Red spots on the scrotum: causes and treatment methods

Acute scrotum is a condition that is characterized by pain, swelling and redness of the skin in the affected area of ​​the scrotum.
The diseases leading to this syndrome can be varied, as well as the tactics of their treatment. The sooner parents contact a surgeon, the sooner a diagnosis will be made and treatment of the causative pathology will begin. The main cause of acute scrotal syndrome in children under one year of age and over 13 years of age is testicular torsion (children born in a breech position are especially at risk). In children older than one year, this is a torsion of the testicular hydatid Morgagni fixed on the testicle itself or its appendage. Other diseases leading to acute syndrome of the corresponding localization are acute inflammation of the testicle or its epididymis, strangulated inguinal hernia, varicocele, as well as traumatic injuries to the scrotal organs.


Failure to provide timely assistance for testicular torsion leads to serious blood flow disorders.
First, the venous link suffers, and then the arterial link, which disrupts the nutrition of the organ, which is fraught with the development of necrosis. The severity and nature of complications depend on the time and number of twists. Hemorrhages and ischemic tissue due to traumatic injuries to the scrotal organs are a good breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of inflammatory complications, you should contact a pediatric urologist surgeon as soon as possible after injury.

Thus, acute scrotum syndrome, in addition to systemic changes in the body, is dangerous due to damage to the testicle, which plays one of the main roles in the male body.


Regardless of the causative disease, a condition such as acute scrotal syndrome has a typical triad of symptoms:

  • pain in the scrotum, which increases with palpation;
  • increase in volume of the affected half of the scrotum due to edema;
  • redness of the skin (in later stages).

Only a targeted and step-by-step stage of collecting anamnesis and an objective examination, which is carried out by a pediatric surgeon, allows us to find out the most likely cause of the acute condition.
Further diagnostic search is based on the probable pathogenetic mechanism. All diseases leading to acute scrotal syndrome are divided into the following categories:

  • ischemic damage, which can result from torsion of the testicle or its hydatid;
  • traumatic injuries, manifested by rupture of the tunica albuginea (directly adjacent to the testicular tissue), hematoma inside the testicle, testicular bruise;
  • infectious and inflammatory lesions – orchitis, epididymitis and others;
  • venous changes – varicocele;
  • systemic diseases – hemorrhagic vasculitis.


Pigmentation in the scrotum area has different colors and patterns of manifestation. The spots are white, red and bluish. They may be flat or protrude above the skin. Some formations do not bother the patient at all, others are accompanied by itching in the groin, pain and burning.

The reasons for the appearance of pigmentation are different:

  1. Allergic reaction. Red spots on the testicles indicate adverse reactions of the body. They arise due to the body's intolerance to certain foods, detergents, and intimate lubricants. Allergies occur due to poor quality clothing and tight underwear. As a rule, pathology does not appear immediately, but some time after contact with the pathogen. The allergy is accompanied by redness of the skin, the appearance of spots on the scrotum, itching, and irritation. Over time, the spots begin to protrude above the skin, burst and form weeping ulcers.
  2. Fungal infections in the groin. The fungus, a photo of which can be seen on medical sources, occurs due to improper hygiene, close contact with a carrier of the infection, and the use of other people's personal belongings. The pathology manifests itself in the form of excessive pigmentation on the testicles, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the intimate area, and also white discharge. In advanced cases, the patient develops a white coating in the problem area.
  3. Herpes. Genital herpes appears directly after unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the infection. However, contraception also does not provide complete protection, and the disease may appear when using it. Genital herpes does not show itself immediately, but after an incubation period. The patient may observe pink and red formations on the scrotum, which have a rough structure. The pathology is also accompanied by severe itching, swelling, and pain. A man experiences problems with sex life and going to the toilet. Herpes is difficult to treat, so it is important to recognize it in the early stages of development. This will help prevent relapses.

Why else do they appear?

  1. STD. Purple spots on the eggs and purulent pimples are a sign of sexually transmitted infections. They appear with frequent changes of partners and neglect of contraception. Genital infections are accompanied by itching, yellow and white discharge, as well as an unpleasant odor from the intimate area.
  2. Pediculosis. Pubic lice appear as a result of contact with a carrier of the pathology, as well as after using other people's hygiene products. As the disease progresses, the patient experiences itching in the scrotum area, red spots form as if from abrasions, which itch and swell. Painful sensations interfere with going to the toilet and leading a healthy sex life.
  3. Hormonal disbalance. Improper functioning of the body, a lack or excess of certain hormones leads to the appearance of spots on and near the testicles, which cause aesthetic discomfort. In such cases, the patient experiences mild symptoms of the disease. Problems with hormones lead to erection problems. Such diseases are more common in boys during adolescence.
  4. Poor hygiene. Neglecting water procedures or using harmful detergents leads to the development of pigmentation on the skin. This is how the patient develops dermatitis on the testicles. In such cases, it is enough to change the approach to caring for your body and start using hypoallergenic products for washing.
  5. Angiokeratoma. Black spots can be moles and age spots that appear at birth or throughout life. Angiokeratoma also occurs in case of mechanical trauma, for example, during shaving or rough sexual intercourse. The dark formation does not threaten the patient’s life, but requires regular checks by a doctor.


The diagnostic task is not to identify the fact of acute scrotal syndrome (even parents can identify this condition), but to establish the cause that led to it.
To do this, pediatric urological surgeons first conduct an objective examination, and then an ultrasound scan of the scrotum and its organs, which is combined with Doppler sonography. Assessment of blood flow in the vessels allows us to make a conclusion about the safety of the arterial blood supply and the likelihood of the development of irreversible changes. This is important for planning treatment tactics. It is important that you need to seek medical help as early as possible - ideally in the first 1-2 hours from the moment pain in the scrotum appears. The child must be transported in a horizontal position.

Atheroma damage

Atheroma is a common lesion that results in a large formation appearing on the genitals. It occurs when the lumen of the sebaceous glands is blocked. The spot is a benign formation and reflects problems with the operation of certain systems. The main reason for this process is excessive testosterone production, hyperhidrosis and severe physical stress.

Blue or black spots on this organ can appear as a result of a bruise; they represent a bruise or hemorrhage. If any spots appear on the body, it is important to immediately seek help from a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe a diagnosis.


Treatment for acute scrotal syndrome depends on the underlying pathology. All stages of diagnostic and therapeutic care are provided under adequate anesthesia.

  • When testicular torsion occurs, surgery is performed. Surgery should be performed within the first hours from the onset of pain so that tissue viability is not affected. The operation consists of returning the gonad to its correct position. The functional state of the organ is assessed after half an hour against the background of thermal application with warm physiological or antiseptic non-alcohol solutions. If there is no cyanosis or swelling, it means that blood flow has been restored. The next step is to fix the testicle in the correct position to prevent relapse.
  • If the hydatid of Morgagni is torsioned, it is removed, the scrotal cavity is sanitized and the wound is sutured.
  • For inflammatory diseases of the scrotal organs, the pediatric surgeon selects adequate antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy. In cases of the presence of a purulent focus, its opening and drainage is indicated.
  • In case of scrotal injuries, primary surgical treatment is performed with removal of damaged non-viable tissue and antiseptic treatment of the wound. Complex conservative therapy may also be prescribed. If there are hematomas, they are emptied; if there are traumatic ruptures, they are sutured.
  • If a tumor process is suspected, an intraoperative biopsy is performed to establish a final diagnosis, along with the simultaneous removal of twisted or intact hydatides.

In uncomplicated cases, the child spends at least 6 hours in the hospital, in complicated cases - at least 1 week. After discharge, the child must spend 7 days at home, come to the clinic for dressings, receive drug rehabilitation therapy and limit physical activity for up to 2 months. In some cases, also refrain from vaccination.

Treatment result

If you seek medical help in a timely manner, both immediate and long-term indicators are characterized by the best results.
Almost immediately after the start of treatment, the child’s condition normalizes due to the relief of the pathological process. This creates the most favorable conditions for the rapid and complete restoration of testicular function. Surgeons at the SM-Doctor clinic specialize in providing multidisciplinary care to children with acute scrotal syndrome. The center’s own laboratory, expert-class diagnostic equipment and the professionalism of doctors allow us to establish a diagnosis in the shortest possible time and carry out differentiated treatment. A delicate approach to each child guarantees an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort.

If you have the slightest suspicion of acute scrotal syndrome in a boy, contact SM-Doctor. The center is open 24/7, on holidays and weekends. Our mission is to take care of your child's health.

You can make an appointment or ask questions around the clock by calling +7 (495) 292-59-86


Most often, to treat red formations, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • antimycotic drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • ointments, creams and gels if the scrotum is swollen;
  • special vitamin complexes.

When a human papillomavirus or an oncological formation in the genital organs is detected, the doctor prescribes surgery for the patient. How to treat the scrotum? In most cases, minimally invasive methods are used, including radio wave therapy, laser exposure and currents of various frequencies. All minimally invasive procedures are distinguished by their simplicity, painlessness and safety for humans.

Treatment for red spots on the scrotum of a man must be carried out without fail. It is forbidden to ignore such a problem, as this can lead to serious complications. In addition, the lesion can spread quickly and move to other parts of the body in a short period of time.

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