Mask made of gelatin and activated carbon - recipe for the face

Today we will look at the secrets of the simplest recipes for masks based on activated carbon. Today, a black mask made of charcoal and gelatin is the most effective mask. It not only removes impurities from the skin, but also tightens pores and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

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The recipes for this mask are used by millions of women around the world. Let's find out how easy it is to prepare this mask at home.

The effectiveness of a mask with gelatin and charcoal for cleansing facial pores

A properly prepared gelatin mask against blackheads effectively cleanses and tightens pores, and has a slight lifting effect. Helps remove comedones and dry out oily skin. After its use, the unpleasant shine goes away, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin tone is evened out. But a mask cannot permanently get rid of acne, improve complexion or hide age-related changes.

Despite the fact that charcoal and gelatin help fight blackheads, their use is a difficult “test” for the skin. Therefore, this remedy should be used no more than once a week.

After 4-5 procedures, you should take a break for 30 days.

Only after the epidermis has recovered can cleansing procedures be resumed.

Causes of blackheads

There are many reasons why blackheads appear on the face.

The most common of them:

  • Eating fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods and sweets;
  • Clothing or cosmetics that block air access to the pores;
  • Heavy sweating;
  • High indoor humidity or humid climate;
  • Stress, premenstrual syndrome;
  • Use of certain steroid-based drugs;
  • Hormonal changes that are associated with adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy and the use of birth control pills.

How does a gelatin-based activated carbon mask work?

Human skin has a large number of pores. Some remove sweat, others remove sebum. This secret acts as a protective barrier, covering the skin with a thin layer, protecting it from the penetration of bacteria and protecting it from drying out.

With increased activity of the sebaceous glands, too much secretion is produced, it thickens and hardens in the pore cavity. After contact with air, the top of such a “plug” oxidizes and acquires a dark color. Blackheads, or comedones, appear on the face.

You can get rid of this problem with the help of cleansing procedures. A charcoal mask is one of the most effective remedies. This is explained by the sorption properties of coal, which attracts all harmful substances, including bacteria and toxins. The substance does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, since it is made from natural ingredients and has almost no contraindications.

Of great importance is the fact that coal is a medicinal product. This means that it undergoes appropriate testing and has a quality certificate.

Charcoal can be used for cleansing procedures in its pure form. But its hard particles can injure the epidermis. Therefore, for the procedure to bring only benefits, a softening base will be required. For this purpose, gelatin is used, which is based on natural collagen. In addition to cleansing, it has a slight tightening effect. This is especially important for aging skin, since as we age, the body produces less collagen, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

The mask is able to pull out any dirt from the pores, but it cannot cure acne, since it does not have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, when removing the mask, there is a risk of damage to the epidermis around the acne, which can cause inflammation to spread to healthy areas.


  1. Activated carbon has powerful cleansing properties. Thanks to its absorbent effect, it deeply cleanses pores of accumulated impurities, thereby preventing the formation of comedones.
  2. Charcoal masks prepared at home are in no way inferior to more expensive store-bought products. Already after the first procedure, there is a noticeable leveling of the relief, the number of blackheads decreases, and the face takes on a fresh, rested appearance.
  3. The most effective charcoal mask affects the problematic oily type of epidermis, relieving the skin of acne and other inflammatory elements.
  4. However, the product does not contain components with bactericidal anti-inflammatory properties, so such a mask will be useless in the treatment of acne.
  5. For those with dry skin, it is recommended to add other nutritional components to the formulation, which will have a softening effect on sensitive areas of the dermis.

Indications for use

A charcoal-gelatin mask is used to cleanse the face. Regular use helps clear the skin of blackheads. In addition, the mask helps remove small age spots, evens out and brightens the skin.

It can be used at any age, but it is especially effective for those whose skin is undergoing age-related changes, as it has a slight smoothing effect.

It is recommended to carry out the procedures in courses, but no longer than 5 weeks in a row and no more than 1-2 times a week. Upon completion of the course, you need to take a break for 4-6 weeks so that the epidermis has the opportunity to recover.

Beneficial features

The main feature of the gelatin face mask with activated carbon is the undeniable benefits for the skin of the ingredients included in its composition. They provide deep cleansing, normalize blood flow, and have a tonic effect.

Activated carbon

Dries the epidermis, removing excess sebum, narrows pores. It affects the activity of the sebaceous glands, helps reduce rashes, cleanses the skin, and stops the development of the inflammatory process.


Source of natural collagen. Quickly penetrates deep into the epidermis, softening it and making it more elastic. Provides it with natural protein, which takes part in all metabolic processes. Normalizes the activity of the glands that produce sebum and removes dead cells.

What to do if you can’t regularly visit a cosmetologist

Optimal for keeping pores clean after pumpkin peeling and its alternative for times when it is not possible to visit a cosmetologist is the DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask for home use.

Composition of Pumpkin Mask

  • 50% pumpkin pulp is a source of active ingredients for the skin: natural vitamin A, antioxidants, natural fruit acids and enzymes, pyrogens - substances that warm the skin, open and cleanse pores.
  • 3% mandelic acid is a fat-soluble acid that penetrates into pores and cleanses them. Has an antiseptic effect - prevention of inflammation.
  • 3% lactic acid – this percentage moisturizes and restores the skin.
  • 3% pumpkin enzymes and lactobacilli - restore healthy skin balance - microbiota, prevent bacterial growth.

The composition is similar to pumpkin peeling, but there are differences in acid composition and percentage. The acidity of the product - pH is also softer and more comfortable for independent use.

How it works and benefits of DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask

  • The principle of operation of the mask is similar to pumpkin peeling:
  • warms the skin, increases blood circulation
  • dissolves fatty film from the skin surface
  • dissolves blackheads and accumulations of horny scales inside pores
  • normalizes the amount and composition of sebum
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects

According to the study, after 1 use: dissolves blackheads by 95% and works as a home peeling by 83%.

  • Promotes healing and restoration of the skin due to natural Vitamin A.
  • This is an effective home peeling that can be used independently. It is a professional product with a high concentration of active ingredients.


The main contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to its components. In addition, it is not recommended to use a mask:

  • For dry skin. Gelatin can have a tightening effect, and charcoal dries. After using the mask, you may end up with dry, irritated skin.
  • For rosacea.
  • For open wounds, burns and purulent lesions.
  • With increased sensitivity.
  • It is not recommended to carry out the procedure after removing acne, or to apply the product to inflamed pimples.

Preparation and application rules

In order to prepare the product, you will need:

  • 2 tablets of coal.
  • 1 tsp. gelatin.
  • 2 tsp. milk.

Grind the coal into crumbs, mix with gelatin and pour in warm milk. To stir thoroughly. Heat the mixture in the microwave or in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves. Cool and start applying.

Since the mixture hardens quickly, before mixing the activated carbon mask with gelatin, it is necessary to prepare the skin.

Remove all makeup using a cleanser. If desired, you can take a light scrub to remove dead epidermal cells as much as possible.

Then the face should be steamed using herbal infusions. The greatest effect will be from chamomile infusion, but you can use mint, lemon balm, and thyme. To prepare the infusion, 2-3 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the vegetable raw material, close the lid and heat over low heat for 10 minutes. Then set aside and stand for a few minutes. When condensation has formed on the lid, you can begin the steaming procedure. Hold your face over the steam for several minutes until a slight blush appears. Then blot the skin with a clean napkin and apply the mixture.

How to apply

For application it is best to use a soft brush. The wide model is most suitable. It will help to quickly distribute the mixture in a thin, even layer.

If you don’t yet have experience in applying a mask, then you can first limit yourself to the T-zone, that is, distribute the mass on the forehead and wings of the nose. You can apply a small amount to the chin area. All movements must be made from bottom to top.

The product is applied in several layers, at least 2-3. The more there are, the easier it will be to remove it.

Since it hardens quickly, you should not hesitate, but immediately apply the next layer after the first. To particularly problem areas, apply with light patting movements.

How to shoot

For the first time, you need to leave the mask on your face for 5-7 minutes to check how the skin reacts to it. Remove without waiting for complete hardening. If the mixture dries out, it will be difficult to remove. It will begin to tear and peel off in scales. In this case, the process may be accompanied by painful sensations.

The best option is to remove the mask in one piece. Remove slowly and carefully, working from bottom to top. If necessary, you are allowed to help yourself with a small cosmetic spatula, carefully prying off the film. It is not recommended to rinse off with water, since the purpose of the mask is to “pull out” all the dirt from the pores. And when washed off, not all the fat will be removed and the pores will remain clogged.

If the product has dried out, do not rip it off your face. It is better to wet a napkin in warm water and apply it to your face for a few seconds. The mixture will soften a little and come off easily. If parts remain on the skin, they can be easily removed using a sponge moistened with warm water or tonic.

After the procedure, you should wash your face with cool water or massage your face with an ice cube to close the pores. After a few minutes, apply a light nourishing cream.

Recipes for masks for cleansing facial pores

To make an activated carbon mask, you will need a few ingredients. However, the composition can be supplemented with other components that have a softening or antiseptic effect.

Classic gelatin and charcoal mask

A mask of the activated substance according to the classic recipe is prepared from 1 tsp. gelatin, 1 tablet of coal and 1 tbsp. l. water.

All ingredients should be fresh, water should be at room temperature. Place the crushed tablet and gelatin into the prepared container. Pour in water and mix thoroughly. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves.

From gelatin, coal and honey

This option is more suitable for sensitive skin. Honey will soften it, enrich it with vitamins, and make it healthier.

Honey should be added to an already prepared composition. Use no more than 1/3 tsp. at once. If the mixture turns out thick, dilute it a little with milk.

From gelatin with coal and clay

Before adding clay to the mask, you should decide for what purpose it is used. Using blue clay you can remove puffiness and get rid of age spots. Yellow will help relieve inflammation and heal wounds, green will normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. For skin prone to comedones, black clay is the best option. This is a good sorbent that will help clean and dry the skin, rejuvenate and even out the tone.

Add 1 tsp to the prepared gelatin mask with activated carbon. clay. The result will be a thick mass, and to apply it to the face, you will have to use a cosmetic spatula or spatula.

Made from gelatin, eggs and coal

If a gelatin mask with charcoal is used as a peeling, then its composition can be supplemented with egg yolk, which will enrich the skin with important microelements. It is better not to use protein, as it has a drying property. Charcoal powder plays this role in the mask.

With aloe juice

A few drops of juice added to the mask will allow you to use it for problematic skin that needs deeper, but at the same time gentle cleansing.

Aloe has an antiseptic and healing effect, nourishes, moisturizes, evens out tone.

Despite all the positive properties, you should not apply the product to severely inflamed areas and leave it on your face for a long time.

Let's sum it up

Depending on the added components, a gelatin mask will help:

  • nourish the skin with collagen, vitamins and biologically significant elements;
  • tighten and smooth the skin, give it a healthy appearance;
  • make freckles less noticeable;
  • whiten the epidermis, remove age-related pigmentation;
  • moisturize and soften the epidermis;
  • improve color and even out tone;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles and reduce deep wrinkles;
  • improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • remove blackheads and comedones;
  • cleanse the epidermis, narrow pores, remove oily sheen;
  • improve skin texture;
  • remove excess subcutaneous fat;
  • delay age-related changes.

Agree that this is cool!

Making a mask at home

A mask with activated carbon and gelatin powder can be prepared quickly at home and does not require the use of complex equipment. To mix the ingredients, you will need a shallow container, such as a small bowl, and a saucepan or bowl to set up a water bath. A large container will be used to place the dishes with the mask in it and dissolve all the components.

Required Ingredients

For preparation, gelatin powder, charcoal tablets and a liquid component are used in which all the ingredients will be mixed. You can use filtered or boiled water. But it's better to take milk. In this case, the finished mask will act more gently on the skin.

Basic recipe

This version of the mask recipe with gelatin and activated carbon involves using clean warm water as a liquid base. The mask will effectively remove even the smallest blackheads. The coal will not completely dissolve, and the remaining small grains will act as a scrub, further cleansing the pores and dermis.

In a container, mix 1 tablet of charcoal, pre-crushed, with 1 tsp. gelatin. Place in a water bath and slowly add 2 tsp. water, stirring continuously. You will get a thick viscous mass. Cool it to room temperature and apply to the face.

To dissolve the gelatin, you can put the mixture in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.


Replace the water in the mask with cucumber juice or green tea. You can use lemon juice. But since it acts too aggressively on the skin in its pure form, it should be diluted with water (0.5:1.5).

For wrinkles

Dissolve the main ingredients of the mask in milk. Then add the white of 1 egg. Apply the resulting mass using a spatula or spatula.

With a tightening effect

To make the mask have a more pronounced tightening effect, add 1 tsp to the finished mixture. glycerin.


A mask made of charcoal, gelatin and aloe juice will not only cleanse the skin, but also relieve inflammation. It is enough to add 1 tsp to the main composition. plant juice.

Based on fruit juices

To prepare a mask rich in vitamins and microelements, you can use juice or puree of pears, raspberries, cranberries, red currants, grapes, kiwi, and peach. A good addition would be citrus fruits: orange or grapefruit. You can use one type of juice or a mix of several fruits. Add 1 tbsp to the finished mask. l. fruit juice.

Before using such a composition, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to fruits and berries.


The mask is prepared with water, and just before application, 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil are added to it. This remedy has a pronounced calming effect.

Subtleties of cooking

The effect of the mask will be much more effective if you follow certain preparation rules:

  1. You cannot add old activated carbon that has been left in your medicine cabinet to the mixture. All components of the mask must be of high quality and fresh.
  2. The new type of white activated carbon will not have the deep effect of cleansing pores of accumulated dirt. Give preference to the classic black version of the drug.
  3. If clay is used in the recipe, do not forget to stir the finished mass as thoroughly as possible so that there are no lumps in it.

How to diversify the composition

The mask, which includes gelatin and charcoal, can be supplemented with various components. They should be introduced carefully so as not to disturb the consistency of the product and not harm the skin. The base can be water, milk, fruit or berry juice.

For dry epidermis

The mask has a pronounced drying effect. In order not to harm dry skin, before applying the composition to the face, add 1 tsp to it. honey or a few drops of glycerin.

For very oily and problematic skin

To enhance the effect of charcoal, the mask can be supplemented with an Aspirin tablet. When using this product, you should be careful and keep it on your face for the first time for no more than 5-7 minutes. If the skin reacts normally, the duration of the procedure can be increased.

For acne

To combat rashes, add aloe juice or a few drops of tea tree oil to the main composition. Cosmetic clay also cleanses the skin well. Baking soda will help enhance the effect of charcoal, but you need to be careful when heating this composition.

Where to buy, how to choose and how much do the main ingredients cost?

To prepare any of the presented folk remedies, you need gelatin and/or activated carbon in tablets. The first component is sold in grocery stores, the cost of one sachet varies from 15 to 60 rubles. The pharmacy cost of a package of black sorbent ranges from 5 to 50 rubles for 10 tablets.

We have already talked about how to get rid of blackheads at home.

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