Black dots on the labia: photos, causes, treatment

Black dots on the labia are comedones that appear in the intimate area of ​​women due to blockage of the sebaceous glands with fatty secretions. You can see what black dots look like in the intimate area in the photo. They do not pose a health hazard, but cause aesthetic dissatisfaction.

There are many reasons for the appearance of formations. Most often, their appearance on the labia and mucous membranes is associated with poor personal hygiene. They often go away on their own with proper hygiene of the intimate area. It is important not to remove them yourself, so as not to provoke the spread of infection.

Causes of black fat spots on the genitals and their location

Comedones, deep black spots or acne on the labia appear due to blockage of the glands. Traffic jams are formed from dirt, dust, microorganisms, and glandular secretions. They can be located above and under the skin. In the first case, the corks oxidize in air and turn black. In the second, the formations are characterized by a white color and smooth contours.

Black dots of varying sizes can appear in different places. The main condition is the presence of sebaceous glands.

Typical locations of acne are the face, labia in women, testicles, scrotum and penis in men. They are located on the back and arms. It will take time and patience to remove sebaceous plugs.

In the fight against acne on the female labia and penis, knowledge and elimination of the main cause of the condition will help. In men and women, there are different factors that provoke the appearance of unaesthetic blackheads.

Among women

A black pimple in an intimate place in women appears for the following reasons:

  1. Heredity is a key factor in the occurrence of comedones and spots. The predisposition to oily skin is passed on from mother to child from generation to generation.
  2. Poor hygiene of the female and male genital organs and lips can cause infections and the appearance of acne in sensitive areas. The situation concerns the hot season and menstruation.
  3. Excessive sweating is a favorable factor for the occurrence of multiple blackheads. The labia majora and labia minora are well supplied with blood. They constantly sweat, which leads to clogged pores.
  4. Frequently washing the labia with low-quality hygiene products can lead to injury to the mucous membranes and skin. Dust, dirt, and microorganisms penetrate through microcracks. They create a plug in the glands. Outwardly, it looks like a dark or black dot.
  5. Synthetic underwear interferes with normal air circulation in the genital area and lips. The situation is complicated by excessive oiliness of the skin. Fat blocks the entrance to the sebaceous ducts.
  6. A popular hair removal procedure can cause the appearance of spots, comedones, and purulent black pimples. Traumatic effects on the bikini area and lips often lead to skin infection and the appearance of rashes on the genitals.
  7. Taking contraceptive medications, pregnancy, adolescence, menopause cause improper functioning of the glands. Excessive secretion of fat ends in clogging of the glandular ducts.
  8. Insufficient intake of vitamins has a negative impact on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The listed reasons cause the appearance of large black dots on the female labia. A delicate problem requires timely treatment and proper care of the pathologically affected area.

In men

Black spots on the testicles in men appear as a result of the presence of unfavorable factors:

  1. Comedones occur when hygiene products are not completely removed from the skin. They easily clog the glandular ducts in the genitals.
  2. Poor quality underwear irritates the skin in sensitive areas and increases sweating. The situation ends with the appearance of comedones.
  3. Black dots on the scrotum and head of the penis indicate problems with blood supply to the intimate area in men.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules leads to the appearance of comedones on the testicles and genitals.
  5. Black dots on the penis indicate hormonal disorders. The situation occurs during puberty or in the presence of endocrine pathology.
  6. Excessive abuse of carbohydrates and excess weight lead to the formation of plugs and spots inside the glandular ducts on the penis in men and intimate lips in women.
  7. Weakened immunity and frequent colds affect the functioning of the skin glands.

Comedones in the genital area require early consultation with a specialist. The doctor will help you get rid of the problem.


You can not only say goodbye to black spots on the labia, but also forget about them forever. To do this you need:

  1. Do not ignore daily water treatments.
  2. Avoid tight synthetic underwear.
  3. Use depilatory cream, not razors.
  4. Make nutrition rational.
  5. Take complex vitamins.

And most importantly, at the slightest sign of the disease, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor, because only he can provide correct therapy.

When to see a doctor

There are many ways to combat multiple blackheads of various locations, including the labia minora and labia majora. To treat the problem, folk remedies, medications, and special hardware procedures are used.

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In most cases, you can get rid of acne at home. Doctors warn about several situations when their help cannot be avoided:

  1. Acne is located in hard-to-reach places.
  2. There are a huge number of comedones throughout the human body and on the lips. Regular herbal tinctures cannot cope with them and dark spots.
  3. There is no complete certainty that black rashes are associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands. They can be represented by condylomas, moles, boils, and hematomas. Only a doctor, based on certain signs, will be able to differentiate dangerous diseases on the labia majora and minora from acne.
  4. The location of black unaesthetic spots on an intimate place requires consultation with a specialist. The genital area is characterized by high sensitivity to various influences. Incorrectly selected ointment, mechanical squeezing of genital acne on the pubis and intimate lips can result in complications. You cannot do without the help of a dermatologist or gynecologist.
  5. Comedones and spots can become inflamed and acquire a black tint when pathogenic microflora attach. Complicated cases require consultation with a doctor.
  6. In the area of ​​the female labia and penis, there is unpleasant discomfort, itching, and pain. The situation indicates infection.

The listed situations are an absolute indication for visiting the hospital.

Treatment methods for deep blackheads in intimate places

Conventional remedies that are used for other localizations of comedones are not suitable for the treatment of multiple black spots on the female labia. The skin of the intimate area is characterized by high sensitivity, thinness, and tenderness. Preparations with zinc, acids, and alcohol can cause extensive burns to the area. The following medications are prescribed to treat acne:

  1. Antiseptic agents with a drying or moisturizing effect will be an excellent way to get rid of spots and black comedones on the intimate lips. They will have anti-inflammatory, cleansing effects.
  2. Antibacterial drugs are used in the presence of genital infections manifesting on the lips. They can provoke the appearance of acne and dark spots.
  3. Hormonal ointments normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the development of complications.

Popular agents include Chlorhexidine, Azelik, Rozamet, Differin. They get rid of acne on the inflamed genital organs in a short period of time.

Folk methods for dealing with black unaesthetic dots on the lips major and minor include the following recipes:

  1. A decoction with chamomile removes inflammation and helps cleanse the sebaceous glands of the inflamed labia. To prepare the infusion you will need 1 tbsp of herb. It is poured with a glass of boiling water. Chamomile is infused for half an hour. Then the broth is poured into a basin and sat down. When the liquid has cooled, you can get up. The procedure should be carried out daily until large blackheads completely disappear from the lips. Chamomile may cause an allergic reaction. It manifests itself as skin irritation and itching. If an unpleasant situation arises, you need to replace chamomile with another herb.
  2. An alternative option is an infusion of sage or calendula to affect the genitals. Herbs are taken 1 tbsp. Carry out similar actions for intimate lips as with chamomile decoction.
  3. A bath in oak infusion is a common way to get rid of blackheads. To prepare the product, take 2 tablespoons of oak bark and 200 ml of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled, take a bath. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Aloe leaves must be placed in the refrigerator. After 7 days, the juice is squeezed out of them. Add 1 tbsp to it. l honey. Both components are thoroughly mixed. The product can be taken externally on the labia and orally. It is effective for various acne, blemishes, and blackheads.

If there is no effect from the listed treatment methods, they resort to hardware. The latter include electrocoagulation, laser, radio wave therapy, and cryodestruction.

How to prevent blackheads from appearing in the groin

The scrotum, penis, labia minora and labia majora are a delicate location of pimples and blackheads. The problem requires long-term treatment. To prevent the occurrence of comedones, you must follow a few simple rules of prevention:

  1. Men and women should wash their groin daily with soap or shower gel. Pharmacies provide special products to care for the intimate area. They do not have a negative effect and prevent excessive sweating and dry skin.
  2. Hair shaving, sugaring, other cosmetic procedures, operations in the genital and lip areas must be carried out correctly and carefully. If there is bleeding after the procedure, you need to lubricate the cut site with an antiseptic. Disinfectants will help prevent a serious danger to the intimate lips in the form of infection by pathogenic microorganisms of the genital area.
  3. For the intimate area, you need to choose high-quality clothing. The skin will sweat less and breathe better, which will reduce the risk of the formation of black, dark spots on the genitals.
  4. If signs of hormonal imbalance appear, you should see a doctor. After a detailed examination, the specialist will determine the cause of the appearance of multiple black dots on the female labia or penis in men.
  5. Women should change their pads every three hours to prevent blackheads.
  6. A proper and fortified diet treats unfavorable skin conditions.
  7. Reducing carbohydrate intake and normalizing body weight contribute to the disappearance of unsightly black spots from the inflamed labia.

It is not easy to remove comedones from the labia, scrotum, and penis. The above prevention measures and timely treatment of acne will help you avoid suffering from the problem.

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Women are advised to maintain good hygiene. It is important to follow the following rules:

  • wash yourself daily;
  • instead of soap, use special hygiene products for the intimate area;
  • use a personal towel and washcloth;
  • during menstruation, change pads as often as possible;
  • Wear underwear only from natural fabrics;
  • In case of rashes, temporarily exclude hair removal.
  • To prevent the appearance of blackheads, take preventive measures:
  • women should shower regularly;
  • refuse sexual intercourse;
  • review your diet.


Don't ignore rashes. It is recommended to visit a doctor to rule out serious pathologies or diseases. Self-medication will lead to negative consequences.

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