Teosyal - review of drugs and their effectiveness

Every woman undoubtedly has the desire to be beautiful, to have smooth and well-groomed skin, to look feminine and not have problems with her appearance. What factors determine a young and attractive appearance?

In order for the skin to remain elastic and wrinkles to appear as late as possible, the presence of the hormone estrogen in the blood is required, and its amount, unfortunately, only becomes less over the years. Therefore, after crossing the thirty-year mark, additional skin care procedures are required.

No one has yet been able to completely get rid of wrinkles even with the help of the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics. But not so long ago, cosmetology began to use a revolutionary product, which many women deservedly called the “elixir of youth” - hyaluronic acid. This component is widely used in various cosmetics from creams to facial washes; there are also a large number of special anti-aging preparations containing hyaluronic acid. All of them, of course, have their pros and cons, so a thoughtful approach is required to selecting the right product, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. Let's take a closer look at the line of drugs such as Teosyal.


Learn more about Teosyal products

The line includes a complex of 8 products with different purposes for cosmetic injections; the main active component of the gels is hyaluronic acid. Typically, these products are used during mesotherapy and biorevitalization sessions.

This is a set of medicinal cosmetic preparations, the main purposes of which are to restore the youthful appearance and elasticity of the skin, and correct skin defects.

Teosyal – products for improving the appearance of the skin

Components of this line:

  • drugs used for mesotherapy;
  • care cosmetics for preliminary preparation of patients for the procedure, as well as for subsequent care;
  • fillers;
  • substances for performing chemical peeling.

Interesting ! Country of manufacture – Switzerland, products are produced.

Leading specialists of this company develop products in order to obtain the most desired result for the client. Due to this, the drugs of this company compete with other products on the market not only due to advertising and promotion, but also due to their direct qualities.

These products are very popular

Main characteristics of the drugs.

  1. Strict compliance with standardization in the field of anti-aging products.
  2. No hyaluronic acid derived from animal components is used.
  3. Hypoallergenic and excellent removal of foreign impurities - Teosyal products are suitable for people with hypersensitive skin.
  4. An acid with a special molecular structure is used, due to which it can stay longer in the treated tissues.

Interesting ! Another important advantage of such drugs is the high fluidity of the drugs; accordingly, in order to administer them, particularly thin needles can be used that do not have a serious traumatic effect on surrounding tissues.

Advantages and disadvantages

Teosyal fillers have a number of advantages:

  • no risk of gel migration;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • the result of naturalness.

A significant disadvantage of the drug for many is its cost. Especially if you need to administer injections in a course of several sessions. Allergic reactions are also possible - the risk of their occurrence increases when using a multicomponent filler or if it contains lidocaine.

A few words about the composition

Teosyal fillers do not use hyaluronic acid from animal components - this reduces the likelihood of allergies several times and makes the products safer for the skin. For 1 gram of product there is about 25 ml of hyaluronic acid. When it enters the tissue, it combines with H2O molecules, the skin becomes more hydrated, and a visible effect of smoothing out wrinkles appears. The molecular structure, in which the molecules are connected to each other more tightly, does not allow them to disintegrate quickly, which can guarantee a longer lasting effect.

Interesting ! The gels are viscous enough to allow the use of thin needles that cause minimal tissue trauma.

The preparations contain elements that are very beneficial for the skin.

Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid

What exactly can these cosmetics do? Much. However, the essence of what is happening in the skin is simple and clear. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the main active ingredient in Teosyal youth-restoring cosmetics. She is unique. Being a polysaccharide, HA catalyzes the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin in the dermis. Therefore, when its quantity progressively decreases with age, targeted delivery of the missing amount quickly and effectively solves the problem.

Clusters of hyaluronic acid molecules, entering the dermis, first disintegrate into mono-particles, and then begin to connect into “building bricks”, consisting of the number of monoblocks necessary for the process of rejuvenation or correction of facial contours.


These drugs do not cause any harm to the body: this fact has been proven by five years of research and a huge number of procedures performed (almost 1.5 million injections). The average incidence of side effects is 1 case per 15 thousand sessions. These are very low figures among all hyaluronic acid-based drugs.

The drug does not harm the body

How is the procedure performed?

Injections with Teosial Redensity 2 are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient signs up for the procedure. To do this, simply contact us by selecting the desired time.
  2. An initial consultation is carried out. During it, the doctor finds out the presence of contraindications and the possibility of performing injections.
  3. The affected area is treated. An antiseptic is used for this.
  4. The doctor administers the drug.
  5. The affected area is treated again.
  6. The specialist provides follow-up advice, explaining how to speed up the healing process and how to deal with possible side effects.

The main advantages of Teosyal

The main advantage of the gels from this company is that they use hyaluronic acid, which is very well purified. It is not only manufactured in compliance with all necessary standards, but in some aspects it can even exceed them. Because of this, complications when using Teosyal are much less common.

Teosial has its pros and cons

The advantages also include the duration of the effect: when using Teosial preparations, the positive effect lasts for about a year. With maintenance sessions, the effect can be prolonged.

Interesting ! At the same time, conventional fillers from most manufacturers guarantee a visual result lasting on average about six months or a little more.

Where to buy

Since the drug is one of the most popular products in injection cosmetology, there have been cases of its falsification.

To avoid purchasing a counterfeit product, it is better to buy it from an official distributor. In Russia it is the Academy of Scientific Beauty. You can buy Teosial from other suppliers off- and online.

In this case, the risk is that it is not known how original the purchased filler is or under what conditions it was transported and stored.

Age at which these products should be used

As a rule, biological age is not considered the main factor when using line products with hyaluronic acid; mesotherapy and facial contouring can be used for almost every girl or woman over 18 years of age. Typically, the indications are complaints from patients about the appearance of wrinkles in the neck (they occur even in young people) or the appearance of folds in the forehead and facial wrinkles, which also do not always depend on age.

Teosyal can be used by patients over 18 years of age

Interesting ! Age, thickness and density of the skin, the degree of manifestation of imperfections - these are the main characteristics, based on which the cosmetologist makes his choice which drug is best suited for sessions.

Problems of mature skin

35 years is a landmark age in the life of every woman.
This is a period of maturity, including for the skin. Structural changes are taking place within it. The basement membrane cells of the epidermis slow down the process of continuous division, so the lower layer of the epidermis becomes thinner. At the same time, dead scales of the upper layer of skin are in no hurry to leave its surface, so the stratum corneum grows by leaps and bounds. At the same time, the usual cellular activity in the depths of the dermis decreases, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases. The fibers consisting of them become loose and are located chaotically in the main substance. The amount of hyaluronic acid, a natural skin moisturizer, decreases. Age-related disruption of microcirculation and tissue trophism causes muscle dystrophy and leads to changes in facial contours. This process is aggravated by hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen levels. Visually, such changes are called aging: wrinkles, peeling, age spots appear, and the skin takes on an unkempt appearance. Something needs to be done about this!

List of main contraindications

There is a general list of conditions and processes in which the use of products containing hyaluronic acid is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual hypertrophied sensitivity to drugs;
  • tendency of the skin to develop keloid scars;
  • history of seizure disorders or epilepsy, especially in cases where seizures cannot be controlled with medications.

If there is at least one contraindication, the procedure cannot be performed

If the composition contains a substance such as lidocaine for anesthesia, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to it.

There is also a list of certain contraindications for the general implementation of any such procedures:

  • age less than eighteen years;
  • presence of alcohol and drugs in the blood.

In some cases, after manipulation, you may encounter the following side effects:

  • the formation of residual visible marks from the needle, as well as micro-bruises after damage to blood vessels;
  • slight swelling of the tissue in the place where the product was injected;
  • the face may become asymmetrical when aligning the facial contour;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​drug administration;
  • small compactions caused by the proliferation of connective tissue.

Complications occur in rare cases

Interesting ! These effects may be considered part of the skin's normal response to the procedure and will usually subside within about a week. You should only worry if this effect persists for a long time.

Healing period

As a rule, results are visible immediately after the session. The skin becomes more:

  • soft;
  • elastic;
  • shining;
  • moisturized.


If the dermis is sensitive, after injection of filler the following may appear:

  • swelling;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • bruising;
  • changes in sensitivity.

If you follow the doctor's recommendations, all these phenomena disappear within a week without consequences.

Unusual complications

In addition to the expected consequences, the following may appear:

  • granulomas;
  • fibrosis (tissue hardening);
  • gel protrusion (contouring);
  • embolism;
  • necrosis.

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately report them to your doctor.

Post-procedure care

To prolong the effect of the gel, the manufacturer recommends:

  • for the first 3 days, refrain from drinking alcohol and physical activity;
  • during the first 2 weeks, avoid going to the dentist, solariums, baths, saunas and other exposure to high temperatures;
  • do not use anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs for a week;
  • Wipe the treated area with an antiseptic.

If bruises and bruises appear, the cosmetologist may prescribe a wound-healing and soothing ointment.

Taking any medications during the rehabilitation period should be agreed with your doctor.

Session outline

Typically, biorevitalization is performed according to a fairly standard procedure. It is worth paying attention that such manipulations should be performed exclusively by a qualified and experienced cosmetologist.

Before the gel is injected, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Usually this is a special cream or lidocaine. If it is already contained in the preparation, it is, of course, not used additionally.

Before the procedure, the skin surface is disinfected

Next, the gel itself is introduced - this process takes approximately thirty minutes. After administration, massage is performed to ensure that the drug is evenly distributed under the skin.

The last stage involves reintroducing the anesthetic.

An anesthetic must be used

How long the visible result will last usually depends on the characteristics of the skin, the original reason for the procedure, as well as the age characteristics and habits of the patient. It happens that difficulties arise due to the lack of qualifications of the cosmetologist who performs the manipulations.

Interesting ! In most situations, the effect lasts approximately 10-12 months when using a set of drugs from the Teosyal line.

When using the Kiss product, the session is carried out so that the result does not stop for up to 12 months, the same period of validity for UltraDeep, and for the Ultimate product – up to 18 months.

Teosial Redensity for biorevitalization

In cosmetology practice there are three types of biorevitalization rejuvenation procedures:

  • Prevents aging when first generation mono cosmetic products with HA (Teosyal Puresense Redensity) are used. They moisturize the dermis and correct metabolic processes in it. Such prevention involves three restorative procedures over a couple of months, followed by a maintenance injection every six months.
  • Classical rejuvenation is a deeper restoration of the skin with HA injections with the addition of a complex of amino acids and vitamins. The course is designed for 3-5 procedures.
  • Hardware revitalization is a non-invasive technique based on laser beams using cosmetics of the latest, third generation. They are able to introduce HA nanocapsules into the epidermis. Then, the laser splits them into monoblocks, which bind moisture in the skin, providing hydration and correction of fine wrinkles.

There is also photorejuvenation using a light pulse, but it is only effective for correcting age spots. At the same time, this method of revitalization narrows pores, so before using it, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

When biorevitalizing with drugs from the Teosyal line using non-reticular (non-animal) hyaluronic acid (analogous to natural), the following changes are achieved:

  • the natural mantle of the skin is restored, protecting it from negative environmental influences;
  • the production of your own collagen by the dermis is activated, it becomes elastic, as in youth;
  • tissue trophism improves, facial contours are tightened;
  • blood microcirculation is normalized, skin color is evened out;
  • The basal layer of the epidermis is saturated with moisture, and the stratum corneum is freed from horny scales, so the formed wrinkles are smoothed out, and small ones disappear completely.

How should you care for your skin after the procedure?

After the session is completed, taking care of your own skin falls directly on the patient. In order to avoid swelling and other problems, the following requirements must be met:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • try to avoid increasing the ambient temperature (exclude sauna, solarium);
  • minimize physical activity;
  • do not visit the pool;
  • Do not massage the area where the product was injected.

Certain recommendations must be followed to avoid complications

Line of Teosyal RHA fillers for correction of dynamic areas of the face

The Teosyal RHA line of innovative dynamic fillers includes 4 drugs, each of which has its own characteristic features:

  • Teosyal RHA 1 has a hyaluronic acid concentration of 15 mg/ml, and is optimally suited for the correction of forehead and glabellar wrinkles, as well as purse-string, peribuccal and parotid wrinkles. The drug must be administered at the intradermal level;
  • Teosyal RHA 2 is a filler with a concentration of hyaluronic acid of 23 mg/ml, injections of which are indicated for the correction of the glabellar region, perioral zone, crow's feet, nasolabial fold and temples. The level of drug administration is subdermal;
  • Teosyal RHA 3 – concentration of hyaluronic acid in the preparation is 23 mg/ml. Indications for use of the drug are correction of the eyebrow area, nasolabial folds, marionette wrinkles, as well as the temporal region. The recommended level of administration is subdermal;
  • Teosyal RHA 4 is a drug with a concentration of hyaluronic acid of 23 mg/ml, injections of which at the subdermal or supraperiosteal level are indicated for the correction of the eyebrow area, chin, cheekbones, marionette lines, as well as the lower jaw area.

The line of unique Teosyal RHA fillers allows the specialist to make the right choice among four effective drugs for optimal correction of the patient’s aesthetic deficiencies.

How much do the procedures cost?

Typically, the price of a session depends on the density of the gel used and the quantity of it introduced. Usually the cost is considered quite average: from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Teosyal Ultimate30-34 t.r. / 3 milliliters.
Teosyal Ultra Deep12 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Kiss16 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Deep Lines14 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Global Action14 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal First Line7 t.r. / 0.7 milliliters.
Teosyal Touch UP7 t.r. / 0.7 milliliters.
Teosyal Meso5.5 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Meso Expert12 t.r. / 3 milliliters.

Existing Alternatives

Unfortunately, Teosyal has not yet received final certification for FDA approval in America, so some estheticians recommend using other approved fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. However, it should be noted that these drugs do not last so long.

Restylane or Juvederm is sometimes used instead of Teosyal.

Restylane contains calcium hydroxyapatite as a base - it helps eliminate wrinkles, skin folds, and increase the volume of the cheeks. Procedures are carried out once every 8 months.

Interesting ! The disadvantages of such a drug include the inability to dissolve in the same way as drugs based on hyaluronic acid - this leads to the fact that if the result is not satisfactory, the patient will have to wait a long time for the drug to dissolve.

The effect of Restylane lasts for a shorter period of time

Sculptra - this drug is made on the basis of poly-L-lactic acid, it is used to correct the shape of the face with sunken cheeks and design the area under the eyes. Usually the results become noticeable after about 2 months and last up to two years.

Important ! If side effects occur, removal may be difficult.


Indications for use

As a rule, they are used from the age of 35, but if signs of skin aging appear earlier, earlier therapy is allowed. The only restriction is age under 18 years.

Treatment is prescribed when:

  • small and medium wrinkles;
  • dryness, dullness and sagging skin;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • rosacea;
  • photodermatosis;
  • as a preventative against aging.

And also in an effort to shape or enlarge certain areas of the face.

The variety of drugs in the line allows it to be used on different areas of the face and body. So, filler can be injected:

  • into the tear trough;
  • lips and the area around them (perironal);
  • under the eyes and in the area around them (periorbital);
  • décolleté, hands, neck area;
  • to any part of the face.

Glycolic peeling Teosyal

This procedure can also be performed using Teosial products. This is a chemical peeling of the skin surface using glycolic acid. The desired concentration of the composition of this peeling can be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the skin - there are products containing the active substance from 20 to 70%.

Glycolic peeling is also performed using Teosyal.

This product line provides a complete set of tools in order to successfully carry out the full peeling cycle procedure.

  1. Post-procedure care products (protective creams).
  2. Neutralizing agent for glycolic acid.
  3. Means used to pre-prepare the skin.
  4. Cleansing preparations.

As you can see, the Teosial complex of drugs has in its assortment all the necessary drugs so that you can successfully perform procedures to restore beauty and youth for any woman.

Interesting ! After consultation with a cosmetologist, you can choose the ideal products, taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin.

Instructions for introduction

Depending on the type of filler and the existing problem, it can be injected using various techniques. In any case, it is important to prepare the skin for the session:

  • abandon aggressive skincare procedures 2 weeks in advance;
  • limit alcohol consumption and stop taking blood thinning medications three days before injections.

Following these rules will help speed up the process of skin rehabilitation after the injection of fillers.

Teosyal should not be injected into blood vessels. Injections at home are also prohibited, since in this case it will not be possible to ensure the necessary sterility and there is a risk of tissue infection. You should agree to beauty injections in a salon (clinic) with special permission to carry out such procedures.

Improper administration of the drug can provoke a number of serious complications, so it is better to contact an experienced cosmetologist with higher education and many positive patient reviews.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Ivanov Grigory, cosmetologist

“I have been using Teosyal for more than 10 years - during this time my patients have not encountered any side effects from the use of drugs, so I can conclude that these products are the best of their kind. Their price is paid off by the long-lasting effect, I recommend everyone to pay attention to these products.”

Liliya Smekhova, cosmetologist

“Teosial is the most effective line of all that I have used in my practice. I receive a large number of reviews from grateful clients, since the result often exceeds all possible expectations, especially when using skincare products from the same brand."

How does the procedure work?

Before administering biorevitalizant, a preliminary consultation is carried out, during which the following issues are discussed:

  • the patient's expectations from the upcoming therapy;
  • treatment options and drug selection;
  • diseases that were in the anamnesis, taking into account chronic diseases;
  • contraindications.

The patient must disclose whether injection rejuvenation treatment has been performed previously. If yes, what filler was used?

Also, before introducing the gel, an informed consent for the procedure is signed, indicating that the patient has been warned about possible complications.

Administration of injections

Mesotherapy, biorevitalization or contour plastic surgery includes the following stages:

  1. The patient's face is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The use of anesthesia is discussed in each individual case. As a rule, no anesthetic is required, but for greater comfort, anesthetic creams and/or a special line of Teosyal® PureSense with lidocaine may be used.
  3. Next, Teosyal gel is injected using a sterile syringe, the amount of which depends on the area being treated. Instead of a syringe with a special needle, a cannula can be used.
  4. After injections, light massaging of the treated areas is allowed for a softer distribution of the drug.
  5. Repeated asepsis is performed.
  6. A sedative is applied.

The procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Important point! Before administering the filler, the doctor must open the package in the presence of the patient, pay attention to the expiration date of the drug, as well as the fact that the package has not been damaged previously. It is prohibited to store opened filler.

After the session, the patient is given a card indicating the date, type of procedure and gel that was used.

Patient reviews

Victoria, St. Petersburg

“I used the drug Teosial Kiss to correct the shape of my lips. The most important thing is not only to choose a drug, but also to choose the right specialist. I had to do the correction twice, but the result was still not as expected. The products themselves are very good - if I had not seen the effect in the mirror, I would not have remembered its presence in the body. The natural look came to the lips after the drug dissolved. Some time after the correction, my lips shrunk again, and I’m ready to repeat the procedure, but this time I will choose a more qualified specialist.”

Marina, Volgograd

“I started using fillers when I was about 30 years old - after a difficult period in my life, I visually aged a lot, the first expression wrinkles appeared, circles under the eyes, and the skin lost its tone. Having turned to my cosmetologist, I, on her recommendation, decided to use local administration of the drug. We used Teosial Fest Lines - a very light gel. One syringe for problem areas turned out to be too much! The effect has lasted for six months, and I plan to complete a course of Teosial Meso procedures to consolidate the result.”

Contraindications for use

The use of Teosyal fillers is not allowed if the patient:

  • age under 18 years;
  • infectious disease of any origin - bacterial, viral, fungal;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • there are benign or malignant formations;
  • epilepsy and other mental illnesses;
  • skin rashes;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • fear of injections;
  • the presence of permanent implants at the site of gel injection;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 1

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 2

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 3

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