Yellow peelings from Mediderm - review of drugs and their effectiveness

Superficial exfoliation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Gentle but effective cleansing, controlled exposure to acids gives an amazing transformation result. The procedure is suitable for all skin types and can solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. The goals are the removal of dead cells, toxins, metabolic products, as well as rejuvenation through the activation of intracellular processes.

Mediderma yellow peeling is used for photo correction and chronoaging. The composition acquires its characteristic color due to the content of vitamin A. The gentle effect allows it to be used for rosacea, to strengthen fragile capillaries. Improves the condition of oily skin, reduces lipid synthesis, eliminates sebaceous plugs and inflammation. The gentle effect allows you to undergo procedures during periods of moderate solar activity. Natural components are hypoallergenic and do not cause irritation.

Description of peelings

Products from the Spanish brand Mediderma have been widely used in the beauty industry for more than 25 years. A group of dermatologists has been developing high-quality and safe products for face and hair care for more than a quarter of a century.

Professional products have received international recognition; the founder of the laboratory, Gabriel Serrano Sanmiguel, has patents in the field of anti-aging cosmetology, chemical peels, and growth factors.

The formulas are created based on raw materials of natural origin. The quality is confirmed by ISO, GMP certificates.


Contains 3 types of retinol molecules with different speeds of action. Skin immunity is strengthened, pigmentation is whitened, and a healthy, even tone is restored. The procedure is indicated in the presence of age-related changes, as well as to improve the condition of stressed skin, as part of an acne treatment program.


  • 3 types of retinol - retinol 4%, retinyl 4%, retinal 4%, gently remove keratinized epithelium, stimulate rejuvenation processes, whiten pigmentation, increase tissue tone;
  • ascorbic acid strengthens thin blood vessels, increases cellular immunity, improves color, and triggers active metabolic processes;
  • hyaluronic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes irritated skin, copes with peeling, sagging, and maintains hydrobalance;
  • zinc normalizes the condition of the oily dermis, stops the spread of infection, and helps control lipid synthesis.

Retises CT

Provides instant transformation results. Quickly restores an even, healthy complexion and smooth structure. Relieves puffiness, signs of fatigue, redness, inflammation. Often used to prepare before a certain event. The superficial effect is not accompanied by a long recovery period; the effect can be assessed immediately after the procedure.


  • ascorbyl glucoside 10% is a natural vitamin C, stabilized with glucose, helps lighten the tone, eliminates pigmentation, acne marks, refreshes dull skin, prevents aging, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Niacinamide 5% helps smooth out superficial wrinkles, activates collagen synthesis, and is used to normalize intracellular metabolic processes;
  • retinol 4% and retinyl 1% improve elasticity, cope with sagging, loss of elasticity, remove toxins and oxidants.

Yellow peelings are produced in the form of 5 ml sachets and 2 ml ampoules, the format is convenient for professional peeling, the dosage is enough for 1 session. The cost of an ampoule of yellow peeling retises 3 retinol is about 2500 rubles, the price of a unit of retises ST is 2000 rubles.

Attention! You can purchase it in stores that sell professional care products for salons and aesthetic medicine clinics.

Indications for use

Yellow peeling is one of the safest, most effective exfoliation procedures. Used for all skin types, in the presence of rashes, excessive secretion of glands, as well as for rejuvenation of the integument. The procedure can be carried out according to indications or to maintain the normal state of the dermis. Retinoic peeling affects only the superficial layers of the epidermis, can be included in an anti-aging program, and combines well with other procedures.


  • aging skin with traces of sagging;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • wrinkles of varying degrees;
  • oily shine, wide pores;
  • comedones, acne;
  • rosacea;
  • marks after acne.

Yellow peeling at home

The popularity of this cleaning method has led to the emergence of many recipes that can be repeated even at home. You can buy the ingredients in nearby stores and pharmacies. Their diversity allows you to choose the appropriate option, but at the same time creates difficulties when it is not always clear what is more likely to give the desired effect. Below are some of the best recipes according to most people.

Best Recipes

Classical. This option is as close as possible to the standard type of procedure. The ingredients you will need are glycolic acid cream, retinoic ointment, baking soda, and water. The process is exactly the same as described above. All components are sold at the pharmacy.

Simple. One of the easiest recipes. You will need a 20% solution of retinoic acid and distilled water. A teaspoon of both. Water is poured into any container not made of metal. Then acid is added. It is important to maintain consistency. Apply the solution over the face with a brush before going to bed and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water. It can be micellar. Afterwards, lubricate your face with rose oil.

Regulator of the sebaceous glands. An option for those who suffer from excessive oily skin. Retinoic acid 10% concentration will need half a teaspoon. It is better to measure with a syringe - about 1.5 ml. The same amount of salicylic acid. Distilled water is twice as much.

First, the acids are mixed in a glass container. The mixture is then added to water. Apply to face and wait until dry. After 6-7 hours, rinse with lukewarm water. As a moisturizer, it is better to use something with panthenol or D-panthenol.

You can experiment with the composition yourself. So, vitamin E, aloe juice, and various oils are added to retinoic ointment in a 1:1 ratio.

But with home procedures you need to be extremely careful. To reduce the risk of complications, professionals recommend using ready-made kits from well-known manufacturers. This already includes all the necessary components in the required quantity, as well as instructions for use. Judging by the reviews, the effect is comparable to salon services. Some of the popular sets:

  • Block Age Peel Gel. Includes dimexide, which allows the main components to penetrate deeper into the skin;
  • Purles Laboratories de Beauty. Standard set from a French company;
  • Mediderma Retises CT. Suitable for all skin types. The composition includes ascorbic acid and azelaic acid;
  • La Beaute Medicale, Anti Age Cream. Peeling in the format of a face cream. Includes finic and kojic acids;
  • Carrot's peel. The main active ingredient is natural vitamin A, that is, this is a soft version of yellow peeling.

Peeling effectiveness

Before signing up for the procedure, it is worth finding out what results can be achieved thanks to the course:

  1. Noticeable rejuvenation occurs, collagen synthesis is activated, elasticity is restored, and the skin becomes denser.
  2. The degree of cellular immunity increases, the epidermis becomes less sensitive to various infections, bacteria, and adverse environmental factors.
  3. An even, healthy tone is restored, thanks to the effects of retinols, the production of melanin is blocked. Whitens pigmentation and acne marks.
  4. A pronounced lifting effect is observed, the number of fine wrinkles is reduced. Photo and bioaging processes are prevented.
  5. The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are narrowed, toxins and metabolic products are released.

Yellow peeling

The composition of the mask includes vitamin A. When it comes into contact with the skin, the components of the product penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis. There they activate the skin's production of collagen, the main building material for the skin, and elastin, the element responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. Ultimately, the old layer of skin is exfoliated, and renewal is accelerated and gives a fresh cover.

Yellow facial peeling has the following effects:

  • removal of old particles of the epidermis;
  • lifting;
  • alignment of small wrinkles, smoothing of large ones;
  • fight against pigmentation;
  • stimulation of protein production to maintain healthy skin;
  • strengthening of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood microcirculation, more efficient delivery of nutrients to cells, healthy skin tone;
  • increasing the resistance of the cover to diseases;
  • stimulation of regeneration;
  • normalization of oxygen metabolism;
  • cancer prevention;
  • fight against acne - pimples, blackheads, blackheads and other inflammations.

With the right approach, yellow peeling can solve most skin problems.

Is it possible to do the procedure yourself?

Retinoic exfoliation can only be performed by a specialist. A cosmetologist can professionally assess the condition of the skin, carry out the procedure according to the protocol, and give recommendations during the recovery period. It is difficult to independently control the depth of exposure to active elements; it can lead not only to the development of hypersensitivity, inflammation, irritation, but also to burns. At home, you can use care products containing no more than 1% retinol.

Rules for the procedure and application of ointment

For the procedure to be successful, you need to prepare for it. First, the hair is removed so that it does not interfere. It is better to gather them in a tight ponytail or make a bump and put on a special hat.

Then the face is cleaned. Even if there was no makeup on it, it should be degreased, removing dead particles that come off with simple washing. It is better to use soft products: foam or milk, cream soap.

Be sure to check for allergies to the drugs used. To do this, just apply a little ointment to a small area on the face and see how the skin reacts after 30–40 minutes. After this, rinse off and, if all is well, wait until the next day in case of a delayed reaction to elements that have penetrated the skin. If everything is in order, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now you can begin the procedure itself, following the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Applying glycolic acid cream.
  2. Applying the retinoic ointment directly. The technique of massage lines will allow you to achieve the best effect: move from the center of the forehead to the temples, down the nose, in different directions at an angle of 45 degrees upward from the lips, along the contour of the chin towards the ears. Do not apply the ointment close to the eyes unless necessary. The skin there is especially sensitive. If peeling is carried out to combat age spots, then the composition is applied pointwise to the desired areas.
  3. The time is selected individually. For the first time it is better to start with 10–15 minutes. You can increase it over time, up to 45 minutes, if you need a greater result and the body reacts normally to the procedure.
  4. The first time, the ointment is immediately washed off the face. Experienced users apply a solution of soda in water over the ointment and leave for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  6. After rinsing, the skin will be dried out and tight. It needs to be moisturized with cream.

READ ALSO: Using bodyaga peeling for the face at home

Don't be afraid of a slight burning sensation. This is fine. But if it begins to cause discomfort and is difficult to endure, then it is necessary to stop the procedure as soon as possible. For prevention, if possible, you should consult a doctor. But this can usually be avoided if a check was carried out before the session.

A new procedure can be carried out no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Preparatory stage

Yellow peeling is carried out in the salon by an experienced cosmetologist. To achieve the desired goals, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. A responsible campaign will ensure a lasting, pronounced result. The doctor will assess the condition of the integument, take an anamnesis, and may require consultation with specialists. The preparation stage begins a month in advance and includes a number of rules:

  • It is advisable to add fruit acids to cosmetic products, this will enhance the effect of peeling; the concentration of retinol should not exceed 1%;
  • for dry skin, as well as for patients over 35–40 years of age, it is recommended to carry out mesotherapy and biorevitalization first;
  • if you are prone to herpes inflammation, the doctor will prescribe preventive antiviral drugs;
  • You cannot sunbathe, visit the solarium, and you must refuse the pool, sauna, or gym a week before the scheduled session;
  • The composition must be tested for a possible allergic reaction.

Note! Professional peelings are not recommended during periods of maximum solar activity. Cosmetologists advise taking the course from October to March, this will prepare the skin for the spring-summer season, avoiding the appearance of pigmentation.

How does the procedure work?

Retinoic peeling can only be entrusted to a specialist. After examining and assessing the condition of the skin, a cosmetologist will be able to select the optimal composition and means for preparing the skin.


  1. Cleansing mousse is applied to the entire surface of the face. After 15 minutes, it is washed off and excess moisture is removed with cosmetic wipes.
  2. The peeling composition is applied in strict sequence. First of all, the forehead, chin, cheeks are treated, then the wings of the nose, perioral, periorbital area, and eyelids.
  3. The cosmetologist can choose one of the methods - using a brush for surface treatment or spreading with rubbing movements with cotton pads for deeper penetration. First, the contents of the ampoule are applied, then the sachet.
  4. Cover your face with film for 25 minutes. Also, the cosmetologist can change the time, how long to keep on the face depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. The patient may feel a burning, tingling sensation.
  5. The film is then removed and the patient can go home.
  6. After 6–8 hours, the peeling is washed off with plenty of warm water and neutral soap, excess moisture is removed with cosmetic wipes.
  7. At the final stage, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied depending on the type and needs of the skin.

Healing period

After the procedure, discomfort will be present for several days; the final result can be assessed only after a week. Increased sensitivity, tightness, swelling, redness are standard symptoms after yellow peeling. Closer to the third day, the temperature may rise. In most cases, separation of the epithelium is observed, the process is accompanied by severe peeling. During this period, you should follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for a quick recovery:

  • limit touching your face, do not use makeup for several days;
  • in the first week you cannot visit the solarium, gym, sauna, or swimming pool;
  • post-peeling products Retises, Factor G, Vit-C Medoderm are used for care; hormonal drugs are not used;
  • Before going outside, use sunscreen; a cosmetologist will help you choose based on your skin phototype and season;
  • you need to drink as much water as possible to speed up tissue recovery;
  • You cannot peel off the crusts yourself; only 2 weeks after the procedure you can carry out a light scrub or gommage recommended by a specialist.

Precautionary measures

Despite the versatility of use for different age groups and skin types, mederma peeling has a number of limitations for its implementation. During the consultation, the cosmetologist not only assesses the condition of the skin, but also collects an anamnesis.

You can trust the procedure only to an experienced specialist with a medical education. Only in this case can the likelihood of complications develop be minimized.


  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • spring-summer period;
  • atopic contact dermatitis, ichthyosis;
  • taking roaccutane;
  • herpes;
  • skin photosensitivity;
  • active inflammatory processes;
  • damage to the integrity of the integument;
  • previous hepatitis, liver pathologies;
  • warts, papillomas in the affected area.

In addition to the standard consequences in the form of redness and swelling, the temperature may rise , peeling is observed within 5–7 days, and the epithelium will peel off.

Important! Painful, increasing symptoms, the appearance of local redness, ulcers, and burns should alert you. In such cases, you need to contact a cosmetologist.


  • Individual intolerance to retinol or other components included in the composition.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Weakened immunity, infectious diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Presence of warts, papillomas, wounds in the work area.
  • Freshly tanned.
  • Photosensitivity.
  • Liver disease.
  • During the period of taking medications containing vitamin A and retinol.
  • During pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

Retises peelings are distinguished by their effective action and fast healing period. The procedure has no age restrictions and is used to care for all skin types. Before you decide to exfoliate, you should learn about the main advantages and disadvantages.


  • the result is noticeable after the first session;
  • allows you to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems;
  • suitable for all skin types, including sensitive;
  • has a short recovery period;
  • side effects are excluded.


  • requires coursework;
  • high price;
  • carried out by a cosmetologist in a salon or aesthetic medicine clinic;
  • superficial exposure is not effective for pronounced age-related changes.

What is peeling

Peeling is a way to provoke natural renewal of the skin. This happens based on the skin’s ability to self-regenerate. The procedure involves damaging the top, old layer, which is then replaced by new cells. The damage is relatively unnoticeable and is usually expressed externally only by redness. Peeling owes its popularity to its flexibility, when a mask or ointment can be made from countless ingredients, including yourself. This opens up access to the procedure to almost all allergy sufferers, who can choose a product with a composition that will not harm them.

Comparison with analogues

Mediderma produces highly effective peelings based on vitamin A. The composition delicately cleanses and launches rejuvenation processes. An entire program has been developed, consisting not only of peeling products, but also of products to prolong the result.

The company Kosmoteros produces peelings based on retinoic acid. The composition also includes vitamin C and E. It has the most gentle effect and is used to impart freshness and eliminate signs of fatigue.

Martinex created a peeling with retinol, kojic acid. Effectively whitens pigmentation, copes with acne marks, and is used for patients with sensitive skin.

Peels from the domestic brand Arcadia, in addition to the ampoule concentrate, include day and night cream. The formula provides gentle exfoliation and has a short recovery period.

3-Retises Ct Yellow Peel | Yellow peeling with 3-retinol system

Detailed description

Description :
RETINOL YELLOW PEELING with 3-RETISES CT-YELLOY PEEL 3-RETINOL SYSTEM The main and most important feature of the updated yellow peeling is the 3-retinol system. 3-RETINOL SYSTEM is 3 molecules with different speeds of action. RETINOL - long-term action RETINYL - delayed action RETINAL - instant action This formula promotes retinization of the skin: prolonged release of retinoids. - a constant supply of retinoids is maintained in the skin - gradual conversion depending on the needs of the skin - therapeutic constant level of the active component - increased skin tolerance - improved skin barrier function - fewer side effects such as dryness and flaking - guarantee of oxidation, induced effects of UV and O2 rays • This peeling also contains HYALURONIC ACID, the best ally of retinoids. The combination of retinoids and hyaluronic acid (very low molecular weight) stimulates the formation of new retinoic acid. As a result, the amount of hyaluronic acid also increases in the epidermis and dermis. • ZINC contained in this peel promotes conversion to retinoic acid, accelerating the process. The oxidative conversion of retinol and retinal occurs due to the enzyme dihydrogenase, which is dependent on zinc. • Also, peeling 3-RETINOL SYSTEM has a powerful DEPIGMENTATING EFFECT, based on the principle of double action: - targeted effect on the target MELANOCYTE cell - modulates the hyperactivity of altered melanocytes. - selective effect on pigmentation.


  • Skin rejuvenation, photo and bio aging, fine-wrinkled type of aging, with pronounced rosacea, reduces the depth of existing wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation (post-sun spots), regulates the proliferation and mobility of melanocytes, eliminates melasma, scars, evens out skin texture
  • Acne, increased oily skin.


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Atopic, contact dermatitis, ichthyosis
  • Herpetic rashes
  • Extensive skin diseases in the acute stage
  • Treatment with roaccutane
  • Individual sensitivity to acids



  • ascorbic acid,
  • retinal liposomes,
  • zinc,
  • hyaluronic acid


  • 4% free form retinol,
  • retinal liposomes,
  • retinyl,
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • zinc


  1. Apply the contents of 1/2 or 1 ampoule and wait a few minutes.
  2. Apply a thin layer of 3-RETISES CT.
  3. 1% retinol in the form of peeling gel 3-RETISES NANO 1% - Retinol exfoliant gel completes the yellow peeling procedure. This product also contains the 3-RETINOL SYSTEM formula (retinol, retinyl, retinal).

Leave for approximately 8 hours. Rinse thoroughly.

Course of procedures STRICTLY 6 times. Frequency: 1 time every 1-2-3 weeks. Maximum number of 12 procedures per year (2 times a year, early spring, autumn).

The entire range of Mediderma (Spain) >>>
Cleansing and preparation
Chemical peels Mediderma
Mediderma liposomal peels
Additives to Mediderma peels
Serums Mediderma
Mediderma masks
Post-peeling Mediderma
Professional Mediderma
Mesotherapy NanoMeso Mediderma
Mediderma ampoule preparations
Mediderma apparatus
Mediderma fillers
Microneedling Nanopore Stylus
Mediderma lines (Spain)
Abradermol - microdermabrasion cream
Argipeel – peeling based on arginine
Azelac Peel – azelaine peels
Degreasing - degreasing solution
Dna Recovery Peel – peeling for DNA restoration
Ferulac Peel – peelings and preparations based on ferulic acid
Fillderma – biorevitalizant and fillers
Hidraderm - cleansing milk
Ioson – gels for hardware procedures
Lactipeel – milk peeling
Mandelac – almond peelings and scrub
Melaspeel – Jessner peels
Meso Cits – serums for microneedling (mesorollers)
NanoMeso – mesotherapy drugs
Natuvalia – ampoule external preparations
Nomelan – phenol peels
Nomelan Cafeico – coffee peelings
Pyruvic Peel – pyruvic peels
Retises – retinoic peels and preparations
3-Retises – new retinoic peeling
Rosoil – restoration and healing with rose hips
Salipeel – salicylic peels
Salipeel Lic – liposomal salicylic preparations
Sensyses - liposomal cleansing lotion
Sesglicopeel – glycolic peels
Ses-Retinal – retinoic peeling
Spa Peel – combined keratolytic peeling
Target Nanopeel - peeling system with liposomed active ingredients
TCA Peel – trichloroacetic peeling

Opinion of cosmetologists

Beauty industry professionals actively share their experience of yellow peeling.

The cosmetologist asks his colleagues about the dosage of Cosmoteros, writes that it is more convenient to take packaged Mediderma.

The specialist is interested in company representatives to replenish stocks.

A cosmetologist writes about the positive experience of using almond and azelaine peeling. Many clients experience active breakouts when using ferulic.

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find many reviews from patients who have experienced the effects of Mediderma peels.

The user describes his experience with retinoic peeling and indicates that in order to achieve the rejuvenation effect, a course of procedures is required.

The participant writes that after use the skin peeled a little, the result depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.

The review states that with such consequences the effect is insufficient.

But there are also disappointed clients. The user writes about the high cost incommensurate with the weak result.

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