Black dots on the skin of the chest: a small problem and options for solving it

For a woman, the appearance of black dots around the nipples is even more unpleasant and uncomfortable than the same attack on the face. Sometimes their appearance causes fear and panic: what if this is a harbinger or manifestation of a serious illness. This problem may indeed be a signal of serious changes occurring in the body, or perhaps just a temporary cosmetic defect that will quickly disappear without leaving a trace. It should be sorted out.

Causes of blackheads

The medical name for this type of skin manifestation is comedones. They can occur at any age. What can cause the appearance of black spots on the chest and nipples? Among the reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body (in adolescents, in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after lactation), causing an increased amount of sebum production;
  • various microbial pathogens;
  • the appearance of new skin cells occurs faster than the death of old ones: the pores become clogged and subcutaneous sebum cannot be freely released to the surface of the skin, clogging the ducts and causing inflammation;
  • slow metabolic processes in the sebaceous glands, as a result of which plugs form;
  • activity of bacteria contained in sebum;
  • stress;
  • allergic reaction to detergents, cosmetics, medications;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the stomach, liver, endocrine system, dysbacteriosis.

More often, these inflammations appear in the summer: under the influence of heat and sunlight, the production of sebum is activated. Having seen comedones on their chests, nipples, and chest, many associate their appearance with insufficient cleanliness. Blackheads usually have nothing to do with general hygiene. This is a clogged gland, sometimes with purulent filling. And the black dot is the upper dried part of the scab.

How to get rid of blackheads on chest

To eliminate black comedones on the breasts of women, you can use cosmetic and dermatological products, perform hardware procedures and use traditional methods.

Medicines and medicinal cosmetics

Let's look at what treatments for blackheads are now considered effective.


This is a cream from a French manufacturer. It quickly removes sebaceous plugs, but does not have an aggressive effect on the bust. After recovery, no scars, cicatrices or any other unpleasant marks remain on the skin. Baziron regulates sebum production and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. After using the product, the skin becomes smooth and healthy, begins to “breathe” and acquires a beautiful shade.


A Russian-made cream that degreases the skin and helps get rid of enlarged pores. The Propeller contains plant components, essential oils and acids. To enhance the effect of the cream, a woman can additionally use Propeller gel. It should be rubbed into moistened skin for 2-3 minutes and then rinsed off with water. You need to repeat the procedure in the morning and evening.


This cream for black comedones is produced by an Indian manufacturer. The main components of the product are retinoids. Clensite will help to gently cleanse the skin and get rid of unsightly blackheads. The cream must be used for three months. Moreover, treatment cannot be abandoned, even if recovery occurs. Otherwise, black comedones quickly recur. Before applying the medicine, the breasts should be washed and blotted with a towel. It is recommended to apply Clenzit pointwise. To enhance the effect, rub it in for 1-2 minutes. For the first 2 weeks, the product should be used every other day, and then daily.

It is not advisable to use Clensite on days of increased sun activity, as retinoids increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Medicines for internal cleansing

To completely cleanse the body and get rid of spots, you can use activated carbon. It should be taken 3 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After this period, the skin on the chest and the whole body will take on a healthy appearance.

If there are points that have arisen as a result of hormonal imbalance, treatment can be carried out with the help of oral contraceptives. Antiandrogenic drugs Yarina, Diane-35, Zhanine, etc. are suitable for these purposes. Their use must be agreed upon with a gynecologist.

Cosmetology procedures

To eliminate cosmetic problems, specialists can offer various procedures.

Cleaning of blackheads from a cosmetologist using a mechanical method is carried out manually if the formations are superficial. Deeper comedones are removed using tools - tweezers, a spoon, a special needle. The duration of this stage depends on the number of pathological elements.

In the case of black comedones on the chest, the following will help:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. This is the most gentle way to cleanse the skin, so it is even suitable for treating nipples. The essence of the method is that the cosmetologist applies ultrasound to the surface of the skin. This helps eliminate comedones, increase breast firmness and reduce scarring.
  2. Laser method. This method is suitable if the blackhead is located in the deep layers of the skin. The laser promotes the production of elastin and collagen, but is rarely used because it can damage the skin.
  3. Vacuum method. The essence of this method is that the glandular secretion is removed by suction with a special apparatus. It helps to cope with even the most advanced cases. To eliminate spots, vacuum is usually combined with other treatment methods.
  4. Chemical peeling. The cosmetologist applies products containing fruit acids to the affected areas. They dissolve sebaceous plugs and improve skin color.
  5. Sometimes, to remove comedones on the chest, hardware intervention may be required. This treatment of blackheads involves performing microdermabrasion. This is a procedure during which the top layer of the epidermis is removed (a kind of polishing). Thanks to microdermabrasion, you can achieve not only the disappearance of spots, but also the narrowing of pores, improvement of skin color, reduction of scars and scars, and elimination of post-acne. The procedure does not cause any discomfort, so there is no need to worry.

To remove black comedones, microdermabrasion should be performed once a week for oily skin and once a month for sensitive skin.


Surgery is performed if the blackhead turns out to be a malignant mole. For removal, a laser or a regular scalpel is used. The decision to remove is made by several doctors - a dermatologist, oncologist and other specialists.


It is believed that it is better to use traditional methods of treatment for pregnant women. They are effective and gentle on the body. But any folk remedy during pregnancy is used only after a conversation with a gynecologist.

Home remedies for treating blackheads:

  1. Clay masks. Black and white clay are ideal for this. They pull dirt out of the pores and help dissolve comedones. You need to heat the mineral water to a comfortable temperature, and then mix the clay with it. The result should be a slurry similar in consistency to sour cream. The product is applied to the chest for 15 minutes and then washed off.
  2. Kefir bathing. The acid present in kefir helps cleanse the skin and reduce its oiliness. Kefir should be applied to the chest and massaged for 5-10 minutes. After this, the dairy product is removed from the breast.
  3. Almond peeling mask. You need to soak ½ cup of almonds in water and leave overnight. In the morning, grind the almonds in a blender to form a paste. Add 1 tsp to the resulting slurry. honey Apply the product to the chest and rub in for 1-2 minutes, and then leave as a mask for another 10 minutes. Finally, wash your breasts with warm water and soap.
  4. Eggs. Egg white should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, then apply the resulting slurry to the chest. When the mask dries, you need to apply another layer. After this, you need to intensively pat your chest with your palms. After 5-10 minutes, rinse off the product.

Masks can be made one by one to choose the most suitable one.

Where to start in the fight against comedones

To get rid of this trouble, it’s good to listen to everyone, read everything, but go to the doctor. A specialist will help remove unpleasant blackheads from your chest. If black spots appear only on the nipples or the entire breast, during or immediately after pregnancy, it is better to consult a mammologist. If you feel that the problem is related only to the skin, a cosmetologist or esthetician will help you get rid of it.

Specialists, after conducting an examination, which sometimes requires special blood tests, urine tests, and tests for allergic reactions, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe medication or cosmetic treatment, and more often, both.

But in any case, you need to be patient and complete the course of treatment. Sometimes you have to start all over again because the prescribed procedures are not effective. But you need to understand that black spots that have already appeared on the chest and nipples cannot be instantly removed, you can only bring the body back to normal in order to prevent the appearance of new ones.


Many experts recommend that people undergo this procedure if they want to refresh their skin and make it more attractive. The session will also help correct the situation with pores.

Body microdermabrasion can perform the following tasks:

  • tighten pores;
  • remove small wrinkles;
  • make the dermis more even and smooth;
  • exfoliate epidermal cells;
  • stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

The effect is visible immediately after the first procedure, but to achieve internal and external rejuvenation it is worth performing up to 6 sessions. People around you will immediately notice that your skin is younger, smoother and looks fresher.

It is important to remember that any procedure must be performed by a professional. Then you will be convinced of a high-quality, effective result and avoidance of complications. In addition, the specialist will initially advise you about the chosen procedure, its contraindications, side effects, and possible results.

What doctors can offer

A diet that involves cleansing the body is a diet based on foods containing a low percentage of active fats and carbohydrates. It is urgent to eliminate fatty, spicy, sweet, and starchy foods; this will also lead to weight loss. Sometimes this is dangerous, especially for teenage breastfeeding mothers. For them, nutrition must be properly balanced.

Often drugs with a keratolytic effect are selected, i.e. causing rapid exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the epithelium:

  • hydroxy acids (lactic, boric, benzoic, citric, glycyrrhizic);
  • resorcinol, urea, barium sulfide;
  • creams, ointments, pastes based on these acids;
  • aromatic retinoids.

Particularly effective in the fight against comedones is glycolic acid, which has powerful dissolving properties that can effectively remove blackheads.

This remedy also eliminates closed spots, as well as microcomedones, which persist under the skin for up to several years and subsequently provoke new formations and inflammations.

In more serious cases, antibiotics or autohemotherapy (injection of the patient's own venous blood intramuscularly or subcutaneously) are prescribed.

Diet as a method of treating comedones

A balanced diet helps improve the condition of the skin on the chest in half of the cases. To do this, exclude from the diet completely or reduce to a minimum:

  • fried and fatty (instead, you can eat baked foods; the taste of grilled foods is no worse than those cooked in a frying pan);
  • spicy;
  • marinades and smoked meats;
  • sweets and flour products;
  • carbonated drinks.

Teenagers and young mothers who are breastfeeding are given special diets.

A young, growing body requires a large amount of calories and a varied menu. A woman carrying or breastfeeding a child has to take care of the baby and eat “for two.”

What will be offered in beauty salons?

In such institutions they will not always help you get rid of black spots around the nipples and on the chest: this is a very tender and delicate place. But you can remove comedones on the chest using special cleanings:

  • vacuum, when sebaceous plugs are quickly and painlessly sucked out using a tube in which low pressure is created;
  • ultrasonic, which involves first peeling, then ultrasonic cleaning using a special spatula.

Also, various cosmetic masks will help get rid of blackheads in the chest area, on the nipples, and chest.

Classic methods of treatment

Conservative treatment regimens for comedones on the skin of the chest include keratolytic drugs. They accelerate and improve skin renewal processes, preventing the accumulation and hardening of sebum in the pores. These medications include:


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  • retinoids;
  • urea;
  • resorcinol;
  • lactic and citric acids, etc.

glycolic acid one of the most effective means for external application. It is able to quickly dissolve frozen sebum mixed with particles of dirt and dust. In addition, the acid prevents inflammation of old comedones.

In advanced cases, the following is prescribed for the treatment of blackheads:

  • antibiotics designed to neutralize the inflammatory process;
  • administering to the patient his own blood obtained from the veins (autohemosessions).

Beauty salons do deep cleansing of the skin to help cleanse the pores. Various methods are used for this:

  • ultrasonic peeling;
  • vacuum treatment;
  • courses of cleansing masks.

What can you do at home?

Many of the masks offered in the salon can be easily made in your kitchen; this method will help remove comedones much cheaper and more comfortable, taking into account the delicate places where blackheads appear. Preparation and application technologies are discussed in the following table.

Mask nameIngredientsPreparationApplication procedure
Gelatinous1 tablespoon gelatin; 10 drops of water If the gelatin is granular, add 1 tablespoon of milk. Stir all ingredients, put in the microwave for 1 minute, cool to body temperature.Apply with a brush or swab to the area of ​​the nipples, breasts, chest, allow to dry completely (about 30 minutes), carefully remove like a film and wash the area of ​​application with water.
Protein1-2 egg whites (depending on the area of ​​the lesion); thin napkin Beat the egg white; if the napkin consisted of several layers, separate and take only oneApply to the area of ​​the nipples, breasts, chest, stick a napkin. Spread the remaining part of the protein onto a napkin, let dry for about 15 minutes, wash the area of ​​application
ClayAny clay purchased at a pharmacy labeled “For problem skin”Dilute with water until thick sour creamApply to the chest and chest for 15 minutes, remove, rinse off any remaining residue with warm water.
KefirThick kefirWarm to room temperatureApply to the area of ​​the nipples, breasts, chest, let dry for about 15 minutes, rinse the area of ​​application with warm water

You can look for 10-20% emulsions containing glycolic acid in pharmacies; they have an exfoliating effect. They are safe to use. It is also good to check individual sensitivity to glycolic preparations using such an emulsion before visiting a beauty salon.


It is possible to prevent the appearance of black comedones. To do this you need:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • treat diseases of internal organs in a timely manner.

It is recommended to swim in warm water and then rinse with cooler water. If desired, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, calendula, chamomile) for bathing.

To moisturize the skin, you need to use light cosmetics that contain o.

Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads?

You must refrain from this with all your might. Firstly, because any mechanical, especially permanent damage to the skin leads to new growths and not always benign ones. Secondly, squeezing, especially with nails, will cause curvature of the excretory ducts for subcutaneous sebum, which will cause inflammatory processes, and instead of blackheads, large, painful ulcers will appear, after which pockmarks will appear, their removal will be much more difficult and expensive.

If this does not stop, you need to squeeze out the blackheads, observing basic antiseptic standards:

  • the area of ​​the nipple, breast, chest should be steamed and perfectly clean;
  • hands should be thoroughly washed and disinfected with alcohol, vodka, cologne, it is better to wear medical gloves;
  • be sure to use a sterile bandage or napkins on the fingers used for squeezing. This will mitigate injury and slightly infection of the place from which the rod is removed;
  • Thoroughly disinfect the area after squeezing.

Thus, black spots that appear on the nipples, on the chest, as well as in the chest area, may simply be a feature of the skin, a variant of the norm, and then they must be dealt with with simple peelings and masks. And they can signal serious disturbances in the body’s functioning. In this case, you cannot do without medical help.

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