Varicose veins on the legs - symptoms and treatment
Home Services and prices Phlebology Varicose veins (VV) is a fairly common disease that affects
The abrasion left a dark spot on the face. How to remove dark spots after sores: a selection of products
What types of spots appear on the skin after sores? The formation of spots on the skin has its own
What to do if, when removing a wart, it festers
Warts are benign growths that affect the skin. Basically, papillomas do not represent
Boils in a child: what is extremely important to know about this
Make an appointment with a doctor Call a pediatrician at home Our doctors Our prices November 26, 2022
Correction of nasolabial folds with injectable fillers
Deep nasolabial folds are one of the most pronounced age-related skin changes. They are formed between
Contour plastic surgery using polylactic acid preparations
Modern cosmetology offers more and more products to combat the signs of aging, helping the skin maintain
Rash in a child: the most common types
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease. Due to disruption of biochemical processes, excessive dryness, flaking,
Corns. Causes, symptoms and treatment
1.What are “corns”? “Calls” are dry calluses on the feet, which are dense, keratinized areas
Inguinal purulent funiculitis. Review of clinical observations
What is an abscess and the causes of its occurrence? An abscess is a painful abscess surrounded by inflamed
Contractubex: use and side effects
Contractubex is a specially developed drug that helps get rid of scars after
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