Activated carbon VS blackheads – who will win in a difficult fight?


A gigantic number of pores are located comfortably on our skin - the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. As soon as they become clogged with dust, dirt and dead epithelial cells, blackheads and pimples form - the cause of complexes and aesthetic dissatisfaction, not only among adolescents suffering from increased efficiency of the sebaceous glands, but also among adults. Do you dream of getting rid of such a problem? I strongly recommend getting acquainted with cosmetics containing activated carbon. It is very effective against blackheads. Of course – a powerful absorbent and anti-inflammatory agent in one tablet! Such cosmetics can be bought ready-made or prepared independently at home.

Activated carbon for blackheads - wonderful properties of the product

The well-known absorbent visits our home medicine cabinets less and less often - it has been replaced by innovative achievements of pharmacists, which are actively advertised everywhere. But in vain, because this natural product is a unique, budget-friendly, effective means of cleansing the body of impurities, toxins and other harmful substances. Will charcoal help with blackheads? To answer this question, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the properties of the product:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • has an anti-inflammatory, brightening and rejuvenating effect.

Activated carbon is an absorbent that draws out the “bleak” from the skin, taking it with it. According to eyewitnesses, it is able to cope even with contaminants that were beyond the power of mechanical facial cleansing.

You can find this wonderful product in cosmetics or use it yourself by preparing an effective mask for home use. Cleanse your skin with activated carbon 2 times a week, and the result will exceed all your expectations!

How to properly use activated carbon masks

In order for your facial skin to be as clean as possible, you need to prepare it well for a black mask made with activated carbon. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin. To do this, use foam, cream or gel for washing, corresponding to the individual needs of a particular skin type.

After cleansing, you need to take a steam bath. It will open the pores, which will ensure deep penetration of the active components of the mask deep into the epidermis. Steaming should continue for 5-10 minutes.

After removing the mask, moisturizer must be applied to the skin. You can give preference to nutritious ones. The main thing is that it restores the water balance.

Rules for using a mask:

  • as a component for preparing a mask, choose exclusively fresh activated carbon, avoid using expired tablets;
  • frequency of applying a mask with charcoal – 1 time per week;
  • Do not apply this mask to the area around the eyes, as its active composition can damage delicate skin;
  • the course of the procedure is 1.5 months, then a break is taken for 2 months;
  • The mask should be applied to a relaxed face; the muscles should not be tense.

Before using the mask for the first time, it is important to make sure that there are no individual intolerances to the components. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the wrist area. If no reaction occurs after 20-30 minutes, then the mask can be used.

DIY film mask in just 1 minute

You've probably heard about the sensational black mask, which was actively advertised by manufacturers, show business stars and consumers themselves. The popularity of the product is justified by its pronounced effectiveness - impressive results are noticeable immediately after using the product!

However, not everyone can afford the price of this miracle remedy, and therefore particularly insightful beauties have come up with a worthy analogue of the black mask, which is easy to prepare at home. I present to your attention the simplest recipe for which you will need the following components:

  • a tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • water or milk.

It's simple - grind the coal to a powder, mix with gelatin and add a tablespoon of hot water (or heated milk). The mass should be thick, homogeneous, slightly warm. Leave it for 5 minutes, and then apply to problem areas (nose, chin, forehead, cheeks) and leave until the mixture completely hardens. We remove the resulting film and admire the results.

Attention: make sure that the mask does not get on your eyebrows - as it hardens, it pulls out not only blackheads, but also hairs.

How to cook properly

The cosmetic product should be prepared according to certain rules and regulations. If you neglect the following rules, the desired effect from the procedure may not be achieved:

  1. To prepare a charcoal mask, you need to take only the tablet form of charcoal, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the medicine, it must be normal.
  3. It is better to take fresh tablets, the quality of which can be checked by breaking them: when broken, a fresh tablet crumbles into pieces.
  4. Before using a cosmetic mask, you need to grind the charcoal tablets into powder. This can be done using a spoon or a special mortar. Do not throw the tablet into liquid and dissolve it - all the beneficial properties of the drug will be lost.
  5. The composition must be stirred until smooth, so that there are no lumps or grains of sand, otherwise the epidermis can be injured.

A properly prepared cosmetic product will provide maximum positive effects.

Important! Before applying the mass to your face, it is recommended to do an allergic reaction test.

“Dirty” mask for blackheads and pimples

Mud masks have been known for their transformative properties since ancient times - they perfectly cleanse the skin, tone and brighten it, and have a healing effect. The most affordable and, most importantly, safe mud for the face is cosmetic clay, sold in pharmacies and regular stores.

To prepare an effective mask, take 1 tablet of charcoal and a teaspoon of clay of different colors - black, blue, white or green. The more types of mud you use, the better. Mix all ingredients, dilute with slightly warm water and apply the mixture to your face. The mixture will dry out quickly, which should not be allowed - moisten the skin with water using a spray or mist. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.

Please note: if you don’t have gelatin or clay on hand, use the simplest recipe with activated carbon - even a crushed tablet diluted with plain water will help perfectly against blackheads.

Preparing facial skin for the procedure

To get the best results from using a charcoal mask, you need to prepare your skin before the procedure. Otherwise, the effect of the medicinal mixture will be superficial, and deep cleansing will not work.

Simple manipulations will help open the pores of the skin and make it easier for the coal particles to work. Here's what to do:

  1. Tie back hair with plastic tape.
  2. Remove makeup with micellar water or cosmetic milk.
  3. Wash with foam or soap.
  4. Steam your skin. If you don't have a special bath, hold your face over a bowl of very hot water, covered with a towel. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite aromatic oil to the water or use chamomile infusion.
  5. Delicate skin can be steamed in a gentle way (using a hot, damp towel dipped in fresh chamomile infusion).

At the preparatory stage (before steaming), light peeling will not hurt.

As a result of removing the upper coarsened layer of the epidermis, coal particles will be able to penetrate deeper into the skin, their effect will be more noticeable, and the result of the procedure will be more stable. For delicate sensitive skin, peeling before a black mask should not be done.

In addition to preparation before applying the mask, finishing procedures are also important. After all, the skin requires antiseptic treatment and nutrition. Therefore, after removing the composition with coal, it does not hurt to perform the following steps:

  • Irrigation of the face with an infusion of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, sage, calendula, etc.).
  • Rubbing the skin with ice cubes or rinsing with cold water.
  • Application of nourishing cream (after the disappearance of skin redness).

If your face remains red for a long time after removing the blackhead remedy, this means that mistakes were made when preparing the mixture with charcoal, carrying out the procedure, or your skin is too sensitive. In any case, redness does not pose a great danger (it will soon go away).

Final advice

If blackheads are a consequence of the active activity of the sebaceous glands and are a permanent phenomenon, not a single mechanical cleaning by a cosmetologist will help you solve the problem forever. Be patient and carefully, and most importantly, regularly care for your skin using the products listed above - with each passing month the problem will bother you less and less. Remember, without meticulous care it will not be possible to maintain your face in impeccable condition.

Thank you for your attention! With best wishes, Vorobyova Nastya.

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Enlarged pores on the face: causes and treatment

Foundation can even out skin tone, give a slight lifting effect, and remove signs of fatigue. It just doesn’t mask enlarged and inflamed pores. Unlike acne and rashes, this dermatological problem occurs at any age, mainly in those with oily and combination skin.

Why do we even need pores on the skin if they cause so many problems? Answer: to remove the secretion of the sebaceous glands (sebum). Pores are channels through which lubricant is brought to the surface. For 1 sq. There are more than 100 cm of skin, so it’s impossible to completely get rid of pores. Without pores and sebum, the skin would quickly dry out, and wrinkles and frostbite would appear instantly. But with excess sebum synthesis, pore size also increases. The secretion does not always have time to come to the surface and hardens, forming sebaceous plugs and comedones.

What causes enlarged pores and how to solve the problem quickly and painlessly?

Enlarged pores: causes of appearance

Dermatologists at the ANACOSMA clinic identify the main factors among the reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores:

  • ● hereditary predisposition. If the parents had problematic skin with rashes and sebaceous plugs, then there is a high probability of similar dermatological problems in the child;
  • ● hormonal fluctuations that occur during puberty, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, diseases of the endocrine system, and taking oral contraceptives. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands and enlargement of pores are caused by androgens (male sex hormones), which are normally synthesized in small quantities even in the female body. But deviations of testosterone and androgen levels from the norm have a negative impact on the skin;
  • ● improper care. The use of alcohol-containing products and cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type (wash oily skin with lotions for dry skin) destroys the natural water-lipid membrane and provokes the sebaceous glands to more actively synthesize secretions;
  • ● unbalanced diet. Passion for carbohydrate foods, a large amount of sweets and negativity affect metabolism and skin condition;
  • ● excessive sun exposure. Ultraviolet light in small quantities eliminates inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. But in excess, the sun's rays dry out the skin, causing the activity of the sebaceous glands and enlargement of the pores.

What are “black dots”? Causes of blackheads

When the glands are active, sebum (sebum) can come to the surface or get stuck in the pore. Once stuck, it turns into a sebaceous plug. A closed sebaceous plug is a closed comedon. If the sebaceous plug is open, then the fats, under the influence of oxygen and dust, oxidize, acquiring a black color, becoming black dots.

Causes the appearance of blackheads:

  • ● poor hygiene;
  • ● habit of touching your face with your hands;
  • ● food rich in fats and carbohydrates;
  • ● bad environment;
  • ● hereditary predisposition;
  • ● low-quality cosmetics (products with waxes, paraffins, fats, passion for coconut oil masks).

How to remove blackheads and tighten pores?

Cosmetology procedures

  1. Exfoliants. Peels and gommages for narrowing pores contain fine particles that do not injure the skin and absorbents (white clay, activated carbon). Additional moisturizing components relieve inflammation and nourish with moisture.
  2. 2Microdermabrasion. Aluminum microparticles remove the stratum corneum and sebaceous plugs, triggering regeneration mechanisms. The procedure is prescribed for dull complexion, enlarged pores, signs of post-acne, and shallow age spots. To achieve results, a course of up to 10 sessions is required;
  3. Laser rejuvenation Derma Genesis. The laser beam enters the papillary ball of the skin, warming up the fibroblasts (skin cells). This effect stimulates protein synthesis, increases surface elasticity, smoothes out fine wrinkles and tightens pores. The procedure has a cumulative effect, does not require recovery, and is pleasant. This rejuvenation with narrowing of pores is suitable for women of any age from 18 years. Only 3-5 procedures are enough;
  4. Laser resurfacing Cutera Pearl. A new generation laser procedure provides a rejuvenating, bacteriostatic, lifting effect. The beam literally removes the top layer of skin with wrinkles or enlarged pores. Recovery lasts only 4-7 days unlike other lasers. This type of resurfacing is indicated for patients over 35 years of age with problem skin, signs of post-acne and enlarged pores, as well as signs of skin aging - fine wrinkles, pigmentation, rosacea;
  5. Carbon peeling. Also a laser procedure, but non-invasive, without a recovery period. Laser carbon peeling normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses pores, removes dead skin cells, and stimulates natural regeneration processes. Shown from 18 to 40 years old. Suitable for those with young problem oily skin with rashes, mature combination or aging skin. After the procedure on the face, neck, and décolleté, the pores become narrower. Additionally, small fine hairs are removed, skin tone is evened out, post-acne marks are eliminated, and small expression wrinkles disappear. There is no rehabilitation period. BUT everything is individual. Immediately after carbon peeling, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle (only slight redness, which may subside within 24 hours, will remind you of the procedure; and possible peeling on the 3-4th day). To achieve results you will need 2-3 procedures.

Active substances

  1. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids . Beta acids are fat soluble. They penetrate deep into the pores and clean out sebum (sebum) and dead cells. Creams and washes for problem and oily skin often contain this substance. Narrowing of pores on dry and normal skin using alpha acids. They act more delicately, without removing the natural water-lipid film, without overdrying the surface;
  2. Retinol . Provitamin A fundamentally affects the skin, triggers regeneration mechanisms at the cellular level, improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  3. Correct makeup . Skin with sebaceous plugs does not like dense multi-layers covered with primer and foundation. For the treatment period, one high-quality mineral powder and a light CC or BB cream are enough;
  4. Special creams that tighten pores . Products containing azelaic acid, adapalene, clindamycin, zinc, and sulfur transform problematic skin with comedones beyond recognition. Treatment will take from 2 to 6 months, but the effect of clear skin and narrowed pores is worth it;
  5. Berry and fruit masks . Fruit acids act similarly to acid peels: they open closed sebaceous plugs, remove comedones, remove horn cells, and normalize sebum production. The variety of masks that can be made at home allows you to choose a product to suit every taste;
  6. Mandatory consultation with a specialist . A visit to a cosmetologist-dermatologist will help determine your skin type and select products for the care and sometimes treatment of the dermis.

Getting rid of blackheads at home

● White clay mask. The safest and hypoallergenic option. A thick porridge is prepared from clay and water. Apply to face for 15 minutes. After washing, the skin looks lighter, sebaceous plugs are easily removed, pores become small;

● Honey mask. Warm honey is applied to areas with problem pores and sebaceous plugs. The substance has an anti-inflammatory and whitening effect. For lasting results, apply the mask at least 2 times a week;

● Kefir mask. Lactic acid delicately tightens pores, removes dead skin cells and nourishes the skin. Kefir is mixed with 1 tsp. rice flour or starch and apply for 15 minutes;

● Lemon-honey mask. The tandem of honey and citrus whitens the skin, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water and wipe with tonic;

● Lemon tonic. Mix lemon juice (1 tsp) with 1 tbsp. l. water. Wipe areas with enlarged pores with this tonic in the morning and evening. Attention: not suitable for people with allergies to citrus fruits!;

● Strawberry mask. Fruit acid is ideal for whitening acne marks and tightening pores. For the mask, take 4 overripe strawberries and mash with a fork. Apply the paste for 4 minutes. After the procedure, the face will be velvety: moisturized, white with clean pores;

● Soda mask. Soda paste is applied to the forehead and chin. Gently massage and leave for 5 minutes. The product serves as a light peeling that removes sebaceous plugs and comedones;

● Activated carbon mask. This method has become a trend in 2017. Activated carbon tablets are mixed with dissolved gelatin. The resulting film mask is applied in a thick layer to areas with blackheads (forehead, chin). After drying, remove with a sharp movement. Gelatin tightens pores, activated carbon relieves inflammation and has a detox effect;

● Honey-cinnamon scrub. The product is suitable for removing blackheads on the back, arms, décolleté, forehead, and cheeks. It is better not to use such a scrub on sensitive skin around the eyes and mouth. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground coffee with a tablespoon of honey. Apply to pre-steamed skin (after a hot shower, bath, or even better after a sauna or bath). Rub the composition along the massage lines (from the center to the periphery). Afterwards, wash your face with warm water and wipe your face with tonic;

● Milk-gelatin mask. Gelatin (1 tsp) is diluted in 3 tablespoons of milk. The resulting mass is applied to the face. After drying, the film of gelatin and milk is removed from the bottom up. After use, the pores are noticeably narrowed, superficial blackheads are removed along with the film, turgor increases;

● Protein-sugar mask. The white of one egg, whipped into a stable foam, is mixed with 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Then remove the residue with a damp paper napkin. The product tightens pores, whitens post-acne marks;

● Tightening lemon mask. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Mix with 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt or kefir and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards wash with warm water. Fruit and lactic acids act as peeling: they narrow pores, remove dead skin particles, and pull out sebaceous plugs;

● Rubbing with ice cubes. A decoction of chamomile, string, and mint is frozen. The resulting cube is rubbed along the massage lines twice a day. Daily rubbing will tighten the pores, relieve inflammation, and give a slight lifting effect.

Prevention of blackheads

To keep your skin clean and your pores small and clean, the ANACOSMA clinic advises you to reconsider your facial care:

  1. After sleep and at night, wash your face with soft cleansing gels or foams for oily and combination skin. No soap, scented gels or wipes with a damp cloth;
  2. learn to wash yourself properly. First, a makeup remover removes the makeup. Then the skin is moistened with warm water, then a cleanser is applied, here you can use massage brushes for washing. They massage the face, rubber fibers more thoroughly remove dead skin particles, traces of cosmetics, dust and grease. After washing, wipe your face with a special toner. Next, apply a light moisturizer suitable for your face type;
  3. 3) do not use alcohol-containing products for washing. Alcohol dries out the skin. In order to protect itself, the dermis begins to intensively produce sebum, which gets stuck in the pores, turning into comedones;
  4. Get regular facials. Those with oily and combination types undergo this procedure once a month, normal and dry types - once every 1.5 months;
  5. use professional care cosmetics that suit your skin type, age and solve dermatological problems. This line will be selected by a cosmetologist at an individual appointment;
  6. If a dermatologist or cosmetologist has prescribed treatment for problem skin and blackheads, then do not ignore his recommendations. Believe me: salon procedures and 2-3 months of treatment will transform your face better than any Instagram filter or foundation.

Recommendations for choosing cosmetic products for skin with enlarged pores

Cosmetologists at the ANACOSMA clinic do not call for completely abandoning decorative cosmetics. The main thing is to choose safe means. First of all, study the composition. Look for the label “non-comedogenic” and/or “for oily/combination skin.”

When choosing foundations, opt for light BB or CC creams, mineral powders or cushions. Look for foundations that contain salicylic acid and eperuline. They relieve inflammation and tighten pores. But those with skin prone to the appearance of blackheads should avoid oils, paraffins, and waxes.

The most important thing to remember is that a cosmetologist can solve any dermatological problem. You just need to help him a little, strictly following all the recommendations. And then the skin will be cleared of blackheads, the pores will become narrower, the greasy shine will disappear, and foundation will not be needed at all.


Let's look at the composition for complete confidence in using the product from MIXIT.

“Ingredients (translated): water, charcoal powder, stearic acid, glycerin, sweet almond vegetable oil, licorice (licorice) plant extracts, plantain plant extract, sage leaf extract, butylene glycol, polyethylene glycol - 100, laureth-7, pantothenic acid, salicylic acid, tea tree essential oil, sage leaf essential oil, Litsea cubeba essential oil, perfume composition, lactic acid.”

The carbon mask contains acids that exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis. Despite the fact that the mask is cleansing, there are also moisturizing components: glycerin, sage leaf extract. They are needed to ensure that the skin does not lose a large amount of natural moisture and does not become overdried.

Here we also find d-panthenol: vitamin B5; Contains pantothenic acid. It is known for healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Panthenol restores damaged skin cells, gives elasticity and softness. Say goodbye to flaking and redness.

After conducting a detailed analysis of each component, I compiled a table. It can be found below.

ComponentBeneficial features
WaterHarmless. Cosmetic base
Charcoal powderHarmless. Cleansing, getting rid of excess moisture and sebum.
Stearic acidHarmless. Has restorative and protective properties.
GlycerolHarmless. Capable of attracting water from the environment for hydration.
Sweet almond vegetable oilHarmless. Comedogenicity level (pore clogging) – 1 (good indicator)
Licorice (licorice) plant extractsHarmless. Fights negative environmental factors.
Plantain plant extractHarmless. Improves appearance.
Sage Leaf ExtractHarmless. Enriches the skin with nutrients.
Butylene glycolNot recommended. Enhances the properties of other components. Synthetic origin.
Polyethylene glycol – 100Not recommended. 100 ethylene groups. Does not penetrate the skin and body. There is a small chance that an allergic reaction may occur (if produced incorrectly)
Lauret-7Avoid. Removing dirt and excess fat. Surface-active substance. Synthetic production. Tk is at the end of the list and is not dangerous, but you need to be careful. May cause irritation.
Pantothenic acidHarmless. Vitamin B5. Promotes skin regeneration, renewal, restoration.
Salicylic acidHarmless. Opens comedones, cleanses pores of blackheads, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Prevents the growth of bacteria.
Tea tree essential oilHarmless. Regenerating, rejuvenating and restorative properties.
Sage leaf essential oilHarmless. High penetrating ability. It has immunomodulatory, soothing, healing properties.
Litsea cubeba essential oilHarmless. Toning, astringent properties.
Perfume compositionHarmless. Used as a flavoring agent.
Lactic acidHarmless. A true savior in the fight against wrinkles and dull skin.

Table 1. Analysis of the composition of Carbon Mask from MIXIT.
After a detailed analysis, we conclude about the usefulness of the composition: the charcoal face mask for blackheads is safe to use, the components included in the structure of the product provide delicate cleansing, moisturizing elements will prevent the skin from drying out and losing a sufficiently large amount of moisture.

Always consider individual intolerance to components! People with very sensitive skin should be careful when using cleansers!

Secrets of using Pumpkin Mask

If the skin is oily, insensitive and not prone to irritation, and the blackheads are quite dense, there are several ways to enhance the work of the mask:

  1. Try applying the mask while taking a hot shower or bath. Warm water vapor further enhances blood circulation and promotes the opening of pores and deeper penetration of active substances.
  2. For those who do not like hot water treatments, apply a mask and cover with cling film on top. The greenhouse effect also makes the mask work more actively. You can apply the film only to problem areas: forehead, nose.
  3. After removing the mask, dense and large comedones may not dissolve, but will come out closer to the surface of the skin. Their delicate mechanical removal is allowed. Healing will go well if you do not apply unnecessary pressure when pressing; as a rule, dark spots are easier to remove. The mask promotes rapid skin regeneration.

Benefits of DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask

Dense comedones are difficult to remove by squeezing, and lotions and serums are not able to dissolve the dense contents of the pores.

The pumpkin mask has a steaming effect in combination with a comedolytic effect - deep cleansing without tramatizing the skin.

  • According to the study, after 1 use: dissolves blackheads by 95% and works as a home peeling by 83%.
  • Promotes healing and restoration of the skin due to natural Vitamin A.
  • This is an effective home peeling that can be used independently. It is a professional product with a high concentration of active ingredients.

Why the Pumpkin Mask is so effective and provides deep cleansing of pores - the answer lies in its composition.

Composition of Pumpkin Mask

Indeed, the Pumpkin Mask is 50% pumpkin pulp, the properties and operation of which are described below. In addition to the pulp, it has an enriched acid composition and a professional pH, which allows you to achieve the stated results.

  • 50% pumpkin pulp is a source of active ingredients for the skin: natural vitamin A, antioxidants, natural fruit acids and enzymes, pyrogens - substances that warm the skin, open and cleanse pores.
  • 3% mandelic acid is a fat-soluble acid that penetrates into pores and cleanses them. It has an antiseptic effect - prevention of inflammation.
  • 3% lactic acid – this percentage moisturizes and restores the skin.
  • 3% pumpkin enzymes and lactobacilli - restore healthy skin balance - microbiota, prevent bacterial growth.

And now about the properties of the pumpkin pulp itself.

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