the container, retains its properties for 2 weeks.

How to make the best masks - proven recipes

Effective mask recipes for different skin types and problems:

  1. For dry skin, you need to warm the product in a water bath and mix it with 20 g. yeast to the consistency of sour cream. Apply also to the neck, décolleté and wear for 20-25 minutes. To enrich, you can add a couple of drops of oily vitamin E. Repeat the procedure twice a week for 2 months, rinse with warm water. Afterwards, do a light facial massage.
  2. Mask for any type of skin against acne and redness from 2 teaspoons of coconut. butter and the same amount of honey. Heat the mixture, add 1 yolk, apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times every 7 days, the full course is 15 procedures.
  3. How to quickly remove acne in 5 minutes. Requires 50 gr. chocolate (dark), melt, mix with the table. spoon coconut. oil, apply, avoiding eyelids, for 5 minutes. Wash off with water, repeat the session after 3 days and so on for 2 weeks.
  4. Grind the pulp of fresh persimmon to a puree, mix with 1 egg. yolk, add 1 teaspoon. lie coconut. butter, honey, corn. starch. Apply the composition for 15 minutes, wash with room water. temperature, lubricate with herbal tincture (chamomile or calendula), which will protect against acne and pustules. Upon completion of the procedure, use a moisturizing cream.
  5. How to remove fine wrinkles - the answer is simple. Mix 50 gr. coconut oil with 20 gr. oil vitamin E, apply a couple of hours before bedtime, rub in with light movements, wipe off the greasy residue with a napkin. Apply the recipe for 4 weeks and your skin will become smooth and velvety.
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