Acne on the thighs and buttocks in men: causes and treatment
A rash can be a symptom of many diseases. If rashes appear in the groin area in men,
Water pimples on the legs - what are they, the reasons for their appearance and methods of treatment
The formation of water pimples on the body and legs is a fairly common problem with which a person
People with acne, gastritis and stomach ulcers need to follow a diet. Not really
Symptoms of acne (acne) Increased oiliness of the skin of the face and scalp (increased sebum production); Small
Newborn acne: what Dr. Komarovsky advises
Allergic rash in a newborn Allergy in an infant is an unfavorable immune response of the child’s body
How to treat red spots on the face (itch and peel)
Xerosis, or dry skin. The tendency towards it is inherited or arises as a result
Genital herpes. Clinical picture and approaches to therapy
Recurrent herpes of the external genitalia Typical recurrent herpes on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, usually
What are stretch marks on the body: what they look like, which doctor to see, treatment methods
Stretch marks are quite common, especially purple ones. They occur in 50% -80% of the population at different
Why do white spots appear on the body after sunbathing?
Sometimes after sunbathing you may notice the appearance of white spots on the skin. Most people don't realize
My great acid experience, part 3: TCA salon peeling (before and after photos, general results, skin now)
Trichloroacetic acid TCA 15%, 25%, 35% Peeling TCA (Mediderma) – a classic medium peeling, is
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite?
Vinegar wraps are an excellent home cosmetology product for skin rejuvenation and elasticity.
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