Corns. Causes, symptoms and treatment

1.What are “corns”?

“Calls” are dry calluses on the feet, which are dense, keratinized areas of skin. While protecting the soft tissues of the legs from mechanical stress, they nevertheless cause considerable concern and can cause more severe complications. In addition, needless to say, the delicate smooth skin of the feet is aesthetically more attractive than rough, cracked soles...

Most often, the skin on the feet thickens and dries out at the base of the toes and along the outer contour of the heel. The surface layer of the epidermis dies, forming a rough, yellowish crust. In these places, the sensitivity of the foot is reduced. Further mechanical stress during walking can lead to the appearance of cracks in the corns. If the hardened areas are not removed, wearing shoes becomes quite painful. In places of greatest growth and keratinization of the skin, constant discomfort, pain, and burning are felt.

Cracks can deepen into soft tissue and bleed.

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URGO CORICIDE callus patch (pack of 12 pcs.)


Urgo Coricide.


Urgo Coricide callus, medical plaster, 12 pcs.

Main active ingredient

Salicylic acid: 32 mg.

Release form


Indications for use

Urgo Coricide callus patch is intended for the removal of dry and hard calluses, calluses, calluses between the toes, and corns in adults.

Mode of application

Urgo Coricide callus must be applied by placing a disk with salicylic acid on the callus or corns. Before using the patch, your feet should be washed and dried. Remove the patch after 12-24 hours. It is necessary to use the patch until the callus softens and separates. To completely remove the softened callus, you can use pumice or special abrasive pedicure files. You should avoid covering the healthy area of ​​skin around the callus with a healing mass - salicylic acid. The patch should be changed daily. It is better to apply before bedtime. The duration of treatment depends on the results obtained.


Hypersensitivity to salicylic acid, similar substances or other components of the drug; infected calluses.


Salicylic acid: 32 mg. Excipients: white beeswax; polyglycosated saturated glycerides; colloidal silicon oxide, hydrophobic; copper derivatives of chlorophyll. Material: flesh-colored polyethylene.

Side effect

When using Urgo Coricide callus, itching may occur on a healthy area of ​​the skin. In some cases, allergic reactions may develop. Precautions: Do not use Urgo Coricide callus for blisters. Use on healthy skin areas should be avoided. If pain occurs, use of Urgo Coricide callus should be discontinued. Patients with arthritis, diabetes, and neuropathy should consult a doctor before using the patch. If treatment does not have an effect, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature (15-25 ° C) out of the reach of children.

Buy URGO CORICIDE corn patch (12 pcs. in a pack) in the pharmacy

Price for URGO CORICIDE corn patch (12 pcs. in a pack)

Instructions for use for URGO CORICIDE corn patch (12 pcs. in a pack)

2.Why do corns form?

We can definitely say that the predisposition to the formation of corns varies from person to person. For each person, a whole complex of external and internal factors is important here. We have to come to terms with those of them that we are not able to completely change:

  • The structure of the foot, abnormalities in the development of the legs (flat feet, bone growths);
  • Features of the skin;
  • Distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue;
  • Condition of the vascular system of the legs;
  • Metabolism, individual characteristics of metabolism;
  • Hormonal background;
  • Chronic diseases and anamnesis.

If you notice a tendency to form corns, first of all, you need to pay attention to what could cause increased stress on the feet. A number of such reasons are varied and can be corrected:

  • Occupation that involves walking or standing during the day;
  • Lifestyle, hobbies and activity (running, dancing, ballet);
  • Tendency to obesity, excess weight;
  • Low-fat diet, vegetarianism;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Tight shoes, predominantly wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • Fungal diseases of the feet.

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3.Prevention of corns

For many people, the problem of corns is chronic.

Folk remedies, cosmetic procedures and foot care bring only temporary relief. In this case, it is worth considering the problem as chronic and approaching treatment comprehensively.

The constant formation of corns always indicates a serious imbalance in the body or disturbances in lifestyle. In this case, the problem should be solved in two ways - along with cosmetic methods, it is necessary to focus on identifying the reasons that cause increased keratinization of the skin of the feet.

Seeking medical help often includes consultations with a dermatologist, orthopedist, and endocrinologist. A systematic approach, the study of anamnesis and lifestyle make it possible to identify the main factors of increased death of epidermal cells. If a connection between corns and health problems is discovered, treatment of the underlying disease always helps to solve the problem with the skin of the feet. The effectiveness of the therapy can be accelerated by local procedures aimed at eliminating skin growths and further prevention:

  • Anti-callus plasters;
  • Keratolytic cream;
  • Hot foot baths;
  • Natural and synthetic pumice;
  • Softening cream with medicinal herbs.

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4. Treatment of corns

In especially severe cases or when a quick, perfect result is needed, methods of surgical removal of corns are used. Modern aesthetic medicine offers painless and effective procedures for tidying up the feet:

  • Laser therapy;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Hardware pedicure.

Sometimes corns suddenly begin to form on perfectly healthy feet. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study what has recently changed in your general condition or lifestyle. It often turns out that the cause is new shoes, a change in profession, unusual hobbies, or a change in diet. To solve such problems, it is enough to restore balance in the body, reduce the load on the legs, and adjust the diet. If there is a connection with the identification of any chronic disease, you need to focus on its treatment. Properly selected therapy will have a comprehensive positive effect, and the corns will cease to bother you again as you recover.

Delta Medical

Compid - a patch for wet calluses on the feet, medium 5 pieces, size - 4.2 x 6.8 cm. Small 6 pieces, size - 2.0 x 6.0 cm.

Original product. Contains an innovative active component - hydrocolloid: an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. Instantly reduces pain.* Protects calluses from friction. Ensures rapid healing of the skin**. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. Clinically Tried and Tested.

Compid - a set of patches for wet calluses on the feet, 5 pieces, 2 medium-sized patches 4.2 x 6.8 cm, 2 small patches 2.0 x 6.0 cm, 1 patch between the toes, size 1.7 x 5.1 cm. Original product. Contains an active component - hydrocolloid: an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. Instantly reduces pain.* Protects calluses from friction. Ensures rapid healing of the skin**. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. Clinically Tried and Tested. Comfortable! From any wet callus on the feet.

Compid - patch for dry calluses on feet Intensive 6 pieces, size - 1.7 x 5.7 cm. Original product. The patch contains a disk with 40% salicylic acid (4.4 mg), which destroys the dense layer of keratinized cells, softens the callus and actively promotes its removal. Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, it creates an optimally moisturized environment that helps soften the skin, effectively helping to get rid of dry calluses. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. A special notch reduces pressure on the callus. Clinically Tried and Tested.

Compid - medium plaster for dry calluses on feet, 10 pieces, size - 1.75 x 6.0 cm. Original product. Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, the Compide patch for dry calluses creates an optimally moisturized environment that helps soften the skin, effectively helping to get rid of dry calluses on the fingers. Protects callus from external pressure and friction. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. A special notch reduces pressure on the callus. Clinically Tried and Tested.

Compid - for corns, medium 6 pieces, size - 4.4 x 4.5 cm. Original product. Helps gently and effectively remove corns. Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, the Compide patch against corns creates an optimally moisturized environment that helps soften the skin, effectively helping to get rid of them. Protects corns from external pressure and friction. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. Clinically Tried and Tested

Compide - patch for dry calluses between the fingers, 10 pieces, size - 2.2 x 1.97 cm. Original product. Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, the Compide patch for dry calluses creates an optimally moisturized environment that helps soften the skin, effectively helping to get rid of dry calluses on the fingers. Protects callus from external pressure and friction. The patented beveled design of the edge of Compid patches ensures that the patch is tightly attached to the skin, which allows you to wear it for more than 24 hours***. A special notch reduces pressure on the callus. Clinically Tried and Tested.

* — Encarna Perez. Generalized results of confirmation of the declared effectiveness, 2007

** — When using COMPEED® patches for wet calluses, healing occurs 20% faster than when using conventional patches. Clinical trials 7151071.TK

*** — The duration varies in each individual case

Compid – masking antiherpetic patch, 15 pieces. This is an original product, the rapid healing effect of which is confirmed by clinical studies. Compide reduces the symptoms of herpes1 almost as quickly as acyclovir ointment 5%, allowing you to return to normal life. The effectiveness of the Compid antiherpetic patch is ensured by unique hydrocolloid-075 particles. The hydrocolloid layer seals the wound and protects it from water and bacteria that can cause infection. In addition, hydrocolloid helps maintain optimal hydration levels by activating the skin's natural healing mechanism.

1 - Carlsmark T, Goodman JJ, Druwalt I, Lufrano L, Pledger J. Randomized clinical trial comparing COMPEED® Antiherpetic Masking Patch and 5% acyclovir cream in the treatment of herpes. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2008; 22 (10): 1184-1193.

Compide – PENCIL protecting against the appearance of calluses, 8 ml. Thanks to its unique composition, the Compid pencil prevents the formation of wet calluses in 9 out of 10 consumers1. Contains hydrogenated vegetable oil - a natural humectant. Acts as a natural lubricant, immediately reducing friction and chafing. Almost invisible on the skin, colorless. Universal in scope: foot, hand or other parts of the body. For ease of use, it comes in pencil form and is easy to apply.

1 - 200 consumers from Germany took part in the study, 2007

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