5 minutes – and minus years! Shiatsu massage for facial rejuvenation

Modern science has long been skeptical of Eastern medicine. However, today many aspects of traditional teachings are actively used to treat certain diseases.

For example, in Japan in the 40s of the last century, practical therapy arose based on the ancient theory of circulation of Qi energy. Shiatsu massage, also known as Shiatsu or Siatsu, is an increasingly popular method of influencing certain points, which is used not only for therapeutic but also for cosmetic purposes.

How is Japanese massage beneficial for the body, how effective is it and how to use it correctly?

Features of the technique

Shiatsu is a type of Japanese acupressure that stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, and also has a positive effect on thoughts and energy flows in the human body. Its name literally translates to “fingers” and “to press.”

And despite the fact that the technique arose relatively recently, it is considered a modern adaptation of the traditional Japanese “amma” massage, which local healers have been practicing for centuries.

Thanks to the targeted effect, the shiatsu massage procedure not only brings pleasant sensations, but also provides a healing effect. By pressing with your fingers and palms on certain places, you can stimulate the functions of the body's immune system, make the skin elastic and healthy, and relieve a person from various diseases and ailments.

How does the procedure affect the body?

In order for the effect on biologically active points to be positive, minimal knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.

What can you expect from a Japanese massage course?

  • The overall effect is stimulation of the functioning of organs and systems, restoration of strength and energy reserves.
  • Relieving nervous tension , preparing the body for a full night's sleep. It is useful to have a massage after a hard day at work; the procedure will relieve fatigue and discomfort.
  • The technique is designed for complex action - not only the physical shell of a person receives help. With targeted manipulations, contact is established with emotional and spiritual energy.

According to the latest data, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of shiatsu (shiatsu) practice. However, it has received a license from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, is actively used and is constantly being improved.

Who shouldn't do it?

Despite the fact that Japanese massage is a safe procedure, there are certain contraindications, in the presence of which it is not recommended to resort to such effects on the facial skin. Among them are the following:

  • problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • the presence of acne or any rashes on the skin of the face;
  • rosacea and ARVI;
  • too sensitive skin;
  • regular fatigue syndrome.

You should take into account the fact that Japanese facial massage has a strong effect on the body's lymphatic system. That is why it can cause the rapid progression of the above diseases and ailments

Features of Shiatsu: advantages and disadvantages

Shiatsu massage is used to restore the energetic, physical, and psychological balance of the body in several procedures. Experts include the main advantages of this technique:

  • Pressure is applied to the necessary areas in a targeted manner, so recovery can be directed both to a specific area and to the entire body;
  • The effect is felt after the first massage;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • Effective elimination of headaches, pain in the arms and lower back, also effective for stress, constipation, diarrhea, etc.;
  • Receiving unprecedented peace during the procedure: massage calms the nerves and smoothes out the manifestations of neuroses.

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The rather high cost of one procedure from a master is the only drawback of massage, but it also comes to naught if you perform Shiatsu at home.

Indications for the use of Japanese massage

A course of shiatsu therapy is recommended for preventive purposes and for the treatment of various diseases and pathological conditions.

You can expect a positive effect in the following cases:

  1. With impaired blood circulation.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Malfunction of the intestines.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the spine.
  5. Diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus.
  6. Colds.
  7. Age-related changes in the skin.
  8. Headaches, including migraines.
  9. Circulatory disorders.
  10. Overweight, obesity.
  11. Nervous disorders.
  12. Decreased libido.
  13. Frequent pressure changes.
  14. Nocturnal urinary incontinence.
  15. Varicose veins.
  16. Convulsions and paralysis.

Acupressure procedures can eliminate the primary symptoms of the disease, normalize metabolism and eliminate pain. Moreover, they do not treat diseases, but “force” the body to accumulate its own strength to fight them.

History of creation

Reflexologist Tokuiro Namikoshi founded the Shiatsu College back in 1940. What it is, literally deciphered in the name, “shi” - fingers, “atsu” - to press. The therapy is based on the anatomical and physiological scientific knowledge of the Western movement. The secrets of acupuncture in symbiosis with the achievements of European medicine became the basis for the doctor’s developments.

Initially, Tokuiro Namikoshi studied traditional Chinese medicine and its effect on the body to treat his mother. Features of execution include the use of fingers and palms

It is important to thoroughly study the special points; it is their activation that ensures the restoration of the flow of vital energy Qi

Unlike other cosmetic massages, Kobido, Asahi Zogan, according to Alena Sobol, Shiatsu has a therapeutic effect. It is possible to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Thanks to pressure on important points, relaxation, harmonization, and restoration of emotional balance occur.

There are also features at the preparation stage. To perform Kobido, steaming of the integument is required; when performing Asahi Zogan, the skin is cleansed with oat milk. Shiatsu requires anatomical and physiological knowledge in order to achieve not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect.

Reviews about the effect

Shiatsu massage is a modern method of facial rejuvenation without expensive procedures, based on ancient Eastern traditions. Mastering the procedure does not take much time, and the results usually appear after the first session. If you follow the self-massage technique and proven recommendations, then using the Japanese technique at home will be safe and most effective.

  • The effect of the massage may not be immediately noticeable. After one session, a person can relax, their complexion will change to healthier and fresher. Due to this, you can look younger. But more significant changes will come only after 7 – 10 sessions. In particular, if the purpose of the massage was a therapeutic effect, for example, getting rid of a runny nose, then it will not be possible to get rid of it in a session.
  • “It was difficult to believe that facial massage could achieve the same effect as expensive creams or Botox. But as a person prone to experimentation, I decided to try an unfamiliar method on myself. I didn’t expect a quick effect, but after the third session the “crow’s feet” on the outside of the eyes noticeably decreased. “In addition, I learned to relax, which at the same time solved the problem with insomnia.” — Nastya, 36 years old.
  • “Due to age, wrinkles began to appear in the corners of my lips and eyes. I decided to approach the issue radically and tried Botox. I liked the effect, but I didn’t want to constantly take “health injections,” and besides, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my face, like a wall cracked from age, had been covered with putty, which would sooner or later fall off anyway.
  • A friend told me about Shiatsu massage, but I was skeptical about the massage, because I was sure that massage could not compete with Botox. But after the massage course, my face was noticeably smoother and the effect was almost the same as from injections, and I did not experience any discomfort. but only one pleasure from both the process and the effect.” , Inna, 44 years old.
  • I suffer from frequent colds and have already spent a fortune on medicine. At a certain point, I realized that this could not continue like this, and that I needed to look for alternative methods of dealing with constant runny nose and colds. And this method for me was Shiatsu facial massage. I forgot not only about the cold, but also about the headache, and a pleasant bonus was my rejuvenated appearance and healthy complexion

Elena, 40 years old: “Shiatsu acupressure facial massage helped not only get rid of annoying wrinkles, but also relieve headaches. In addition, the procedure is so calming and relaxing that you want to repeat it again and again. I took a massage course and am very pleased with the result. The skin of the face is fresh, rested, toned. I recommend this technique to all my friends.”

Christina, 38 years old: “I have been practicing the Shiatsu technique for a long time, but I practiced it more for health purposes. I recently discovered that, in addition to its healing effect, massage also has a rejuvenating effect. I first tested it on myself - within a week of intensive training, fine wrinkles began to disappear, and deep ones became less noticeable.

Inna, 35 years old: “Thanks to self-massage using the Shiatsu technique, at 35 I look like I’m 20-something. I work out at home regularly. In just a few courses, I said goodbye to facial wrinkles, tightened the oval of my face, and the skin acquired a pleasant shade and velvety texture. Not a wrinkle on my face. No creams have a similar effect.”

Points of influence on the body

Shiatsu acupressure massage is an effect on channels and meridians invisible to the human eye, or more precisely on the points located on them. The most studied of them are 12 channels and 8 meridians; the vital energy of the whole organism circulates through them.

You can note the main points that respond positively to massage movements:

  1. If you press on the arm between the hand and the elbow, you can get rid of muscle fatigue in the limb.
  2. There is a point 5-6 cm below the umbilical cavity, by massaging which you can restore the energy balance of the body.
  3. It is not difficult to reduce nervous tension; just massage the points located just below the popliteal fossa.
  4. Impact on the earlobes helps normalize sound sleep.
  5. By kneading the middle of the feet vertically and the center of the palm, you can improve your appetite.
  6. Chest massage will help cope with nicotine addiction.
  7. By pressing on your temples and stretching the bridge of your nose, you can get rid of headaches and increase your attention.
  8. In the center of the popliteal cavities there are points associated with back pain.
  9. To reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause - weakness, hot flashes, mood swings, it is recommended to apply pressure on the center of the forehead and chin.

It is important!

When using the Shiatsu technique, do not forget that this therapeutic technique cannot cure chronic diseases.

Main types

There are several types of procedures using this technique. The following body parts are massaged:

  • Feet.
  • Whole body.
  • Back.
  • Face.
  • Breast.
  • Head.

By working on your feet, the massage therapist will quickly help you relieve tension and fatigue. There are a large number of biologically active points on a person’s feet, by working on which one can cure certain diseases, for example, internal organs, spine and head.

A massage using the Shiatsu method of the whole body will help relieve tension, restore mobility, eliminate muscle tension and pathological processes in the body, and calm the nervous system. By massaging your back using the Shiatsu method, a specialist will help eliminate problems with the spine, restore it after injuries, and relieve muscle tension.

Japanese therapy, applied to the face area, will help get rid of headaches, eliminate congestion (sinusitis, otitis media, etc.), relieve headaches and rejuvenate the skin. The Shiatsu breast massage procedure can only be applied to men, since pressure techniques in this area are contraindicated for women due to their physiological characteristics.

Head massage therapy using this method helps not only to get rid of headaches, but also to eliminate many psychological problems.

How to carry out the procedure safely

If you decide to conduct a Japanese massage yourself, then first study the recommendations for preparing and correctly performing the session. Experts recommend setting aside time for the procedure in the morning, since at this time the effectiveness of this type of massage is especially high. However, you should not carry out the session in a hurry: if you have little time, it is better to postpone the procedure until the evening.

Preparation rules

When performing a home procedure, do not neglect the preparatory stage: any impurities left on the face can easily penetrate the skin during the session. Follow a few simple steps:

  1. Remove makeup.
  2. Treat the surface of your face with toner.
  3. Steam your face by patting it with a hot towel or holding it over the steam for 10 minutes.
  4. Lubricate your skin with a non-greasy nourishing cream.

Be sure to wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic to prevent infection from entering open pores.

Massage points and procedure technique

When performing a Shiatsu massage, it is very important to correctly determine the location of biologically active points: it is in them that energy accumulates, the release of which provides a positive effect on the entire body. They have a diameter of about 1–3 mm and are located on certain areas of the face.

The impact on each point is carried out simultaneously with three fingers (index, middle and ring) or only with the pad of the thumb. The direction of pressure on active areas must be perpendicular to the skin. The duration of exposure is 5–6 seconds. When treating delicate areas (eyelids, ears and neck), you should limit yourself to three seconds of pressing on the points, and for the area of ​​the chin, cheekbones, nose and forehead, the pressing time can be increased to six seconds.

The massage is carried out simultaneously with both hands, since the active points are located symmetrically. They need to be worked through not in a chaotic order, but in strict sequence. The following table will help you navigate.

The Japanese massage procedure carried out in a salon is no different from home technique: the effect is on the same points and in a similar sequence.

The salon procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Makeup removal.
  2. Performing light peeling and preparing the skin using massage techniques.
  3. Impact on acupuncture points.
  4. Using a collagen mask for the eyelid area.

On average, a salon session takes about 35–40 minutes: its duration is determined by the number of areas to be massaged and subsequent care procedures. A one-time Shiatsu massage from a professional will cost approximately 1–3 thousand rubles.

If you decide to perform a massage yourself, then first of all you should take care of the safety of the session. Cosmetologists recommend visiting a professional master for the first time in order to properly master the Shiatsu technique, and then begin home procedures.


Carrying out the Shiatsu technique is prohibited if:

  • viral and infectious diseases,
  • acute stage of chronic diseases,
  • decreased intracranial pressure,
  • skin lesions and diseases,
  • allergic and inflammatory manifestations on the face,
  • vascular network,
  • neurological diseases,
  • decreased blood clotting.

Possible consequences

Although this type of self-massage is one of the most gentle methods, performing the procedure incorrectly can lead to negative consequences:

  • with excessively intense pressure on the skin, hematomas can form,
  • if the procedure is carried out in the presence of identified contraindications, there is a risk of severe adverse consequences associated with circulatory disorders and damage to the facial nerves,
  • Pressing the area for too long can cause numbness in the treated area,
  • When you scroll your finger while pressing on the working point, there is a high probability of stretching the skin.

Remember that there should not be severe pain during the session: the appearance of unpleasant sensations indicates excessive pressure on the area.

Security measures

The session will be safe if you adhere to the following requirements:

  • trim your nails and remove rings to avoid scratches,
  • press strictly on the biologically active point without displacing the skin,
  • follow the recommended breaks between courses,
  • do not sunbathe or visit the solarium immediately before and after the procedure,
  • try to relax your facial muscles as much as possible during the session.

Table: pros and cons of Shiatsu massage

Before the procedure, the specialist prepares your skin for the procedure as follows:

  • Treat the face with lotion, cosmetic milk or other product.
  • To relax the muscles, warm the skin with a hot, pleasant compress or take a steam bath for 10 minutes.
  • They often light an aroma lamp with a pleasant smell and turn on relaxing music.
  • For greater effectiveness, 5 minutes before the procedure, apply vitamin cream to the face.
  • If the skin is oily, the specialist will suggest a cleansing mask, and for aging skin - peeling.

Then, the master begins the massage: Depending on which internal organ needs to be affected more or less, the pressure will be from a light touch with the fingertips to the strongest possible pressure. The master can do shiatsu therapy with one or both hands. To influence a weakened or diseased organ of the patient, the specialist finds the corresponding points on the face and applies pressure for 3 to 7 seconds.

The eyes are massaged with the palm, and other points with 3 fingers at once: index, ring and middle. After the procedure, the master will remove excess cream with a disposable napkin. Average cost of a session in the salon: A visit to an experienced master will cost you an average of 2-3 thousand rubles. A specialist with less experience will conduct the procedure costs around 1 thousand rubles.

The secret to quick rejuvenation

The famous Japanese makeup artist, creator of Evangelist cosmetics, suggests combining lymphatic and acupressure massage for quick rejuvenation. The specialist claims that this approach will help you quickly get rid of waste, toxins, and excess water in the body.


“When two healing techniques are performed simultaneously, the lymphatic and circulatory systems begin to work effectively, metabolism returns to normal, so rapid facial rejuvenation occurs.”

— Yanagijuku Jukucho

First, lymphatic massage is performed, and then acupressure.


Stagnant lymph allows waste and toxins into the body. Massage improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid and removes congestion in the lymph nodes. By improving the circulation of the lymphatic system, it is easy to get rid of excess water in the body, cellulite, dull complexion, dry skin, wrinkles and many other ailments. In addition, lymphatic massage improves metabolism and blood circulation in the body.

pic 3

To obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is necessary to follow the massage technique.

  • All exercises are carried out exactly along the lines indicated in Figure 3 and exactly in the direction where the arrows point.
  • The procedure is performed with the entire hand, with exceptions being places where it is not possible to do this.
  • Lymph is located between the skin and muscles. Lightly stroking your face will give you a skin massage. Pressing hard on the muscles. Therefore, the pressure on the skin should be medium.
  • The point of the Japanese procedure is to disperse the lymph to the lymph nodes, so from the beginning to the end of each movement, the hands are not taken off the skin. Any manipulations on the lymph nodes end (see Fig. 3, marked in yellow).
  • Each movement is performed at least three times; if the face is neglected, 5 approaches are required.

Massage movements:

  1. We smooth the forehead and drive the lymph to the ear (the lymph node is located here), and we do the same with the chin.
  2. From the nasolabial fold we move our hands to the ear, without lifting them from the skin.
  3. We draw lines from the eyes through the lower cheekbone to the lymph node.
  4. Starting from the outside of the eye, draw a semicircle, moving along the lower cheekbone to the nose, along the eyebrow and to the lymph node.
  5. Starting from the ear, we run our hands along the neck, to the collarbone (to the next lymph node).

Preparatory moments and nuances of therapy

Before starting the procedure, the specialist evaluates the patient’s appearance, the condition of his skin and physique, identifying problem areas.

Then he feels the points located in the recesses of the joints and tendons, in the places where large vessels pass and between muscle fibers. As a rule, an experienced massage therapist does not have any difficulties with this.

During the procedure, the specialist uses his own hands - fingertips, phalanges, palms. The use of additional tools is also practiced. A shiatsu massager can consist of metal balls or sticks.

On average, a therapeutic course consists of 10 procedures and each time the pressure increases.

About massage techniques

In Japan, a professional master of shiatsu techniques must have a license and first undergo 3 years of training. But, the technique is quite suitable for home use, including as self-massage.

In this case, it is advisable to take into account some features:

  • To enhance the effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a day.
  • The intensity of the pressure is adjusted individually, depending on the person’s obesity.
  • The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if you apply cream or milk to the skin before it. It is recommended to pre-clean your face with peeling or scrub.

Rejuvenating shiatsu technique for the face

The Japanese shiatsu technique should not be underestimated; its benefits for facial skin are not worth it. Massage relaxes muscles, stimulates energy flows, eliminates tension and slows down the aging process.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Use the tips of the second and fourth fingers of both hands to pat the area under the eyes, cheeks and cheekbones. The pads should be moved fairly quickly.
  2. Three fingers of both hands are located above the eyebrows. Using light pressure, they should be drawn from the eyebrows to the base of the hair growth.
  3. Using three fingers of both hands, you need to stroke your cheeks - from the nose to the temples.
  4. Using two fingers, use stroking movements to massage the area from the upper lip to the earlobes.
  5. To get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, you need to press on the corners of your lips using two fingers.

Through therapy, you can improve your facial skin, restore youth by removing toxins and restoring water balance.

Shiatsu massage for weight loss

In the arsenal of Japanese technology there are several exercises aimed at losing weight. We are talking about influencing certain points that accelerate metabolism, reduce appetite, and replenish energy resources. Also, with the help of massage, you can normalize the state of the nervous system, relax and calm down.

The weight loss program consists of a set of movements:

  1. You should press on the point located at the junction of the ear and jaw. The procedure lasts 1 minute.
  2. You need to feel the bone on the inside of your leg, a little above your foot, and massage it.
  3. By using your fingertips on the temporal region and bridge of the nose in the eyebrow area, you can replenish the lack of energy.
  4. By stroking the back of the neck and the crown of the head, the person losing weight relaxes and gets rid of tension. This exercise is appropriate to perform before bed.

If you combine massage and diet, you can quickly achieve the expected result.

Yukuko Tanaka Method

An excellent rejuvenation technique was proposed by the famous Japanese Yukuko Tanaka. Her Japanese massage involves working on the lymphatic lines, so it should be done with cosmetic oil (without stretching the skin), slowly and smoothly. Gymnastics includes three repetitions of each movement.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Place your fingers at your temples, draw a line along the lymphatic channel, slowly sliding past your ears to your collarbones.
  2. Lead three fingers from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the outer lower corner of the eye and draw a line to the inner corner. Move your fingers up, draw a line under the brow to the outer corner of the eyelid.
  4. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the temple. Hold for two seconds and smoothly descend to the collarbone.
  5. Massage the corners of the lips, drawing a line from the center of the chin to the wings of the nose.
  6. Massage the wings of the nose, then the bridge of the nose with movements from bottom to top and back. Be sure to go down to the collarbones.
  7. Smooth out the nasolabial fold by pulling the corners of the lips towards the nostrils and holding in this position.
  8. Continue working on this area by placing one hand on your cheek, and the other drawing a perpendicular line, moving diagonally to the bridge of your nose. Go down to the collarbone. Repeat on the second cheek.
  9. Work the area under the eyes, pressing on the bone under the lower eyelid and continuing the movement past the ears to the collarbone.

Shiatsu points

There are sixteen magical shiatsu points, which, when stimulated, trigger the process of healing and rejuvenation.

No. 1. Forehead

Using two fingers, one above the other, walk along the entire forehead from the middle to the temples and back on both sides.

No. 2, 3, 4. Eyebrows and forehead

Place three fingers on your eyebrow so that one is in the middle, the second at the beginning, and the third at the outer corner. Press for 7 seconds. Then apply one finger to point 3, located at the outer corner of the eye. Point 4 is the place at the inner corner of the eye. You need to press on it for six seconds.

No. 5. Bridge of the nose

Press on the point between your eyebrows for a few seconds.

No. 6. Fixed eyelid

Apply to the sub-eyebrow area, do not touch the eyeball.

No. 7. Area under the eyes

Press the area under your eyes with the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers for seven seconds.

No. 8. Cheeks

Apply pressure to the subcheekbone area with three fingers of each hand. Five seconds is enough.

No. 9. Wings of the nose

Press on the wings of your nose with your middle fingers for five seconds.

No. 10. Nasolabial fold

Using your finger, apply pressure to the groove where the teeth cannot be felt for seven seconds.

No. 11. Corners of lips

Press with the pads of your middle fingers for 5–6 seconds.

No. 12. Dimple under the lower lip

Use your finger to touch the groove where the teeth cannot be felt. Press for 7 seconds.

No. 13. Lower jaw

Place three fingers on each side of your chin. Using your thumb, lightly pinch the bone and apply pressure for seven seconds. Work your way to the highest point on your cheekbones.

No. 14. Side points on the neck

The index finger should be lower and the ring finger higher. Press for three seconds.

No. 15. Jugular cavity

Press with the pad of your middle finger for three seconds on the cavity.

No. 16. Jaw joint

The index fingers are in the hole in front of the lobe. Medium - behind the ear. Press for five seconds.

How to work with dots on the face correctly

  • The index, middle and ring fingers are used for work.
  • The impact is made at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin.
  • The movements are not rubbing, but pressing. The skin should not move.
  • The pressure should be quite noticeable.
  • The duration of pressure on one point varies from five to seven seconds. The neck area is affected for 3 seconds.
  • All paired points are massaged simultaneously.
  • It is better to work with points in the morning or before bed.

Beautiful lips

With age, a person develops nasolabial folds, as well as vertical wrinkles around the mouth. If you use Shiatsu regularly, you can quickly get rid of this problem.

How to do:

  1. With your middle finger you need to activate the point above the lip. Active stimulation lasts 7 seconds, but no more.
  2. Using the same finger, gently press into the corners of your mouth on both sides. Perform massaging movements for 7 seconds. This will help smooth out any wrinkles that appear around the mouth.
  3. The last movement is to activate the place below the lip - in the hollow.

This method is often used to relieve toothache or swelling.

In what cases is shiatsu massage contraindicated?

Every most effective treatment technique has contraindications. Massage should not be done in case of inflammation and damage to the skin, as well as allergic manifestations.

In addition, it is better to abandon the Japanese technique in the following conditions:

  1. Diseases caused by infections.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. Neoplasms of various origins.
  4. Blood clotting disorders.
  5. The occurrence of hematomas as a result of mechanical impact on the skin.
  6. Acute stomach and intestinal pain.
  7. Fractures and dislocations.

Shiatsu massage for the face and body of a person brings undoubted benefits if it is done correctly, taking into account all the features. This technique, which has absorbed centuries of experience, “keeps up with the times”, develops and allows you to maintain vitality.

Video about rejuvenating facial massage at home

Eastern medicine has managed to discover some of the secrets of eternal youth. The result of open knowledge has become techniques where massage of biological active points is the basis for achieving the desired result. Are there effective techniques when you can do a facial massage yourself and at home? After all, looking attractive is a natural desire of women and men, but almost every one of them is frightened by the prospect of radical methods, plastic surgery, injections. You can learn therapeutic massage for facial rejuvenation quickly thanks to the following video tutorials.

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