Rehabilitation (recovery) after blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty is usually quick and easy. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, and then after 2-3 weeks. you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Rehabilitation calendar after surgery by day

Swelling and bruising after blepharoplasty

Scars (scars) after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

Limitations after blepharoplasty

Care after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

Rehabilitation calendar after blepharoplasty by day

  • immediately after surgery

At the end of the operation, strips are glued to the eyelid area, and the patient is transferred to a ward, where ice is applied to the periorbital area to reduce swelling.

photo immediately after upper blepharoplasty surgery

As a rule, there is no pain after blepharoplasty. After 1-2 hours the patient is discharged for outpatient observation by a surgeon

  • first day

On the first day after surgery, the patient is bandaged. On days 1-2-3, swelling begins to increase. It is necessary to make cold lotions with antiseptics.

  • second day

On the 2nd day in the morning, you can take a single diuretic tablet (only as prescribed by your doctor) to reduce swelling. ъ

  • the third day

Swelling on day 3 is usually maximum. You are allowed to shower and wash your hair.

  • fourth day

On the 4th day, the swelling begins to gradually decrease, and the tension in the eyelids goes away.

  • 5 day

During this period, the strips and stitches from the eyelids are removed.

  • 6th day

After the stitches are removed, the strips are stuck on for a few more days.

  • 7th day

By this time, the bruises are almost completely gone, the swelling is significantly reduced.

After a week, the most noticeable swelling in patients goes away, and you can already go to work, although it is optimal to stay at home for up to 2 weeks.

  • 9th day

At this time the strips are completely removed

The swelling is significantly reduced. The suture line is reddish. You can start using cosmetics.

  • 2 weeks

Even at this time, the redness begins to gradually decrease, the swelling continues to decrease.

  • in three weeks

There is no longer any visible swelling and bruising, patients come to the clinic for routine dressing changes, and they can slowly resume light sports activities.

  • a month later

You can return to full physical activity.

  • 2, 3, 6 and 12 months

Scheduled control inspections are carried out. They assess the condition of the scars.

Restrictions after surgery

Most prohibitions are temporary and must be adhered to until the end of the rehabilitation period (from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months).

After blepharoplasty you cannot:

  • expose your eyes to bright light and sunlight;
  • allow excessive visual strain;
  • experience physical activity, including active sports;
  • lift weights;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium;
  • rub your eyes;
  • wear contact lenses;
  • sleep face down or without a pillow;
  • apply decorative cosmetics;
  • try to remove stitches and healing crusts yourself;
  • eat spicy, salty foods, smoked foods;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol.

Subsequently, it is necessary to constantly apply a cream with a high sun protection factor to the skin around the eyes. Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures (Botox, mesotherapy) are allowed 2-3 months after surgery.

Swelling and bruising after blepharoplasty

After almost any operation, swelling and bruising occur in the area of ​​surgical trauma due to the intersection of blood and lymphatic vessels. All patients are concerned about the question of when the swelling and bruising will go away after blepharoplasty, how long they last and how to remove them. As can be seen from the rehabilitation calendar, during the first 3 days the swelling increases and then begins to gradually subside. By 2-3 weeks, most patients already have a presentable appearance. The swelling completely subsides by 6 months. A number of remedies can help remove dark circles under the eyes and swelling:

  • Lyoton

Gel for external use.
Direct anticoagulant for external use, which has a local antithrombotic, antiexudative, moderate anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots and reduces tissue swelling.

  • traumeel

Ointment for external use. A multicomponent homeopathic medicine, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition.

  • troxevasin

Troxevasin® is a flavonoid (rutin derivative). Has P-vitamin activity; has venotonic, venoprotective, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and antioxidant effects. Reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, increases their tone.

Feelings after surgery

After blepharoplasty, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • swelling, feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • pain in the intervention area;
  • hematomas (usually under the lower eyelids);
  • dry eyes or, on the contrary, lacrimation;
  • diplopia (double vision), blurred vision.

Not all the symptoms from the list will necessarily be present; the appearance of some of them depends on the type of blepharoplasty, the patient’s skin type (swelling is more pronounced on oily skin than on dry skin), lifestyle, diet, compliance with all preoperative doctor’s recommendations and other factors. All these phenomena are reversible and disappear without a trace within a few days or by the end of the recovery period.

Scars (scars) after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

Many patients have a question: do scars remain after surgery? Of course they remain. But you shouldn’t be scared, since they are practically invisible and look like a thin strip, and with transconjunctival blepharoplasty they are not there at all.

The next reasonable question is how to remove scars?

It is impossible to completely remove scars; you can make them almost invisible. And for this, after the operation it is necessary to undergo special treatment. And then patient reviews on the quality of scars after blepharoplasty will be 99.9% positive.

photo scars / scars after upper/lower blepharoplasty

And one more question that concerns patients: what should they use to smear the scars after surgery so that they are invisible? Let’s look at these remedies and scar treatment in more detail.

Scar treatment

There are a huge number of different scar care products, including various drugs:

Gel after blepharoplasty

  • contractubex

It is a combined preparation in the form of a gel, the effect of which is determined by the properties of its constituent components: Allantoin, Heparin sodium, Onion. It has fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory (due to the extract of Serae bulbs), antithrombotic (due to heparin), and keratolytic effects (due to allantoin). Causes stimulation of cellular regeneration without hyperplasia. Prevents the formation of keloid scars by inhibiting fibroblasts.

  • dermatix

The drug is in the form of a silicone gel for external use, transparent, colorless and odorless. Consists of a mixture of polymeric organosilicon compounds (polysiloxanes). Helps maintain uniform moisture in the eyelid skin, has a corrective effect on scars after upper and lower blepharoplasty, smoothing and softening them, relieves pain, itching and discomfort, and also reduces skin redness.

Silicone patch

Silicone patches are also a large group of scar care products. But when applied to eyelids, they are not entirely comfortable. The most famous companies on the Russian market are Dermatix and Mepiform.

Enzyme preparations

A group of drugs intended for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars.

  • longidase

Longidase is a drug whose main active ingredient is the enzyme hyaluronidase. This enzyme

  • increases the permeability of connective tissue;
  • stops the process of gross scarring by reducing the formation of its own collagen in the cells of the dermis;
  • increases the level of elasticity of the skin of the eyelids.

The drug is available in the form of a dry substance in ampoules. Before use, it is dissolved in 2 ml of liquid (saline or 0.25% lidocaine solution) and injected directly into the scar with a needle.

  • lidase

An enzyme preparation whose main active ingredient is hyaluronidase.

It is known that hypertrophic and keloid scars are formed due to excessive synthesis of hyaluronic acid. With its participation, at an early stage of the wound process, the production of fibroblasts is stimulated, which produce new skin cells in huge quantities.

When lidase is introduced, excess hyaluronic acid is eliminated, since lidase acts on this acid and decomposes it into glucosamine and glucuronic acid. As a result, microcirculation and cell permeability improve in the scar area.

Available in ampoules as a lyophilisate. Before use, like longidase, it is dissolved in saline and injected under the problematic scar. If injections of the drug are painful, it is better to dissolve it in a lidocaine solution.

  • imoferase

Eye cream after blepharoplasty, like Lidaza, contains the active ingredient Hyaluronidase, which suppresses the growth of connective tissue and reduces swelling.

With a course of treatment, raised scars decrease in volume, pigmentation decreases, and the elasticity of the eyelid skin increases.

A good property of Imoferase Cream is its ability to act on old scars and scars, reducing their density.

Hormonal ointments and suspensions

  • hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect and inhibits the growth of connective tissue. It is used after blepharoplasty and eyelid pathology. Hydrocortisone is a glucocorticosteroid, the use of which can cause many side effects. Therefore, the drug can be used only when prescribed by a doctor.

  • diprospan

The main active substance is the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone, the effect of which is that it stops the pathological growth of scar tissue, causing the scar to become smaller and flatter. The main indication for use is keloid scars. Uncontrolled use can cause tissue atrophy.

After blepharoplasty it is practically not used

Limitations after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for a restrictive regime. Below are the dos and don'ts after surgery:

  • sports and physical activity

During consultations, I always tell you in detail when you can start playing sports after blepharoplasty. In the first days, it is better to avoid any exercise, as this can lead to an increase in blood pressure and provoke bleeding. A home regimen for 2-3 days is recommended. As a rule, after a month you can fully start playing sports and fitness.

  • solarium

You can visit the solarium 1 month after blepharoplasty, but be sure to cover the eyelid area, otherwise persistent hyperpigmentation may appear.

  • alcohol and smoking

Many patients are concerned about when they can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes after blepharoplasty. It’s better not to drink or smoke at all and say “no” to bad habits! But if you really want to, then no earlier than 2 weeks, as they negatively affect healing.

  • Tan

You can sunbathe in the sun after 1 month, but you need to use sunscreen, otherwise you can get persistent hyperpigmentation

  • makeup

Many people are interested in when they can paint their eyes after blepharoplasty. Makeup (cosmetics) can be applied within 5-7 days after surgery. It is necessary to pay attention to any redness, and if it appears, you need to remove makeup so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

  • Job

You can return to work 3-5 days after blepharoplasty. But if possible, it is optimal to stay at home for 2 weeks.

  • eyelashes and tattoo

You can get eyelash extensions 1 month after eyelid surgery. Tattooing can be done 1 month after surgery.

  • lenses and vision

Lenses after upper blepharoplasty can be put on immediately, and after transconjunctival blepharoplasty - after 10-14 days. For a period of up to 2 weeks, it is necessary to exclude working on the computer and phone, reading books, watching TV and giving your eyes rest.

  • Botox and Dysport

Botox or Dysport can be injected 1 month after blepharoplasty.

  • sex

There are no strict restrictions on sex

Possible complications

Blepharoplasty is known as an intervention with a minimal percentage of complications. However, some unpleasant consequences are still possible. Among them:

  • hemorrhage in the sclera of the eye;
  • hyperreaction to light;
  • severe and prolonged lacrimation;
  • inflammatory processes in the suture area;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva
  • eversion of the century.

Sometimes these phenomena go away on their own; in some cases, medication is required. If, a few days after the operation, cutting pain, redness of the conjunctiva, an increase in previously minor symptoms, hyperemia or suppuration of the sutures, or an increase in body temperature appear, you should urgently contact the clinic where the intervention was performed.

Choosing a clinic and doctor with a good reputation, positive reviews, as well as following all the doctor’s recommendations in the pre- and postoperative period will help minimize the risk of complications.

Care after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

After blepharoplasty, patients are prescribed various medications (for example, antibiotics) and undergo physiotherapeutic treatment (lymphatic drainage massage, microcurrents, electrophoresis and ultrasound) for quick recovery.

The speed of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty depends on proper care of the surgical area. It includes a set of measures affecting the skin of the eyelids, suture lines and eyes. It’s worth looking at this in more detail:

  • seam care

Immediately after the operation, a special patch is glued to the suture area - strips, which act as a protective bandage. They are removed after 5-7 days. For a week, it is necessary to treat the suture line with antiseptics, for example, an alcohol solution of chlorhexedine and apply cool lotions with furatsilin 5-6 times a day for 15 minutes, 3-4 days, then less often, 3-4 times a day (you can use cool bags of brewed tea, medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort).

  • eye care

The eyes are not injured in any way during the operation, so they do not require special care. However, wearing lenses is avoided to avoid causing irritation. Very often after blepharoplasty, symptoms in the eye area such as irritation, itching, dryness and redness may be observed.

If the above symptoms occur, you must use special eye drops. They will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of unpleasant manifestations. The most common drugs include:

  • Artificial tear;
  • Tobrex;;
  • Systane.
  • upper and lower eyelid care

pursues the following goals:

  • protects seams from contamination
  • accelerates the resolution of edema
  • stimulates the wound process and rapid healing

In addition to the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, in the postoperative period, you can perform a special set of exercises for the eyes, which is necessary to improve blood supply to the surgical area, to accelerate the resolution of swelling and reduce the inflammatory process.

Self-massage also helps in restoring the periorbital area. The essence of the massage is that point circular pressure is applied with the fingers in the eyelid area.

Recommendations to speed up rehabilitation

To quickly recover after blepharoplasty and achieve optimal surgical results, additional procedures are indicated:

  • Massage of the skin around the eyes and eye gymnastics. They help improve blood circulation in the intervention area and strengthen the orbicularis oculi muscle. The surgeon who performed the operation will tell you when you can start these procedures, advise the correct massage technique, and show you exercises for the eyes.
  • Physiotherapy. Microcurrent therapy is most often used, which normalizes lymph flow, eliminates swelling, and accelerates skin healing. Also shown are UHF and phonophoresis.
  • Maintaining sufficient skin hydration. Cosmetic products should be used after scars have healed.

How long does the result of blepharoplasty last?

Age-related changes in the eyelids begin to worry women closer to 25-30 years old. They are associated with loss of skin elasticity, the presence of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, excess skin on the eyelids, etc.

Blepharoplasty helps to neutralize the external manifestations of a number of age-related changes and defects. With its help you can fight with:

  • Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis);
  • Unattractive or vision-impairing eye shape;
  • Fatty hernias, excess fatty tissue in the eyelids;
  • Asymmetry of the incision;
  • Loose eyelid skin, facial and deep wrinkles;
  • Chronic “bags”.

How many years do the results of blepharoplasty last? Surgery cannot completely stop the aging process. She can only visually remove its consequences for a certain period.

How long the results of blepharoplasty last depends on you and the surgeon. If the operation was successful, and during the rehabilitation period you followed the doctor’s recommendations, the results will be noticeable from 7 years to 15 years.

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