Acne on the feet and between the toes: causes and treatments
A rash in the form of pimples often appears on the hands. Dusty air, consumption of “unhealthy” food and
Why does diaper redness occur and how to deal with it?
In people with severe illnesses who are forced to spend all or most of their time in a position
Amoxicillin for acne on the face photo
Instructions for use AMOXIKLAV® (AMOKSIKLAV®)
Amoxicillin for acne on the face Application Warning Therapeutic effects of Amoxicillin that it has on
red spots on the skin
Red spots on the skin: what will the dermatologist say?
Redness on the skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon for both adults and children. How
"Viferon": what it helps with, instructions for use, where to buy at a good price
Viferon in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections
Treating ARVI, influenza and other viral infections is usually more difficult than preventing them, especially
12 best face creams with a lifting effect - rating for 2021
Creams with a lifting effect are classified as anti-aging cosmetics. Their tasks include restoring elasticity,
effective anti-wrinkle cream after 40
TOP 10 best anti-aging face creams after 45
After 45 years, the body experiences hormonal changes, which are primarily reflected in the skin
How to choose the best remedy for comedones on the face?
Dermatovenereologist (cosmetologist) Baichorova Marua Azretovna Experience 21 years Dermatologist (cosmetologist) Make an appointment Permanent
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How to use concealers from the mac 15 color palette. How to use the mac 15 color concealer palette
The mac concealer palette has revolutionized the makeup industry. It's not new that it's special
Brushing can damage the skin
Facial cleansing devices. Types, Top 5 best for home use. How to choose, how to use
Why do you need a facial cleanser? How to choose a device for home use? How to do it right
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